Hell on earth.
"Asking about horrible places to work, Viacom is the worst of the worst.
Working in a small, overcrowded room under the worst possible conditions with no benefits. The case manager was like an animal.
Before the weekend we were asked who wanted to work and who didn't (strictly voluntarily). The people who didn't work were called over the weekend without warning and told not to come back. There was no indication there was any price to not working the weekend.
This is why Viacom is consistently rated one of the worst companies to work for.
Lest you think they only treat temps like shit, last December "the dreaded Viacom" laid off 850 people without warning.
Sumner Redstone famously said "Viacom is me" and fired people like Tom Cruise, Dan Rather, and Les Moonves at the drop of a hat. He's a senile bully."
Do you have to listen to that Viacom jingle all day? "Bah Bah Bah Bah Vroooooom Twinkle Twinkle Twink"
Cause I kinda like that.
Oh, also, when asked if you want OT, you ALWAYS say yes. Slacker.
In 2001, Sonia Sotomayor, an appeals court judge, gave a speech declaring that the ethnicity and sex of a judge “may and will make a difference in our judging.”
“I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life,” said Judge Sotomayor, who is now considered to be near the top of President Obama’s list of potential Supreme Court nominees.
Substitute ‘white’ for ‘Latina’ in her quote, and ask yourself if that judge would be put on the Supreme Court.
But how kind of the Solons at the New York Times to gently explain to us that we have nothing to worry about.
Never forget that Sumner Redstone is JEWISH. Also take note of how he and his minions have denigrated youth culture in this country. Do we see a pattern here? Look at Alfred Youngblood, Milburg Weiss, the list goes on and and on and on and on AND on.
Her point was that one's background influences their decision making. Substituting white and male will change nothing because the point remains true. Only white males pretend that their being white males make them "objective."
Damnit Franz, this is the thanks I get for protecting you from the other football players. I should have known. Hitler's company commander was Jewish too.
Anyone who doesn't know about the British soldier who spared Hilter's life, google "Henry Tandey Hitler."
Now's a good a time as any........what market is hotter NY or DC? I've been clammoring for jobs in each mkt (dually licensed) and haven't been offered a position in a month. Oth than the $43/hr/7day Clutch project that I turned b/c of scheduling conflicts
Any leads on new projects. Is the action in NY or in DC? Any rumors on Kelly staffing Skadden in midtown or Hudson/HireCounsel/Special Counsel all underbidding each other for the 3 month DC pharmaceutical project (which keeps getting pushed back!!)
isnt "wise latina" (or latino) a oxymoron? I mean really, are there any smart hispanics out there? I cannot think of one brillant hispanic writer, scientist, poet, or anything else. why are they so stupid down there? (and lazy).
Shout out to all my brothers out there!!! Yo, homie in the house.
Another fucking JEW fucking up this country. When are we going to do something about this. When it is too late and they make this country another mess like they do in Israel?
helpme123 - this experience doesn't sound like one that we at Viacom would condone. We would like to know more about it. We would like to treat all of our employees respectfully and would like to see if we can do more to make work conditions better.
You can email anonymously to openline or you could set up a confidential email address if you like and we could have a private (and, if you like anonymous) conversation so that we can learn more about the specific problem.
nice try Vialaw . . .
Whenever the economy goes bad, the bigots come out of the woodwork...
9:06 the fact that you would say there is no such thing as a wise Latina or Latino shows at face value what an idiot you are.
Here are some:
1) Luis Leloir was awarded the Nobel Prize for "his discovery of sugar nucleotides and their role in the biosynthesis of carbohydrates.
2)Carlos Finlay became famous for his work in identifying the mosquito as a carrier of the deadly yellow fever germ.
3)Severo Ochoa de Albornoz
His research on high-energy phosphates and their role in the body's energy processes resulted in the discovery and application of the enzyme polynucleotyde phosphorilase, which catalizes the synthesis of RNA and Severo Ochoa shared the Nobel Prize for "his contributions to the discovery of the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid"
4)Famous hispanic inventor Santiago Ramón y Cajal was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on the structure of the nervous system.
5)Bauri Benacerraf won the Nobel Prize, along with his colleagues Dausset and Snell, "for discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions.
6)Luis Miramontes
Chemist, co-invented the contraceptive pill. Miramontes wrote a new procedure for the synthesis of the progestin norethindrone, the active ingredient for what would become the oral birth control pill. Carl Djerassi, George Rosenkranz, and Luis Miramontes were granted US patent 2,744,122 for "oral contraceptives" on May 1, 1956. The first oral contraceptives trade named Norinyl was manufactured by Syntex Corp.
11:31/11:46 the only pattern I see is that you are an idiot. The fact is, yes overwhelmingly it has been old white men who have been on the Supreme Court, and no, its not because they always the most qualified either.
So what if Redstone is Jewish, please show me one place where he has said, I am only for the jews and screw everyone else.
You can't, Why? Because you are a liar.
You try to smear by empty allegation, just like joe McCarthy did.
I find it really funny that even though Summenr Redstone is not accused of any crimes, you imply that he is, which is simply intellectually dishonest on your part, and only a moron would fall for it, which you apparently are, and have.
Oh and by the way, a number of the people Summner Redstone has fired are also Jewish.
10:56 Please Don't Feed The Trolls
It only makes them think their idiotic ramblings are worthy of a response. It's like trying to talk to a drunk, psychotic homeless person, it will get you nowhere and the attention only makes them act out more.
It would surprise me if a 200-person legal department led by this person knowingly treated people so poorly"
The Association of Corporate Counsel (“ACC” or “the Association”) presented its 2007 “Excellence in Corporate Practice” award to Michael Fricklas, Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary for Viacom Inc during its Annual Meeting in Chicago this past week. The award, which recognizes Fricklas for “his achievements in service to the legal profession and improvement of the legal system,” is a testament to his commitment to public service and civic and community contributions, the Association said.
Why diversity on the court matters?
Take Sandra Day O'Connor. She was a conservative on the court who became moderate on some issues. Why? Because of life experience. When she graduated from Stanford Law School, no one would hire her as attorney despite her credentials. The best she could find was a job as a secretary. She eventually went on to work for the public sector because these were the only opportunities that she was allowed. This shaped her views on the law.
Ronald Reagan choose O'Connor because, beyond being qualified and idealogically in agreement with him, she was a woman, and therefore, would add this perspective. You can look up the history of her appointment in the 1980s.
Beyond the silliness of arguing that perespective do not differ according to background, it is funny to see conservatives pretend now that it should not matter to have different perspectives on the court when they have used similar criteria in the past.
11:17, I understand your point, and while I even agree with it, as the saying goes, all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.
or more simply put, Not on my watch motherfucker.
i will research O'Conner's opinions while i click my life away in India.. curry is good... i am feeling a pain in my shoulder from clicking so much.. very deep.. something with a nerve... oh well..
click.. click.. click..
Absolutely. shut that brain down. Good worker drone. All thought banned until you wake up at 65 wondering how you got there. Assuming you make it to 65. Assuming you have any time left at all.
People are mostly assholes, especially those who enter the legal profession. It has nothing to do with the jews in particular. Look at all the non-jewish jerk off staff attorneys at Sullivan. Every nationality has its share of shitheads.
CORRUPTION. Per capita, jewish people are the largest committers of crime on earth. Their crime is usually not murder or robbery but fraud and deceiptive type of crime. This is why Madoff did what he did. This is why Richard Fuld (brought down Lehman) did what he did. This is why Maurice Greenburg (broght down AIG) did what he did. This is why Loeb (brought down countrywide leading to the morgage scandall) did what he did. This is why Milken (jund bond floater) did what he did. The list goes on and on and on
I TOLD you all to not to feed Franz Liebkind from the table. Now he won't stop begging. You think he's so cute, but you're only making him a beggar.
apparently you were right.
assuming that last comment means not to feed the trolls here.
11:17 Here again. I don't know who 'franz' is but yeah, when you feed the trolls they just start coming around more often.
lets get back to the industry gossip. what happened to update legal. are they now gone for good?
I didn't hear Update was in trouble.
I know Update staffed something in Woodbridge, NJ.
For heaven's sake, find a computer and google "Franz Liebkind."
But I agree. Let's exchange info on the NY and DC markets.
I am curious how several of these agencies are staying in business.
I am wondering if anyone worked with Hire Counsel. They keep calling me to ask if I am available -- and I have said YES hundreds of times, but nothing comes up. Anyone had any experience with them?
Why do agencies tell you that if they submit your resume to a firm not to let any other agency submit it? That it is some sort of conflict? Is this true? Because one agency told me they were submitting it to a certain law firm and I declined other agencies requests to submit it to the same firm and then found out the frst agency had never submitted it!!
two answers
a) they think you submitting through more than one agency will make them look bad. If they call you in for the job, a fight between the agency over who owns the money coming from your slot on the gig can mean 1) you lose the gig and 2) they look bad to the firm and may lose out on business
b) they are unprofessional so a) is mostly bullshit.
Judge Sotomaoyor is not dumb and anyone arguing otherwise is just wrong. Sotomayor was valedictorian of her high school class and graduated Summa Cum Laude from Princeton University. Someone with that level of achievement didn't get to this level by just luck or hard work. There aren't many minorities, especially hispanic females, who have achieved that level of success and I can assure you - intelligence is definitely not missing from that equation.
I never accused Kike Redstone of crimes, but rather that he engages in despicable business practices and that he is destryoing youth culture.
It is curious to me that you call me and the other Kamerad as trolls, and yet you refute nothing I have stated. Your retort consists merely of name-calling and other obfuscation.
My mom was in her high school class and everyone called her "Sotes"...
did you know redstone has like a fucking claw for a hand??
And he is down with o.p.p.
You down with O P P?
yeah you know me.
Don't feed the trolls seems to be lost on some people.
Very funny "Vialaw".
The problem is that this doesn't sound like Viacom at all.
Also, temps are not "employees." They are employees of the agencies. That's the whole purpose, to deny any benefits and protection to the lawyer-workers. Otherwise why use an agency? It's not like they provide any service, other than calling to lower the rate on a job for which the temps were already hired (a la S&C).
Ha ha ha 10:56 AM about all the supposed great minds from Latin America.
Sure! And any in the legal profession? None despite their being 15% of the U.S. population.
The so-called examples you cite are all "co-" or "was in a group of colleagues." Certainly sounds like PC.
Sotomayer is being picked because she is a Hispanic woman. Period. It is straightforward affirmative action.
Affirmative action was SUPPOSED to be a "temporary measure" to right supposed past wrongs due to slavery 150 years ago. But it added in any other unsuccessful groups.
What claim to Hispanics have to affirmative action?
With Obama as President and blacks as Attorney General and UN ambassador, there is absolutely no argument whatsoever for continuing affirmative action.
Instead of trying to say what great things Latin America has produced - notable you mention nothing about what is great about their home countries like Mexico and Niacaragua - why not say why Sotomayer is the most qualified person to be a Supreme Court judge. I think there are far more famous judges than her.
But as she is quoted above, her contribution will be her non-white, female "perspective". Wow. Such a constitutional scholar this Obama.
B. Hussein Obama has performed predictably, picking an affirmative action twofer as his first Supreme Court nominee. Sonia Sotomayor is a Puerto Rican woman, and a reliable leftist-liberal, who was affirmatively inducted into and indoctrinated by both Princeton University and the Yale Law School.
George H.W. Bush (the same man who gave us David Souter) inflicted her on the federal judiciary as a district judge in Manhattan. Then Bill Clinton promoted her to the 2nd Circuit. More proof, as if we need any, that Republican presidents are just as inclined to appoint bad judges as Democrats.
Sotomayor was instrumental in the now-notorious Ricci case pending before the Supreme Court, and seems to have played a major role in burying the record of the case in the course of ruling against the New Haven firemen.
She is on record as describing her federal appeals court as the place “where policy is made.” Sotomayor is also on record saying there is every reason to believe “Latinas” on the bench will reach better decisions than white men.
In a sane society, those comments would have put her out of consideration for any judicial nomination. But today, in post-America, the post-American president means to let her entrench those usurping views sitting on the Supreme Court – from which there is, effectively, no appeal.
While nobody can be surprised that Obama has picked an ideology-driven mediocrity on the basis of race and sex, there are still aspects of Sotomayor’s preferment that the shrinking American majority might usefully ponder.
The combination of the schools to which Sotomayor was admitted and the high positions to which she has been preferred, in every case no doubt at the expense of far more qualified white Americans, should be a forceful reminder to old stock Americans about how they are systematically being purged from and denied access to the schools their ancestors founded and built and the institutions of the society and government their ancestors also founded and built.
In her handling of the Ricci case, Sotomayor has made it clear that white Americans looking for equal treatment under the law should not waste their time appealing to her.
We may be absolutely sure no mainstream media outlet will comment on that aspect of Sotomayor’s nomination, and that no politician will oppose her nomination based on that.
Nevertheless, let’s hope that Senate Republicans---possibly the Judiciary Committee’s ranking Republican Jeff Sessions---have the intestinal fortitude to oppose Sotomayor on the grounds that she is an incompetent judge predisposed to legislate unconstitutionally from the bench.
The two latinos that made the greatest cultural contributions to America were Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero. Also, let's not forget Tito Santana's groundbreaking achievements. Arriba!
All people talked about is how Obama would pick either a woman or a Hispanic. So he gets a two-fer with Sotomayor.
Mr. Hussein, the biggest beneficiary ever of affirmative action (Harvard Law Review has affirmative action - four seats - it's not enough just to get in there) is now also its great practitioner.
I'd like to see any of these people who ever was an Einstein, a Warren Buffet, or a Bill Gates - or a Benjamin Cardozo or Felix Frankfurter.
Let face it SOTOMAYOR got where she is today because: a) her nationality, b) her skin color, c) she has a pussy.
Are these the qualifications we are looking for when picking a justice on the highest court of the land?
2:31 I take exception to your comments on JEWS and crimes.
In particular, you said that JEWS are not the ones who committ murder and robbery. Are you not aware of what the JEWS do to the Palestineans? Each and everyday they wantonlessly kill palestineans and rob them of their land. With the blessing of their so-called religious people (rabbis) no less.
Read the paper for God's Sake (just not the NY Times because they obviously slant the issue).
12:50 PM comment
"Another Viacom presentation"....
Brought to you by their sleazy agency!
1 x 1 = 3 or 1 x 1 = 5. Absurdities abound here. Get a life.
so who would you nominate in sotomayors stead? who would be better qualified than she? do you dimwits even know the names of any other federal judges?
Yes Update staff left and they are going out. They aren't working on anything now.
Personally, I'd sue over something like that. If you know for certain they didn't submit your resume, they told you that you did, and on the basis of that you declined other offers. You have a case.
is update filing for chapter 11?
is that it? are they done?
can you stick a fork in FAT LAUREN and say she is done?
hey defender of sotomayer, and champion of mexican - or whatever you are - do you think sotomayer shaves her bush?
Yeah, I bet otherwise she has a very hair pussy. Stinky too. Those people are known for being stinky
Hey anyone know anything about the Strategic/Deloitte job in Westfield, NJ? Is this job legit or what?
Guys and gals, should I file for Chapter 7 or 13. I have $12000 in credit card debt and $22000 in law school debt. I have worked very little since last December. How much of my debt can get discharged?
You might want to look at http://www.bkforum.com Student loans can't be discharged in bankruptcy generally, but you can dowse that credit card debt depending on your income. It sounds like you might be able to do a Chapter 7. Check out the site. It's excellent.
I want to know more about sotomayor's bush!!!
From the craigslist postings, it looks like NY doc review is heating up. Good for you guys. There seems to be at least one real project posting every day. But so far DC seems still to be just resume farming. Anyone have a sense when-if-how much DC will get going?
I know, I know, I'm repeating myself. But soneone may have something new and intelligent to say. And it's better than the previous assinine and obscene bilge.
I don't see how NY would get going without DC eventually following suit. Aren't review-generating conditions present in both markets?
Hey, me again, the LA JD-0.5MD Kid... Just droppin' some 411 on the DC tip...
Spoke with a recruiter today at a MAJOR outfit in DC. Seems to be one of the 4-5 agencies that were all bidding on a single pharma/science project in Baltimore.
They contacted me last week, I had to be honest and tell 'em I was still in LA, and when I just contacted 'em back yesterday, the guy told me that he thinks the project was "staffed within 3 hours", and there is no way they can help me find a project until I show up in DC, because generally there's no more than 1-2 days notice before a project starts -- and he says sometimes it's as little as 2-3 hours.
I think that the competition between agencies to bid on projects is VERY fierce these days, since projects are just starting to come back in NYC and DC.
If you notice when a project with unique characteristics is announced somewhere (like science/Baltimore), within the next 1-2 weeks there's a flurry of very similar ads with the same basic parameters, all being run by different agencies with different contact info, but you know they all relate to the exact same project.
The weird thing is that for instance one ad will say they want JDs, another might say licensed attorneys any state, and still a third ad might say attorneys licensed in the project state.
But you know it really has to be the same project because of the other identifying information.
So I think what the agencies are doing is sometimes trying to out-bid each other by tweaking their bids either upward (state licensed attorneys) or downward (unlicensed JDs), depending on their perceptions of what the client expects and what they can pay for.
Also, I have a question some people here might be able to answer:
Are licensing requirements higher for plaintiffs' side projects than defense-side?
I would think since the burden of proof with respect to relevance of evidence is mainly on the plaintiff in typical complex litigation, plaintiffs' side projects would be more likely to require attorneys barred in the venue of the litigation, while the defense-side would be more likely to have a lower standard, e.g., attorneys licensed anywhere or just JDs.
I wouldn't think this is a black-and-white rule, but it might be a basic guide.
But are there cars and meals at that project? No use going to another sweatshop where we won't be treated like associates.
anybody think working for a plaintiff firm like labaton will prevent you from getting doc reviews down the road?
let's not forget ueber-crook Marc Dreier! or the mini-madoff in florida...nahhh, we don't see a pattern here!
9:12 - and what about Allen Stanford, that notorious WASP swindler? Don't think he ever set foot in a synagogue...
I think if you are offered a gig, take it. Worry about your next gig when this one ends.
9:51 - i don't think anyone was suggesting that a particular ethnic group had a monopoly on fraud and financial crimes, but come on! if you think naming a single gentile fraud (I doubt you have any evidence that the guy is a "WASP", as the goyim can change their names as easily as the chosenites) in any way negates the hundreds of yidds arrested for financial chicanery, you are a pretty lousy defense counsel. but the fact that you would attack a "WASP" just exposes what a cliche of a tribal you are with your utter obsession with the so-called "WASPs". It is really pathetic...
10:53 - call me a tribal, OK. I'm Italian and proud of it. Me and my uncle Nunzio will meet you in the nearest back alley.
Is everone so sure that all the agencies are competing for a single DC pharma project? The Hire Counsel ad says 2-3 months and $35 plus OT. Hudson says 6 months, and they want both French and English reviewers. Kelly and Dine don't say pharma, but science, and they both have the review taking place in Baltimore; the others specify DC. Special Counsel just came out saying 1 month, and they want Supreme Court nominees (go look at careerbuilders). I wonder if there aren't multiple DC pharma and/or science projects.
Like the earlier poster, I wonder when DC will pick up the way New York City seems to be picking up.
I hate Jews and Hispanics too, but can we get back to the doc review market?
yes taking a job at labaton can screw you later. Who are they suing? Is it someone like Citibank or chase? If so stay away as that's a huge chunk of cases you won't be able to work on in the future. Besides, Labaton sucks.
NEVER take a gig on the plaintiff's side. You'll be screwed down the road big time.
When you think about it, Sonia Sotomayor is the perfect pick for the Supreme Court—in Barack Obama's America.
Like Obama, himself a beneficiary of affirmative action, she thinks "Latina women," because of their life experience, make better judicial decisions than white men, that discrimination against white men to advance people of color is what America is all about, that appellate courts are "where policy is made" in the United States.
To those who believe the depiction of our first Hispanic justice as an anti-white liberal judicial activist, hearken to her own words.
Speaking at Berkeley in 2001, Sonia told her audience, "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion (as a judge) than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
Imagine if Sam Alito had said at Bob Jones University, "I would hope that a wise white male with the richness of his life experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Hispanic woman, who hasn't lived that life."
Alito would have been toast. No explanation, no apology would have spared him. He would have been branded for life a white bigot.
Judge Sotomayor will be excused because the media agree with her and she is a Latina who will use her court seat to impose upon the nation the values of the National Council of La Raza (The Race), of which she is a member.
Indeed, she sees this as her mission. Speaking at Duke in 2005, Sotomayor declared: "(The) court of appeals is where policy is made. I know this is on tape, and I should never say that because we don't make law I know." She and the audience joined in the laughter.
Who were they laughing at? Americans who still believe the role of judges is to apply the Constitution as the Framers intended and to interpret the law as written by our elected legislators.
In Barack Obama's America, that is so yesterday.
Sotomayor's support for discrimination against white males was on exhibit when Ricci v. DeStefano came before a three-judge panel of the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals on which Sotomayor sits.
Frank Ricci is the New Haven firefighter who, suffering from dyslexia but desperate to realize his dream of becoming an officer, quit his second job, bought $1,000 worth of books and had a friend read them to him to prepare for the crucial exam. He made it, coming in sixth among 77 firefighters, qualifying for promotion to lieutenant.
A problem immediately arose. Seems that of those who qualified for promotion, all but one were white, and he was a Hispanic.
Can't have that. So, the New Haven City Council, under pressure from the usual suspects, threw out the tests, refused to promote Ricci or any white firemen, and called for new tests—to produce greater diversity. In other words, get rid of at least some of those white guys who somehow managed to come in near or at the top of their class.
Ricci and 19 other firemen sued, claiming they had been denied the promotions they had won for one reason: They were white.
What did Sotomayor's three-judge panel do with Ricci's appeal of the district court decision that turned him down? She tried to kill and bury it in a single dismissive unpublished paragraph so Ricci and the white firefighters would never get a hearing in the Supreme Court.
Stuart Taylor, former New York Times Supreme Court reporter and a National Journal columnist, charges Sotomayor with engaging "in a process so peculiar as to fan suspicions that some or all of the judges were embarrassed by the ugliness of the actions that they were blessing and were trying to sweep quietly under the rug, perhaps to avoid Supreme Court review or public criticism, or both."
Had it not been for the intervention of Judge Jose Cabranes—a Clinton appointee outraged that so momentous a case was being put in a dumpster—Sotomayor's misconduct might never have been uncovered, and those firemen would forever be denied their chance for justice.
The process by which Sotomayor was selected testifies to what we can expect in Obama's America. Not a single male was in the final four. And she was picked over the three other women because she was a person of color, a "two-fer." Affirmative action start to finish.
Reading 30 of her opinions, GW law professor Jonathan Turley found them "notable" for "lack of depth."
Liberal law professor and Supreme Court expert Jeff Rosen of The New Republic reports, after talking to prosecutors and law clerks, that Sotomayor covers up her intellectual inadequacy by bullying from the bench.
its not a big bank so i dont think there will be a huge chunk of future cases down the road it will conflict me from, plus in this market i guess i cant really pass things up
what really makes it all clear about JEWS and their unethical behavoir is that they, as a group, only account for such a small percentage of the population (in the US and especailly abroad) but they are committ crime in numbers equal to, nay above, every other group.
I support Judge Sotes... only funny thing is she was married in 1976 to a guy she divorced in '83 without having kids... Sotes has been single ever since and is childless. What's up with that? If she's L so what? Makes no difference... but it's funny.
what is going on in doc review land nyc?
I could give two shits about judge whatever, they have a job ! most of us don't. So i don't care. If she wants to put some money in my pocket then I might give a shit, but probably not.
WHATever the makeup of the court it will have ZERO affect on the coders life. NONE whatsoever. just like any doscussion on increasing the top tax rate, capital gians tax, etcc.... no effect. NONE. Only thing that helps is job. That is eat.
really when you hang yourself out of despair is it going to matter who is on the supreme court.
10:33 - It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. If u wanted to be assured of a job, u should have gone to a freakin' Ivy League law school, aaaiight? I have a job, so I am eating. It is a decent job, not a prestigious job, but it's a job as an attorney to pay the bills and keep my self respect.
I'm a straight white male who also believes in affirmative action and the necessity of appointing minorities to the Court. The SCOTUS, and all the courts, should look like America because if they don't, we ain't about shit.
Fuck all y'all if you don't agree.
Viacom relly sucks.
The overtime BS is not an exageration and happens all the time there. I heard they were sued a few years ago by some of the non-legal temps they employ, so maybe this is why they try and pull that.
Also the work conditions suck. There's no internet and a bunch of people are crowded into a small room.
Pass on it unless you relly need the money.
what agency has this Viacom??
again i don't give a shit about no fukin supreme court. Don't care so far out of my reality. It is like talking to a homeless person on there deathbed about not being able to get your pool house remodeled on time at the vacation house.
Dumbest string above ever
I still want to know if anyone has seen soto naked and if she has a hairy bush. I bet she does.
Mark Kirsch, head of Clifford Chance’s US litigation practice, has left the firm, leaving the 29 associates in the firm’s New York litigation group under threat of layoffs.
The group and its associated staffers have been informed that layoffs are coming, but no numbers have been revealed.
Kirsch will be replaced in his position by Juan Morillo.
In March, Clifford Chance today laid off 24 of its New York associates.
For anyone struggling:
"Mike Kruger of the House Committee on Education and Labor emailed to tell me about some of the provisions of the recently passed College Cost Reduction and Access Act:
The biggest thing is the Income-Based Repayment Program that will cap a monthly payments based on income.
Under the income-based repayment program, such borrowers will never have to spend more than 15% of their discretionary income - an amount based on federal poverty guidelines - on student loan payments. Those whose income falls below 150% of the poverty level won't be required to make any payments.
Here's how it could work: Suppose a student has the average $22,000 in student loans, and gets a job making $25,000/year. Assuming the loans have a fixed interest rate of 5.6%, the monthly payment under the income-based repayment program would be $110, vs. $240 under a standard 10-year repayment plan. Obviously, when the student's income rises in the future, so will the payments.
For some students, the reduced payments won't cover the interest on their loans. For those with subsidized Stafford loans - which are provided to students who demonstrate economic hardship - the government will pay the interest for the first three years of the program.
For unsubsidized loans, the interest will be added to the balance, so a student could come out of the program with a larger loan balance. However, any amount owed after 25 years of qualifying payments will be forgiven. This is significant, because in the past, it was nearly impossible for borrowers to get out from under their student loan debts."
Re: Sotomayor:
Thomas Jefferson, in an 1803 letter to Senator Wilson Cary Nicholas of VIrignia respecting the Louisiana Purchase, explained:
"Our peculiar security is in possession of a written Constitution. Les us not make it a blank paper by construction. I say the same as to the opinion of those who consider the grant of the treaty-making power as boundless. If it is, then we have no Constitution. If it has bounds, they can be no others than the definitions of the powers which that insturment gives. It specifies & delineates the operations permitted to the federal government, and gives all the powers necessary to carry these into execution. Whatever these enumerated objects is proper of law, Congress may make the law; whatever is proper to be executed by way of a treaty, the President & Senate may enter into a treaty; whatever is to be done by judicial sentence, the judges may pass the sentence."
in other words judges do not set policy but pass sentence and nothing more and according to the enumerated powers granted by the Constitution!!
It is more important to hear about the temp attorney industry than Soto, Nigerians, Jews and Hindu outsourcing. None of those things affect our bottom line for work here.
Does Hirecounsel ever staff a project or do they just collect resumes?
I am pretty certain Hire Counsel is on the verge of collapse -- they have axed pretty much all the recruiters. Funny thing is they axed the good recruiters and left the idiots . . . Andrew "kiss ass" Rider and David "I won't return your calls or emails" Joe.
I hope they close-up.
I think a few are going to go under soon. Whether it is a good or bad thing I can not say.
Soon, the economy will go down still further. The US is heading into Depression in 2011-2014.
If Sotomayor is confirmed, she'll increase affirmative action hiring even more (that means no honkies need ever apply to doc. review or any other law job). (Remember the Ricci case?)
Also, law firms are continuing to ship jobs to India. These problems are highly relevant to this blog.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges has eliminated 79 administrative positions across its US offices. Those targeted will get severance packages with transitional income and benefits, including health care and outplacement. In March, the firm deferred start dates for incoming associates.
You guys are so pessamistic and negative.
There are jobs available and the temp industry is picking up.
Send out resumes and network a little. Also quit being so damn greedy and take an entry level position at a law firm. Making 100K sitting in some temp dungeon for 70 hours a week sucks. Getting a few years experience and then making 100K and only having to make a few apperances every week while being treated like a PROFESSIONAL is a much much better option.
Some good news, finally. The clown extortionist Yolanda Young had her case dismissed....I guess a dog ate her homework.
The amount of negativity, cynicism, narrow-mindedness and racism evidenced on this blog is stunning and nauseating.
Thanks for your positive contribution to the discussion, bro.
What's up with the salaries for permanent, non-Biglaw jobs in DC, anyway?
Can anyone from DC fill me in?
Seems like if you want a permanent position as an attorney in DC, unless you're getting hired by a Biglaw firm (and few are hiring), the salaries for new lawyers, or attorneys without many years of experience, are very low all around the DC Metro area.
DC is the only place where they have the nerve to offer "$30-40K" as the starting salary for a staff attorney job at a major corporation. Same goes for the smaller law firms.
What part of the term "LIVING WAGE" do these people not understand???
11:37 its one person who is doing all of that, keep things in perspective. Notice the rest of the board does not respond to his/her stupidity, although I think at one point someone challenged him to meet up in person so he could take a beat-down.
a) How do we know it is one person?
b) If the person who runs this site knows it is one person, he can still delete their comments. No other blog that accepts this kind of nasty racist vitriol except legal blogs.
1:14 PM
You only have to put up with the low salary for 6 months. It increases very rapidly if you're good.
Essentially, you're dealing with a small firm or solo that doesn't have enough money to pay someone without any experience a high salary. You're being trained in the initial six months.
Take the low offer, learn the buisness, then in six months you can either A) get a raise to 50K or so (the boss knows you're gong to send resumes out to every job offer), B) jump to a higher paying position, or C) open a solo pracitce while temping (the only valid reason for temping) until you get your practice off the ground.
After you hit the one year mark you can start to apply for and get salaries in the 85K+ range.
The nice thing about being a lawyer is that the salaries coninue to increase or you can make a pretty good chunk of change soloing.
Has anyone received a response yet from this CL ad that was posted yesterday in NYC?
CONTRACT ATTORNEYS sought for a large litigation matter: licensed attorneys are needed for document review, in addition to attorneys with foreign language skills in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Prior contract attorney/document review experience is preferred. Candidates for foreign language reviews may also be LLM’s with current OPT status. Preliminary interviews will be conducted in the Midtown office of our agency from June 2nd through June 4th, for selected candidates.
Applicants, please submit your resume in WORD format and include "Document Review Attorney" in the subject line.
1:47 and 2:09
It is actually several people. You say race is not related, but one must consider who is responsible for this miserable state of the profession. Note that 40 percent of partners at elite firms in NYC and DC are jewish. A lot of factory type firms that impose insuffferable hours and demands on associates are dominated by Jews. Judaic models that view workers as chattel also do a great deal of explaining the worst document review settings. Think Paul Weiss, Labaton, S and C, the list goes on. Face it, truth IS anti-semitic.
Of course, rather than actually engage these issues you would rather have them deleted, blacked out. You people do not like it when someone points at the man behind the curtain.
"Judaic models that view workers as chattel"
Certainly, there were lots of Jewish slave traders. Last time I checked my history books, though, the vast majority of slaveowners and slave traders were actually Christian Europeans, notably Anglo-Saxon Protestants and Portuguese Catholics.
Also, don't forget about the Arab world, where the equivalent chattel slavery still exists openly in many countries today. Check out the Gulf States.
By the way, I am not Jewish, and no big fan of Israel's insane, brutal and dangerous policies with respect to the Palestinians.
We just all need to get our facts straight here. Jews may be an easy target for a lot of people -- and it's funny that they always become a scapegoat in times of economic distress.
But the truth of the matter is that there are greedy assholes in every camp, and Jews aren't the source from which all greed and degeneracy flows.
Stop obfuscating the issues I am not talking about the long since dead slave tread. And I reallly do not care about that anyway. I am talking about the here and now. As for the idea that everyone group has its share of sheisters, I can only submit this insightful posting once more, written by someone else:
CORRUPTION. Per capita, jewish people are the largest committers of crime on earth. Their crime is usually not murder or robbery but fraud and deceiptive type of crime. This is why Madoff did what he did. This is why Richard Fuld (brought down Lehman) did what he did. This is why Maurice Greenburg (broght down AIG) did what he did. This is why Loeb (brought down countrywide leading to the morgage scandall) did what he did. This is why Milken (jund bond floater) did what he did. The list goes on and on and on
9:15 AM
yeah 5:05 and that person is stupid and so are you, now fuck off
ok 4:30 you say you want to "engage in the issues" , well if you are right then those firms are in violation of the 1964 civil rights act and you can sue them, and make a lot of money doing so, or you can file a claim with the U.S. E.E.O.C. and the government will sue for you.
You don't have to do any work. But do you do that? Have you actually "engaged in the issues"? No. You just run your mouth off.
Instead you post un-sourced stats as "truth" of the crap the comes out of your shit hole of a mouth. Truth is not anti-semantic, you are.
You disagree with what I say. So in typical form you simply call me names. You are like a little boy who simply calls anyone he dislikes a big stupid head.
Since this is an anonymous message board, and not a sourced book, I will merely add that The stats are out there if you care to find them. It is interesting that you did not even address the litany of jew scams the post I reproduced mentioned. It is like a white elephant in a parlor that no one dares mention.
5:05 --
"morgage scandall"
Are you saying you graduated from law school?
Supreme Court Justices = ringwraiths controlled by the one satanic ring
7:17 I did not write that portion of the post. And if the best you can do is to point out someone omitted the t while typing "mortgage" on an anonymous board--if that is really the best you can do to refute the arguments--then you truly are lost.
Sotomayor Spanish translation = "Less than best"
It actually means loosely, "under the biggest".
mejor = best
mayor = biggest
soto = from Italian "sotto" = beneath
How do I get a job working with one of these greedy assholes?
The have a bunch of money, so they can pay me a high salary.
Has anyone received a response yet from this CL ad that was posted yesterday in NYC?
CONTRACT ATTORNEYS sought for a large litigation matter: licensed attorneys are needed for document review, in addition to attorneys with foreign language skills in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Prior contract attorney/document review experience is preferred. Candidates for foreign language reviews may also be LLM’s with current OPT status. Preliminary interviews will be conducted in the Midtown office of our agency from June 2nd through June 4th, for selected candidates.
Applicants, please submit your resume in WORD format and include "Document Review Attorney" in the subject line.
6:26 act like a lawyer and prove it up bitch. Its not my job to do your your research. You are the one trying to convince us.
Do something other than run your mouth off like a sack of shit and then I wont have to point out the obvious. I call you names because 1) you have no stats 2) the name accurately apply. Again go fuck off shitfuck
The statistic about 40 percent of partners at elite law firms is featured in MacDonald's Understanding Jewish Influence, and has been featured in other articles as well. The bits related in the post I reproduced are common knowledge current events.
I do have stats, but just do not like feel like providing footnotes in an anonymous board. You calll me names becausee what I write frightens you. You have no other response other than to call me names.
I always wondered which was worst, a bigot or a racist.
Because a racist is... well a racist, and can be closeted. But a bigot is one who is openly racist and openly spews his/her vitriol. What we have here are racists, but not openly so because they're all pretty much anonymous.
It makes me wonder how a bunch of supposedly educated persons who supposedly live and work in a diverse city becomes a closeted bigot. I think it's a person who thinks they're entitled and thinks they're smart, and when they competed with others for jobs weren't the best (maybe upper mid pack?) and couldn't land a good job. They saw the FEW minorities in their class, which were also mid pack, get the jobs they sought. So then they started doing doc review and who do they see? Minorities! And they were taught that were better than them. Frustrated, downtrodden... they needed a scapegoat.
Is that the difference? If you have a job there is less propensity to be a racist? I wouldn't think so... I've found that the successful person has no time to blame others and just gets a job or whatever done. So I think it's the loser person... but whatever.
I wonder where they're from? Can all you racists tell me where you're from? Burbs? City? Transplants?
oh and FUCK YOU.
I hardly think the jews are the source of the legal meltdown we are experiencing. No ethnic or racial group wins in this environment.
I get the feeling that CL ad is just a resume troll. But I could be wrong.
Anyone know who the client is in that French Pharma review?
Glad you fucking racist losers on this board are out of work. Choke on your ramen noodles, bitches...
I hope all of you fucking die.
I have to say it is hard to believe some of you people actually have a license to practice law. You talk shit about hispanics, Jews etc. It really is very childish and disgusting. You blame Jews for everything why not just take a look in the mirror and place the blame where it is due..on YOURSELF!
Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!
8:41 Neither I nor others who express such sentiments blame Jews for everything. Pointing out disparate, disproportioante allocation of wealth and power, calling them out for widely disparate involvement in corporate scams, to name just a couple of problems out of many, is hardly stating that they are to blame for everything that ails humanity under the sun. That is not to say however that this bloodcult should be immune from criticism.
I have made no comments about hispanics, but I fail to see how the deliberate transformation of this country into third worldism is a positive thing. This absurd notion that diversity is a strength is comical at best, ludicrous at worst.
Once again you have been conditioned simply to brand anything you disagree with on such matters as racist or anti-semitic, as if that will end the argument there. It does not end the argument, nor should it.
Does anyone agree that Viacom is a shitty place to temp?
I went to Howard which seems to be a Tier 1 school. Coz I get interviews with any top ten school person. At Howard, most people believed there as the distinguished professor said that affirmative action should be for blacks ONLY. The historical experience of slavery is still as pervasive today as ever, and affects how we are viewed the same as in the civil war reconstruction era. It is our right to jobs and benefits denied to us for so long. And if they try to fire you say people used the N word. Because someone surely did at some point.
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