Saturday, May 30, 2009

Document Review Hippies

Want to work in San Francisco? If the below posting is in anyway legitimate, get ready to jump through some not so ordinary hoops in the application process. One of the people that alerted me to this ad wasn't very pleased:

"The hypocritical smelly ex-hippy that posted this ad needs to get a life. There are already enough alleged "creative" types on these document review projects, we don't need more. Scrounging for work in crowded, bug infested basements to pay off Sallie Mae, an organization which needlessly funds the extravagant lives of useless "progressive" law professors and administrators is not my idea of urban chic, it is just plain dumb. This job listing is an insult to us older folk that depend on these positions to feed ourselves. Here's the posing:

"Is document review more like a Tweet, a Digg or sex? (West Coast)

Date: 2009-05-28, 10:37PM PDT


Why do we want to know?

Well, we're building a team of highly disruptive document reviewers and want to know if you're the kind of legal professional who would do well with our brand of mayhem.

Here's what we can tell you:
You will be respected.
You will be trained.
You will be paid.
You, in return, will rock.

You may rock legal document review high.
You may rock legal document review low.

But, you WILL rock.
Because you will be one of the Chosen Few.

So, draw some analogies, use a few metaphors, knock yourself out with philosophical smoke as the legal spirit moves you, --so long as it's 3 paragraphs or less.

Then, attach that resume to us in TEXT format.
No PDFs. No flippin' Word documents. Just plain old text....???...
OK: "text" means, you can either include your life story plus considered analysis in an email,-- or you can attach a .TXT or .RTF file.

Don't know what those are? Look it up.
We expect you to have more than a modicum of initiative...."modicum"???...Look it up.

And, no bullshit, OK? Because we're gonna find out what you're made of before we put you on one of our document review projects.
So, if you're stoked to reduce thousands of documents to a series of intelligible narratives, we want to know you're out there looking for work.

If you're one of the few who effin' get it, then let's do this thing!
Right now, we don't care where you are. If there are enough of you in any one city, we'll come to you.
Send us the stuff here, and we'll get back to you.

Like soon."

Another reader's proposed response. Very creative:

"My response: Document review is defintely not like sex unless you're into staring at blank walls. It's more like a bad relationship. Most of time, it doesn't come through. When it does, it feels so good. Call me the Super Doc Reviewer of the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm lightening fast and highly accurate. Clicking through docs and checking boxes may not be most folks' thing. However, I get a natural high when I find docs that can really help my side's case. But here's the deal. I can't allow mere common folks to know my secret identity. The only ones who get this privilege are the document review temp agencies. So if you happen to be a real agency, send me your name and Web site. Then I'll send my resume that will reveal my real name."


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Anonymous said...

Wattanafagot is gonna crush you all with his big tatoo arms and then chop you up and eat you like dogs. Be very afraid of this one

Anonymous said...

Who is this little man. "Not ugly", rules out about 95% of them. More clues more clues. Actually, Alex is the only good looking man there, and you already made it clear that it's not him to with you refer. I'm baffled...

Anonymous said...

OMG Not AJ AKA Apple Jack little half pint who has major short man's syndrome? Dick and a half, or rather, half a dick haha

Anonymous said...

I was on a case with that twerpy dickless DICKHEAD!!! WHAT A TOOL.

Anonymous said...

Viva La Tiny Tim and his two inch nail!!

Anonymous said...

Tiny Tim wears glasses, he is short, and crazy and a drug addict -- he hits on any female with a pulse.

Anonymous said...

That could only be one person...I think they fired him.

Anonymous said...

They did? When? Glory H...

Anonymous said...

Nah, I think that loser is still there. They have tried to fire him so many times. he talks big -- but whenever he feels his time has come -- and runs and kisses Gary's ass.

Anonymous said...

OMG - That Tiny Tim?? I think I know him. He used to hit on all the "ethnic" girls - because with his short penis he thought they would be happy to have a white guy. He didn't know that even though they had some extra melanin in their skin which made them a little darker, their brains were the same as any woman's. Even they ran away.

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha! I know who that guy is too. He's actually somewhat decent compared to the rest of the tools there. Sounds like he needs to join Mark Watanafag on the list of S&C chocolate chasers. Amazing how these guys use the temps at the firm to try to execute some twisted interracial fantasy.

Anonymous said...

I am still clueless. Who is this short man with glassed?

Anonymous said...

i love Alex G

Anonymous said...

6:10 is right. Next time you are in the basement throw out an ethnic chick where the staff attorneys sit. The first one to go up to her, oogle her, talk stupid BS to her about his pathetic life will be Tiny.
Only ethnic chicks will do - because Tiny thinks only they will put up with his short penis in exchange for his whiteness.

Anonymous said...

Tiny looks like an albino mouse - on crack!!

Anonymous said...

This "Tiny" - is he cute??

Anonymous said...

Yeah, if you think a rabid mouse is cute

Anonymous said...

Tiny is a weirdo -- and white ghetto.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Tiny is one smart short fella. He acts really nice and decent in front of the temps - but ask the staff attorneys and the women he hits on what a pain in the ass he really is. Jesus fucking Christ, that guy is one cracked out insecure loony tunes. And the many, many, many, many medications he is on only make it worse!!

Anonymous said...

I am still clueless

Anonymous said...

He is short, white, nervous fella, always telling people his sad stories, a little wacked out occasionally on "medications", wears glasses.

Anonymous said...

Tiny has a short penis but looooooong stories.

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