Thursday, July 09, 2009

Pope Says Outsourcing Is Immoral

"The pope laments the decline of the social welfare state and praises the 'importance' of labor unions to protect workers. Without stable work, he notes, people lose hope and tend not to get married and have children.

But he also wrote that 'The so-called outsourcing of production can weaken the company’s sense of responsibility towards the stakeholders — namely the workers, the suppliers, the consumers, the natural environment and broader society — in favor of the shareholders.'"


Anonymous said...

The ABA is the devil!

Anonymous said...

When did the Pope become an expert on trade and economic issues?

Anonymous said...

I am not very religious, but I seriously think it wouldn't hurt to have a Catholic priest sprinkle holy water and exorcise the demons out of the Sullivan basement. Adultery, lust, greed, substance abuse, depression........ You have everything down there.

Anonymous said...

Tom, have you just given up on your site? You cut and paste a statement from someone else (L4L, the Pope), then let the comments devolve into AutoAdmit-esque juvenile idiocy.

I've noticed that agencies and law school sock puppets don't even bother to troll here anymore--they don't have to waste time trying to discredit responses that are already the intellectual equivalent of diarrhea.

Anonymous said...

christie julian at update legal is a dumb fat cow!!!!
fuck you

Anonymous said...

who's a dumb fat cow?
christie julian at update that's who

Anonymous said...

We need another religious leader like Bush, the borders aren't opened wide enough.

Anonymous said...


My name is, chebo heechup Akanumbobe, I am a collegues from Nigerian. My travel back has been delayed and I must deposit settlement check draft prior to 22:00 hours. If you help expedite this for me I shall compensate you with a wire from my firm this day. I am involved in major conferences today so email is only way I can communicate. I will need you bank info and social security and pin to facilitate this transfer. Thank you for your assistance.

Yours with respect,
Barundi deSebaddido
First Assistant deputy to Barrister
royal order supreme court of the common wealth
3rd Duke of Popeyes, king of daBurger and president elect of Akrica decheembo

Anonymous said...

I have met Akun, and is most revered and reputable litigator of Nigeria. Please assist hommin this matter.

Chancellor King George Jefferson Washington Lincoln Bundundi, ESA.,Mca., ddssd, od, SD, the 3rd.

Anonymous said...

It's great to read the comments from the Pope. It provides further spiritual buttressing to the fact that outsourcing based on greed. Greed, as most know is one of the seven deadly sins.

In our b ottom line culture, the downsides of greed are rarely examined. Outsourcing/offshoring is the worst kind of economy destroying, craven greed.

Go ahead and attack the messengers as those above do. Doing so only casts you in unfavorable light.

Its good to know the. Pope has given this important topic his attention. We all know the horrificly destructive effects that outsourcing has had on the US economy.

Anonymous said...


I hope this message finds you well collegues. It had Bern sometime since we enjoyed working on that matter, but I now hold funds for you. Please advise with bank info and pin, as well ad Amex number so that I can provide remittance.

Chooba debeers "Coco" Eabilo Warren Harding
chief of staff
1st Circuit Superior Justice Department Council Clerk Bank

Anonymous said...

God bless the rains down in Africa,
god bless the rain in Africa
more coding than a hundred white men could ever do
god bless the rain in Africa

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"

Anonymous said...

End days nears.

Anonymous said...

The good old US of A was, and is not, a social welfare state. So His verbiage on this issue does not apply to this country. Remember, we are independent, self-reliant people.

You can't have it both ways: On the one hand blame the lack of financial regulation for our current economic state and, on the other, blast people for wanting to regulate Wall Street.

Anonymous said...

You can't have it both ways: On the one hand blame the lack of financial regulation for our current economic state and, on the other, blast people for wanting to regulate Wall Street.


Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ you guys worry about some of the stupidist things. No one is going to outsource attorneys work. That's why the state bar (not the worthless ABA) disbars attorneys for facilitating the unauthorized practice of law, and the state courts charge people with felonys (sometimes including jail time) for engaging in the practice of law without a license.

Even fooling around with monkey coding work is pushing the line when it comes to this stuff.

Anonymous said...


Regardless of whether or not the "good old US of A" is or ever was a "social welfare state", the truth of the matter is that it should be.

So we must move forward now to incrementally make it one. I am dead serious about this; if we do not change our ways radically, there will be no "US of A" to speak of in 10 years.

Anonymous said...

Many of the large firms are pushing document review off shore. There are plenty of reviews, but they are only looking for people that speak languages that are hard to find in India.

Anonymous said...

You can't have it both ways: On the one hand blame the lack of financial regulation for our current economic state and, on the other, blast people for wanting to regulate Wall Street.


Not only do we see racists, facists and sexists all over this site, we also see illiterates here. What a fucking joke we are. Ha Ha Ha.

Anonymous said...

Of course there are illiterates because the Nigerians are here.

Anonymous said...

"I've noticed that agencies and law school sock puppets don't even bother to troll here anymore"

Go to the Axiom posting they are there every morning with their line of bull.

Anonymous said...


That exact issue has been brought up many times here before. I guess you're a newbie.

Anonymous said...

I think the "joke," 11:46, is that it is unlikely that the same people would both blame a lack of regulation for the economic collapse and blast a demand for more regulation. Generally, the people who blast the demand for more regulation think that it was too much regulation that led us into catastrophe in the first place, not too little. Now do you get it?

Anonymous said...

"Chooba debeers "Coco" Eabilo Warren Harding
chief of staff
1st Circuit Superior Justice Department Council Clerk Bank"

You forgot a title like "His Excellency" or "The Honorable".
The Nigerians always have some ridiculous title like the Natives people meet on Gilligans Island or "The Island of Dr. Moreau".

The Yuppie Attorney said...

It's unclear from the article given if the Pope is talking about the USA, EU, Germany, or generally anybody.

Historically, Popes have been "greased" in the past to change a decision, e.g., divorces, usury, or assorted violations. So, his decision may change. He must feel is base or money stream is in jeopardy, and or the act is so abhorrent he just can't ignore it, e.g., nuclear weapons, abortion, or slavery etc..

It would be interesting to note if the Vatican or church outsources or will stop doing outsourcing.

Anonymous said...

tastee fuck and suck today,

16ave. And 78th street

The Yuppie Attorney said...

In a previous comment some noted that we don't talk about Agencies anymore. I hope this trend does not continue. A knowledge of who s**ks and who is half way decent is valuable!

Anonymous said...

Seriously what doc reviews are going on in NYC right now?
agency, numbers, rates?

Anonymous said...

I love nigeriaz

Anonymous said...

The tides of darkness are upon us.

Anonymous said...

I think the pope means "offshoring"

Anonymous said...

"No one is going to outsource attorneys work. "

Hi, New York Bar!
Hi, ABA opinion writer!

Anonymous said...


Over at Cravvie, there's a lot of doc review goin' on... Just check with Skeeter, Lil' Kim and the Snuff Man! They'll hook you up!!

Anonymous said...

Like anyone in the ABA is going to listen to the Pope. Half of them are probably jewish.

Anonymous said...

this site has turned into such a piece of troll infested crap that you gotta believe that Axiom is now running it just to completely discredit anyone who criticizes them.

this site used to be useful - now it's just an embarrasing and degrading piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

This site allows me to keep tabs on where Big Mamma is so I don't get eaten.

Anonymous said...

I am a "J.D." attorney and have been doing doc reviews on and off since graduating from Touro. I have $100,000 in debts in default, court ordered child support (my wife convinced the judge I was a "rich lawyer with great potential"),and can't even file for bankruptcy. I am at the end of my rope.

Honestly hearing the Pope's words gives me a little inspiration. Maybe time for me to look to religion for answers. I think this Pope is a serious thinker who maybe hears about the troubles people like temps are facing.

Anonymous said...

"this site used to be useful - now it's just an embarrasing and degrading piece of shit."

P.S. I'm from Lagos.

Anonymous said...

Yes everyone knows that things like the FBI website citing the Nigerian damage to the U.S. economy is false. Should not print facts like this. Just say how "nice" and "uncomplaining" Nigerian temps are.

Anonymous said...

What is Father Eamon's take on this papal declaration?

Recruiter said...

Job candidates should never bring religion into the equation. Attending church service on Sunday morning is fine, as long you provide both me and the client with written notice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
this site has turned into such a piece of troll infested crap that you gotta believe that Axiom is now running it just to completely discredit anyone who criticizes them.

That was my suspicion as well--either some agency, or, by the tenor of much of the trolling, some Indian LPO trying to take the heat off.

Anonymous said...

the pope is making $22.50 in connecticut

Anonymous said...

The most interesting comments on this blog are made by "Recruiter," and the most intelligent and logical by "Dave Moss."

Anonymous said...

Say what you will this site makes me laugh - no one else has the guts to call out the asshole recruiters and the ghettos that people of such fine sensibilities like us have to put up with.
It is because of this site I have temporarily delayed my plans to end it all. At least others feel my pain as well.

Suicidal Temp Attorney

Anonymous said...

The Pope is making $22.50 in CT and was slapped with a dress code violation by Update.

Anonymous said...

Father Eamon had diarrhea today and is resting but will be up later to comment.

Thank you for your patience.

Sister Marie-Agnes

Anonymous said...

CWT 2006 slut associate moved to another firm and is sucking Partners' cocks to get ahead.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Say what you will this site makes me laugh

Children and shut-ins often laugh at their own jokes. So?

beerguzzlingtemp said...

The Pope is correct. His comments are a few years too late.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Papal Father. Outsourcing does negatively affect a community. However, that is what the Dogs of Capitalism have decreed and it does not really matter what the Pope has to say on this topic.

Between you and me, and may the Lord forgive me for what I am about to say, the Pope's verdicts can often be achieved through suitable "donations", if you know what I mean. Mr. Yuppie Attorney is right.

This old chap may say one thing today and another tomorrow depending on who is filling the coffers at the Holy City. So please do not depend on him to be any sort of champion for this cause. Tomorrow some sleazy law firm partner with a tawdry mistress and a sweatshop in India may make a donation to the Holy Father and he will do an about turn.

Look in your own hearts for spiritual guidance. God resides in there.

May the Lord Have Mercy on all of us....

Father Eamon

Anonymous said...

Not just any sleazy law firm partner, but a law firm partner that beats the shit out of his wife on a repeated basis and doesn't get disbarred, while someone who can't pay his student loans does.

.. said...

Yeah, at least my dad didn't hit my mom. Actually she hit him a couple of times.

.. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

FUCK NEW YORK LAW SCHOOL! While that Lesbo Nadine Strossen was helping to bail out terrorists, the crooked dean was ripping off young people with fradulent career stats, and then investing the ill-gotten gains in Bernie Madoff!

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"

Suicidal Temp said...

Fuck you Dave Moss - one more negative son of a bitch!

Let's discuss something of consequence like jobs out there.

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"

Anonymous said...

Dave Moss looks like a sick donkey.

Anonymous said...

Close down New York Law School!

Anonymous said...

This coming from a guy who has a security detail to match the president of the United States and drives in a bullet proof Mercedes Benz and has a campy wardrobe that is on par with Elton John. Fuck him. I suggest he clean his own house and that luxury condo he lives in called the Papal Palace.

Anonymous Lapsed Catholic ex-lawyer.