Check out the following work from Kate Scurfield, an amazing cartoonist from England who amazingly captures the hell of the Paul Weiss basement. Thank you to the "Jobless Lawyer" blogger who posted this and pointed it out.
Truly inspired! Gimme dat banana.
Back in the good old days, we used to get paid a lot more than chimp feed, though.
$40 per + ot and 60 hour weeks, adds up quickly.
I love the rats!!!!!
Very well done. I think I am actually going to order a print. One day, hopefully I can hang it on my wall and remind myself how I survived this horror.
Absolutely Hilarious! If I bought that and gave it to my friend who does doc review for a housewarming gift, would she hate me forever?
Great cartoon! But she screwed up by putting "Yale Law School" on the doc review monkey's bag. Yale Law School grads are part of the Elite and have had everything handed to them after they graduate - great jobs, great pay,great benefits, etc. They aren't forced into doc reiview. They're part of the Greedy BigLaw problem.
The bag should have read "New York Law School" or "Brooklyn Law School," not Yale.
Other than that, the cartoon is great!
Haha brilliant! I love it. This will definitely go in a certain lawyer/doc-review-monkey's stocking for xmas this year!
What do you think those "Yale Grads" are doing at those BigLaw firms, 10:18?
Well, 10:20, I'd say that up until this year, they were collecting $160k/yr salaries as first-year associates, then even more $$ as they advanced up the BigLaw ladder.
Today, some of them might have been laid off because of the recession, but I'd venture to say that most of them are still sitting pretty and still able to take advantage of their Elitist pedigree.
The blog author says that he provided the vision behind the cartoon. I'm guessing he chose "Yale" because it is a more accurate reflection of current times (and his plight). Top 14, are now experiencing the grim realities that second and third tier students have been experiencing for ages. I think this fact makes the print more current.
Certainly, who can't relate if Yalies (or other elite types) are feeling it too?
I'm considering getting my print signed by the author, but don't know if I want to mail to England...lol... its a very creative piece and probably has the potential to rise in value-- especially with niche lawyer groups.
10:29, point well taken. I wasn't aware that the blog author went to Yale. I feel for his situation, since I've been out of work for nearly 10 months, but I can't truly feel sorry for him.
With a Yale Law degree, he really has a huge advantage in this legal market: a degree from one of the top (if not the top) law school in the US. With that comes all sorts of advantages over, say, a Brooklyn Law graduate: better career services, better "in's" at firms, a judiciary where he can find fellow Yale alums (especially on the Federal level), and huge networking advantages in general.
When this recession clears up - hopefully soon - and firms start hiring again, he'll have a huge chance to be first in line back onto the BigLaw Gravy Train as an associate. This isn't even a possibility for the Brooklyn grad, and wasn't a possibility even when the economy was booming.
Brooklyn Law, NY Law, all non-Top 24 law school grads, do not and will never have the advantages that this gentleman has, with his Yale Law School pedigree. . It will always be either doc review or PI/ID.
Therefore, to accurately reflect what was actually going on in the Paul Weiss basement, the bag should read ANY non-Top 24 law school, not Yale.
Isn't it funny, though - even in this situation, the Yale grad is trying to take credit away from the lesser school grads for sitting and suffering in the trenches in the Paul Weiss basement, when the Yale grads were upstairs, eating caviar on the firm. Amazing.
I took my BLS degree out of the frame, spit on it, and tore it up after spray painting "FU, Joan King" on it. I will put this print in its place.
In 5+ years of doing doc review, I've yet to meet a fellow doc reviewer who went to Yale Law.
You are taking it way to literal. The intent of the cartoon is a satire on the state of the legal profession. By using Yale, it demonstrates this crap happens to all of us, to the best of us, to the worst of us. To those who went to to Top 5 schools but graduated in the bottom of the their class. To those affected by the current economy. To all of us who went to lower ranked schools. I wouldn't use this as an opportunity to take digs. The intent is there and any chap who had to work in these conditions should be able to relate to it.
I haven't met a Yale grad, but have come across a few Harvard grads.
Regardless, it really doesn't matter. When the economy rebounds, these people will have the option to get out. The majority of grads from non-T14 schools are screwed. Tons of student loan debt and no way out. Might as well kill yourself right now. The only people who are content are the T14 grads and the Nigerians who float through these projects with no student loan debt.
I'm cracking up at your comment.
Awesome cartoon. I love the greedy look on the partners face and the fact he clearly has lots of money to give but will instead give a banana.
In 5+ years of doing doc review, including a stint in the Paul Weiss basement depicted in the cartoon, I've yet to meet a fellow doc reviewer who went to Yale Law School. Why, then, does the bag read "Yale Law School?'
It's amazing that the blogger is trying to take credit away from the real people who slog it out in these awful conditions: the graduates of non-top 14 schools like New York Law School and Brooklyn Law, who have done the vast majority of doc reviews over the years, while the Yalies, Harvards, and Columbias sat upstairs eating caviar on the firm (at least until 2009).
Sorry - I understand the blogger's unemployed plight (I've been out of work for most of '09), but I take umbrage to his trying to give credit to Yale Law School grads for doing doc review in lousy conditions when it NEVER HAPPENED.
The banana will only be handed out if they work past 10pm.
I know for a fact that the Author of the blog did not go to Yale. So don't be too harsh.
I agree with comments: 10:29, 10:31, 10:59.
Look at the larger picture here: Smart people shoved in basements, and crummy conditions to do cheap legal work. The bag just represents, that the monkey is likely intelligent yet is being reduced to working for bananas.
BRILLIANT !!!!! Almost fell off my chair.
The monkey represents something that I have been saying all along, but have been banned here for saying. Monkey is a symbol for N---er. You all in the basement are (and will forever be) N---er. Shove it with the PW limousine liberal bullshit. You are in N---er profession and if you want to eat, you will get back in front of your computer and make me some money.
11:11, with all due respect, I strongly disagree with you.
I believe that to be an accurate representation of what doc review was, is, and will always be (until it's all offshored to India, the bag should not say Yale.
To go to Yale Law School, you have to have been an educational achiever. There's no doubt about it: top GPAs at every level from high school, top college, top LSAT score, etc. I must give props where props are due.
But isn't it funny how achievement-oriented, competitive people will also compete for the "Who Suffered More" award? As if this will give them some kind of "street cred" or something?
There were no Yale Law grads in the Paul Weiss basement, or on any other doc review for that matter. There might be a few now - I don't know because I've been unemployed from doc review for several months.
But they can rest assured that their plight is temporary; when things get better, they'll be pout of the temp doc review pool and back in a permanent position, while the 2nd and 3rd Tier grads will still be reviewing away (if all the work isn't in India).
Guys, get over it. Its a comic. And a damn hilarious one at that. Give credit where credit is due. LMAO!
Agreed, 111:37. The Yale bag thing had to be addressed, though.
Other than that, it's great cartoon!
I've met plenty of 2nd and 3rd tier law school grauates working in the government, at smaller firms, banks, mid-size firms, etc. Quit making up excuses and get busy finding a job. Once employment starts to improve, the hiring will start.
10:52... Amen!
11:52 - agreed. No one is complaining right now, though. All we're doing is having a discussion about the "historical accuracy" of the Yale Law school bag in a cartoon depicting the Paul Weiss doc review.
You're right, though. The bad economy, greedy BigLaw, and Ivy Leaguers can't take away your ability to think positive thoughts and try to manifest something good for yourself in life.
That's enough Anthony Robbins-speak for now.
Didn't you know Paul Weiss hires lots of blacks and minorities? Who do you think cleans the toilets and serves the food, and is the elevator boy. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, Mr. Boss Man. Yes, Mr. Paul. yes, Mr. Weiss.
Paul Weiss is the stereotype of liberal Democrats. Force affirmative action on everyone else, but would never hire a black lawyer. They are the worst law firm on the planet.
I actually know a number of people who went to Yale and work doc review, as well as Columbia, NYU,Harvard. Not as many from Brooklyn Law school, but there are plenty of Ives doing this work, its just a bit harder to get them to admit to it, but they ARE there doing doc review, and I am NOT referring to just the past 18 months or so since the economy tanked.
This lady copied my act!! Will I get royalties?? So hungry....
All document reviews aren't the same. Some are small and have well-credentialed individuals on them. Others like Barasshole are volume based and try to find the cheapest Nigerian with a license they can find. It all depends on what the client wants. Ultimately, you get what you pay for.
1:18 - we must have never worked on the same doc reviews, because I've never come across ANY Ivy League law school graduates. Ivy League undergrads - yes. But never Ivy League law grads.
this cartoon is racist
Wheres the S&C basement cartoon? No shortage of inspiration there.
After the Baucus/Obama plan goes through, all of us (not only Lisa) will be forced into getting braces, whether we like it or not. If your mandated student loans weren't enough, get ready for that $10,000 health insurance tax. What's the point of even working anymore? I am giving up the misery of coding because I can just stay home and get this shit for free.
Just ordered my print... can't wait to hang this one up, it will give me a laugh in the mornings before I start a miserable day of temping!
Either the rich or the very poor do well at least in New York. The very poor get subsidized insurance through Healthy NY and food stamps and unemployment and other SS benefits - that you cannot get if you are a hard-working middle classer. I am not going to be very rich but I am working hard to be very poor. 4:27 is right - what incentive is there for many of us to go out and work - the more we make the more screwed we are. In my hood, fat lazy unemployed Hispanic women get all sorts of benfits and stand in line at the grocery store with hair beautifully colored, nails perfectly done, pussy waxed and present food stamps - while I who work harder looks like a homeless woman 'cause I am too busy working and making money so I can pay for this cunt to get her pussy waxed. Fuck this shit!!
Because if you work, your salary will increase over time. You'll make more money than sitting around unemployed and will be able to improve your situation. You'll also be able to live in a neighborhood where your not going to get shot.
That's why.
I think we need to call in Rabbi Shumooley.
Chimps and rats - you folks sho' living the good life. Git your Yankee ass down here and chill out in the free sunshine....
Here are some cartoons for the S&C basement:
This is probably the most appropriate:
Anyone ever go down to the lower S&C basement levels?
I've heard they chain temps to the computers and shock them when they miss a responsive doc. However, they pay them an extra $5 an hour and $20 for their lunch.
If you think it's that easy to get those benefits, go ahead and try to get them. Chances are you're not willing to live in those areas and have such an uncertain life as that.
A lot of people also try to keep their dignity up in public, usually with false pretenses. I mean just think back to law school and how a lot of people carried themselves, and about how people lied about grades or their mastery of material, when it was clear they were bumbling morons if you actually saw grades or knew them personally. It's all a show.
Anyway if you can get a few good assignments, just do them. Even at $35/hr straight time, it's still good money. Most normal temps I know that have undergrad degrees make maybe $20/hr, and no OT. They don't have the debt, but, eh, I dunno. Life's a bitch, that's just how it is, what can you do but laugh at it and keep slugging on?
who is funnier:
-doc review chimp
-trailer trash
for me, with so many great lines, like David's intern joke and having a chimp in his pants, it's a tough call.
I hope these guys are copyrighting their material. It's professional quality humour they could be selling to Jay Leno.
Like that chimp it Connecticut, sometimes the chimp bites back!
I take umbrage that the overseer clenching money is NOT a hook-nosed Jew whose caricature is worthy of Dem Sturmer. What do you think the leaders of this profession, from Alfred Youngblood and Eliot Spitzer are, after all? Regardless, the caricature certainly applies to the movies and shakers over at Paul Weiss.
EDIT: movers and shakers. . ...
Very nice piece. I am definitely going to order a copy.
Link to an ABA article on what needs to change in the legal profession, ripe for comments.
Oh, never mind.
I don't understand this game.
feels like im earning
nothing at all
nothing at all
nothing at all
stupid sexy unemployment!
I just inhaled some paint thinner by mistake. WHOA DO I FEEL GOOD!!!
Although I am unemployed and subsisting on a meagre diet, in some ways I am so much healthier. I am working on freelance projects from home - but despite the work I feel great, relaxed, limber, energetic, strong - the work is tough but seems so much easier than when I do it at the office. You know why??? 'Cause I not with ugly fat trouble-making saddlebag girls!!! My mind if free to roam, to pursue intellectual work without fearing I going to upset some GHETTO QUEEN by being a normal person!!! I wish I could work from home FOREVER!!!!
DILEMMA: I have been offered a well-paying job to start in a few weeks - only problem is I will then be working with fat, ugly, saddlebag queens and will HAVE TO WALK ON EGGSHELLS!!!
Should I pursue my freelance work from home and expand it [which will take time to bring in $$$] or take the jump and make the money with ugly fat chicks??? Working with these whores will bring me $$ fast but will definitely railroad my long-term plans for a more intellectual career as I will have to act stupid, and ghetto, and dumb and weird while working with them to make them feel comfortable!!!
A picture is worth a 1000 words. Loved it!
Yo Temporarily Yours - take the money with the fat chicks - humiliation is everywhere. Even with freelance work you are going to have to suck dick...might as well make more money doing it.
Money is not everything. Sometimes you have to keep your mind intact.
Emily - come to the Iron Horse on 32 Cliff Street NYC. I have a riding crop and will give your pampered ass a good slap. http://www.ironhorsenyc.com/ There is a also a swing that we can swing on together. You are a sexy thang who will get drunk on Johnny Walker Blue and learn to love it. I will teach you how to shake your tush on the catwalk and do a little turn.
I've seen the future; it's Huron Consulting.
David - put this monkey in your pants, you intern shtooping faggot!
and this monkey too, baby cakes!
Moron Consulting? Good lord, that place is a sweatshop.
They massive shareholder lawsuits against them as well.
You might prefer this monkey in your pants, just for a little variety, sweet thing.
Visit my blog for more proof that David has ugly monkeys in his pants!
Can I get a job at Huron?
Compliance Inc. called me hot and heavy with a job.
Then slipped away like a thief in the night. Would not talk to me.
David - meet me in the Garden's garage with your broadsword. Time for The Gathering!
Sorry 10:18, the cartoon is correct. I sat across from two Yale law grads on two separate doc reviews last year.
There was a Harvard law grad on one of my other reviews last year as well.
No one escapes the hell of document review, not even the pampered, elite law grad, or the seriously connected.
12:29, that would make three doc reviewers from the Ivy Elite out of thousands of total doc reviewers. Big deal.
I don't believe you, though. As I wrote about 50 times in this thread already:
In 5+ years of doing doc review, I never worked with anyone from Yale Law School. I will expand that statement to also cover Harvard Law School, because I never worked with one of them, either.
12:29 -
The cartoon is incorrect. There were no Yale Law School grads doing document review in the Paul Weiss basement.
What about Georgetown, Columbia, and Penn?
9:28- Then you should look harder especially nowadays. After you get Lathamed, it doesn't matter what school you went to. Ready the guy's blog.
the URL didn't display right here. see my full post at comment number 479 under the "wolf Block is Dead" heading at:
There are a few ivy leaguers here and there. They usually have a foreign language and are kind of crazy (like most long term doc reviews).
If you have a weird foreign langauge, you generally don't have to put up with BS from the staff attorneys, so it makes sense for the ivy leagers to do the reviews. A foreign language temp that's soloing or working remomtely can clear 200K a year. Plus, once they're in the foreign langauge loop, they're never relly unemployed unless they want to be.
Of course, if you're an Ivy leaguer with a weird foreign language, you should be able to get a cushy gig in BIGLAW where you get paid 200k+ and don't have to work hard. So, the Ivy Leaguers you meet on doc. reviews generally have a few screws loose.
That's absurd. In this economy a lot of Ivy Leaguers are working doc review until the economy picks up. It's not a romper room full of Nigerians as the greedy, unauthorized practitioners of law LPOs would have you believe.
Doc reviewers are smart, hard working attorneys. It's hard to get a doc review these days and only those with experience get the better gigs.
All of this ridiculous chatter from people in India that have never attended US law, got a JD or even an LLM! Ridiculous, Babu, you know nothing.
The people that are actually working now, are not going to post about their jobs, because they want to keep them.
4:55 - key words are "in this economy." I concede that in this economy, there might be a few ivy leaguers doing doc review.
But there were no Ivy Leaguers in the Paul weiss basement. I know because I was there.
New Update from the Artist: The inclusion of "Yale" was to emphasize that smart law students (of all kind) were being poorly treated by demeaning positions. For those of you who interpret this to mean something different the print can be ordered without Yale on the bag. It will still be a limited edition print, and will be included in the 99 print limit. You will see the "(no school)" option at joblesslawyer, and at the image kind page. Thank you!
At S&C, be on the lookout for the Yeti.
Role call.
Any projects staffing right now in NYC? It's hard to tell what's going on; I know of a bunch of people getting projects, but I don't get any calls. What's going on in the trenches?
Obviously you are not an Ivy League reviewer.
They are getting all the work.
Many of these Ivy types wll not stay long in coding business, however. They are used to being treated much better - and will jump as soon as something respectable comes along - even if less money.
So if permatemps hang in there they will make it back to the sweatshop.
This is a real Nigerian scam just received today. Another great contribution of the "nice" Nigerians to the world:
Dear Friend,
I am Mr. Richard Agese ,an Attorney at law, and the personal lawyer to Engineer Dr Alfred A. Corbeil, a foreigner who used to work and owned Corbeil Oil International in Burkina Faso, Herein after shall be referred to as my client.
It may interest you to know that , I got your contact at the office of the Chamber of commerce and Tourism in Ouagadougou Burkina faso as I was going through some directories. On the 10th day of August 2003, my client, his wife and their two children were involved in a car accident along Ouaga - Bobo express way while arriving from a Holiday to Bobo.
All occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives. Since then, I have made several enquiries to their embassy to locate any of their extended relatives and this has also proved unsuccessful. I am contacting you to assist in repatriating a fund valued at USD$13Million,(Thirteen million United States Dollars),left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Security Finance Firm where this huge amount were deposited. The said Security Finance Company has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his account confiscated within the next twenty one official working days.
Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 4 years now, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account can be paid to you. Therefore, I will not fail to inform you that this transaction is 100% risk free.
On smooth conclusion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 30% of the total sum as gratification, while 10% will be set aside to take care of expenses that may arise during the time of transfer, internal revenue tax and also telephone bills, while 60% will be for me towards any profitable investment in your country. All I require from you is your honest co-operation to enable us see this transaction through.
I guarantee that this will be executed under a legal framework and legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law. I expect your urgent response indicating your full interest in this great business transaction to our both mutual trust.Please i advice you reply to my private e-mail address for privacy and confidentiality (richardagese44@sify.com) Kindly give me the information below to enable me establish you in the bank as beneficiary to my deceased client.
1. NAME IN FULL:.......................
2. ADDRESS:...............................
3. NATIONALITY:......................
4. AGE:......................................
5. SEX.........................................
6. OCCUPATION:......................
7. MARITAL STATUS:.............
8. PHONE..................................
9. FAX:.........................................
Best regard,
Richard Agese Esq.
"Many of these Ivy types wll not stay long in coding business, however. They are used to being treated much better - and will jump as soon as something respectable comes along - even if less money. "
This is correct.
As said many times on this blog, the temp world is hell in large part because the temps allow it. The Ivy temps will not be able to put up with this, even if it means being out of work for a while or taking a lower paying job or moving into a different industry/business.
In this respect, the Nigerians, who advertise themselves as being little trouble and unquestioning, really destroy the bargaining power for the temps.
"They're nice."
"Keeping jobs for Americans is racist."
"Nigerians Honours LLM DDS are more qualified than U.S. J.D."
"Nigerians say temping is not a job so it is not stealing work. Very grateful they is!"
New Update from the Artist: The inclusion of "Yale" was to emphasize that smart law students (of all kind) were being poorly treated by demeaning positions. For those of you who interpret this to mean something different the print can be ordered without Yale on the bag. It will still be a limited edition print, and will be included in the 99 print limit. You will see the "(no school)" option at joblesslawyer, and at the image kind page. Thank you!
be the pimp:
Market Manager- NYC Document Review
Date: 2009-10-19, 10:58AM EDT
Reply to: see below
This company is an aggressive legal staffing company that's expanding into New York. The company operates a unique model and expects to quickly gain market share. They are looking for someone who can think like an owner-operator and who wants to be rewarded like one.
This position will be home-based. This person will be responsible for recruiting and building a top notch database of attorneys to perform document review, in addition to delivering the company's unique marketing message and value proposition to local companies and law firms. The ideal candidate will be someone with previous experience in the legal industry, and who has the ability and desire to work independently from home while still being able to participate in meetings and interviews outside of their home office. This person will be a multi-tasker, and excellent communicator and not satisfied with less than a 6 figure income.
The client will pay generously for performance. This individual will earn a share of every hour billed by document review professionals he or she puts to work. If you are a stay at home parent who would like to flexibly re-enter the legal industry, this may be an ideal opportunity for you.
I just started doc reviewing two months ago and already met two Yale, a Columbia and a Stanford grad all one the same project. No, not of the $20 per hour variety.
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