"Let me begin by saying that De Novo's Houston office once had a respectable reputation amongst document review contract attorneys. However, there is a new project manager at the Houston office (A. F.) and she is running the office into the ground. Beware of accepting a document review position at De Novo: Houston because you may be signing up to work in a modern day sweatshop. While working there on a project that averaged between 50 and 100 attorneys (the number of attorneys on the project fluctuated weekly) I experienced and/or observed the following:
1. A complete lack of respect for contractors as individuals;
2. Internet access was removed from each computer workstation;
3. Approx 100 attorneys had to access the internet through only 1 computer;
4. Talking was not allowed and seating arrangements were often shuffled in an effort to discourage conversation between attorneys;
5. The work schedule was sporadic at best. Some days you worked, other days you were laid off, then you would be called back to work, only to be laid off again...and sometimes all this would happen in the course of a week and there was at least one occasion where this happened during the course of one work day.
6. Some days there would be no water to drink and the project manager's response to that would be that it is not De Novo's job to make it's contract attorneys comfortable.
7. Attorneys were told to close the blinds in their room, because the project manager did not want them looking at other attorneys through the window. One contract attorney made an effort to simply waive hello at the other attorneys she could see through her window and the project manager closed the blinds and scolded the attorney for communicating with other attorneys.
8. Some attorneys had to work in small conference rooms with NO AIR CONDITIONING during June in Houston. There were other workstations available for these attorneys working without air conditioning, but because of De Novo's desire to keep talking to a minimum the attorneys had to work without air conditioning for several days...that's right...a modern day sweatshop....contract document review attorneys working without air conditioning in the HOUSTON HEAT !!!"
Same stuff different city. Yawn! If you hate it, quit. The have probaly 2000 more attys in their database ready to start the project.
Hello Sandrine this is Houston, copy?
What do you expect of DeNovo?
They need to export Sandrine's Carribean butt over to Houston.
Then she can bring over the Nigerians who are used to the heat and working in the field. They don't talk much and what they say is unintelligible. There will never, ever be document issues.
Sounds just like LeClairRyan here in Richmond, VA
We used to have a former fellow reviewer - who was elevated to Staff Attorney - walk over to our cubicle and ask "Is everything all right here?" if we spoke to each other or if we merely asked a brief question about the weather forecast. Nazis! Fascists! Two computers for 100 people at that fantastic establishment...
The good/bad news is UnClearLyin' is now hiring dozens of college kids at $15 an hour to replace the attorneys. Hooray!
And it's spelled 'Sandrene' - you imbecilic racist nutless fop.
De Novo- what a joke!!! At least in New York - you are in if you are a fat saddlebag queen because then you are friend's with their infamous recruiter.
If you are actually nice and decent and hard-working you might have a harder time getting placed.
Excuse me for not showing due respect to the important "Sandrine".
Speaking of Nazis, look at yourself in the mirror sucker.
The agencies are happy to have people like you to keep enforcing the low standards.
Note you never said you quit. You're still staying on the job helping the agencies out to screw the temps.
all proper respect MUST be accorded to the great Sandreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeene.
I was actually complementing her Carribean ass (fat ass). Because brothers like that, also Update titty action.
In Richmond, VA we still practice slavery. Like Thomas Jefferson.
Reconstruction? Never heard of dat.
It's Sandrene, not Sandrine.
Houston, we have a problem.
Big Mamma's fat ass got diverted out of orbit and may crash into the earth.
Thanks for your report.
De Novo Houston is surely not the same since the previous director (Fernneth Ramnath) left the office.
Fernneth and her fair and reasonable treatment and respect to contract attorneys provided the Houston Office with its good reputation.
Back then we had:
1. Internet connection and free access to our e-mail at the workstation.
2. A free lunch (hosted and paid for by De Novo) every Friday.
3. Full respect and fair treatment of attorneys (not a sweatshop environment).
4. Plenty of water, vitamin C, fruit, candies, and other snacks for free in the backroom.
5. A comfortable, positive, productive working environment.
When I was there under that nice regime, I would not mind coming to work on the weekend or even working late.
Now, Aimee Fortier (the new director and the project manager) is running it with an iron fist.
A fair question to ask:
How can you have a fair and balanced point of view about the project when you are both the Director of the office and the project manager at the same time?
To me, this is a power-hungry person who is corrupted by power and her reign of terror will continue as long as people is putting up with it.
To me, it is a totalitarian regime running at that office.
The obvious solution is to boycott this office and find work elsewhere.
Without reviewers, the Houston office cannot work or take on projects.
Just my two cents.
"Without reviewers, the Houston office cannot work or take on projects."
Don't count on it. Sandrene will bring down her Nigerian posse from NYC. Texas and the south are more adapted to plantation sweatshops anyway.
Sandrene or Sadrine - who the fuck cares. Like we give a shit!!
Either way she is the same - pally pally with saddelbag queens.
I will never quite understand how "wet behind the ears" document review supervisors actually believe they are accomplishing something positive for the client by being a despot.
Conscientiousness in coding is NOT enhanced by treating attorneys like grade school children. When the attitude of the group deteriorates to the "why should I give a damn" level, quality work becomes the ultimate victim.
Great a great! Export Sandrene's Nigerians to Houston.
Better yet, why not load Sandrene onto the USS De Novo? She can roll along the coast of Nigeria and try to nab some slaves to bring back to the Houston plantation, and she can carry over some exported worthless American TTT degrees in the cargo hold. Bring back mercantilism!
LOL! Nigerians don't need ttt degrees. They just go undergrad and take US llm to practice law in the US. The vast majority don't have JDs. They just work their llm scam in states like NY that stupid enough to allow them to sit for the bar.
Another failed organiZation, the NY Bar.
Exactly. It's a scandal. Nigeria is an oil rich nation. Bush and his cronies had to bride and extort the corrupt officials over there with extra visas, so the Nigerians coming over here aren't exactly on the up and up. They come over here with their b.s. "college" degrees, spend a year on a crap LLM, and are eligible to sit for the bar. Half of them can't even read/speak proper English, and spend a large chunk of the time on the projects trying to cook up even MORE schemes on how to con the American people. The firms love them because they provide a fraudulent veneer of diversity, and unlike the American African Americans like Yolanda Young, they don't demand things.
Hope you all had a spectacular July 4th holiday. The beach was AMAZING!
I am kind of swamped today. If I am not able to return your call, please understand that due to the July 4th holiday, payroll will have to be delayed this week. Also, as a reminder, due to the souring economy, July 4th will no longer be considered a "holiday" for PTO purposes. Thank you all for your hard work!
Congrats, Recruiter, you don't even hold a GED yet you can still staff temp assignments! have a lemon drop on me! end of days nears..sadness..
What's worse? Legal recruiters, or real estate salesmen?
No SandrEne the great Carribean warrior queen must be accorded the proper respect.
"Donts you diss me honky!"
Nigeria is a premier jurisdiction for legal professionals.
Lawyers are very prestigious there.
In law school, they learn rule:
#1 - the government is always right
#2 - if private parties only, it's an auction to see who bribes the judge the most.
I am Nigerian.
Lagos is far, far, superieur to America.
Lagos is the promised land.
Well said 1:28 PM..they're both unnecessary middlemen, most are inept and petty..as the economy worsens recruiters will fall and be axed..ppl have realized again that direct hire is easier and saves $$ ..recruiters watch your backs!! end times are coming!! get on that government cheese line!
Many Japanese LLM's also take the New York bar.
But they never work in New York.
It's only for their meishi (business card).
Because in Japan they actually have an economy of THINKING HUMAN BEINGS and have jobs.
Nigeria and Mexico are shitty because their people SUCK THE BIG ONE and we should not be giving them visas except to return back to their dog-shit country a la "AMISTAD".
The New York Bar sucks!!
Giving out fucking bar admissions to the scum of the world, without having to qualify the way our own citizens do.
It's a scandal, plain and simple. A lot of these corporations know what they are doing is slimy. Imagine what must be in some of these Countrywide documents that are being reviewed right now? Why not mark a smoking document non-responsive and if the shit hits the fan say that a Nigerian NY barred "attorney" who can't even read English marked it so?
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
As if we need to bring in foreigners from africa to work in law firms. Its ridiculous.
Its just more of the same cost cutting bullshit. These people should be sent home.
It would be great if the NYSBA and the ABA would stand up for the rank and file american lawyer and not for the greedy assholes that ruined our country.
Ebough is enough.
So the saddlebag queens are getting edged out by the nigerians? Interesting.
Quit. What's the issue? Don't want to be blackballed by an agency you don't want to work for?
I knew a Nigerian guy on one of these projects back in '06. He used to brag about how he was able to obtain mortgages on 5 homes. 5 homes!!!!!, and he isn't even an American citizen! The corporations in order to make money are opening the flood gates to foreign parasites!
Hard to imagine that Obama and the dems will do anything to stop the flow llm fraudsters.
Please, like Bush gave a rat's ass either.
Hate is what gets me through the day.
In 2006 even my RAT could get a mortgage.
At least hate is better than indifference - hate means that you actually care and want things to be better as opposed to stunned swine just wallowing in the filth without consciousness.
I'm glad to see American xenophobia is alive and well on this pathetic site.
Seriously, some of you are the most ignorant pieces of shit I've ever encountered.
See, that is how the corporations have programmed us to rig the system. Watering down wages and labor standards through the use of cheap, foreign labor is now considered somehow racist.
Right, there is no debate allowed. Instead you are shouted down and called a racist. Its very orwellian.
The corporations are racist, targeting exploitab le third worlders as replacement for American workers. Have you seen Flint Michigan? All of the factories are moving overseas and these truculent pigs still went out of business.
Using foreign scab workers is just a ploy to line the pockets of the already extremely wealthy CEOs. Do they need that third Aspen ski chalet?
It's real simple to solve this problem with DeNovo. Send out a bunch of resumes from work then quit as soon as you find another job.
Russia and India said the world economy is too reliant on the U.S. dollar and called for changes in how $6.5 trillion in currency reserves are managed, as Group of Eight leaders prepare to meet this week.
“The dollar system or the system based on the dollar and euro have shown that they are flawed,” Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview with Corriere della Sera, repeating his proposal for a new international reserve currency.
Suresh Tendulkar, an economic adviser to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, said in a July 3 interview that he is urging his nation to diversify its foreign holdings away from the dollar.
I'm being denied a job because American employers are favoring third-world workers like Indians, Pakistanis, etc. to save a couple of bucks. I'm now poverty stricken thanks to outsourcers like Pangea3, an Indian outsourcing firm (which has offices in midtown Manhattan!!)
I'm entirely within my rights to hate U.S. firms which have denied me employment!!!!
According to online sources, former Am Law 100 firm Cahill Gordon laid off an undisclosed number of associates last week, with second-years particularly targeted.
Those laid off have been offered severance packages, but no details are available.
Don't forget the only one working bathroom on the floor for 100+ attorneys, or advertising the project as 5-6 days a week, then telling people who got on if they couldn't work 7 days a week they'd be fired. De Novo treats you like a child.
4:10 said "Seriously, some of you are the most ignorant pieces of shit I've ever encountered."
Thank you. But no one really cares what you think. Kiss my smelly saggy loser broke temp ass. Ha, ha...
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
You this is Joey Cappuci from New Joisey again. Youz alls educated types are killin' yourself in these hot muggy sweatshops with ugly big-assed broads managin youz all and fuckin' with you... Come on over to NJ, sonny's join Don Cappuci's "sanitation mangement business" [ya get what I am sayin', wink, wink]. We need some smart pant lawyers. You will make a hellluva lot more and get some smokin' gumbas to suck your dick as well, I sez. Why youz stuck with ugly losers???
Typical Texas anti-worker mentality.
The Texas "managerial" class despises workers of any type, be they low-skilled farm or domestic workers, poultry plant or foodservice workers, retail workers, or highly-educated attorneys doing temp work.
It's all the same to them. The idea is to exploit, exploit, exploit!
My job ended this morning and I came home and after stressing about how I was going to pay the mortgage in two weeks I chugged down two bottles of red truck wine. My wife came home and found me passed out on the couch at 4 pm. She called me a worthless drunk, and I referred to her as a money grubbing whore.
My buddy said he would never work at the DeNovo Houston office again. He said it was a shithole and a sweatshop. The Houston DeNovo cock review shop monitors your every move and how many cocks you review.
Right, there is no debate allowed. Instead you are shouted down and called a racist. Its very orwellian.
The corporations are racist, targeting exploitab le third worlders as replacement for American workers. .
Using foreign scab workers is just a ploy to line the pockets of the already extremely wealthy CEOs
Yep, If you complain about hte foreign cheap labor neoslaves, you are demonized as a racist.
But where did that cultural rule come from? From the top, from the corporate media, from corporate hollywood, from corporate-sponsored academia.
The rich and powerful want as many different races and cultures as possible here in America. It reduces wages, and increases profits.
Also, the more different races and cultures, the less unity there is among the populace, which means that we cannot now organize against the rich and powerful.
Look at the small nations of western europe--until very recently they were all of one race and culture. That was how they won the social benefits and high wages they now have.
Diversity is strength--for the rich.
I've found the following to be an excellent technique for even the most unruly children:
4. Talking was not allowed and seating arrangements were often shuffled in an effort to discourage conversation between attorneys;
"I'm glad to see American xenophobia is alive and well on this pathetic site."
Yes, everything said is "so untrue".
None of these countries do shit for America, just take, and are our diplomatic enemies and train terrorists.
What the hell does the U.S. get from letting these Nigerian Zulu's into America? They're not even grateful.
Go to hell Nigeria,and Obama white voters!
But yes to Indian and Chinese please come here more.
"Joey Cappuci from New Joisey " is ok because it is ridiculing a white Italian.
But god forbid you imitate the unintelligible, jungle accent of Sandrene's Jamaicans and Nigerian Zulus. No, that's raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist. You're so racist.
But how can you SAY that???
"Suresh Tendulkar, an economic adviser to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, said in a July 3 interview that he is urging his nation to diversify its foreign holdings away from the dollar."
India is the biggest shit hole country on earth.
It is the shit of the shit of the shit.
Plus they hate Americans and are U.S. worst enemy.
Henry Kissinger has said this many times.
3:37. It's the same when thin girls should not say anything to fat girls, when beautiful people should say anything to the ugly, when the rich should not say anything to the poor, the strong should not say anything to the weak.
The rule of civilized society is that if you have the "power" you should at least just act nice to those who don't. It's the same what you were taught in kindergarten. Don't be nasty to those less than you.
face it - attorneys are the scourge of this country. And now there's at least a 100,000 surplus.
If 100,000 attorneys were to quit the profession and go get honest work the country would be a lot better off.
Face the facts - the reason you are doing shitwork is because you're not good enough to do anything else.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
"face it - attorneys are the scourge of this country. And now there's at least a 100,000 surplus.
Face the facts - the reason you are doing shitwork is because you're not good enough to do anything else."
100,000 surplus?
try 2,000,000!
There's a 100,000 surplus in New York alone!
In California there is a 200,000 surplus!
But you are dead wrong we could not do anything else. The problem is we don't have a clear picture when applying to law school and the people currently in the system won't tell us because how can they say what losers they are. So Paul Weiss temps say "I am a Juris Doctor attorney at Paul Weiss".
Once having invested the time and money, three years and $200k, the problem is getting out of that trap.
This is Houston Sandrene do you copy?
These whitey temps are copping a bad 'tude.
Please immediately haul your fat Jamaican ass out here, and bring your posse of Nigerian Zulus. The stupider, the better. We don't actually want them finding anything detrimental to the client. Just tell them to mark every doc privileged.
I am Nigerian and Oprah brought me over for temp work at DeNovo along with my 700 immediate family aboard the AMISTAD.
"Seriously, some of you are the most ignorant pieces of shit I've ever encountered."
P.S. I myself said nothing.
Just say "ooo you're so raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist!"
I should have said: Nigerians, blacks, and Mexican illegal immigrants are smarter and more qualified than Asians, Russians, and whites. Forget the fact that every test shows otherwise. Affirmative action isn't needed. Nigerians, blacks, and Mexicans would get in instead of whites and Asians anyway. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure!
Red alert all decks!
All decks go to red alert!
This is Lt. Uhura.
This is Update reminding all our temps that we are re-sending out our appropriate work attire rules.
It is better to wear a suit on the first day, and every day thereafter.
If you do not wear the right clothes, should be from Bergdorfs and more than your salary to buy, you will be fired and replaced by our preferred waiting list (people who kiss Wendy's and Melanie's butt).
Update hos have you ever SEEN a suit???
The Nigerians ain't goin to Texas since the Texas Bar ain't ever made the deal with the devil you stupid New Yawk ho's made.
I guess you New Yawkers ain't as smart as y'all think you are.
Yeah, Texas is such a hick state. Who's laffin' now?
Who's crying now.
So, I am at S&C now, haven't been there in a while, and who do I see just before the Holiday..........BIG Fuckin' Mamma. She is even more grotesque that I remember. But get this, she seems to have managed to find someone uglier and fatter than she is to climb up her scary ass. I don't know if she is a temp or ananlyst (probably, ananlyst, as temps have sense enough to hide their lunch pails, and NOT SUCK UP to the monster. anyway, this beastly woman was so evil looking. She had hips to KILL and the rattiest looking weave on her fat cheeked ugly head. (She so had to be Jamaican...as they are fucking so evil and UGLY looking, and probably, behaving) Good god, there is one more beastly than the beast BIG MAMMA
What? No One be more beastly, than Ms Big Mamma. That Fuglathn take the cake, and eats it before it's cooked.
If you work for DeNovo you have to show your voting proof for megalomaniac self-worshipping Obama.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Did Big Mamma finally eat Lucy Koward? I know time shave been tough, but.... Did she? have haven't seen that blond Jamaican is a dog's age.
I am a New Yorker and Texas is a much better and smarter state than New York.
Not giving law licenses and jobs to Nigerians is a perfect example of this.
I see that Nigerians lawyers are giving a lot of you sleepless nights, hahaha! Why are you mad? I thought you could compete at this level. The problem I see is that most of you need to take vacations in Europe and broaden your views of the world. Sandrene loves us because we come to work and leave the unnecessary drama at home. We work very hard and always bill the max hours allowed. You complain about everything even free food, snacks, water, coffee and taxi service. If you were in her shoes, you would still choose productivity over drama. The misconception here is that doc review is a job, hell no cracker, it's not. Maybe once you realize this, you'll stop hating Nigerians. Even ABA has communicated same to you. I guess the problem is that you only shower the night before if at all. Please change this habit and shower in the morning before coming to work. Lastly, business casual does not mean tennis shoes,tracksuits and dirty chinos, bitchie.
"Sandrene loves us because we come to work and leave the unnecessary drama at home. [sure, just coincidence you're black!!!] We work very hard and always bill the max hours allowed. [yes to get extra money and steal OT from American citizens] The misconception here is that doc review is a job, hell no cracker, it's not. [see Nigerians don't even give America credit for giving them a job - they are criminals.]"
A retarded and unintentionally revealing Nigerian temp who doesn't have a bit of thanks of gratitude. Just a blood sucking welfare free-loader.
Nigeria is the worst country in the world. How can a country with no laws and so corrupt produce quality lawyers. Answer: It doesn't. They are stupid as shit,
I have a proposal to all the Nigerian temps: bring the AMISTAD into New York harbor and ship the back to Lagos. They can go back to eating bugs and spreading AIDS there.
Africa's contribution to the world: The AIDS capital of the world.
Try some green monkey meat!
"I guess the problem is that you only shower the night before if at all."
Thanks for the lecture on hygiene, Nigerian.
From the web:
"Nigeria is the fourth dirtiest country in the world and the dirtiest in Africa,"
"West African Countries Hate Nigerians?"
"Islamic law in Nigeria"
We Nigerians learn in law school what is important:
Rule 1- the government is always right and should beat your own client
Rule 2- bribe the judge
Rule 3- get a temp job at DeNovo
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
3:37 Who says Italians are white?
Ever been to southern Italy or to Sicily- Obama would look like an albino there
Italians are Latins like Hispanics. Either way they don't count. Nor do the Hispanics - well at least not for a thoroughbred WASP like me.
Africa's contribution to the world: Mankind itself....f*ckin idiot......
Africa's contribution to the world:
-retarded, useless,uppity people shipped to places like London and Nueva York
-criminals (i.e. any African) so that USA loses billions on the damage they cause
Flush hard it's a long way to the Nigerian temp compound in New Jersey (but the flushed matter will improve the smell there).
That docooment be priv'leged.
This is such a nice post and useful information about to the Houston.Houston is a city in Texas, USA.I really don't know about it before reading of your nice article.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Wait, let's get back to discussing how shitty Denovo's houston office is and how Fortier is highly unqualified to be a director much less a project manager. Hmmm, I wonder how she got that job?
she is the only hot document review manager around and that is good enough for me! Amiee if you are reading this, WHATZ UP?
All of you, get real jobs!
That includes the doc review managers, here today...gone tomorrow.
hey Amiee again. I am your secret admirer. Don't pay attention to these nonsense haters, you rock girl!
If it means anything, I agree that at least you are the hottest doc review chick out there.
I used to date her. Not shocked about the comments listed above.
The agencies are happy to have people like you to keep enforcing the low standards.
Note you never said you quit. You're still staying on the job helping the agencies out to screw the temps.
I find the valuable information is provided by you.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
How ignorant! You need to travel out of your cage for once in your lifetime and know that the soil is the same everywhere. The world is global. Same issues: life, economy, death etc. You can analyze or perceive it in which ever way pleases you. What goes round goes round. The same issues everywhere AIDS is your property transferred to Africa. If Nigerians are what you say they are your forebears thought them under the guise of religion and education. Are you angry that we are smart, hardworking and diligent. God bless America, you fiddles are not necessarily the voice of America? Are you angry that our hard work and dedication has exposed your own laxity? Life is not a bed of roses as the old adage says, but your problem is that you prefer to live out your ignorance and deceive your self to the grave. I am glad not all Americans are like you. God bless NY BAR! If it took you 7-10 years to pass an exam that your neighbor would pass in 3 months. Dont you see your problem? You hate the competition. Please stop winning and take advantage of the opportunities that this great nation has to offer you . If you keep winning you remain at that same spot and the dedicated foreigners will take over. Go back to history, your forefathers were awarded the same LL.B that you despise Nigerians for. Some of them never saw the 4 walls of a university yet they were lawyers "with law office experience" whatever you call it. At least we dont have that "thing" in Nigeria. I am proud to be a Nigerian born American. And so grateful to the Almighty that you didnt write the American constitution. You need to sit down, reflect and ask yourself "what's the real problem" Nigeria or You? Denovo or you?
Haha! I am a Nigerian and a lawyer in the US of A! If you don't like it...go hug a transformer!! Lol. Over here acting like your ancestors didn't come over here as indentured servants or worse. Unless your ass is Native American, you are a foreigner or did you skip history class. Bunch of wussies....I am in Houston, please come up to me and say a quarter of the nonsense you spew on here -- hiding behind "coward" oops...I meant "anonymous". I am in Houston...please do come up to me and say what's really on your mind--please. Walking around here pretending to be a human being when deep inside you are rotting away with hate and God knows what other type of evil. You know what...I'll pray for you...because you need some type of love or good in your life. I hope others pray for you too...because you desperately need it. Desperately!!! Sad sad sad....smh. I'm praying for you now!
Hi..Thanx for sharing such a wonderful Post..please share mre views coz i like this conversation..
thank you..
Get em Alusi Ego
ROFL...tell em Naddy!!
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