Want to work in San Francisco? If the below posting is in anyway legitimate, get ready to jump through some not so ordinary hoops in the application process. One of the people that alerted me to this ad wasn't very pleased:
"The hypocritical smelly ex-hippy that posted this ad needs to get a life. There are already enough alleged "creative" types on these document review projects, we don't need more. Scrounging for work in crowded, bug infested basements to pay off Sallie Mae, an organization which needlessly funds the extravagant lives of useless "progressive" law professors and administrators is not my idea of urban chic, it is just plain dumb. This job listing is an insult to us older folk that depend on these positions to feed ourselves. Here's the posing:
"Is document review more like a Tweet, a Digg or sex? (West Coast)
Reply to:docreviewrocks@gmail.com
Date: 2009-05-28, 10:37PM PDT
Why do we want to know?
Well, we're building a team of highly disruptive document reviewers and want to know if you're the kind of legal professional who would do well with our brand of mayhem.
Here's what we can tell you:
You will be respected.
You will be trained.
You will be paid.
You, in return, will rock.
You may rock legal document review high.
You may rock legal document review low.
But, you WILL rock.
Because you will be one of the Chosen Few.
So, draw some analogies, use a few metaphors, knock yourself out with philosophical smoke as the legal spirit moves you, --so long as it's 3 paragraphs or less.
Then, attach that resume to us in TEXT format.
No PDFs. No flippin' Word documents. Just plain old text....???...
OK: "text" means, you can either include your life story plus considered analysis in an email,-- or you can attach a .TXT or .RTF file.
Don't know what those are? Look it up.
We expect you to have more than a modicum of initiative...."modicum"???...Look it up.
And, no bullshit, OK? Because we're gonna find out what you're made of before we put you on one of our document review projects.
So, if you're stoked to reduce thousands of documents to a series of intelligible narratives, we want to know you're out there looking for work.
If you're one of the few who effin' get it, then let's do this thing!
Right now, we don't care where you are. If there are enough of you in any one city, we'll come to you.
Send us the stuff here, and we'll get back to you.
Like soon."
Another reader's proposed response. Very creative:
"My response: Document review is defintely not like sex unless you're into staring at blank walls. It's more like a bad relationship. Most of time, it doesn't come through. When it does, it feels so good. Call me the Super Doc Reviewer of the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm lightening fast and highly accurate. Clicking through docs and checking boxes may not be most folks' thing. However, I get a natural high when I find docs that can really help my side's case. But here's the deal. I can't allow mere common folks to know my secret identity. The only ones who get this privilege are the document review temp agencies. So if you happen to be a real agency, send me your name and Web site. Then I'll send my resume that will reveal my real name."
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Man,
Don't get sooo bent out of shape man. Just reeelax.
It's like a funny post, dude. Taking document seriously will turn you into one of the lifers. So chill out and don't worry about it.
This is obviously a flame. Half the legal ads are flames right now. They are probably being put up by those deferred associates sitting at home, pulling in 80K a year for doing nothing. I am sure they are getting quite a laugh.
They are probably looking to weed out people who display a negative attitude. The worst is when you get stuck working with an angry person with a chip on their shoulder.
So, they are going to allow weed and other controlled substances? I know a document review in lower manhattan that is receptive to such a thing.
I've seen a slightly different version of that ad posted in DC Craigslist, too, only it compared doc review to football, foosball and sex.
I think this is someone's lame get-rich scheme to "organize" doc reviewers into teams that can bid on projects (to agencies or clients) just like the agencies bid on projects to the firms...
Not very bright and just adds another middle-man, which will siphon off more money and probably drive down doc reviewers' hourly rates.
Is document review more like a Tweet, a Digg or sex?
It's more like prison. Sadistic guards, snitches everywhere, and your trapped in a room with a bunch of psychos for hours on end.
I think it was written by TTT. ("I'm just sayin')
Someone was home bored and lonely.
Eli Gottesdiener's ads were far more annoying. Try to google his name now! No wonder they finally stopped. Thank goodness!
Far out man!
Entertaining at least. I think it was written by a stoned, laid off associates.
Who the hell asks for texts resumes any more?
My guess is that whoever wrote that ad is just a poor schmuck who can't afford to get a copy of MS Word.
Either that or they're feeding the text resumes through some kind of "RESUMEX" software.
This week in law firm layoffs:
LG: 12 lawyers
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer: 14 lawyers
Weil, Gotshal & Manges: 79 staff
Snell & Wilmer: 40 staff
Covington & Burling: undisclosed lawyers
Ropes & Gray: 40 lawyers
Total: 66 lawyers, 119 staff
if you arent high on these projects you aren't doing it right
The OhioDocReviewer definitely wins the creative contest for his/her rendition of Hotel Brooklawonia.
"Hotel Brooklawonia"
On a dark New York highway, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of gorditas, rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance, on Joralemon Street
My heart grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to enroll for the night [program]
There Joan stood in the doorway;
I rang the admissions bell
And I was thinking to myself,
This school could be Heaven or it could be Hell
Then she whipped out a brochure and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
"Welcome to the Hotel Brooklawonia"
Such a fucking place
Such a fucking waste
Plenty of room at the Hotel Brooklawonia
Any time of year, you can wind up here
Joan's mind is Tiffany-twisted, she's got a Mercedes Benz
She got a lot of shifty, shifty tools, that she calls friends
How they dance in the school courtyard, sweet summer sweat.
Some dance to dissemble, someone will cash your check
So I called up the office,
Please bring me my jobs with wine [bottle service]
He said, "We haven't had those spirits here since nineteen ninety nine"
And still those voices are calling from far away,
We threw up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say...
"Welcome to the Hotel Brooklawonia"
Such a fucking place
Such a fucking waste
They're livin' it up at the Hotel Brooklawonia
What a nice surprise [after graduation], Joan King has her alibis
Smoke and mirrors at Career Services,
Chin Kee Fatt's telling lies
And she said "You are all just debt prisoners here, of your own device."
And in Joan Wexler's chambers,
They're gathered for the feast
They stab the real stats with their steely knives,
But they just can't kill the Beast
Last thing I remember, I was
Running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the life I had before
"Relax," said the night man,
"We are programmed to deceive."
"You can checkout any time you like,"
"But you can never leave [your debt behind]!"
Tom da Temp, wachu smokin'?
wow 9:00, I hate that song, but good job with the lyric rewrite/adaption
Anyone who went to Brooklyn Law (or other schools like it) and still really wants to get a good job as a lawyer should get a second JD degree at a better school.
Go at night while you're temping during the day.
For instance, if you went to Brooklyn Law and all you can get is temp jobs because no Biglaw firm will hire you for a "real" job, then temp during the day and go to Columbia at night.
Four years later, POOF!! You're a newly-minted Columbia attorney and can get on at Biglaw just as the job market is turning for the better.
Anyone know who the client is in that French Pharma review?
This is truly cock review.
Does anyone trust those blind ad email addresses for doc reviewers on Craigslist?
There is a judge in Spanish Harlem...
A liberal judge in Spanish Harlem...
2:48 PM
A much more intelligent alternative is to get a "real" job paying 50K or so, and then whent the market turns jump into BigLaw if that's what you relly want to do.
There's plenty of lateral to BIGLAW once you have experience and they're hiring, but they don't hire temps except for postions as litigation analysits (which isn't a real position anyway).
@ 9:00
Jesus man, can you change the topic?
I've had a rough night, and I hate the fucking Eagles, man!
Sotomayer is an abomination and should be removed from the bench immediately, not promoted.
She's an avowed racist, white male hating witch.
4:53: and I suppose it's ok with you that Clarence Thomas is a perverted misogynist?
Or that Scalito are a deluded fascist, joined-at-the-hip megalomaniac, with philosophical roots in the Sicilian Mob?
(I can say that, I'm a Wop!)
Bitchin' post, duuuuuuuude!
Same with Hotel Brooklyn above, dumb attempts to make what should be a reason to kill your self funny.
Alex Gayllard is from California.
That explains everything.
5:36 PM - Clarence Thomas has already been confirmed. It's just so funny how desperate and stupid liberals are, they cannot even hold their attention span long enough to have a coherent discussion about anything.
A refresher, for you liberals. It's Sotomayor that is currently up for the Supreme Court.
And yes, she is a man hating racist. She is on par with the KKK, David Duke or the Black Panthers that refused to let white people vote.
She should be removed from the bench, not promoted to the Supreme Court.
With regard to Alex Gayllard, the word "asshole" explains everything.
7:20 no she is not, she has not killed anyone on the basis of their race or national origin, she has not advocated killing anyone on that basis either.
You don't like her ruling on a case, fine, but to compare that to the Klan, who murdered thousands of innocent people and terrorized millions for decades is outrageous, not to mention its just wrong.
Sotomayor's words are every bit as hateful as the Klan's. Besides, there were never any Klansmen on the Supreme Court (if there were, it would be equally outrageous).
She's avowed hater of white men. Maybe you think that's cool, because the shoe is on the other foot, but it's not acceptable.
She should be removed from the bench, not promoted to the Supreme Court.
Sotomayor's words are every bit as hateful as the Klan's. Besides, there were never any Klansmen on the Supreme Court (if there were, it would be equally outrageous).
Hugo Black was a Klansman.
Black joined the Ku Klux Klan while still a young man in Alabama, thinking it necessary for his political career.Running for the Senate as the "people's" candidate, Black believed he needed the votes of Klan members, who were usually poor wage earners, economic and political underdogs.Black would near the end of his life admit that joining the Klan was a mistake, but said "I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes."
limbaugh lunatics!
no 9:13 you are wrong you keep saying she is an hater of whites, yet you offer not one single shred of evidence to support your drivelous drool. NOTHING she has said comes close to ANYTHING the Klan said or did. Its really clear that all you do is run your mouth off and say stupid things which you then refuse to back with an actual evidence. That makes you a coward, a liar, and a loser.
The add states:
"But, you WILL rock.
Because you will be one of the Chosen Few."
Does this mean that the job is run by just another deluded JEW who thinks that s/he holds a special place on this earth because s/he is "chosen" but is really doing unethical things behind the scenes?
Accounts Payable in NJ... $20.00 an hour, NO law degree or bachelors required...
Motor Vehicle-Accounts payable (Emerson)
Reply to:lturco25@aol.com [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-30, 1:13PM EDT
Immediate opening/need for experiencd motor vehicle coordinator and accounts payable.
Please respond........ASAP
part time or full time, we will work with you
Contact Lou
201-265-7700 ext 118
Location: Emerson
Compensation: $20.00 per hour
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Phone calls about this job are ok.
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1196764378
This guy on here who hates the jews is a blast. I'm Italian. I'm waiting for him to attack the Italians. I need some comic relief while unemployed.
Has anyone received a response yet from this CL ad that was posted on Thursday in NYC?
CONTRACT ATTORNEYS sought for a large litigation matter: licensed attorneys are needed for document review, in addition to attorneys with foreign language skills in French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Spanish. Prior contract attorney/document review experience is preferred. Candidates for foreign language reviews may also be LLM’s with current OPT status. Preliminary interviews will be conducted in the Midtown office of our agency from June 2nd through June 4th, for selected candidates.
9:27 - hey, wait a minute! I'm Italian, and I think I was the only one who mentioned he's Italian here... and I'm not the one who "hates" the Jews... That is someone else. You're not reading the posts carefully enough. I attacked anti-Semitism, although I mentioned I'm not a fan of Israel's foreign policy.
Anti-semitism is scapegoating, and like all racism and bigotry, and it's the last refuge of bitter losers.
Sorry, 9:27 - I'm not reading the posts carefully enough... you didn't accuse someone else... you simply called the guy out. Props.
By any chance is the commenter with the anti Sotomayor, anti Alex Gallard, anti Democrat, anti just about everything, a steroid taking doc review hothead named Tom? I won't say his last name but it rhymes with Mullivan. Some of these posts have his nutty vitriole written all over them.
Are there temporary attorney who do not do document reviews?
Hey STUPIDS who called themselves "Italians". You're not!
You're Americans you dumb fucks.
Not considering yourself American first is a jewish thing
Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!
President Barack Obama’s nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter is hardly surprising. Indeed, writing in VDARE.com a couple of weeks before Souter even announced he was hanging it up, I referred to "potential Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor" in connection with her vote against Frank Ricci and the other New Haven firemen whose hard-earned promotions had been stolen from them in the name of "disparate impact".
I didn’t have any special insight. It was pretty obvious. Obama had a well-known checklist. It consists of items like "Hispanic," "female," "not too old," and "liberal." Among individuals meeting his requirements, only Sotomayor had the credentials (she’s a judge on the Court of Appeals) to seem at least plausible on the Supreme Court.
Let’s not act too scandalized that Sotomayor was nominated more for reasons of identity politics than of judicial talent. The Supreme Court is an inherently political institution. A large fraction of Supreme Court nominees are appointed for reasons of identity (or, in the case of Souter—the original stealth nominee—lack of identity). Sometimes, as in the case of Clarence Thomas, they turn out to be impressive. Other times, as in the case of Sandra Day O’Connor…not so much.
It’s hard to imagine Sotomayor bringing unbiased judgment to affirmative action cases.
In law school, Sotomayor took discussion of the mere existence of affirmative action to be a personal affront. Sharon Theimer reports for the Associated Press:
"Yet years ago, during a recruiting dinner in law school at Yale, Sotomayor objected when a law firm partner asked whether she would have been admitted to the school if she weren't Puerto Rican, and whether law firms did a disservice by hiring minority students the firms know are unqualified and will ultimately be fired."
"Afterward, Sotomayor confronted the partner about the questions, rejected his insistence that he meant no harm and turned down his invitation for further job interviews. She filed a discrimination complaint against the firm with the university, which could have barred the firm from recruiting on campus. She won a formal apology from the firm."
Sotomayor’s conduct is reminiscent—guess who?—Michelle Obama’s "rage of a [legally] privileged class." Mrs. Obama also always wanted to enjoy the advantages of affirmative action—while being peeved that anyone might notice that she was enjoying them.
Ironically, the current unwelcome attention being paid to Sotomayor’s past statements is the outcome of the remarkable lack of media attention paid to Barack Obama’s past statements in his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance.
Why the difference?
First, Sotomayor isn’t as slippery a prose stylist as Obama is.
Second, blacks are far more central to the reigning mythos of contemporary America than are Latinos.
Third, some Republicans are starting to wake up to the fact that if they give every minority candidate a pass in the way they gave Obama a pass in 2008, then they will keep on losing like they did in 2008.What’s more interesting than Obama’s nomination of Sotomayor for her "story of race and inheritance" are the long-term implications of the shortage of individuals who could characterize themselves with any degree of credibility as Judge Sotomayor did in her notorious address to La Raza:
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
This is a classic statement the usual diversity dogma that is now the received wisdom of 21st Century America. (Of course, most "diverse" individuals, much less federal judges, have the wisdom not to cite themselves as examples. But, hey, at least Sotomayor didn’t describe herself as "vibrant.")
According to the most recent Census Bureau projections, the number of Hispanics residing within the United States is expected to grow from 35 million in 2000 to 132 million in 2050 — an increase in a half century of a staggering 97 million.
This wholesale demographic change, engineered by American elites with little input from the American people, has vast implications for the law and for the fundamental competence of American society.
Consider test scores on the Law School Application Test. For Puerto Ricans, such as Judge Sotomayor, the average score would only fall at the 6th percentile of the non-Hispanic white distribution.
This exceptionally dreadful performance by Puerto Ricans perhaps stems from the fact that the English-only LSAT is mandated for students applying to Puerto Rico’s Spanish-only law schools. Yet the performance of Hispanics in general on the LSAT doesn’t come close to meeting the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s "Four-Fifths Rule." (Under the reigning civil rights doctrine of "disparate impact," any selection process, such as the fireman’s test passed by Frank Ricci, is legally suspect if any minority group passes it on average at less than "four-fifths" the rate of the highest scoring group.)
Overall, Hispanics average a score that would fall only at the 24th percentile of the non-Hispanic white distribution.
Mexican-Americans do a little better on the LSAT, scoring at the 29th percentile. But that’s largely because Mexican-Americans make up only 1.6 percent of all those taking the LSAT, even though they make up 10.2 percent of all residents of America between 20 and 24. This suggests that only relatively elite Mexican Americans take the LSAT and that their average scores would be worse if more took the test. (In contrast, African Americans make up a sizable 10.6 percent of those who sit LSAT, and the black average would fall at the 12th percentile among whites.)
Needless to say, many employers use surreptitious racial / ethnic quotas to stay out of legal trouble.
Law schools get around the Four-Fifths Rule problem in two ways.
First, by using quotas (although the 1978 Bakke and the 2003 Grutter and Gratz decisions said that you aren’t allowed to call them "quotas").
Second, they exploit that fact that judges tend to assume that the law is special, and obviously requires cognitive firepower, unlike all those simpleminded professions—such as, well, commanding fire companies.
In the 1970s, "disparate impact" was implicitly viewed–but not articulated — as an affordable system of reparations for slavery. It was seen as not too costly because whites greatly outnumbered blacks, so the burden on whites, on average, was not immense.
Unfortunately, the Disparate Impact system, invented by the Supreme Court in the 1971Griggs v. Duke Power case, was also always rationalized not as reparations, but as an anti-discrimination measure to hunt out hidden (and even unwitting) discrimination.
In 1973, the Nixon Administration—looking for Hispanic votes, a familiar story with historically-challenged GOP Presidents— extended affirmative action privileges to minority immigrant groups.
(Puerto Ricans aren’t immigrants, but Puerto Ricans living in Puerto Rico don’t consider themselves to be exactly Americans either: Puerto Rico competes in the Olympics as a separate country. In fact, in 2004, the Puerto Rican basketball team beat the underachieving American team.)
Extending disparate impact benefits to Hispanics has set up a potentially devastating dilemma. Now America was inviting in foreigners, both legal and illegal immigrants, and immediately rewarding them with legal privileges in hiring over the white population.
Just as General Motors’ retiree health insurance system has collapsed because the ratio of retirees benefiting from the system to current workers contributing to the system has swollen, so the vast growth in the number of affirmative action beneficiaries, (chiefly Hispanic), to benefactors, (chiefly white) threatens to bankrupt the entire economy over the next two generations.
(By the way, how’s the economy doing lately—especially in diversity-is-strength California?)
So far, the devastation wrought by the affirmative action dilemma has been mitigated by the lack of ambitiousness that appears widespread among Hispanics—especially among Mexican Americans, as seen in their low rates of advanced degree test-taking. (Mexican Americans only make up one out of 40 takers of the Graduate Record Exam and Medical College Admission Test).
At present, Hispanics appear less likely than African Americans to pursue jobs where they are underqualified.
Of course, this lack of ambition also means that Hispanics have not been moving up the social ladder over the generations, as has been so often reflexively predicted by pundits like Michael Barone. The college graduation rate among fourth generation Mexican Americans is only six percent.
And, no doubt, we will now insistently told that Judge Sotomayor is a crucial "role model" for Hispanics.
The real question, however, is: what kind of Supreme Court Justice she will make for Americans?
And that doesn’t look good—regardless of what Obama checklist she satisfies.
What's going on in the minority run (plus Alex, the token white litigation analyst) S&C dungeon?
Are the analysts (not associates) still trying to destroy their careers, or did they wisen up a bit?
What careers? Those basement losers were doomed from the start by their TTT degrees plus ghetto attitudes. S&C threw these losers a lifeline and they are clinging miserably.
What kind of Supreme Court Justice do you think she'll be? She's already flat out said that she legislates from the bench.
I hope Scalia pulls her aside and gives her a good talking too.
Alex has a great ass. His wife is lucky. Wish I were back at Sullivan ;)
Be nice to Mr G. You all are just jealous because he is good looking, abd all the girl temps want him.
If the U.S. Senate rejects race-based justice, Sonia Sotomayor will never sit on the Supreme Court.
Because that is what Sonia is all about. As The New York Times reported Saturday, the salient cause of her career has been advancing persons of color, over whites, based on race and national origin.
"Judge Sotomayor, whose parents moved to New York from Puerto Rico," writes reporter David Kirkpatrick, "has championed the importance of considering race and ethnicity in admissions, hiring and even judicial selection at almost every stage of her career."( Sotomayor’s Focus on Race Issues May Be Hurdle, May 29, 2009 )
At Princeton, she headed up Accion Puertorriquena, which filed a complaint with the Department of Health, Education and Welfare demanding that her school hire Hispanic teachers. At Yale, she co-chaired a coalition of non-black minorities of color that demanded more Latino professors and administrators.
At Yale, she "shared the alarm of others in the group when the Supreme Court prohibited the use of quotas in university admissions in the 1978 decision Regents of the University of California v. Bakke."
Alan Bakke was an applicant to the UC medical school at Davis who was rejected, though his test scores were higher than almost all of the minority students who were admitted. Bakke was white.
After Yale, Sotomayor joined the National Council of La Raza and the board of the Puerto Rican Legal Defense Fund. Both promote race and ethnic preferences, affirmative action and quotas for Hispanics.
But why should Puerto Ricans like Sotomayor, who were never subjected to slavery or Jim Crow—their island was liberated from Spain in 1898 by the United States—get racial or ethnic preferences over Polish- or Portuguese-Americans?
What is the justification for this kind of discrimination?
Like Lani Guinier, the Clinton appointee rejected for reverse racism, Sonia Sotomayor is a quota queen. She believes in, preaches and practices race-based justice. Her burying the appeal of the white New Haven firefighters, who were denied promotions they had won in competitive exams, was a no-brainer for her.
In her world, equal justice takes a back seat to tribal justice
Now, people often come out to vote for one of their own. Catholics for JFK, evangelicals for Mike Huckabee, women for Hillary Clinton, Mormons for Mitt Romney, Jews for Joe Lieberman and African-Americans for Barack Obama. That is political reality and an exercise of political freedom.
But tribal justice is un-American.
In the 1950s and 1960s, this country reached consensus that denying black men and women the equal opportunity to advance and succeed must come to an end. Discrimination based on race, color or ethnicity, we agreed, was wrong.
Sotomayor, however, has an exception to the no-discrimination rule. She believes in no discrimination, unless done to white males and to benefit people like her.
How can any Republican senator vote to elevate to the Supreme Court a judge who, all her life, has believed in, preached and practiced race discrimination against white males, without endorsing the Obama-Sotomayor view that diversity trumps equal justice, and race-based justice should have its own seat on the high court?
Down the path Sotomayor would take us lies an America where Hispanic justices rule for Hispanics, black judges rule for blacks and white judges rule for white folks.
It is an America where who gets admitted to the best colleges and universities is not decided on grades and academic excellence, but on race and ethnicity, where advancement in jobs and careers depends not on aptitude and ability, but on where your grandparents came from.
On principle, Republicans cannot support Sonia Sotomayor.
And politically, if they do, why should the white working man and woman ever vote Republican again, as it is they who are the designated victims of the race-based justice of Sonia Sotomayor?
It was Richard Nixon who brought the white working class, North and South, into his New Majority, when he increased the Republican presidential vote from 43 percent in 1968 to 61 percent in 1972. Ronald Reagan solidified this base.
But why should the white working and middle class stay with the GOP? Its presidents exported their jobs to Mexico, China and Asia, and threw open America's doors to tens of millions, legal and illegal, from the Third World, who have swamped their cities and towns. If the GOP will not end race-based affirmative action, which threatens the futures of their children, why vote for the GOP?
Why should white folks vote for anyone who says, "We are against race discrimination, unless it is discrimination against you"?
Obama would not have selected Sotomayor if he did not share her convictions. And there is nothing in his writings or career to hint at disagreement. Thus it comes down to the senators, especially the Republicans. A vote for Sonia Sotomayor is a vote to affirm that race-based justice deserves its own seat on the U.S. Supreme Court.
But if that happens, it will not only be the race consciousness of Hispanics that will be on the rise in the good old U.S.A.
The Weekly Standard has a transcript of a WSJ link to oral arguments in 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals hearing of the Ricci case:
KAREN LEE TORRE (lawyer for Ricci et al): I think a fundamental failure is the application of these concepts to this job as if these men were garbage collectors. This is a command position of a First Responder agency. The books you see piled on my desk are fire science books. These men face life threatening circumstances every time they go out. ... Please look at the examinations. ... You need to know: this is not an aptitude test. This is a high-level command position in a post-9/11 era no less. They are tested for their knowledge of fire, behavior, combustion principles, building collapse, truss roofs, building construction, confined space rescue, dirty bomb response, anthrax, metallurgy, and I opened my district court brief with a plea to the court to not treat these men in this profession as if it were unskilled labor. We don't do this to lawyers or doctors or nurses or captains or even real estate brokers. But somehow they treat firefighters as if it doesn't require any knowledge to do the job. ...
JUDGE SOTOMAYOR: Counsel ... we're not suggesting that unqualified people be hired. The city's not suggesting that. All right? But there is a difference between where you score on the test and how many openings you have. And to the extent that there's an adverse impact on one group over the other, so that the first seven who are going to be hired only because of the vagrancies [sic] of the vacancies at that moment, not because you're unqualified--the pass rate is the pass rate--all right? But if your test is always going to put a certain group at the bottom of the pass rate so they're never ever going to be promoted, and there is a fair test that could be devised that measures knowledge in a more substantive way, then why shouldn't the city have an opportunity to try and look and see if it can develop that?
KAREN LEE TORRE: Because they already developed it, your honor.
JUDGE SOTOMAYOR: It assumes the answer. It assumes the answer which is that, um, the test is valid because we say it's valid.
KAREN LEE TORRE: The testing consultant said it was valid. He told them it was valid.... They had evidence that the test was job-related and valid for use under Title VII.
Once again, I predict a narrowly drawn verdict for Ricci on the grounds that the city of New Haven refused to have done the validation study that they had already paid for.
But Sotomayor's question reveals the kind of disingenous intentional cluelessness that is the media conventional wisdom.
The unmentionable truth is that a fair test of a complicated subject will always tend -- on average -- to put NAMs at the bottom. Life is one long series of aptitude tests. Fire captains need to know a lot of stuff -- much of it that will never come up in their jobs ... until the day it does -- and studying for their promotions exams are times when they are motivated to really learn.
So, what should be done legally about the fact that fair and relevant tests will be tests that whites do better on average than blacks?
If we must offer firey sacrifices to the goddess Diversity, then it's better to have explicit racial / ethnic quotas than to lower standards, as, say, Chicago has done to meet the EEOC's Four-Fifths Rule by passing 17,000 out of the 20,000 firefighter applicants who walked in off the street, then choosing randomly among the top 85% of the distribution. People are less likely to die horrible deaths if we have quotas that at least select the best whites, the best blacks, and so forth.
If any Supreme Court clerks are reading this, here's my suggestion: as the EEOC's "Four-Fifths Rule" that put's the legal burden of proof on hiring or promoting methods under which any group does less than four-fifths as well as the best-performing group should be abolished for the same reason that the "separate but equal" doctrine was no good. Sure, it sounds okay in theory, but in practice, separate but equal turns out to be largely a fraud. Similarly, as decades of social science (orders of magnitude more conclusive than the tentative social science confidently cited in Brown v. Board of Education) show, the Four-Fifths Rule institutionalizes fraudulence, as Judge Sotomayor's question demonstrates.
How can any Republican senator vote to elevate to the Supreme Court a judge who, all her life, has believed in, preached and practiced race discrimination against white males, without endorsing the Obama-Sotomayor view that diversity trumps equal justice, and race-based justice should have its own seat on the high court?
Down the path Sotomayor would take us lies an America where Hispanic justices rule for Hispanics, black judges rule for blacks and white judges rule for white folks.
It is an America where who gets admitted to the best colleges and universities is not decided on grades and academic excellence, but on race and ethnicity, where advancement in jobs and careers depends not on aptitude and ability, but on where your grandparents came from.
On principle, Republicans cannot support Sonia Sotomayor.
And politically, if they do, why should the white working man and woman ever vote Republican again, as it is they who are the designated victims of the race-based justice of Sonia Sotomayor?
In another twenty years, America will look like Yugoslavia writ large.
Stop trying to engage in intellectual online conversations about Supreme Court judges and go to work. Your brains are clearly useless. Time for you folks to acquire some labor skills. My local Walmart is hiring, for example. I swear they need to open work camps for you useless, phony, non-practicing "lawyers". Be productive or fight for our country like others do. Otherwise you're a useless waste of life and resources.
What about all the decades and centuries when white justices ruled for whites in this country?
It's funny that as soon as a Hispanic judge appears, and makes one rather bland and awkwardly-worded statement invoking her ethnic heritage and perspective, she's tarred and feathered by a bunch of whitebread fearmongers.
6:17 said
"Overall, Hispanics average a score that would fall only at the 24th percentile of the non-Hispanic white distribution.
Mexican-Americans do a little better on the LSAT, scoring at the 29th percentile. But that’s largely because Mexican-Americans make up only 1.6 percent of all those taking the LSAT, even though they make up 10.2 percent of all residents of America between 20 and 24. This suggests that only relatively elite Mexican Americans take the LSAT and that their average scores would be worse if more took the test. (In contrast, African Americans make up a sizable 10.6 percent of those who sit LSAT, and the black average would fall at the 12th percentile among whites.)"
At what percentile do TTT graduates who can't get jobs outside of document review fall?
TTT Theme Song...
enough with all the sitomakoyor crap and the supreme court. Like any coder will ever be before the sumpreme court???????
I don't give a fuck about the supreme court. It ain't getting me no job. And my dreams of one day practicing there are about as realistic as my dream of being an astronaut as kid.
Enough with this bullshit. You are losers
Fuck a monkey get a chimp
ban all the Asian attorneys. Time for some internment camps.
Yeah, I agree. Who cares about the Supreme Court nominee. That's so removed from my ordinary life that I could care less about it.
I'm more interested in whats happening at S&C and Viacom. Since I started working at a firm, I've been missing out on all the crazyiness and gossip that goes on at the dysfunctional temp gigs.
It's a hell of a lot more entertaining than Supreme Court BS.
I prefer the gossip of the firms and agencies as well. It is more informative to what we are doing than supreme court nominees. That should be preached to the unfortunates who are law students waiting to be slaghtered.
WilmerHale has informed an undisclosed number of associates and counsel that they will lose their jobs this Fall. The firm stresses that these are not “layoffs,” although rational persons are hard-pressed to tell the difference.
Those affected are being given “a number of months” to find new jobs. The cuts are the result of a new “up or out” program. If a lawyer is not promoted within a certain time frame, he or she is asked to leave the firm.
In April, WilmerHale deferred start dates for its 2009 associate class.
True Dat. I am also more interested in the crazy temp happenings. This world is so crazy and unpredictable and exploitative for most of us that all info - even stupid gossip -- helps. [Plus I admit some of it is quite funny in these dreary times!!] If you want to showcase your legal expertise and opine on Supreme Court happenings please go to the WSJ Law Blog, or the NYT or even JD Underground. Most of us come here to make sense of this temporary world we are currently unfortunate enough to be stuck in.
Thank ye.
Yes, I agree. All that supreme court garbage is going to help me almost as much as all the idealism they shoved down my throat at my Ivy school.
Got me nowhere. Just made me a nice, decent, thinking, weak, ineffectual wimp compared to the ghetto goons I have to deal with. I need some street cred, some ghetto gangbustin' skills - not more high floutin' garbaaage that is not going to help me in the real world.
I love this high-mindedness but unfortunately unless you are going to teach or be a head on CNN it's not going to help!!!
Viva La Gaylord and Clovester!!
are they still there......HOLY shit that place is messed up joint. Barclay's forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What about the big fat ugly wild woman bitch who thought she was a fashion queen who came on towards the end of that 38 special? There was (or is there now, or ever) no piece of clothing, makeup and/or jewelry that would make her scary dogness appealing. Silly diluted woman who stared down all other woman- fucking stupid bitch. Fuck you bitch, and that goes for my girlfriend 2. Guess what, she has a real job. It was a good thing that you balked her hire from your LOSER position. FU BTW totally enjoyed the recent comment, you bitch from helllllll.
Alas the days of Gaylard and Clovester the jester are numbered.
Word is, long suffering S&C is going to cut staff attorney headcount, and it is sacrificing virgins first in order from oldest to youngest.
That means Clovester's time is up!
Gaylard the womanizer has some time yet but he should be packing his hippie bags soon. Doesnt cali have a rule against taking back its own hippies unless they reform? (start ironing their clothes, etc.)
Yeah, this is what I am talking about -- some real talk in some real times!!
Fuck that supreme court nonsense!!
Hey, I missed you fun guys. Besides, be real Like we give a shit who is on the Supreme Court...
Hey, i think I know who that wild bitch is form that recent comment. Nonother than, BIG MAMMA, right?
People people people
Hahahahaha i just got the Alex reference hahahaha because the title refers to hippies hahahahahahaha. Though, he isn't laid back and cool like a typical hippie, RATHER, he is more like a royal uptight BITCH who is so highly threatened by his own shadow. The only "hippie quality" he seems to have going on is that he is a fucking sloppy mess :)
Who is Big Mama -- Blackie Black?
Or Cunty Anorexia? Although I have not coined these terms I am a fast learner and picked them up quickly during my daily perusal of this invaluable comedic site.
Blackie black is sort of mean, and bad. Big mama is much more appropriate because she thinks she controls S&C, and is the boss of everyone, and eats eevryone food. Hungry hungry hippo might works as well, but, I don't care for the racial wording. poor taste Stick to her real damaging mean rotten flaws that hurt SO many people. she is a mean spirited woman. Don't make it racial.
I am not sure they will ever get rid of Clovester -- even though they could improve the aesthetics of the place and save on air freshners they currently splurge on to cover his stench. He's been around for waaaay too long. There's definitely a lot of deadwood there...shouldn't be hard..also Blackie will probably not be going anywhere either -- sad but true. She's too close to the Caribbean posse.
Gayllard is screwed if S&C shitcans his shitface. He can't even afford an iron now. Perhaps his school teacher chech wife will support his useless ass. He won't last as a doc reviewer elsewhere. He has made too many enemies and will end up with his head flushed in the men's room toilet... as it should be.
hello fun peeps who speak truths. fuck them that they think they can treat us like crap, and have no penalty. SOBs know who you are, as everyone else knows who they are because they just ARE so I need not mention names. Go rot in your own slime you assholes. KARMA so will get you all for what you do to people.
Clovester: Man, is that what that fucking smell has been this week down in the c-level/ PU
here we go again, can u guys please lay of Alex. I like him. The rest can fuck off.
Whoa dude, I smell smoke in here...don't bogart! Where's the free love?
Yes, yes, yes, my clever but demeaning nicknames are catching on! YAY!
I love litigation analysts
Big Mama pertained to a really fat, ill-mannered mulatress. Apparently she used to model, and was even featured in an Eddie Murphy movie. But I digress. Incidentally, yours truly was the front man of the vaunted ABL, or Anti Beverly League. It was a glorious allance, or perhaps it was a mere confederation.
i want to click i want to click please get me an assignment so i can click FUCKIN' SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Apparently she used to model, "
....what, circus tents?????
Big mama is a fat grotesque incredibly mean spirited bitch from hell who upset a real lot of people for a real long time, like over 10 years Fuck her. She is sure to got hell ALL she has done to very nice, or at least civil people (who probably merely failed to bring her fat ass food at one time. or another) Fat mean bitch. She shouldn't be in a position of control because she is a control freak.
are you sure you don't mean mattress LMFAO
Guys, can anyone give me any insight on the DC market? Whenever an agency doc review posting appears on craigslist, monster, or careerbuilder, I respond, but i haven't had any luck. Is this because the regulars are sucking up all the work, and the agencies are just stockpiling resumes? If so, does anyone have a feel for hpw big the stockpile is, when they are going to have to go to it, and how quickly it will get used up?? I'm trying to get a handle on by when (how frequently, if ever) I can get projects.
8:57 you are gay
Since I enjoyed your mother, it would be more accurate to say I'm bi. But she still does owe me change for my quarter.
LOL queerbert
i would still like an answer from someone who isn't an absolute prick.
"Aw fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Mocking someone who's looking for work doesn't necessarily make the mocker an absolute prick.
8:57 I think they are collecting resumes in anticipation of a lot of work coming in. I was told today a project was cancelled because the review was being done in-house. I guess there isn't enough work for the associates.
Big Mama sounds like a blast. Thank God I haven't been exposed to that bitch.....yet.
9:27 PM
Stop acting like a human being. it isn't done.
Of course, thanks.
Do you have any feel for whether there indeed is a lot of work coming? And if so, when?
Is "Big Momma" still there or is she a relic from the past?
She was on the McCarter project last year, wigs 'n' all.
9:27 Someone (a recruiter) told me there were many filings. He saw them on Nexis or Westlaw. I believe it. It will take awhile to come to the discovery phase. There are also investigations starting. I hope it turns around.
Get your stinkin' ugly grill out of 8:57's motherfreakin' business, you cretinous fuckwad!
Thanks so much for your support.
Our next NJ governor.
The first BOSS from New Jersey was SPRINGSTEEN!
The second BOSS from New Jersey will be JEFF BOSS!!!
$29.00 an hour???????
Currently we are recruiting multiple entry level attorney and recent law school graduate candidates for a month long French language document review project. Our client is conducting interviews this week in anticipation that the project will start early next week. The hourly rate will be $29.00 per hour (plus OT for hours over 40). We are currently anticipating light to moderate OT.
Required Experience:
Qualified candidates must have:
• Juris Doctor degree
• Fluent French Language Skills
• Immediate availability for at least 1 month
• Live in (or willing to commute to) New York City
Previous document review experience is a plus but not required.
It's about cutthroat American capitalism, man!!
American capitalism brainwashes you to get a prestigious degree because then you'll be a respected "professional". But then the reality of cutthroat American greed and "market" economics steps in, and guarantees you don't get paid shit for doing shit, because the system regards you as shit, and you can go take a shit because you and your degree are nothing but SHIT!!!
wooooooooooooooooooooW... So much love for the lameass queerbert loser temoAthon 8:57.........................wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow:) Too bad, it's all coming from his fagotooth loser own ass HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh yeah, Big mama bitch is a blast. just make sure you pack the BIG brown bag full of goodies because that bitch will be a grazin', or else, you're fired temp boy/girl, ya hear - FIRED! F_I_R_E - fucckin'_DDDDDDD fired!!!
i can't believe you tards think you are worth anything let alone $29.00.>>>>monkey asses>>>anyone, including 5 yr olds, can do what you are way overpaid to do. loser assholes be happy you are getting what you are getting whatever you clicking bananas
Soon, they'll be paying $8.00 an hour for "qualified candidates" to join pharma projects and click on documents in some obscure dialect of Maltese, and unemployed attorneys with Master's Degrees in molecular biology will be murdering each other to get the job just so they can have one double cheeseburger meal a day at Mickey D's.
The point isn't that the work is easy. This job requires a foreign language fluency, both written and spoken. Translators without a JD are paid more.
On second thought, tell your mother to keep the quarter. I'll just go back 4 more times.
At least she has a son to be proud of. You'd obviously provide excellent representation.
What 12:06 says is true. If you're just a French-English translator, not doing legal work, you would make more than $29.00 an hour in most settings.
I dated a girl from Russia who is a French-Russian translator, with a college degree from Russia, and she makes more than that AND gets all her travel, hotels, and meals paid for!
So American attorneys are fast becoming the dogs of global capitalism! Soon we'll be better off digging ditches. I agree with what someone else said here... work camps should be created and all the useless, surplus American attorneys should be put into them, and be forced to labor for the greater good!
Law is a crap profession and we only really need like 1/10th of the attorneys we now have, at the most. Maybe 1/100th!
You go first dickhead 12:21 person
How is Clovie doing these days, outside of well slept in his comfy cozy stentched boxes?
I think there may be multiple Big Mammas here (what a surprise given the prevalance of obesity among black women). Big Mamma, or the common enemy of the vaunted ABL, was dismissed from Barclays in rather short order. She routinely did far fewer documents than the rest of her colleagues. She also ate compulsivley. The best part is that she chewed with her mouth open, much like a farm animal might.
One time I was in the pantry making a shake and she was opening up a can of vienna sausages. I have diminished olfactory, but the smell was overbearing to me. That means it must really stink.
After she was dismissed, word from the campfire had that she had dairy and yogurt food products stored in her box of belongings for an extended period of time; cockroaches were found in the mix.
I can only imagine that she is as much on the S and C blacklist as yours truly--which suits me fine.
1:25 - A Republican made her a federal judge in the first place dumbass.
Here we go again with the supreme court crap. I could care less -- it's so far removed from my life and there's nothing I can do about it. Plus it's boring. If I wanted to read a bunch of dull opinions about dull contitutional crap, I'd waste the money on an LLM.
Let's get back to interesting topics like Viacom and S&C (2 hell holes where I worked). The stupid litigation analysts and psycho temps are much more interesting. The crazy non-sense the agencies pull is also good for a laugh.
1:50 - you are a true retard. If you're not interested in the law, then go work at Starbucks, please.
Law at the highest federal level is irrelevant to the temp factory work we do. Applauding this woman's success or failure has no bearing on these jobs. Any temp who engages in an academic discussion regarding this appointment is delusional. Click.
Yeah, I mean, I'm glad this chick has been made a SC judge or will be or whatever. Seems smart, accomplished, yada, yada, yada, but again most of us come here to make sense of the pychos we have to work with. Discussing things of such high importance and "cereberality" are just too painful when you have to deal with gangsta goons all day. It just reminds you of the high ideals you had to kick to the dust!! I CANNOT and will not think of Sotomayor and Big Mamma at once!! Makes me want to shoot myself!!!!
Does anyone feel New York is picking up -- I received a Tech Doc review listing from Hudson at $33/hour starting Monday.
Morrison & Foerster has hired two outsourcing experts from Alston & Bird.
Christopher Ford and Scott Stevenson advised the state of Georgia in a $1.7 billion contract to outsource information technology services for various state agencies.
The two join Morrison & Foerster’s Washington, DC office. Ford joins as a partner, and Stevenson as of counsel.
In May, the firm deferred incoming associates; and in February slashed bonuses and froze salaries.
Minneapolis, Minnesota-based Dorsey & Whitney has laid off 55 staff members, or 7% of the firm’s support staff.
Seven of the firm’s offices were targeted, but 38 of the layoffs were at the Minneapolis headquarters.
The firm saw flat revenues, with a small decrease in profits per partner, in 2008.
well, if then the Big Mammas never met because, Big Mamma Sullivan would NEVER leave a crumb for them there roches LOL
Big Mamma Sullivan was a lawyer??? I thought she was the cleaning lady ...what law school did she go to...?
At the Hudson site, if you go to US, then go to legal jobs, then go to NYC, there's a posting for general document review, but no tech project. how did you find out about it?
I am on their list. Here it is:
Hudson Legal is currently staffing the following project:
Start date: Monday June 8, 2009
Location: Manhattan
Rate: $33/hr + OT
Rate: Approximately 1 month
Requirements: Attorneys licensed in any US jurisdiction. A background in technology or intellectual property is strongly preferred.
If interested, please email your most current resume to LEGALJOBS@HUDSON.COM immediately.
In the Subject Line, please reference TECH REVIEW
hahahaha. You bet she was a big fat ass tok she told us that she began temping right after law school, and was one of the first loser hires there. She often blabbed and blabbed about herself to the temp tables as if we gave a fuck. If only she listened to all the snickers when she left the forsaken area. What a gangle of laughs that scary monster bitch povided us entertained deprived sect. She actually believed we were in Awe of her monstrously evil fat fucking GRUBBING self. Boy, to go back and let that bitch know what I and every other temp really thought of her freakness.
Thank you very much. How do you get on the Hudson list?
true dat motherrrfukkkkkerrr.
on the street
beeeee' atchhh.
That stupid bitch would be lucky to be a cleaning woman in the event S&C wised up to her fucking money theiving schemes. She is a fucking bitch who does nothing and make smore money than most of the associates.
7:02 I think once you e-mail your resume to that e-mail you will automatically get on the list.
That's how it magically happened for me!
I never met Big Mamma, but she sounds like a real troll. I have worked with MANY MANY beatches like her though -- saddlebag girls. They always get hired -- I guess 'cause everyone knows they have nowhere to go, no one to see, and will always be there!!
7:34 Thank you very much.
Yo peeps...I was close to suidical today ! Not only was it a gloomy day but bills are piling up and the job market is still slow.
But I came here and at least had a good laugh -- thanks to all the funny postings regarding Big Mamma and other animals. S& C was a real Animal Farm...
Viva la Big Mamma !
My stomach hurts from laughter. Hahaha. I worked with that bitch many years ago, and have witness exactly what you guys are complaining about. I can;t believe she still gets away with it. I bet her husband (if she really has one) is exstatic that her fat ass is "working" so many hours. Not just because he gets 1/2 the $, but also b/c he can get it on with the hot neighbor. hehehehe. Even the neighbors dog has to be hotter than her LMFAO
Big mama is really a dude......I bet all my $ on that one.
.....Oh oh, (That, that) Dude looks like a BEAST
(That, that) Dude looks like a BEAST
(That, that) Dude looks like a Beast
(That, that) Dude looks like a BEAST
(That that) ya ya ya yya ya yya ya chit chit yaow
1:53 PM
right on!!!!! Any other topic is pretentious. Speak about what we really have experience in such as the wrath of Big MAMMA, and/ or the thriller of being OOOggled by the smelly Clovester the temp Molester.
7:02 I think once you e-mail your resume to that e-mail you will automatically get on the list.
That's how it magically happened for me!
7:34 PM
7:02 I think once you e-mail your resume to that e-mail you will automatically get on the list.
That's how it magically happened for me!
7:34 PM
It seems to be picking up. At least I received 2 calls this week for projects that never started. The net result was zero. Previously, I was getting no useless "are you available for a project starting next week?" calls.
7:34 Again, thank you. I apologize for exposing you to the hydrocephalics on this board. If I knew them, I would make them sorry. And they know it.
As i said before, the doc review market apparently has gotten better for you New Yorkers. NYC craigslist seems to have at least one new English language project - a real project - every day. And the griping you're all doing is about work conditions, not unemployment. Good for you. In DC, I think it's still just resume farming.
9:40. Sure thing.
And to 8:46: I am on this site with you losers because I love you!!! And most of you are funny - maybe even you when you are not being nasty.
Nasty boy
Nasty boys don't mean a thing...
New York craigslist is farming for resumes as in DC.
Skeeter knows Big Mamma... Knew her really well back in the 04 when she was at Cravvie, gettin' it on in Susan's closet every third Wednesday with him and Snuffy.
Has anyone seen Sotomayor's bush? She must have hair that goes from her belly button to her asshoel
Who cares about Soto's bush...let's talk about Big Mamma's!
I care about Sotomayor's bush
Document Review Project ManagerHiring Company Industry: Business Services
Number of Employees: 1 - 100 Employees
Total Compensation: $100K+
Reports to: Ops Manager
Location: Los Angeles, CA; New York, NY; Chicago, IL; San Francisco, CA; Washington, DC
You will be taken to TheLadders.com now.
My client, one of the worlds’premier full-service providers of print and related services, including document-based business process outsourcing and founded more than 144 years ago, is searching for a Document Review Project Manager for its Manilla location in the Phillipines. My client also provides solutions in commercial printing, direct mail, financial printing, product customization, print fulfillment, forms and labels, logistics, call centers, transactional print-and-mail, print management, online services, digital photography, color services, and content and database management to customers in the publishing, healthcare, insurance, advertising, non-profit, consumer package goods, retail, technology, financial services and many other industries.
The person in this role will manage large scale document review projects. Qualified candidates must have at least 5 years of litigation experience working for a large law firm and/or been in a similar role before as a Document Review Project Manager for a large legal services company.
Candidates must also have very strong client relationship/interfacing skills and be highly articulate and presentable. The person in this role will also be responsible for facilitating training of his or her staff. Candidates must also have exposure to and/or experience with e-discovery technology. My client is looking for a minimum of a one year commitment to move to Manilla. My client will cover the expenses of moving to Manilla as well as living expenses while there.
If you are looking for a new adventure, this could be an amazing opportunity for the right person. Salary is between 100 -150k.
I've also received a few calls from agencies in NYC but no follow-up.
By the way, anyone know a cheap alternative to Time Warner cable and Internet -- no job, no calls, need to slash their exorbitant package.
There may appear to be more jobs in NYC, but many of those are just resume collection ads. Also, when a new project does crop up they are inundated with so many applications that the chance of any one person being selected is small.
I bet soto has a clit the size of a man's thumb
As to the DC doc review market, I am not hearing good things. There is an expectation that things won't be getting better before the fall.
In DC, there's a group of about 100-200 hardcore permatemps who have sucked up all the available work because they're reliably available whenever a project starts. That's why you see so few ads for English doc reviews in DC.
So when, if ever, does the market expand beyond this hard core?
A particular foreign language has been hot in NYC at the moment. I get a call weekly.
4:30 - do tell...
I want to hear more about sotomayor's clitoris. Are there members of Congress who think that it will pose a problem for her on the bench?
Anonymous said...
I care about Sotomayor's bush
11:48 AM
Give me a break, dude you are just a McDees clrk in fucking coding camoflogue. Dick. Now, let's get back to real isuues. BIG Mamma bitch, and the other's from the S&C zoo.
I wanna here more about the bastards at S & C !!!!!! I wish I knew how to write a screenplay.
Sullivan & Cromwell would make a good reality show. It is so ridiculous, no one would believe it to be true.
Heck yes.As I rememebr, thse SALAs are fucked up freak stupid condecending a-holes who couldn't even be pull off a lawyer for halloween 8) Especially the BIG MAMMA who makes people do things to keep their assignment, like get her cookies and shit for her fucking kids lunch bags. Fucked up crazy bitch. Is she really still their?
Oh man, I saw know who can stand in for Big Mamma in the S&C analsyt Freak show_____ Rosanne Barr, I mean, granted she is white, but the FAT size, and MEGA trash ass pathetic personality compensate BIG time. HAHAHAHAHA
No, I'd simply ask Eddie to Fat Suit it up, as there just is no other :)
Yep, S&C would make a fantastic reality show. The knife-wielding staff attorney who pulled it out on a temp, stinky Clovester, Big Mamma Sullivan, Blackie, who else, who else???
When I was at S&C I worked with someone like Big Mama - a fat ugly overbearing hippo paralegal Temp who NEVER went home b/c her husband hated her fat ass. Day and night she sat in a chair and watched music videos and drank rum and buy shit like Banana Republic snakeskin boots [like they would go up her tree trunks] - and then when anyone supervisor came by she would start asking a million questions so it would look like she was on top of it. Like the supervisor didn't catch on. She used to tell people she would "cut" them and that she was a "bitch on wheels". She never worked, hated everyone and yet a certain posse always protected her and kept her on. That's the way it is there...
Mark Marker, HipPOtamarc, Borat, The fat puffy cheeked ulgy FAT Tracy J who stole hipPotamarc from his poor wife, and post it on FB, oh, man, my mind is going blank. Someone else add on to the zoo roster.
Yep, S&C would make a fantastic reality show. The knife-wielding staff attorney who pulled it outn on a temp, stinky Clovester, Big Mamma Sullivan, Blackie, who else, who else???
8:03 PM
Frankerstein Monster, with rings around his eyes and dies his hair, the other Big Mama who was the common enemy of the vaunted ABL, Wrinled Shirts, Butta Face,
8:03 PM
Over at Cravvie, there's always Snuffleupagus with his rolls of flesh, dreadlocks, and pink lens glasses... There's Myrna with her iPod playing Satanic thrash... there's Skeeter with his sailboat pictures, two JDs, and general weirdness... there's Deeva with her stilettos and stuffed yak doll... and Lil' Kim with her USVI "connect"... 'sall good!
Now, this is good stuff !!
Gaylard has competition in the S&C Casanova dept. There's another short little staff attorney with a p*&^ the size of a thimble. He too tries to get it on with every temp chick. But one day he committed the ultimate faux paus of hitting on Gary's girl--fatbuns Jenny...and since then he's been on a shit list...maybe he's gone...
Gayllard has competition in the the asshole category. I didn't think it could happen. My money is on Gayllard as being the bigger shitbag... he tops all lists.
Is there a picture of this Mr. Gaylard. I heard he's hot -- but I have never seen him.
A picture of Alex Gaylard will short out your monitor.
He maintains a shit sour puss expression on his face and wears crumpled shirts and tight fag pants. He prances around. After I punch him out, he is going to look worse. I suspect he will be laid off soon. I can't wait so I can laugh while I sit on this long term project billing.
5:18 Are you referring to Alex Gayllard? He he.
Whoa-- now this is some funny shit!! That's why I come here -- to have a laugh or two...
Is he an ugly little fuck with glasses...he skeeves all the lady temps out but it is hilarious to watch him....lmao
Oh yeah, I've seen that tiny tim too. He's not "ugly" but he ain't as hot as he thinks he is. I don't know if we are talking about the same guy - but many of these loser middle-aged staff attorneys can not only not get actual work, they can't get girls either. So they try to hit on the women they work with. Only someone really sympathetic or desperate would go out with these losers. They are so weird - they are between lawyers and paralegals and maybe it's this middle life that makes them so crazy all the time.
Sounds like a lot of sexual tension in that place. Yucko.
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