Monday, October 19, 2009



Just an update. I am on that "junior" level document review that pays $23 an hour. Ironically, not one person on here is junior. Oh, well. Check out this email we received today:

"Please pick up the pace. They are expecting you to do about 80 docs an hour and all of you are less than half that. Changes will be made soon if this does not change asap."

What a dump this place is. Every week half the project leaves. We drew a little graveyard with tombstones and the grim reaper on it. Soon, it won't be able to hold all the contract attorney dead.


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Anonymous said...

Which agency?

Anonymous said...

the title of the post is Juristaff

Anonymous said...

i can't believe people are doing less than 80 docs per hour on a doc review gig. that is insane.

Anonymous said...


Have you ever been on a doc review project? If you have, you might remember that some docs might come with 2 attachments or 30 attachments. If you run into the latter many times over in any given batch you are assigned to review, meeting this goal of 80 docs per hour isn't as obtainable as you make it out to be.

Anonymous said...

Obviously they don't give a crap about the quality of work, I am surprised they put it in writing though, that is discoverable evidence. 23 an hour? Getting cut from that project is a gift.

Anonymous said...

4:40 - i have been on many doc reviews, thank you. regardless of attachments, our review rates were expected to be well above 100 for even the most difficult cases.

Anonymous said...

100 docs/hour is quite realistic for two to three-line emails or other documents that are easily reviewed or categorized, particularly if your batches come from poorly constructed search queries. When you get into technical documents or non-basic priv review, you slow down.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one of those projects where they do not care if you read the documents.

Juristaff Supervisor said...

Feels like you're coding


prepare to return to stupid sexy unemployment.

no DENTAL PLAN for you!

oh yea, we count your attachments in the doc count. So don't give me "but I had 30 attachments!"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Helga said...

Which law firm?

Anonymous said...

What's the going rate for licensed attorney reviews in NY? $23/hr is an awful wage in the context of six-figure law school loans.

You'd be better off working a low paying job at a government agency. At least there would be benefits and practical experience.

This so-called "profession" has gone to hell. It was hell in 2006.

Juristaff Supervisor said...

May your hands always be busy
May your feet be always swift
May you have a strong foundation
When the winds of changes shift
May your heart be always joyful
May your song always be sung

May you stay
Forever Young.

Go Yankees!!!

Baxter Davenport III said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Recruiter said...

"Changes will be made soon if this does not change asap"

Or, as I like to put it, get ready to become reaquainted with the friendly staff at your local unemployment office.

Anonymous said...

4:40 or Need for Speed Coder,

Your very argument that speed is the controlling requirement for your many doc review assignments goes contrary to the other obvious requirement that the review be accurate and precise when you code. How can you perform this shitty job properly and accurately if all you care about is speed regardless of the density or volume of each document?

Your argument that quantity is paramount while sacrificing quality as required by your projects is also contrary to the doc review world realities. Which speed reader agencies are you registered with!?

Anonymous said...

It's all quantity over quality now. With outsourcing, you are now competing with the 3rd world LPO mills. The billable hour is dying which is why you are seeing 3rd party outfits (like discoverready) that bill by the document and not by the hour. If they want 1,000 documents, give them 1,000 documents. Scan for keywords, breeze through the pages, and cross your fingers that your name isn't on any privileged documents that get passed through.

Law is becoming very much like medicine even at the higher levels, a volume business.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but who gets held liable for privilege screwups and e-discovery violations. The attorneys.

We must resist this race to bottom. We should boycott that shit project that Juristaff is running. So much for all of the fancy awards, they are running the worst sweatshop in the City. They are just another bunch of gutter sleazebags.

Anonymous said...

7:26 Not sure that the profession as a whole has gone to hell, but the legal world has sure gotten crasser since I started practicing 32 years ago. I was middle of my class at a top 8 (then, now top 5) law school, but no honors, and I was definitely no one special. But I got a job as a partner-track associate at a decent NYC firm from the get-go (in those days, no one ever distinguished between partner-track and otherwise; everyone was partner-track until proven otherwise) I'm sorry that anyone has to put up with the BS associated with these contract review jobs.

Anonymous said...

815- while you seem very worked up - i did not say speed was the main requirement, nor did i say that speed was "paramount." All i noted was that we were expected to do 100 docs per hour. Time to work on your reading skills, I guess.

If you'd like to get into quality control, I'd be glad to.

Obviously, speed and accuracy are both important.

Anonymous said...

8:29 and 9:17

10:03 here again.

Enlighten me how this dreadful process works. If a reviewer does a crappy job, in the name of quantity, how, when and in what form will it come back on him or her? I assume it will be a considerable while before the error is noticed, long after the reviewer has gotten a paycheck and is off to the next shit job.

1. If the reviewer screws up, does the law firm ever come back at him?

2. Is the reviewer required to maintain malpractice insurance with respect to these activities?

3. Does the referring agency get caught in the crossfire? I mean, the law firm contracts with the agency, and the law firm goes out of its way to tell reviewers that they are NOT employees of the law firm. What direct right of action does it have? Does the law firm look to the agency for recompense?

4. If the reviewer is Mimbo Uhuru from Nigeria, or Suneet Raja from Mumbai, how in the world can they effectively and directly be held responsible for the quality of their work?

I can't believe this is happening to our profession.

Anonymous said...

10:10- Speed is indeed the main requirement, when based on the timeframe and the number of required docs it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to conduct an adequate review. I am sure we can all read War & Peace within 2 hours if we absolutely had to. How well we would understand it is a totally different matter.

10:14- If the project is on going, any documents that get miscoded can come to back to bite you. On rush reviews, prepare to be dismissed at anytime. Usually however, the mistakes get caught after the fact. When that happens, the partners will be shameless enough to blame the screw ups on the contract attorneys in open court. Never mind the fact that it was their lack of supervision and bottom feeding that caused the screw up.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Doc Review - it's so stupid. Only really desperate people and dumb minorities do it. That's no way to live - 80 dox an hour - I'll do that when you shit 80 turds an hour....

Charlton Heston said...

An average day's work in the bowels of the Juristaff coding ship...I mean, shop.

Anonymous said...

lisa is a nut
she has a rubber butt
every time she turns around
it goes "putt-putt"

beerguzzlingtemp said...

Telling coders to move through 80 documents in 60 minutes is unethical and could result in malpractice. Who knows how long these documents are either. Obviously this firm has no interest in reviewing the documents accurately.

If that is what these cocksuckers want, then just be careless and click away. It is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

From New York to Bangalore: An Outsourcing Tale
October 1, 2009 – The Am Law Daily

Pascal Lieblich spent six years working for New York firms before moving to India to become the head of document review at Clutch Group, a legal outsourcing firm.

An admitted globetrotter, Lieblich, 38, was born in Belgium and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania's law school in 2001. He also holds a certificate in public policy and management from Penn's Wharton School.

The Am Law Daily talked to Lieblich about culture shock and drafting letters to get permission for female attorneys to work late.

Anonymous said...

80 docs an an hour? In the Philly market doc review averages 100-150 docs per DAY for fairly dense pharma review.

I think that it works out to 500-1000 pages per day.

This is hourly work people- you have to keep the expectations LOW.

Better Coder said...


Hey a lot of you have been private-messaging and tweeting me. I appreciate you listening to my wisdom and feeling as though I can help you - because I most certainly can.....if you'll just let me in.

There are a few ways to become a top-notch coder, one of which is to efficiently review your batch of documents. Remember these words - ones with which I opened the concordance training session I ran -

"An efficient reviewer is second-level reviewer is a QC'er is a Priv Teamer."

In order to motivate my students, I brought in a couple pay stubs. I feel the best example of an efficient coder is his/her pay stub.

Keep your chins up $23 people! Stay efficient and some day you will be making the big bucks, will be an important part of a high-level matter, and may, just may get to cherry-pop a sex-deprived associate.

Very Truly Yours,
Better Coder

Anonymous said...

I have done many doc reviews and speed is all that matters. Except it is true you can get fired for missing privilege.

Any time I have heard someone make an excuse for going slowly that they had a hard batch etc. they were gone the next day.

The Nigerians don't know what they are looking at and no one cares. This is because everything on doc 5review is law of averages and the 30% smart J.D.'s find enough things to keep the firm and client satisfied.
that is the Nigerians are leeches. Need I draw a picture?

D said...

You know, I'm usually pretty bummed out since I'm still clerking a year after graduating; but listening you you guys cheers me up. At least I'm not doing doc. review.

Anonymous said...

you naive little F....half the people on any given coding floor used to clerk!!!!! give it some time.


Anonymous said...

End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.End days nears. Should have gone to trade school instead.

Anonymous said...

The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?The rich live, the poor die, I'm on welfare but why am I still having kids?

Anonymous said...

The Nigerians who have kids like rabbits will do anything to get a ticket out of their country. It doesn't stop them from being baby machines.
Also Nigeria is a shithole because the Nigerians made it that way.So why be surprised if they make a shit in the USA.

Anonymous said...

$23 is a good rate these days and you should be (and am sure are) kissing Juristaff's butt big time.

$13 is the rate I was offered.
Bloomberg and Robert Half pay $15. J.D.'s are happy to take this to be able to say they are lawyers at Bloomberg Incorporated. See, it's about impressing other people.

Anonymous said...


Glad things are working out for you. Those hours your working must relly be adding up.

I got a raise today at my substanative legal job. I got out of work at 4PM and generally did interesting stuff all day. Tomorrow I'll go in at 10:30 and probobly get out of the office at 3 P.M. I'll do something fun after work. Each day I get better and better at my job. It's rarely boring. Soon I can solo or lateral to a BIGLAW assciate position (if the economy improves).

Hope you enjoy the weekend in whatever basement you're in. I'll be having fun enjoying my free time and feeling satisfied after a week of work.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if you understand this. I want you to leave me the fuck alone. I don't want your fucking job. I don't want to attend Brooklyn Law School. I don't want your fucking help. Leave me the fuck alone. Do you understand you fucking pieces of absolute shit? Do you fucking understand me? Let me know what you want me to do to get through to you. I will do whatever the fuck I want on a website. I will visit whatever website I want to visit you do whatever the fuck you want. But I cannot belive that you have nothing better to do than to torture a 32 year old woman who lost her mother, has no job and has bills to pay and problems of her own. Please leave me the fuck alone.

Baxter Davenport III said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

David - meet me at the Garden's parking garage. Bring your broad sword. Tis time for the Gathering. There can be only one...


Baxter Davenport III said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, is my name in the graveyard?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

who the hell is Lisa?

Anonymous said...

Just saw this ad on the DC Craigslist:

Small Law Firm in Tyson’s Corner is seeking Virginia licensed attorney. Please do not apply if you do not have a Virginia Bar License; Maryland Bar is plus. Candidate must have strong academic background, excellent writing, research and communication skills. The Law Firm practices in Bankruptcy, Immigration, Family law & Personal Injury. Prior experience in any of these areas is plus. Entry level with no experience can also apply. Salary commensurate to the experience. Salary for entry level is $35K.


The line that really bowled me over was, "Entry level with no experience can also apply".

You can't make this shit up, folks.

Anonymous said...


Stupid Sexy Flanders said...

I must be way to bored.

For all the people who have been asking "Who is Lisa?" (couldn't you just google "Dental Plan. Lisa needs braces.)??

Lisa is an 8 year old cartoon character. Her dad works at as the safety inspector of the town's nucular power plant.

One day, Mr. Burns, the plant owner, decides to cut his employees' dental plans to save money. None of the employees care.

Lisa's dad is thinking about the situation. He hears two people in his mind. His co-worker Lenny, who says "Good-bye dental plan." His wife, who nags "Lisa needs braces."

Lisa's dad hears these two people repetitively. First "Dental Plan." Then, "Lisa Needs Braces." This cycles on for 10 or 15 times. Soon, he connects the dots and panics, screaming "If I lose my dental plan... I'll have to pay for Lisa's braces!!!"

The end.

Jeezus I have way to much time on my hands.

Oh, "Lisa is a nut" is from the episode where she is elected class president. "Nothing at all" is from Ned Flanders' ski suit.

Anonymous said...


You ARE way too bored, and way too boring.

The Simpsons sucks. It has always sucked. I have never liked that show. First of all, the show has like one black person on it, who almost never appears. Wait, maybe I'm thinking of SouthPark. Another show that sucks. It's the dumbing down of America, I tell ya. That's why there are so many losers hanging around on this blog. They are unemployed and underemployed, unemployable because even though they have law degrees, they spent too much time watching the Simpsons and SouthPark and now they are nitwits. Epsilon Semi-Morons, as Huxley would say. Oh, maybe I shouldn't quote Huxley, these people have probably never heard of him.

Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking that Lisa was some sadistic buck tooth case manager who worked at S&C.

Anonymous said...

To Brave New World guy

The long (and yes, boring) post didn't even mention the name "Simpsons" and not even Homer. Which means you must watch the Simpsons to know. Guess that makes you one of us unwashed masses huh? Join the rest of us epsilons.

South Park actually has many intelligent jokes that less intelligent people miss. So what if there are hardly any black people in either town? It reflects reality. The cartoons aren't set in NYC, they're in small towns. How many minorities do you really expect to live in a small mountain town in Colorado?

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of the Family Guy.

Anonymous said...


Recruiter said...

First to whine is the last one to shine.

Anonymous said...

Document Review: When 'As Fast as I Can' Doesn't Cut It

This post yesterday on the Temporary Attorney blog shared a directive sent out via e-mail to contract attorneys handling a "junior" level document review (paying $23 an hour):

Please pick up the pace. They are expecting you to do about 80 docs an hour and all of you are less than half that. Changes will be made soon if this does not change asap.

The tipster forwarding the e-mail added that "every week half the project leaves. We drew a little graveyard with tombstones and the grim reaper on it. Soon, it won't be able to hold all the contract attorney dead."

The demand for the review of "80 docs an hour" highlights the extent to which document review has now been commoditized in the legal world. Despite being a supposedly important part of the discovery and investigative process in legal proceedings, and despite the sometimes dire consequences if the role is not performed correctly, some clients and law firms continue to prioritize speed and cost-savings above all else.

One commenter on the post stated, "Have you ever been on a doc review project? If you have, you might remember that some docs might come with 2 attachments or 30 attachments. If you run into the latter many times over in any given batch you are assigned to review, meeting this goal of 80 docs per hour isn't as obtainable as you make it out to be." Another responded that the expected document review rates on projects he had worked on were well above 100 per hour, even on "the most difficult cases" and "regardless of attachments."

Another commenter seemed to summarize the prevailing outlook among contract attorneys forced to meet such quotas:

It's all quantity over quality now. With outsourcing, you are now competing with the 3rd world LPO mills. The billable hour is dying which is why you are seeing 3rd party outfits (like discoverready) that bill by the document and not by the hour. If they want 1,000 documents, give them 1,000 documents. Scan for keywords, breeze through the pages, and cross your fingers that your name isn't on any privileged documents that get passed through.

Having worked on some massive document reviews myself, I agree that it is unreasonable to believe that reviewers will be able to thoughtfully review documents over any sustained period at those rates. When the documents the attorneys are reviewing become lengthy or complex, and the attorneys simply are not capable of reviewing and coding each one in a minute or so, mandates like the one in the e-mail above force a choice: get fired or perform a woefully deficient review. Call me crazy but I suspect the response in most cases is to not get fired, and rather to take the approach summarized above: "If they want 1,000 documents, give them 1,000 documents."

The Yuppie Attorney said...

It has been my experience that the people who say you are slow neither performed your job nor understand it.

Let the Nigerians rubber stamp the docs without reading them. When it blows up in their faces; remember, your just a temp and its not your concern.

Anonymous said...

Where is this Juristaff project? NYC? DC? Somewhere else?

Baxter Davenport III said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Article from today's ABA journal on $23 rate and doc quotas for contract attornys. Post comments.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I think Juristaff and the representing law firm are doing their client a major disservice. They are sacrificing review quality through inflated production rates and deflated wage rates which encourages reviewer turnover.

I'm sure the agency and firm are both taking a healthy mark-up at the expense of ultimate quality.

So which firm is it?

Anonymous said...

This project sounds like the norm in this field. Tom the temp is ahead of his time, he was talking about this stuff 4 years ago when it was rare to expose the reality of the law world. However, instead of getting better it seems to have gotten worse for the all the ranks... GRACHINESS.

Anonymous said...

1:10 PM

are you kidding?

Do you think they care about work quality?

Actually people doing a good conscientious job might make the project go on for while due to the client agreeing, but the agencies are far too dumb to see this. Tney are as short sighted as can be. Which is why they never say thank you for doing long and hard work for them. They never say, good job we will try to find something else for you when this is over. They act like every job ending is tabula rasa.

Anonymous said...

If the agencies cared about people doing a good job they would never hire the Nigerians. But in practice they are given preference and hired by the boatloads, including their friends and next of kin.
The last job I worked on the Nigerians were always conspicuous by wanting to get the last car service to bill max, and were always yakking on the phone all day.

Anonymous said...

If you reveal the name of the firm, some other bottom feeding agency will call up the firm and inform them that they can provide licensed attorneys who will work for $19 an hour. All the LPO's will be on the phone, as well. It truly is a race to the bottom.

Anonymous said...

hey, i hear electricians can make up to 100k/year...thats pretty you dont have all that nasty debt from a 3rd tier..suckas..

Anonymous said...

I think the project is in NYC based on a contextual evaluation.

The $23 is low --low enough for Pa unemployment at $558/wk (plus $200 weekly additional side income)to be better, as a general rule. ($28/hr is around the cutoff.)

I have seen NYC rates as low as $20, and Philly rates are generally in the mid- to upper 20s. Also the pharma doc review rate for priv is more like 250 for a 7 or 8-hour day, not 150 as someone stated earlier.

Observation: This field is dying (as is the profession) and some of the doc review bosses are real tools. And the Philly market is really small. Really small. But thank you to all for allowing me to save and for enjoying the 2-year benefits of UE, courtesy of the current president and congress. I live well and can do so for several years.

Anonymous said...

your career

David King said...

Hey guys, business as usual on Monday!!

Anonymous said...

David, I cannot believe I wasted over three minutes watching one of those Hudson videos. I especially like highlighting the "background check" process. I know that Hudson has used convicted felons...not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that (New York State Correction Law,Article 23-A, Section 753). Of course they represent that they conduct criminal background checks--they don't actually say they filter out former felons.

Anonymous said...

Hudson hires all kinds of ghetto trash. Hudson like ghetto because they think they are meek and docile and ugly and easily manageable. But once these people get to the actual firm they turn into beasts.

Anonymous said...

Juristaff should take that "staff" in its name and shove it up its uptight behind - or take a laxative. They need to loosen up -

Anonymous said...

Hudson hires the most trash by far.

Anonymous said...

Not sure which is more appropriate, "Whoristaff" or "Juristooge"?

Anonymous said...

1:54 PM - settle down Babu. You have never been on a project here in the USA.

The LPO trolls continue to spin their lies and trash.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Babu. Word is getting out, legal outsourcing is just not worth and the claims fail to live up to expectations. You get what you pay for!

Not to mention the fraud...

Legal pitfalls of outsourcing may outweigh benefits, says Kroll
Author: Sue Reisinger
20 Oct 2009 | 09:26
Companies that choose to outsource work to save money may be buying themselves more legal trouble than it's worth, according to new research.
Kroll's annual global corporate fraud survey, which canvassed more than 700 senior executives worldwide, says that companies often make the decision to outsource "without a thorough assessment of the risks involved in determining what is to be outsourced, and to whom."
The survey cites the 2009 Satyam Computer Services case in India, when the then-fourth largest outsourcing company in the world admitted that it had inflated revenue and profits for years. The corporation was eventually sold to another Indian company.
The report also warns that companies should not assume that the outsourcing business they hire has the same security procedures as their own, citing the 2008 case involving the Bank of New York Mellon, when the bank was the victim of a data breach while under the responsibility of an outsourced company.
In that instance, tapes containing personal banking information of some 12 million customers disappeared during transport to an offsite facility. The bank ended up paying for an internal investigation as well as credit monitoring and other protection for the 12 million customers, even though no misuse of the information was found.
David Holley, senior managing director of Kroll's Boston office, says other areas of the survey also showed interesting trends. For example, the professional services industry - which includes lawyers - saw fraud more than double, with companies reporting an average $2.9m (£1.8m) loss over three years, compared to last year's three-year figure of $1.4m (£860,000).
The most common types of fraud experienced by professional services companies included theft of physical assets, information theft or attack; management conflict of interest; and regulatory or compliance breaches.
Amy Malsin, senior marketing director and US regional head of investigations in New York, says the financial services sector in particular has suffered because the contracting of business has made obvious some frauds that only come to light when the market goes wrong. "It's like they say - when the tide goes out, the rocks are exposed," Malsin explains.
Follow complete coverage from the Association of Corporate Counsel's annual meeting in Boston on

Anonymous said...

Does the video show the cheap saddlebag queens that Hudson likes to hire?

Anonymous said...

Come on, there have to be some good stories coming out of DeNovo...

Anonymous said...

Rather than apply to Juristaff I am just applying for unemployment. Hopefully Obama will offer more and more benefits so I don't have to do this shit job.
For all these people saying better care about doing a good job you obviously have little experience. When is this great day of reckoning coming?

Anonymous said...

I have decided to stare death in the face. With my $200k in Hoftra Law (a good school) loans, alimony, and child support, I am just going bankrupt and applying for whatever government gimmes that I can.
Between offshoring to India and onshoring with the Nigerians, who will all work for peanuts and who the Bar says are the equivalent to my hard earned qualifications, I say FUCK YOU NEW YORK BAR!

The New York Bar threatens to disbar me if I don't do my CLE.

I am not doing any more CLE just as a protest vote. If they disbar me I will sue their ass of and publicize what a scam organization they are.

Also who needs a bar membership?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have decoded to hook for a living. I will use the temp doc review at big firm to fish for big partner and put out for money and work. One year out of work, and I am desperate. In mid age I am OK looking so why not use what you got as they say.

Anonymous said...

There is no organization that has ever done so little - and actually destroyed - its members than the New York Bar. Run by a bunch of thieving rats it's no wonder they are considering admitting ex-murderers and unqualified foreigners.

hang your New York Bar admission on your wall is like posting up your driver's license. Anyone in the world can become a member of this bar - literally.

"I am a doctorate of law. A New York lawyer. It is very prestige."

Anonymous said...

"I am a doctorate of law. A New York lawyer. It is very prestige."
8:13 AM

Except of for you, Babu!

More lame
LPO trolls.

Anonymous said...

Allan Cohen. Discuss.

Anonymous said...

What's up with this fat Indian hedge fund guy who got arrested for insider trading? Raj RajRajRajian? They say he actually LOST $30 million on stocks he got insider tips about.

How can you LOSE money on insider trading? Isn't the point to use the insider info to MAKE money?

And they expect these Indians to review documents properly?

Anonymous said...

I hope I catch Swine Flu and die. Another year of these bullshit clown review shops is more than I can take.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The problem is the CLIENT doesnt see this stuff as serious "legal work," but they change their tune very quickly the minute their attorney client privilege is blown and then they sue everyone is sight faster than you can say JURISTAFF. There have been lawyers disbarred over bad reviews and there have been malpractice cases arising out of this stuff so it is a bit mind boggling that the LAW FIRMS dont get that this actually is legal work. It's the job of the LAW FIRM to explain to the client why this stuff needs to be taken seriously, but they could give two shits too.

You might not get bitten 99 times out of 100 but these people are just playing the odds. The next lawyer who gets disbarred over this stuff should have his face plastered on the Tom the Temp homepage in perpetuity as a warning to all the rest.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for the rude and nasty post of before. It was rude and I do apologize.

Anonymous said...

What? No lawyer has ever been disbarred for a bad doc review.

More temp mythology.

Being disbarred is an honor. Being a member of the New York bar is like being issued a birth certificate or driver's license.

But not the lawyers here quickly scrambling to say how prestige and important they are. They are so desperate to not see the mistakes that they made, and what nothings they are.

Anonymous said...

Why have Emily and her father (Trailer Tom) not contributed to this debate?

GOD'S LAW said...



you might get fired or blacklisted, but no way no way in hell can you get disbarred for miscoding docs.

If you falsify your billing or outright fraud by claiming work days you were not there then maybe,maybe,maybe.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Dearest David,

Watch the movie "Highlander".

Hope you are getting some...


Helga said...

David, David, David,
Where is your broad sword?
Where is your kilt?
Where is your hagus?
Where is your bagpipe?
Where is your single malt?

Beer Guzzler - where is your beer?

Things to do tonight:
hmmmmmmm - must bring monkey chow to the Chimp...

Anonymous said...

Helga yhou are so funny! I am cracking up at your wit!
Feeding the chimp! Oh that's taking David's great Letterman jokes to the next level of brilliant wit.
And Beer Guzzler? Wow is he funny! I've never seen anyone spoof a blue collar white person. It's hilarious.
Keep 'em coming Helga, Emily, David, Beer Guzzler, Lifer.... i didn't know such genius existed in the temp world.

Anonymous said...

Update from the Juristaff ghetto:

This is bullshit.

The direct deposits didn't go through. They beat us into reviewing 80 documents per hour while while having to memorize the environmental Magna Carta. ARGHH!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Funniest article about unemployed lawyers EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

OH SHIT ive been out time to catch up on my


Anonymous said...

I'd like to yank out the brat Lisa's teeth with a rusty wrench.

No more teeth, no more braces.

Rory The Retard said...

Emily came down with STD contracted by fucking one of her gangbanging uncles. [pictures on my blog]. I didn't contribute anything because I don't know nuthin about this organization called Jewistaff. They sound like cunts, though.
I still say you Yankee lawyers are gettin' fucked...there's a better life than sittin' in a hell hole getting haemorrhoids.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it some poor hapless newbie shmo got fired from a firm in Richmond VA - was it UnClearLyin' aka N. Korea? - FOR EATING FOOD at his or her desk.

And we heard that reviewers must LOG OFF when using the rest rooms!

Now that's great management! Way to motivate those JD's and $15/hr college grads. They WISH they could review just 80 docs an hour!

Anonymous said...

I got a call from Jewistaff yesterday. They did not originally call me for this project - but sounds like they are looking to hire new people. I will NOT be signing up with these assholes as I would rather sit at home and starve and keep my dignity intact than get fucked up the ass by their New Joisy bitches. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Anonymous said...

I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!

Anonymous said...

I'm the "team leader" on the project that prompted the original posting. I could give details to place both the attorneys' and client's expectations in proper context, but the conversation long ago veered away from this specific project. I will say that this is not a straightforward responsive/nonresponsive review. I will also say that the pay is low, but that is less a function of the agency than of the legal market in general. The extensive layoffs at Big Law earlier in the year added thousands of Ivy League, former associates (including me) to the doc review work force at a time demand was already lagging. Market forces pushed rates far below what they were only a year and a half ago. Demand is now picking up, rates are rising and, consequently, projects that don't pay market rates are suffering significant attrition. There has even been a raise on this project. Is it great? No. But it beats the $500 a week NY pays in unemployment.

Emily said...

The "animals" as we like to call them upstairs are required to code through 120 documents per hour. If any of them have a problem with it, they can go back to pasture at the unemployment office.

Anonymous said...

"You should get cancer! I hope you get cancer!"

beerguzzlingtemp said...

Here is some rate deflation. Cocksuckers.


Date: 2009-10-23, 3:00PM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]


Currently sourcing PARALEGALS & JD's with CONCORDANCE EXPERIENCE for 100+ person document review starting TUESDAY. OCTOBER 27th.


There are two shifts:

9am to 5:30pm RATE: $20.00/hr

6pm to 2:30am RATE: $22.00/hr

Please submit your resume for immediate consideration - Please indicate which shift you are interested in and refer to the "CONCORDANCE PROJECT" in the subject line.

Thank you!

highschoolteacher said...

If they leave, isn't it their choice? Who gives a fuck?

Anonymous said...

I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!
I got haemorrhoids doing doc review in hell hole!!

Anonymous said...

These $20 jobs are only possible because certain temps (the Nigerians being the worst) allow it. Hence Bloomberg and Roberrt Half can only pay $18. Is it better than doing nothing?

Sometimes it is better to do nothing or to do something else.

From my experience on many doc reviews, while there are the brain dead Nigerians, there are the majority of smart very cynical people who want to max out their pay and benefits. They also complain on the job which is good, and make everyone complain.

The positive result is that if there is enough basic work to do rates and conditions are going to have to get better. There are enough firms and agencies that no India sucks and who will never send their work there. Plus cannot charge their margins as much.

What this website does is create a consciousness among law temps and sends a message to the law firms and agencies that there will be some price to pay by trying to run us into the ground.

The agencies as far as I have seen are run by nasty, selfish bitccccccches who are stupid slits.

Anonymous said...

License? We don't need no stinkin' license! Get me to Bangalore!

Anonymous said...

$200k in loans for $23 an hour! I'd take that deal in a...well, actually no thanks.

Polyester Polly said...

Things are picking up for sho'. Projects are coming - only problem is you'll have to work with my friends - the Saddlebag Queens [pictures on my blog]. Now as you may know these ladies get paid but they are not there to do actual work. So please don't piss them off by asking them to do something. They are there to talk to their "man" on their cell phone, trips to Mickey D's and Payless. Please be kind to them - as they are angry and unhappy.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's better to stay at home and work on long-term plans/business. These type of projects only hurt your morale, motivation and confidence. First, you will have to work with morons, walk on eggshells [god forbid you come across as a normal ambitious person, you will be eaten alive by the lazy ghettos for making them look bad], second you will be treated like shit by the firm and agency. I'm staying home and working on more substantive things. Fuck this shit - this is for losers - I need to get out of temping ASAP.

Anonymous said...

"lazy ghettos"- Babu, you have never worked on a temp project in NYC. You are nothing but a liar and a fraud.

Anyone with an attitude on a temp project is weeded out. Those that survive are those that do what they're asked, stay quiet with their heads down and do the work.

Once again, you have never even been to NYC, nevermind have a JD, US license or even an LLM and bar passage (which even the saddlebag queens and the Nigerians have). You none of it.

Keep your fanciful tales to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone contemplated an annoymous letter to the Judge that the document review is being run on a basis that is substantially incompetent at those rates?

Anonymous said...

Hastings to 50K! Are you fucking kidding me?????????? 250K in debt to earn 23 fuckin bucks an hour!!!!! The lazy drugged out bums that defecate outside on the sidewalk are better off than the morons entering into that diploma mill. At least Obama will provide the bums with housing vouchers and free health care. The Hasting grads will be working with fat saddlebag queens in the doc review ghetto. ROFL!!!!!

Anonymous said...

6:45. You sound like a real loser. I am sorry for you. You probably have no skills hence doc review seems like the ultimate in legal work. I am white American with a JD from Michigan so I have options and find doc review offensive. Not babuu or whatever that word you use.

Helga said...

Tell it to the judge, Juristaff Monkeys...

Anonymous said...

Doc review is offensive.
The biggest problem is the agencies. They are such charlatans, with bitches haranguing you and trying to make you feel worthless. When will they call you again with the hours and rate reduction, cutting bodies and weekends, shortening the job, or complaining about your dress or something you supposedly did.

In any profession, people help to build a REPUTATION and CREDIT from a job well done. The opposite in doc review: doing a good job is punished and the agencies never remember you or call you with more work when the project is over.

Anonymous said...

1:41- I had no idea the agencies could just shorten your job. Does this mean if my firm calls for temps, the agency will just tell my temps not to come in even though our project is ongoing?

How can we stop the agency from telling our temps the job is shortened when we are expecting them to keep coming in?


Anonymous said...

We are all fucked.

Anonymous said...

Forget a jobless recovery. The economy may be entering a recovery with job losses.

Third-quarter estimates this week are expected to show that the economy grew for the first time since the quarter ending in June 2008. Despite the estimated 3 percent expansion and a stock market that has been on a tear since March, hundreds of thousands of people are still being laid off each month.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

The world is too cruel. I am leaving for Chile - to disppear in the mountains and never be seen again. All this is a sham. Away from this rat race I will be free and all things I need will be free. Air. sunshine, my goat and hut. Adios Amigos - enjoy Big Law and Big Cunts.

Anonymous said...

Big Law, Big Cunts, Big Egos, Big Retards, Big Ghettos - small hearts.

Helga said...

Im a monkey
Im a monkey
Im a monkey man
Im a monkey man
Im a monkey...

Helga said...

4:22 (the Chilean Jeramiah Johnson) - good luck with that.

Helga said...

Take the Preparation H Quiz!!

Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids!

Wanna see hemorrhoids? Visit my blog...

Emily said...

4:22 - Don't let the door hit you on the way out, amigo. Take your swine flu home with you.

Anonymous said...

10:40 AM - Your post was unintelligible. Please attempt to be coherent next time.

Helga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Helga said...

A Tale of Two Document Coders

She was hormonal
He was depressed
They met on this blog
They took the Preparation H Test.

They lived off doc review
For years and years it seemed.
But they died from the swine flu
Contracted in some dank and dark
Sub basement sweatshop

Valvina cried at their wake
Big Mama cried into her chicken bucket
Lifer read the eulogy
Beer Guzzler read the prayers
David Letterman told some jokes
Emily sent a magnum of champaigne
Better Coder tried to get layed but Big Mama wasn't in the mood.

The end.

Anonymous said...

Very nice Miss Helga. On a dismal note, after months of lolling around jobless I am finally going to work tomorrow - the money is OK but I am told there are many nasty, moody saddlebag queens on the project. I am celebrating my last night of freedom and happiness by eating a lot of ice cream. I hope I come out alive after working with these ghetto cunts.

Helga said...

7:50 - Best of luck on the new project and enjoy your ice cream! Sweet dreams. Time for the football game!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, your data is safe in India, LOL!

I can only imagine what happens to privilege and confidential data being reviewed in the LPOs. You get what you pay for, LOL!

AHMEDABAD: Three persons were arrested from the city after a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) company in Vastrapur lodged a complaint against them, accusing them of data theft. The stolen data, said police, was extremely valuable. Vastrapur police station officials have booked the trio for theft and breach of trust.

According to police officials, the BPO authorities lodged a complaint against two employees, Sheral Thakar, working with the networking department of the company, and Rahul Zatakiya, working with web development department, along with Abhijit Ghosle, a former employee of the company on Friday for the theft of data from the company database.

The theft was going on for almost three months in which, according to officials, the company lost thousands of virtual datasheets. As per ongoing rate, a complete database fetches US $ 5 to $ 6 in international market. The officials maintained that the theft has not yet resulted into financial loss but virtual loss is inevitable.

"After leaving the company, Ghosle started a new venture in the same business getting database and maintaining it for the telephone marketing in the city. We had no problems with that. However, what he did was not professional. He knew of the company's reputation and the importance of the database we have. He approached two of our employees who had access to raw and processed data and got them to help him," said a senior official from the company.

The company did not get the wind of the business till recently. "We started getting complaints of improper work as well as duplication of data. We immediately placed a check on the system and put firewalls in place. We got to know that someone from inside was involved. We kept a tab on the duo and managed to reach the root of the problem," said the official.

BK Purohit, inspector of Vastrapur police station told TOI that the trio has been nabbed and booked for theft and breach of trust. He said provisions of IT (Amendment) Act, 2008 were not applied in the case since there had been no mention of financial loss in the complaint.

Anonymous said...

The agencies shorten jobs all the time.
They also never tell you how long it will last and tell you the last day it is over. This is to prevent you from finding another job.
Get cancer and die!

Anonymous said...

Oh also the same firms and agencies which do this, i.e. never give you advanced notice when a job will end, tell you you will be blacklisted if you leave early or take another job (even if better paying). A one way street.

Anonymous said...

Kingston Lets Go Hey, hey, hey Red One Hey Hey Shawty got that super thing Hotter than the sun of south in spain Got me soon as I walked through the door

Anonymous said...


This is why you should stop temping and find a regular job.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind the negative trolls. Agencies are fine for the most part, but the era of the dominance of the NYC temps firms like Update, is over.

Now NYC projects are being sourced from Michigan, Florida or North Carolina.

Not to mention that US based outsourced shops like (Moron Consulting and shovel ready.

Anonymous said...

Top 15 law school grad doesn't know what bar admission "pending" is.....hahahahahahaha. what a f'ing JOKE.


"Top 15 Law School Graduate Seeks Entry-Level Experience in Legal Field.

New York State Bar License Pending.

Paralegal, Law Clerk, Entry Level Associate/Attorney, Legal Research and Writing, Document Review, etc.

Contract, Temporary, or Part-time OKAY

Analytical background in Mathematics, Economics, and Business. Fast Learner, Self-motivated, Willing to work hard hours and long hours.

Do not hesitate to contact me"

Anonymous said...

U.S. in irreversible geopolitical decline...

Time for us to disengage from all deadweight, including fossil fuels, too-big-to-fail banking, and an absurd dedication to that strip of deserty land on the east coast of the Mediterranean!!!

Anonymous said...

I am surprised. The Philly JuriStaff office are pretty decent.

Anonymous said...

Juristaff has a project in which it is offering to pay $23 and hr then give you a $7 bonus for each hour you have worked if you stay at least 4 weeks. Is this the same project that was discussed by helpme123 on Oct 19th?

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