The good folks at Lex-Pollution have re-opened the infamous "chicken coop" over here on east 40th st. The new $32 an hour shitrate applies, and hours are capped at 40. Yesterday, the geeky Dechert associate came and took the internet off all the computers. Nice, huh? This pathetic dork is probably terrified of getting axed himself. Restroom is filthy and inadequete, break room has a major mildew problem, and a nasty flu is going around already. Might as well just give up coding for good at these embarrassing rates and abysmal working conditions.
$32/hr is about the same new RN's are making just out of school with a 2 year AAS degree.
Have a nice day.
rkr, JD, RN
And the nurse gets health insurance, retirement contributions, and doesn't have outrageous monthly student loan payments.
Why was the site closed.
I wonder if the site was contaminated with asbestos from when that steam pipe blew up two years back
Billie Jean is not my lover..
SHe says I am The ONe,,,,,
She's just a girl...,
Did you know that the best micheal Jackson impersonators are Nigerian?
If Joe Jackson had been Nigerian it would have been the Jackson 20, as all nigerian are gifted lovers from an early age and make manys children to help support the tribe. The Jackson twenty would have had much success and at the same time held down doc review positions in America, all the while running side businesses from the coding floor
if 4,000 documents are coded by 7 doc reviewers and three of these doc reviewers were Nigerian, how many documents were coded by attorneys?
Expensive office and working space cuts into agency and elite law firm profits. It has always been this way. In the old days, they used to do document review in a barn.
A lot of people have been contacting me via PM's and Tweets as to whether I'll be working this July 4th holiday. Fortunately, I will. In addition, as a Priv Team member, I will be paid at a double-time rate for tomorrow ($80/hour).
I have broken it down for you as follows:
Regular 40x$40=$1,600
OT 24x$60=$1,440
Double 12x$80=$960
Total 76 and $4,000
Also my colleagues and I have great weekend planned:
Tomorrow night:
Per Se with 2nd Year, Fifth Year and his Fourth Year (not-from-same-law-firm) wife. Also a Sixth Year friend of theirs and maybe a couple Staffs from my current project will be showing up later.
Sat. Night: Fireworks from High Bar
Very Truly Yours,
Dolla Dolla Bills Coder
They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here
Don't Wanna See Your Face, You Better Disappear
The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear
So Beat It, Just Beat It
Long Live Michael Jackson!!!
$20 is the new $40.
Get used to it folks.
The mindless twits who worked with me at Dechert before would accept $5 per hour. They don't have the wits to do anything else.
As for me, hello unemployment benies.
Yes I agree the Nigerians are the best lawyers in town.
Update says they are the employees of choice. Because their alternative is picking berries or being slaves like in Roots.
India outsourcing is really reprehensible.
Better to hire Nigerians in the U.S. to do all the temp work. They can bring the cyber scams and money laundering to the U.S. too as a new source of enterprise.
It's time for an Update call about appropriate work attire.
Meanwhile the staff attorneys are wearing Banana Republic sunglasses and flip flops.
Thanks Update! You always add such value!
$32.00 an hour is not attainable in CT..
Ha, ha...Update should first look at their own slutty clothes before issuing any recommendations.
Wendy used to show up at S&C with V-necks down to her navel exposing 99.9% of her saggy boobs. Uuuuuugh. Some boobs should just be left unexposed.
Recruiter - are you the offspring of barnyard animals? sadness..
Here is one of recruiter's "Elite Law Firm Partners"
The dude was accused of beating his wife in the Upper East Side brownstone.
Ira Schacter
All associates are geeky. Some look like they are going to die any minute. They look so pale and anemic and hyperventilate. Sometimes I feel like slapping one or two of the very tense ones and telling them it's OK, life will go on after this stupid behemoth firm. In fact it will be better.
Michael Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaackson, I looooooooooooooooooooooove you!!!
lex polution offices are very unclean
Lex Pollution will hire Joe Jackson to recruit for them.
"Might as well just give up coding for good at these embarrassing rates and abysmal working conditions."
Smartest thing I've seen on this board. The agencies are doing their best to jerk you around, the firms are behind them, the payrate sucks. It's time to get the fuck out of temping and find a job that provides substanative experience.
Do your best to find a real job and you'll be succesful. Good luck.
end days nears..2012..woohoo!
Sandrine says its time to start a Nigerian only policy.
Their English is so goot and they know not to make trouble and not to find any responsive docs.
10:28, I want to get a "real" job, just like you. Maybe I will know how to spell substantive at that point.
I make more prostituting out my dog.
As Justice Alito’s concurring opinion in Ricci documented in amusing detail, Frank Ricci and colleagues were the victims of blatant racial discrimination by a black power broker and his allied white mayor in New Haven.
Stanford Law Professor Richard Thompson Ford says, that, well, equal protection of the laws isn’t the point of civil rights legislation. Sure, the laws include a lot of colorblind rhetoric, but the whole point is to benefit blacks at the expense of whites, so it’s a dirty trick for the Supreme Court to read the laws and the Constitution literally and apply them evenhandedly. He writes in Slate:
“The plaintiffs in Ricci were undoubtedly sympathetic: hardworking public servants—17 of them white, one Hispanic—who expected that the exam they studied for and did well on would determine their eligibility for moving up the ranks. But their legal argument is the latest in a long-standing campaign to turn civil rights laws against themselves. There’s a striking progression in the attacks on civil rights. In the early 1970s, affirmative action was widely considered to be a logical extension of civil rights principles: Even President Nixon—a man not known for his enlightened racial attitudes—supported it. But by the end of the decade, affirmative action was under attack as reverse discrimination. And now we see the next step in the march against civil rights with the part of federal civil rights law—Title VII—called “disparate impact” that prohibits employers from using promotional or hiring procedures that screen out minorities unless they can prove that the procedure is closely job-related.
Believe me,under Obama the ONLY people getting work and free health care are Nigerians, blacks, and illegal Mexicans (other minorities don't count).
The ONLY people who will be prosecuted for anything are whites, e.g., Madoff, Sanford, and they will be painted as the evil rich white master class.
Al Sharptonism will become national policy. No black can be prosecuted because like O.J., the police and prosecutors used the N word.
They're inherently racist.
Being white in America, you might as well move to somewhere else. Because you have brains you can brain drain the U.S. and be successful anywheres.
I ams Nigerian and I always get the job from the DeNovo lah.
This America is a raziss counlee you not zeen paradissss til you gone to Nigeria.
Please bring your bank account information and signature to Lagos.
I'm Nigerian.
I wearing a suit to work every day.
It is the honor of this profession.
To be an attorney at Dechert.
It funny every documents I seed is nonresponses.
"if 4,000 documents are coded by 7 doc reviewers and three of these doc reviewers were Nigerian, how many documents were coded by attorneys?"
The ansswer to this question is 4,000.
Because the Nigerians don't do any work.
They are hired to fill the racial quota at white law firms and to keep their big mouths shut.
They can't be fired because the first thing they learned from Al Sharpton is someone in the office said the N word.
I am a minority but no one has any problem firing me.
I usually get "fired" for telling the lazy ghettos to do some work.
It's not fair -- but as someone else on this blog has said the only protected people are the blacks and the illegal Mexicans.
Whites and other hard-working minorities might as well curl up and die.
If you think Bloomberg is bad, have you worked at Pfizer??
The paralegals there, including a parrot-nose one by the name of Heather, think they are god and boss the attorneys around like no one's business.
Parrot nose Heather is the worst [jaw is twice as long as Jay Lenos]. She does not realize a paralegal is just a secretary-
"The agencies are doing their best to jerk you around, the firms are behind them, the payrate sucks"
So the agencies run the show and the firms do whatever they say? That's weird. I thought the firm was the client, not vice versa. Besides, how would a coding "attorney" even know the inner workings of the agency firm relationship?
Sounds like you are postulating nonesense as trying to pass it off as a truth. Unless you are in a position to know first hand which is not possible, because you clearly are not employed (employable)by a firm nor agency.
Ignore the flamebait trolls. They are just the same old LPO hucksters desperate to gut the American legal job market and flood it with untrained, unlicensed, non-native english speakers, non-barred, non-jd holding scabs.
Yes they want to obliterate the legal industry the way the American IT industry was destroyed.
But we're on to you, LPO guy. Soon the ABA will be forced to change its position on outsourcing and the LPOs will go bye bye.
But please do keep up your idiotic, ill informed racist rants.
Okay, everyone. I am off to Rhode Island for the long weekend. I apologize to all of my candidates that have to work this weekend without overtime. Thank you all for your dedication and hard work!
Pfizer is a horrible, horrible hell-hole of a place to work.
They love to use temps because they have brought the Third World to New York.
Pfizer is crawling with paralegals like roaches.
But the paralegals at the big legal sweatshops also act like they are the bosses of the temps.
Even though temps hold the prestige "J. D." doctoral degree whereas paralegals are dropouts.
Yes everyone who points out the truth is a "racist".
Sure. Only sucker whites fall for this bull.
Yes there will be a day of reckoning with ultimately whites, Asians, and Arabs wanting to live on their own and have nothing to do with the "Obama minorities."
Even now, you never see Arabs and Asians mixing with blacks and illegal Mexicans. The only reason they have to put up with their B.S. is because of the white affirmative action and welfare policies.
I am a Nigerian.
I am laughing at how stoopit you American pigs are.
I don't invest anything in this country or do anything to help other people or charities, just remit all funds by Western Union back to Nigeria.
Plus the email scam letter money we can take $1 for $1 out of the U.S.A.
"I am a minority but no one has any problem firing me. "
No doubt an Asian.
Consistently across the board the most successful, well educated, and law abiding group in the U.S.
Hence a target for the loser blacks and illegal Mexican trash, and Puerto Rican garbage.
True I am an Asian. Before I started working in the legal industry I was never racist.
But to be honest after working with some of the ghetto lower level people it's true I detest these garbage people.
They don't want to work, just coast by on their protected minority status or hurl abuses and bully you if you say anything.
They love to bring down other hard-working minorities with their bullying. They are scared of the whites, but they take out that anger on other decent hard-working minorities.
They are truly the lazy scum of the earth - dealing with them is like living with dog-shit.
Aspiring Lawyer Finds His Debts Bigger Hurdle Than Bar Exam (NY Times)
All his life, Robert Bowman wanted to be a lawyer. He overcame a troubled childhood, a tragic accident that nearly cost him a leg and a debilitating Jet Ski collision.
He put himself through community college, worked and borrowed heavily to help pay for college, graduate school and even law school. He took the New York bar examination not once, not twice, not three times, but four, passing it last year. Finally, he seemed to be on his way.
In January, the committee of New York lawyers that reviews applications for admission to the bar interviewed Mr. Bowman, studied his history and the debt he had amassed, and called his persistence remarkable. It recommended his approval.
But a group of five state appellate judges decided this spring that his student loans were too big and his efforts to repay them too meager for him to be a lawyer.
“Applicant has not made any substantial payments on the loans,” the judges wrote in a terse decision and an unusual rejection of the committee’s recommendation. “Applicant has not presently established the character and general fitness requisite for an attorney and counselor-at-law.”
Mr. Bowman, 47, appears to have crossed some unspoken line with his $400,000 in student debt and penalties, accumulated over many years.
New York’s courts have overlooked misconduct like lawyers’ solicitation of minors for sex, efforts to deceive judges and possession of cocaine. Those instances have led merely to temporary suspensions from practice.
“It usually takes a pretty significant record of some underlying misconduct to keep you out permanently,” said Deborah L. Rhode, a law professor at Stanford who has studied bar admissions across the states. Excluding someone for having too much debt was odd, she said; the hard questions about loans usually involve applicants who have used bankruptcy to try to escape loans, she said, and Mr. Bowman has not.
---continued on NY Times site ---
The amount of racism by posters on this blog is sickening!
By the way, I am a white, straight, male attorney. I'm just sick of intolerant fucks whose self-esteem is so feeble, they have to have someone to look down on.
Fuck all y'all white trash good-for-nothing SHIT who post here denigrating blacks, Hispanics, and other minorities!!!
Fuck you good for nothing swine! May you all rot in hell for your sickening, privileged, entitled racism!!!
I hope you get surrounded in the Basement at S&C by some angry minorities and they wail on ya until you're a bloody pulp, and then throw your ass out in the trash dumpsters!!
Boo hoo - we get $29-25 an hour here in Richmond for attorneys and $22 for JD's. No OT but up to 60 hrs a week.
And there's still downward pressure on the hourly.
LeClair Ryan (aka GITMO or North Korea)is now paying college students/legal assistants $15/hr to doc review.
About the bathrooms: can't you hold it in for eight hours? Or use the toilets at Bryant Park.
Sheesh what is wrong with you candy-bottoms??
This economy is the worst in 30 years - be thankful you have any work at all.
You shoulda gone to B-school anyway.
I make $42/hour, occasional slight OT, no weekends ever. My government contracting job is permanent, and very secure. The job is for a JD although I am barred in one state.
BetterCoder is cool, but I wonder if he knows there are alternatives to doing temp doc review, where he could put in less hours and have a life.
"Might as well just give up coding for good at these embarrassing rates and abysmal working conditions." Yes, might as well, not sure what took so long.
I worked a project in Richmond (MW) and I actually thought it wasn't so bad. The fact that you don't get time and a half sucks, but most of the folks had been working steady there long term. Add to that the fact that you can get all day parking for five or six bucks. They had a host of projects going on and I felt like they treated everyone like adults. I received a call to come back but unfortunately had a death in the family at the time. I wouldn't mind jumping on another project there.
Richmond must be a hell of a hard place to get a decent permanent law job, though. Living in the DC area, Univ. of Richmond heavily recruited me and was the first school I got accepted by. I met with them at a special meeting they had for prospective students, all the administrators and faculty members mentioned "Yeah, we have good jobs here. We have Reynolds Aluminum".
It was when every person I talked to could only mention one major company in Richmond, and they all mentioned the same one, that I knew that I had to go somewhere else....
Pfizer is a pit. You're right about the paralegals - they are stupid and ugly and have not done shit in their lives except be a GLORIFIED SECERTARY BEEEEEATCH!!! They have no intellect, no education. Heather B is particularly laughable - yes, she needs a nose job, her nose does look like a parrot's beak and her jaw is down to her knees. But worst is her attitude. She only drinks soup all day and that makes her manic and unstable. She bosses and bullies the temps and is very rude.
And ugly -- she definitely needs a emergency makeover!!
1:11 said "I hope you get surrounded in the Basement at S&C by some angry minorities and they wail on ya until you're a bloody pulp, and then throw your ass out in the trash dumpsters!!"
Hey motherfucker. That already happened. Why do you think we hate them so much????
I hope they beat and devour and chew your ass like the Dobermans they are and then we shall see how much you love these ugly trolls!!!
I heard a rumour that Father Eamon passed away out of grief for Michael Jackson.
May he rest in peace. He was a good counselor to temp attorneys.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Recruiter is an ugly cunt.
The good thing about a chicken coop is that you get fresh eggs and chickens. The only problem is that it's not free range....
The chicken should demand for free range.
I wish you the best! (Sorry about stabbing you.)
Last July, I received a call from a public relations executive at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, one of the oldest law firms on Wall Street. The next morning, she said, the firm planned to cut 96 lawyers in real estate and structured finance, bringing its 2008 layoff total to 131. The move would make Cadwalader the first law firm since the recession began to order a huge reduction in staff, about 20 percent of the firm’s bench.
I was told that the firm’s management wanted news of the cuts to be reported in a “responsible way” — meaning, presumably, a narrative that employed its jargon.
The law firm was calling me because I was then the writer of The Wall Street Journal Law Blog, which at the time, many told me, was considered the industry’s go-to source for legal news.
Later that night, when I met with Cadwalader’s management in a conference room high up in the law firm’s headquarters at World Financial Center, no words were minced: Real estate finance and securitization had grown “very rapidly” over the past three years, the firm’s chairman, Christopher White, said. He pointed out that Cadwalader’s structured finance department was involved in every major leveraged buyout in 2007, including Blackstone’s $23 billion acquisition of Sam Zell’s Equity Office Properties, the largest real estate deal ever.
But by mid-2008, he continued, the market for commercial mortgage-backed securities — the gas that fueled all those megadeals — had nearly evaporated, falling almost 80 percent from its peak in 2007.
In other words, Cadwalader had made a lot of money facilitating the financial product that drove the boom. But now the market for that product was gone. And Cadwalader planned to contract along with it. (In the last 12 months, according to Commercial Mortgage Alert, there has been zero issuance in the so-called C.M.B.S. market.)
In a law firm world that for nearly two decades had been loath to risk the appearance of weakness by laying off lawyers, Cadwalader’s move set off a sea change in law firm management. Here was one of Wall Street’s most prestigious firms actually behaving like a business, reacting to the onset of recession with sensible layoffs rather than perpetuating the appearance of health at all costs — costs that otherwise would be passed on to clients.
The message was heard clearly. Over the next 10 months, White & Case would lay off 279 attorneys, according to LawShucks.com, a Web site that tracks law firm layoffs. Clifford Chance would bring its total layoffs to 225, according to LawShucks, while the toll at Latham & Watkins would eventually reach 190. As of June 14, nearly 5,000 lawyers had been cut by major law firms since January 2008, or about 300 a month, the approximate size of many law school graduating classes.
The legal media, in its rush to side with the fallen, has often cast the layoff wave as the result of endemic firm mismanagement finally coming home to roost. Perhaps. But make no mistake: These layoffs, which in many cases have been paired with salary freezes or cuts and significant reductions in law school recruiting, are the best thing to happen to the legal industry in years. Call it a blessing amid recession.
Start with the benefit to cost-conscious corporate counsel, who for too long have been bilked by a law firm compensation model that leads lawyers to prioritize their “hourly quotas,” which determine year-end bonuses, over quality service. Unfortunately, the same bar presidents and law firm managing partners who are in a position to do away with the billable-hour format are happy to write op-eds decrying the miserable tradition, yet are unwilling to lead the pack when it comes to taking action.
So the billable hour remains entrenched, a vestige of law firm insularity and lawyer self-regulation. In the downturn, however, the common practice of “staffing up” a matter to increase billings has finally found its proper comeuppance. The economy for Wall Street legal services is no longer willing or able to support unnecessarily huge armies of six-figure paperweights.
And what about all those 20- and 30-something associates who can no longer formulate excuses — But I’m paying off my law school debt while I figure out what I want to do! — to remain in the kinds of jobs that so many of my law firm friends describe as “soul-crushing”? For many lawyers at law firms, particularly those who spent the early part of their careers toiling in structured finance departments and contributing, in the end, nothing to nothing, this recession may be the thing that delivers them from more 3,000-hour years of such drudgery as changing the dates on securitization documents and shuffling them from one side of the desk to the other.
Like a relationship gone bad, clearly hopeless to everyone but the imprisoned, it often takes a forced exit to break the leash of inertia that collars so many smart law graduates to mind-numbing work. So don’t pity these people. What they needed all along was liberation. Now they have it.
Pfizer is the shit of the shit.
Amy Shulman you're a fucking bitch!
Oh sorry to point out how unqualified the Nigerians, blacks, and Hispanics are.
I thought they agreed with this?
Why else do they need affirmative action.
I feel sorry for Asian minority.
Hard working, always top of the class Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Americans quietly ignore the idiocy of the blacks and illegal Mexican flotsam.
They have all the minuses of being a minority group and none of the pluses. Getting pushed around by the Obama blacks and Sotomayor Mexicans.
Nigerians says:
wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki, wiki wiki shuddap.
Sandrine says:
Preference should be given to Nigerians.
"By the way, I am a white, straight, male attorney. I'm just sick of intolerant fucks whose self-esteem is so feeble, they have to have someone to look down on."
Yes Obama white voter.
It's just an accident that 30% of people in jail are illegal Mexicans, and half are blacks.
It's because Mark Furman made all the arrests using cooked evidence.
Yes it's just a coincidence that Asians never commit crimes, have beautiful communities not like the trash ghetto projects, and score top on every SAT and other exam, while the blacks and Hispanics get the lowest scores and claim its cultural bias.
Go to hell blacks and Mexicans!
Oh to Mr. straight white man, good job punching your liberal ticket. Print your post out and show it to everyone to show how open you are.
But 99% of whites avoid minority schools and would never live in a black or Mexican neighborhood.
The phony white.
I think it's silly in a recession to try and continue to gut the legal profession. The billable hour is not going away, my friend. The problem is that there is nothing to replace it.
Flat rate in biglaw? Don't be ridiculous! Before the billable is destroyed you will have to develop a new method of payment. No credible outfits are using a flat rate model, at this point.
Perhaps slop shops like Discovery ready are doing things akin to this. But does anyone realistically think that big firms are going to this.
Now, many firms are having big layoffs. So what? Every industry across the board is shedding workers. Have you seen the recent unemployment numbers?
Are you suggesting now that every company across the globe that is experiencing recessionary times should change their business model? Of course not, and to do so would be throwing out the baby with bath water.
The idea of changing biglaw because of the Wall Street collapse is absurd. I hope you can develop some more sophisticaged theories and better topics to write about.
I will agree with one point, however. It is good to for biglaw to be undergoing layoffs. There was a massive overexpansion during the phoney real estate boom. These people should be let go.
But to say law firms should be run like another business, e.g. a mortage company, is stupid.
What is wrong with you people?
It's time for an Update call about appropriate work attire.
I agree with 4:11. I am a minority and I have had the WORST experience dealing with low -level minorities which you have to in the legal sub-world - the ghetto paras and staff attorneys.
I have absolutely NO problem with minorities at the higher levels, actual lawyers, doctors, engineers. I admire them and respect their intellect and hard-work.
But on the lower level, the ones that cause the most problems and have the most issues are black women and Hispanic men and women. Black men are fine!! They are real men and don't have much time for stupid shit. Black women have the most problems with other minority women while Hispanics [Puerto Ricans and Dominicans] are like little chihuahuas, always looking for a fight, and have problems with everyone. I don't know why they are so rabid - maybe it's all the toxic diets they consume. Mexcicans, other Central Americans are not so problematic.
White people that feel sorry for low-level nasty minorities ought to spend a day living or working with them and we shall see how sorry they feel for them then. Oooooooh, so sad, I love you minority...ooooooo
Yeah, beatch, spend just ONE day with them and they will harass you to a pulp.
I hear what 12:40 is saying, but there are some white people that are equally trashy. Heather B, a paralegal, at Pfizer is a good example of a white woman acting ghetto. Or maybe she is just angry she is sooooo ugly!!!
How come there are no attractive female staff attoneys hired at S&C? Just a bunch of old, ugly nasty bitches?
Actually, even the men are kind of lame. What's up with that - and why do these people not even change their clothes???
The only attractive low-level people are the young college grad. paras. They are mostly idiot and morons but at least they are decent looking.
Only old ugly sad middle-aged bitches with large rear-ends will kiss Gary and Fig's ass. Why would any intelligent attractive hot lady kowtow to these losers -- she can probably bang a rich partner and get more out of the deal!!!
I celebrate fourth of July with a heavy heart this year - as I surrender this country to bunch of loser ghetto people - well, at least in the temp world. Why can't they hire classy educated people as paras and staff attorneys. Why does it have to be the shit of shits???
Happy Fourth of July - I barbeque my soul tonight.
Mesa Jar Jar Binks...i eat your hole for a sizzling salad..mmmm
More racist musings from the LPO trolls. Don't worry, we know it's you and we're onto you.
Tom, you should really delete a lot of this racist stuff. The LPO trolls are trying to paint a false image of the temp world.
Most temps work well with others of all races. Of course there is always the occasional crackpot in every business.
Happy Fourth of July, everyone!
I have lived in New Orleans and Washington, DC, and always feel very comfortable among black people. They welcome me, I welcome them. I like R&B music and some rap, and sports, so we have a lot to talk about. It's exceedingly rare that I am mistreated by a black person. It happens once in a very blue moon. 90% of the time I completely hit it off with African-Americans.
I can see life from their point of view, and I think African-Americans can feel me on that. Let's face it, this country has a history of institutionalized racism, bigotry and slavery. Privileged whites have mistreated, enslaved, disenfranchised, and marginalized black people for centuries in this country -- and have done so with a particular relish, as in slobbering spittle and drooling when they see black people suffer because it makes many whites (particularly privileged white MALES) feel better about themselves -- assuaging their naturally pitifully low self-esteems. They can't cope with life, and so they naturally tend to lord it over anyone they can feel "superior" to.
This is why you don't get along with black people. They can see right through you, fool. Your words and your body language reek of negative vibrations and hate.
You are a poor excuse for a human being. Die and rot in hell, fool!!!
Written like a true LPO huckster. Take your hate somewhere else, sleazeball.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
I think a lot of the loser white attorneys who post here are just resentful and jealous that minorities are getting jobs in a competitive economy, when these white attorneys are worried about where their own next paycheck will come from. So they have to have someone to slam and denigrate.
By the way, I am white. I am just sick and tired of the privileged, entitled white scum in the NYC area, who grow up in privileged white suburbs and spout hate in their ugly New York accents.
These people are the putrid refuse of the USA.
Take your Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity hate and mindless "conservatism" (that has brought this country to the brink of collapse during the Shrub's administration) -- take it and ram it up your dirty asses, losers!!!!!
No, you're not white. You are an LPO huckster, based in Mumbai or other Indian city.
Stop spreading hate, sleazebag.
New York City area suburban upper-middle class white kids are:
- vulgar
- have feelings of extreme privilege
- every other word is "fuckin"
- materialistic
- selfish
- extremely racist and bigoted
- usually conservative Republicans
- have no intellectual interests outside of basketball, hockey, and vulgar, money (usually parents') and debased sex
- speak with the ugliest accent in the English language
- hypercompetitive but unworthy of success because they have no independent intellectual interests outside of themselves
- enjoy the suffering of others
- everything in their lives revolves around getting into law school, med school, or B-school, and they see these careers very narrowly; aren't intellectually interested in them -- only interested in the money
- usually are Jewish, Italian, Irish, but may be any white ethnic group
- they hate Obama because he is a successful black man
- they have an answer and an excuse for everything, and it usually involves settling things with mindless threats of violence
- associate all black people with welfare and Al Sharpton, and see a "black and white", no compromise division between whites and minorities
- completely overlook their own failings, sense of (unearned) entitlement, and general vulgarness
- have no sophistication or social graces, or only the most minimal levels thereof
- can barely be classified as human
(by the way I am Italian-American but not from the NYC area)
More hate from the LPO hucksters. Really, it's Sunday morning in Mumbai and 10 pm here in NYC.
Do you think anyone in the USA would be posting this garbage at 10pm on 4th of July?
Of course not. Babu, step away from the computer and keep your hateful words to yourself.
Big Mamma? Big mamma? I see food, but where are you?
She (Big Mamma) is out ruining someone's life somehwere.... fat ugly bitch she is oh man is she is fucking disaster and then some
"(by the way I am Italian-American but not from the NYC area)"
This person knows zero.
If these are "New York City area suburban upper-middle class white kids" they are definitely not Republicans. They are Democrat liberals.
Duh, they are white they are probably Irish,Jewish, Italian. What else?
Your forgetting every other group - Asians, Arabs, south Asians, Russians, East Europeans - who hate the blacks, Nigerians, and illegal Mexicans and their bullshit.
I don't think they're "jealous" of Obama and his so called success.
They just see the loser shit of America now have the voting power to elect such a Turkey.
Obama's just an affirmative action and entitlement beneficiary.
That's why the media never can say anything about how wonderful he is. Otherwise they are racist.
Go to hell blacks, illegals, and Obama white trash (only white trash voted for Obama).
"By the way, I am white. I am just sick and tired of the privileged, entitled white scum in the NYC area, who grow up in privileged white suburbs and spout hate in their ugly New York accents.
Unlike the beautiful accents of the Nigerians and Mexicans!
Yes so unreasonable to be mad at unqualified trash stealing their jobs and paychecks, and ruining their neighborhoods, hospitals, and schools.
So unreasonable.
Go back to your nice protected suburb Johnson!
Video footage of where your work is being outsourced to:
Looks like our LPO hucksters are back spreading hate! Happy 4th of July!
I live in an area where there is a sudden influx of overseas Indians who are here on HB1 visas to do computer work. How they can't find qualified Americans to do this work baffles me.
Anyways, the presence of these overseas Indians is really bringing down the quality of the community. Studio apartments become clown cars, the cooking is obnoxiously pungent, and they leave trash all over the place. The people that are profiting off of this cheap labor don't have to worry because they are oblivious to it up in their gated communities in Greenwich.
Wassa matta, you don't like curry ova here? Fegeddabboutit, curry is soooo New York.
11:01 AM
"I live in an area where there is a sudden influx of overseas Indians who are here on HB1 visas to do computer work. How they can't find qualified Americans to do this work baffles me."
They are here, because they are cheap. Reread the last sentence. There are tones of unemployed BS, BSCS, BSCE, MS, MSE, and PhD U.S.A Computer people out there. Talk to an immigration lawyer about HB1 Visa requisitions. These Lawyers take sick pride in that they can make a requisition so specific no U.S. person could fill it. One joked to me once, that he could write a requisition so specific that he could have to import someone to sweep his floor. The system is a joke.
I talked to an Indians when I was in I.T.. they said they know they are here as cheap bodies. But, they have a money is money philosophy. The irony is that most of them are Biology, Chemistry, Geology, or language majors. They actually have to train them in Computer Science over there to ship them here. They have less than a VOTECH education in Computers.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
It's just a race to the gutter. Indians will work for lower wages. Americans invented the computer, the software, etc etc. We have plenty of Americans to do the work, but greedy corporations want to lower wages and gut the middle class. Judging from the current state of the economy, they're doing a good job.
Indians are better and do a better job. Period.
You can't compare them to blacks, Nigerians, and illegal Mexicans.
Indians, in India and other countries, are very highly educated, hard working, and family oriented.
It's a free market. They're only displacing people who are stupid idiot trash.
I'll live in any Indian area anywheres instead of near the crime blacks and ghetto blaster Hispanics with their trash music all over the neighborhood.
Used to be there were nice ethnic COMMUNITIES in New York. Now just ghetto welfare suckers. Hence cities losing their tax base and going down the drain.
The white liberals are living in Scarsdale and doing everything to avoid any contact with blacks.
This country is being flushed down the toilet. Anything public and not protected behind gated walls is being destroyed and pissed upon by the more undesirable elements of society. I had a horrible 4th in that I made a foolish decision to save some money and enjoy the holiday at one of our more popular public beaches. After witnessing widespread profanity, trash blasting their hip hop music out of boom boxes, beer bottles and chicken wings being tossed around, welfare mothers cursing and smacking their children across the face, I made a pact never to venture out of my house for such an outing ever again.
The King of Pop will live forever!
It wouldn't be LA be without Mexicans
Black love, Brown Pride in the sets again...
Pete Wilson tryin to see us all broke, I'm on some bullshit
Out for everything they owe, remember K-DAY
Weekends, Crenshaw -- MLK
Automatics rang free, ****** lost they way
Gang signs being showed, ***** love your hood
But reconize that it's all good, where the weed at?
I am Babu Ngombwe Gomez, an illegal, unliscensed, non-JD Indian-Nigerian-Mexican inmigrant doc rebeiwer living in NYC and registrated with 16 temp agencys... I will soon take UR job and U will be living on the streetz as a BUMB!!!!
hahahahahaha!!!! Die, cracker, die!!!!
"Indians are better and do a better job. Period."
No. just cheaper. That's it.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Close the borders, bring back segregation...wheres Jim Crow when you need him?? Mesa Jar Jar binks...the $1 menu is a steal!
Notice not one of the "minority voices" here even suggests that the blacks, Nigerians, and wetbacks are in any way qualified for their work.
Turn up that ghetto blaster!
You're living in the hood now.
Now it's come to your work place.
If telling the truth about minorities be spreading hate then I am the most offending soul alive.
11:01 said "I live in an area where there is a sudden influx of overseas Indians who are here on HB1 visas..the presence of these overseas Indians is really bringing down the quality of the community. Studio apartments become clown cars, the cooking is obnoxiously pungent, and they leave trash all over the place. "
I am Indian, no joke, and I agree with you. I was not brought up like this and I cannot bear to live with these people. Sometimes I just want to smack them across their faces.
But many Indians are also super nice and refined and educated and hard-working. And many have gone to the best schools in the world and are great lawyers and doctors and engineers.
I guess it happens in everyone race - the rich and the poor, the dumb and the educated. So it's probably more about money and education and less about race.
Poor dumb ugly people all over the world are SUPER ANNOYING - and I just don't know why I have to vomit everytime I stept out of the house and why people cannot be good-looking, smart, kind, compassionate, hard-working and intelligent like me. Today I really wanted to kill myself when I just stepped out to get some fresh air and all my refined senses were assaulted by ugly, loud, poor uneducated people. Uuuuugh, I am not sure I can live much longer in such a hideous world...
They should destroy the projects with the ppl in them.
2:03 while I feel your plight and feel sorry for you I am also happy to hear that someone else had a miserable Fourth of July as I did. I live in a neighborhood in which five blocks are super-wealthy and the rest is THE TOILET GHETTO. Odd, I know. I live in the super-wealthy area only because I got lucky. I live there because of the proximity of a most beautiful incredible park which runs along a river. On weekdays it is heaven and I truly don't mind being unemployed as running there is like being in paradise. But on weekends like today IT IS MISERABLE!! I went out for some air and was assaulted by old ugly Hispanic men with pitbulls, fat waddling ladies, loud music and broken beer bottles, oh and lots of cellulite-ridden flesh. It was awful. I also came back and did not leave the house until the vermin return to their hovels or return Monday to pickingup shit or whatever it is they do for a living.
To 7;30, the white boy who was defending blacks. Yeah of course you don't have a problem with them jackass because you ARE WHITE. They are very nice to you. You should see the way they are to other minorities. Black men are never the problem. Black women on the other hand are total cunts to other minority women. - and no I don't give off any "vibrations" when I meet them. I am actually very nice and warm-hearted and the nicer I am the meaner they are. These cunts make my life hell working with them. Many do shoddy work and if you say anything they claim racism - and if the recruiter is also black you ARE FUCKED. I have no problems at all with elite black women educated at fine schools and in serious professions.
Black female recruiters are just always looking for an excuse to get a minority woman who is not black off a project -- so they cam make room for their friends, the saddlebag queens.
If people are poor and uneducated they should at least be good-looking. Poor, ignorant and UGLY and too much of a lethal combo. Such people should be shot. They are not contributing anything to this world. And they should not be allowed to reproduce.
Ha, ha, ha -- I am not even a temp attorney and God knows why I am addicted to this site. Maybe it's because I temped at the same firms and I find so much of what's said here so true. It's raw [and very funny] candor -- much better than what I find on other sites.
I'd much rather live in tiny studio in a nice neighborhood than a large place in a ghetto neighborhood. When your neighbors are ghetto and they don't care about life and the people around them, it makes life pretty unbearable.
So true, so true. I live in a place on the UWS. It is small but I have never had greater peace of mind. The ghetto places may be larger and near beautiful parks but all that is marred by seeing the ugly ghetto faces. Even a trip to the super market or the walk to the subway can take on scary proprtions. These people have nothing to lose while people with an education and a career can nowhere muster the energy and drama to cope this scum and bacteria that pass for mankind.
labaton has rats
labaton is hell on earth
The rich live, the poor die.
The poor/project dwellers need to be sterilized...hmmmm but then who would make my sandwich @ Cosi?
Destroy the projects!
I am a minority and I am a GHETTO- minority HATER. I don't hate educated minorities.
GHETTO minorities ought to be roasted alive. I am not from this country and I came here for an education, to learn, to mix with smart, educated people of this civlization, learn things and take them back. But instead at least in NYC temp world I found a stew of shit minorities - wow even my shit Third World country was more cultured and refined than this. I feel sorry for the good people in this country.
I worked briefly at Labaton and am I wrong in that many Labaton attorneys don't even look like attorneys - at least the ones I met looked like Guidos or construction workers. Hmmmmm...and they were busy hitting on some cheesy temps. It was pretty gross. I raked in some money and then called in sick - I was getting a mental disability being there.
I hate minorities but I do like Prez. Obama. Look, even if you call him "affirmative action" or whatever the dude has had to be razor sharp to do what he did. Harvard, then he taught law, this is no small feat. You have to have a pretty sharp mind. It's not like he was roasting potatoes at Yankee Stadium and someone made him President. Get real!!!
Given a choice between black American women and Nigerian women, I would take the Nigerian ladies anyday. They are much, much sweeter!! They don't have so much hate and baggage.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Don't try to sound like Indians are bad like the blacks, Nigerians, and Mexicans. There is no comparison.
The pecking order is the worst are the local blacks, second worst the Nigerians, and the Mexicans the best of the worst, but still spitting ghetto blasting 100-kids no-brain scum!
Go back to Mexico it's the shit place you made it into.
Now you changing U.S. into another Mexico City crime world.
Nigerians go back to Internet rooms in Lagos scum!
Obama is worse than any minority.
His black father ditched him and he had a loving white grandmother.
But he's an opportunist so never thanks his white side and plays the race card day and night. An entitled moron.
P.S. Harvard law review has affirmative action policy. 4 minority seats out of 30.
I think the pecking order starting from worst is Puerto Ricans and Domincans, Black women, other Hispanics, and then all the other races.
Is it just me or are Hispanic men hyper-sexualized??? Seems like that's all they can think of - well all men think like that but most men in other races are able to conduct themselves with some dignity - except the Hispanic men. Their tongues are always hanging out - like dogs in perpetual heat. The uglier they are the hornier they are. Someone needs to study Hispanic men - their diets etc - to see why they are so turned on ALL THE TIME.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
They are paying $28/hour, no parking and no OT on a project in LA with set hours. It's infuriating. Many of us are interviewing for permanent positions but have mortgages/law loans to pay and are at the mercy of these staffing agencies.
I used to work as a para for an immigration firm about 5yrs ago, and they were totally unethical. The government would require that the position the H-1B candidate was in the running for be advertised in the newspaper to ensure that there were no qualified workers available for the position. The attys would tell me to include some random skill that the H-1B candidate had so that it would eliminate all the US workers (even though they really did not need this skill to do the job), or they would have me throw away the qualified resumes and lie to the govt.
The female Nigerian doc reviewers are the best. They do not cause any problems and they are very quiet. In fact, you don't even know they are in the room.
What they do is come to work and sign in. They then leave and go shopping. They then return later at night and sign out. Its so funny.
I knew a Nigerian girl who was on three projects at the same time. I wouldn't be surprised if she was double or even triple billing. Most Americans can't even find one job, yet these people are able to pull down three at the same time. I am sure if anyone called her out on any of this (bar authorities included), they would have been labled a racist.
"The female Nigerian doc reviewers are the best."
On the last Update job a Nigerian woman used to wear that stupid jungle headress (yellow) which looked like a huge plant on top of her head. Meanwhile running back and forth to the other two simultaneous doc reviews.
But Update says, we are so happy with our serious Nigerian temps.
Update sucks, and the Nigerian temps should go back to Lagos and be the lawyers for the email scam operators (defending them of course) and train terrorists to bomb the U.S.
To the non-black (probably Asian/India) minority who says how good blacks treat whites.
Why have I not noticed this?
blacks and whites HATE each other.
There are almost no real intermarriages and very few friendships.
Whites (especially liberal New York whites) will spend any amount of money to avoid living near or sending their kids to school with blacks.
Believe me, the white phonies here are from West Hartford, CT. and wouldn't go near a black. That's why they bend over backwards to say they are Obama supporters and to call other people racist. Call other people racist and you "cover yourself".
Get it??
(P.S. all blacks know this is the truth and that the whites are lying scum.)
"I completely hit it off with African-Americans."
lol, 12:43 is a whigger.
Yeah, but blacks are nicer to whites than they are to other minorities. I think that was the point.
Black women [not black men] tear other minorities to bits, especially in the work setting. Maybe they just feel so insecure all the time.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Lex Pollution should hire more Nigerians. Any conditions are better than their AIDS country. But expect a lot of angry entitled and 0 I.Q. people.
Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, ...........
This is such a racist blog
Go to NYLS Hopstrah or Torah Law. Get good grades, graduate top 10% go to work for government in NY. Retire at 56 with yuuuuuge ass pension and lifetime health benefits. Never have to work in law again. Check comes every month. Oh yeah, you will have had to have graduated prior to 1992. Who needs law firm job? You folks missed the big government boat. Sorry.
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