Remember the article you had about SkaTTTen? Well, Kelly is staffing a project at Skadden, and not only is the pay rate the "new reality" (33/hr) but the work has been irregular. I am on the project and was told on Monday not to come in on Tuesday. Then on Tuesday night, I was told not to come in Wednesday. And finally, tonight/Wednesday night, I was told not come in on Thursday. Each of the last two nights we had to wait to find out whether or not come in the following day.
This is especially frustrating not only because we don't get paid (obviously) for our days off, but because we have also had to work weekends at times. We may still have to work weekends in the future. I know that this is a temp job, but I've never been on one where it was so on-and-off. I think if there were more opptys out there many of us would leave...."
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 279 of 279This blog has to be one big lame hoax. I don't believe that there are that many idiots out there who work their asses off in law school just to end up temping in a filthy basement for the rest of their lives. Maybe a few morons, but not hundreds. Most law grads can find something to do with their degree.
Why shouldn't you file unemployment? You didn't work for a few days, right.
I would suggest you look around, jump on another project as soon as you can find one -- and then if Skadden comes back you can chose.
Don't just wait around for it - tell the agency you are waiting for it but keep exploring options
I got screwed many times by being "professional" and waiting around for these projects to "start/re-start"
I apologize for my slow response. Some girls from the permanent division and I went in on a weekend beach timeshare. This week we were up. Although the weather really hasn't been cooperating, boy is it nice to get out of the city for a change. Aside from some troubleshooting that I have had to deal with regarding a current ongoing project, things have been pretty quiet. No news is good news!
Melody Kramer, I am really astounded by your drivel. As co-founder of the National Association of Freelance Legal Professionals, I thought you would be more level headed in your analysis and not be prone to childish outbursts. How can I not be proud of the acheivement of many of my clients? Many of them hailed from top law schools, and sacrificed for years on end to get where they are. They cover my paycheck and literally employ hundreds of others. We need some more wealth creators in this country right now.
Frankly, I don't see the "unexcusable" behavior that you are railing against. Are you referring to the Skadden project? I thought that by its nature temp work was designed to be flexible? As it stands now, the delay apparently has only lasted a week. Furthermore, I would never place a job candidate with one of my clients who couldn't swing a week's worth of living expenses. Someone who can't balance their finances clearly demonstrates poor character IMHO. That is why I am such a strong proponent of checking credit scores for all my temporary job candidates.
Reporting from the wine bar down the street from my loft. Just want everybody to know I had great day. Ten hours. $60/hour. Now kickin back with Pinot.
I may go in for some hours tomorrow, but prob not. May need to rest up for 70 next week.
Better Coder
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Recruiter broad, how about having a beer sometime.
Yeah I worked on a project today. Had enough of it and walked out. Fuck that project and the agency. Add me to the blacklist.
you can always tell the unemployment off that you have been effectively discharged if they are not providing you with work.
this recruiter bitch/idiot is getting on my last nerve. If you think the forum is "negative" and the people "aren't classy" why don't you fuck off to doing your job talking shite about your boyfriend and makeup around the photocopier?
For those who want to do smething worthy, human rights pays minimum wage - Clive Stafford Smith had to sue for even that.
So the real issue is Sallie Mae: Tell Al Lord to blow it out his arse.
In the meantime, recruitment bint, you can bite mine.
tomthetem, you should delete and ban these "fakee" postings by bettercoder, recruiter, and benny lava.
They aren't funny.
There are interesting truths to write about, why this stuff to fuck up your site. Just ban them.
wise counsel is terrible!
They don't even have a real office. Just sublet some space.
Loooooooooooooooooooong, boring posts.
20 words or less, dummies!
I see a lot of comments about people shouldn't get paid for not working. Well, how about the idea of giving a retainer to lock us in on a project rather than jerking us around for a couple of weeks not knowing if the project is going to start. Being a contract attorney is a one way street. We are expected to be "professional", which to the agencies means that once we say we are taking a project we have to take it even if we are jerked around for weeks on it, and if we should leave because of it was are blacklisted. In my view, if we have agreed to work the project and have foregone other projects in expectation of working on this one, we should be compensated for it, and that is what the retainer would do. Perhaps the agency guarantees us a week's pay, and it comes from the agency, not the law firm. This is an incentive for the agency to make sure the project is not a circle jerk, and it locks us in and keeps us happy. I know people are going to say that this doesn't work due to the way firms bill per hour worked, but if its paid from the agency and not passed on to the firm, it would be considered cost of doing business for the agency.
Being "professional" is code word for bend over and get ready for the firm and legal establishment to savage you. As recruiter girl schtick represents, these firms can do wrong and anything they and do is gospel.
Did any of you consider that this may have been a way for the firm to avoid having to pay unemployment claims? More unemployment claims means higher unemployment payroll taxes. By jerking you around for so long they might have been hoping that you might have found something else.
"Worst of all, thanx to this blog, every agency knows about this situation and I will never get placed."
why would you tell another agency you are on the skadden project? just tell them you are available...if you get anther gig just drop the kelly/skadden gig, people have already done that and are on to other projects at least 5 or so...
I take a very dim view of people filing unemployment claims. In fact, about two years, I went with a few girls from a sister agency up to Albany. My Assemblymen Richard Brodsky (D) from Westchester was sponsoring a bill that would automatically deny temporary workers unemployment benefits if they fail to contact the temporary agency within five days of completing an assignment. He will definitely be getting another campaign contribution from us next election cycle.
If you haven't been working of course you can claim benefits. Unless you were paid while not working. I don't understand the dilemma. Being on standby is NOT WORKING right?????
I was on standby once I found a new project, went to it, ended up liking it and decided to stay with it. Two days later the old project called and said it was on again - I told them I had waited and waited and waited and was losing money and bills were piling up.
The recruiter said she understood. Maybe she still blacklisted me--I don't know how these bitches work. But she seemed OK with it. I think they expect dropouts if they keep doing that.
Retainer is an excellent idea -- but these cheap bastards will probably not do it in this economy.
1:18 PM
Recruiter - Great, then we'll just check the public records and trace that contribution back to your asses, and find out who you are!
Then we'll rat you out for making unauthorized blog posts that cast your agency and its valued temps in a bad light.
You know how much employers hate staff posting about their personal lives and their companies...
Does anyone remember a chick from Maryland named Jessa Jeffries (her maiden name) who got fired for blogging about her work? It made national news...
Most consultancy work is pay regardless of whether they use for the job or not. The assumption is that your time is valuable. If they are going to hold you for a certain amount of time. They need to pay you for it. I have a lot of friends whod consultancy work. This is how they are paid- if a client contracts their services for a certain period- they are paid whether the client uses those services or not. Indeed, the whole idea of doc review land would be alien to them because they also contract for specific period of time.
There is none of this "oh, we got a project for 3 months" that turns out to be 2 days. If you contract with my friends- you pay them a certain portion regardless up to the point of notice in contract. In one case, I know a guy who says 1 month notice.
In case anyone sees this comment. If someone retains you under contract, they are supposed to pay you. That's also true of employees.
That's the reason I stated earlier that you can claim with the unemployment off that you have been effectively laid off. The government also recognizes that an "employer" not paying you or providing yo work to be paid for later is not in fact employing you.
So what kind of consultancy work do they do? I mean is it legal consulting, business consulting, or what? How do they find these jobs and what are the qualifications sought?
The thing to do is just find another gig. If everyone leaves from these projects and moves to another job, they will have less inclination to jerk you around next time.
Some projects do pay you to wait and respect your time. Try to get one of those and flee the sweatshops with inferior treatment.
Respect you? They can't even repect themselves? Have you ever met Melissa King at Skadden? What a miserable, self-loathing despicable human being.
Recruiter is a troll. I, sir misanthrope in an iron bathtub, outed her about her embarassing faux pas in talking about shopping at Nieman Marcus, when in fact Nieman Marcus is not in New York.
Absent a well-deserved banning, the best thing to do is ignore this person (probably a guy). Still, to the effect you could trace campaign contributions matched against names of recruiters, you could unleash a shitstorm of pain if this person is actually real. I will not waste my valuable time in doing so. But given the small chance this cunt is for real, I do encourage others to do so.
In that event, I actually hope this person is for real! For you see, hurting people who offends one's sensiblities, making them suffer as much you possibly can, is really what it IS all about. Insofar as one cannot go offing people, or even torturing or mutillating people to death in horribly gruesome fashion a la torture porn in Hostel--not because it is wrong (it certainly is not) but because it would be wrong to get caught--the next best thing would be to hurt them in perfectly legal, non violent ways: in this case by matching contributions with list of names of real recruiters. Again, this person is almost assuredly a troll, but in the miniscule chance it is legitimate, there would be a whole lot of pain and suffering goin' on. And that makes me smile. It should make you smile, too!
Again, one of the most important things in life is to be the perfect friend, family member or lover to those you care for and cheris, but the perfect enemey for those who offend you.
Thought I'd chime in here. Recruiter is spot on. Unemployment is for sub par coders.
Btw. I am in for some hours today. Need to pay off the tab (250) from last night. I should be able to do that in four hours. Not a prob. Total net for the week is 22 or 23. Been like that for couple years now.
Better Coder
Everyone knows those posts are poorly conceived flames. Just ignore the flamebait.
3:37: Well said my friend, well said.
At a ripe old age, I fully understand when you say: "Again, one of the most important things in life is to be the perfect friend, family member or lover to those you care for and cheris, but the perfect enemey for those who offend you." Yes, yes and yes.
Mr. Iron Bathtub, may I also commend you for outing this troll -- you are obviously a man of fine sensibilities and up on the fashion of our times. Unlike these polyester-encased bitches you know fully well, like I do, that Neiman is NOT in New York. Hummmmmph - I needn't waste my time with trash like that!!!
Ignore the lame comedy of these fake posters -- and let's get on with our own stories and insights -- of Big Mamma and other animals!!
Recruiter is dating a Nigerian coder named Yemi.
I wonder what she sees in him...
Better Coder,
Is it true you have body odor?
I'm not accusing you or anything, I just want to know if all the rumors are true.
Yours sincerely,
Wannabe Good Coder
I heard recruiter is a dirtly little ho! She'll sleep with almost anyone with status and money; that excludes coders.
So, the Nigerian rumors are false. It's exactly the opposite, she won't place any non-jds on projects. She's snooty like that.
I heard she was involved with a Cravath partner, btw.
Better Coder, however is gay. He does swing towards Nigerians, so the rumor you heard was about better coder. He likes his coffee dark, like his men!
Benny Lava is celibate. He desperately wants to meet a nice American girl, but they won't give him the time of day. The Indian girls won't go near him because he is technically an outcast. Very tragic, as he is very quick to type and code.
Oh but I am most certainly not celibate. I have most beautiful wife named Rajnaputhnamam; she is why I must work so because she weights 300 pounds and has eaten much of my goat vindaloo. This is why I know best that my food is very good, oh yes.
Benny, c'mon admit it. You are not really married. You're making it up. You will need to post a picture of your wife in order for us to believe it.
Don't know about Benny's wife, but here is a pic of their love child (and it ain't pretty)...
I have no problem with making fun and talking shit about Indian "attorneys" over in India. They are stealing our jobs, their command of the English language is often poor (nevermind their command of American law), and their work is often substandard. I guarantee that the outsourcing trend will blow up in BigLaw's faces when one of these idiots lets a few important documents get through that should not have, most likely because Benny Lava and his ilk don't understand English very well.
That said, I wish folks would stop bashing Nigerian attorneys. These folks by and large do have American law degrees, they are working for American wages (not Nigerian wages over in Lagos), they spend at least a portion of their wages earned in America over here (benefitting our economy), and they work hard. They don't deserve the abuse that some have subjected them to on these boards.
7:45 - Agree with you about the Nigerian attorneys. Most either have American JD's, or the exact equivalent from a Nigerian law school. Nigeria is a British-influenced, common law country, and their legal education (like India's) is as good for their country as ours is for ours. There are good and bad law schools and law school graduates in the US, India, and Nigeria.
Stop this provincial, flag-waving American mentality that says everything American is superior and everything "Third World" is the equivalent of people rolling around in their own excrement.
May I remind you what country caused the Subprime Crisis that led to the Credit Shock that led to 600,000 jobs being lost every month in the US, bankruptcies of major banks and corporations, etc., etc.
It wasn't India or Nigeria.
One does legal consultantcy, but its more a substantive specialization. The others work in a variety of industries- from business management to expert witness to project management. From what I am learning from talking to them, the key is to build a niche. That means something that you will not find surfing on a site like this or any other general site. They make sure that what they do- not a lot of people can do. The mistake people make here is to not research how they can create their own niche and specialization. I have been working on that issue. It's a lot of leg work.
One does legal consultantcy, but its more a substantive specialization. The others work in a variety of industries- from business management to expert witness to project management. From what I am learning from talking to them, the key is to build a niche. That means something that you will not find surfing on a site like this or any other general site. They make sure that what they do- not a lot of people can do. The mistake people make here is to not research how they can create their own niche and specialization. I have been working on that issue. It's a lot of leg work.
Actually, most Nigerians are only licensed in NY because it is one of the few states that allow non JDs to sit for the bar. It's the American form of the Nigerian scam.
No, the vast majority do NOT have JDs, you are dead wrong. The scam is that you do an undergrad degree is some Nigerain university then get an LLM at an American law school. Then, you get your chance to take the NY bar and then steal jobs from Americans.
With the massive oversupply of American attorneys, there is simply no need for the Nigerian attorneys. Absolutely none.
How many American attorneys are out of work? Thousands upon thousands. Let's stop the Nigerian law scam and force the NY Bar to accept only JDs.
When the economy was good, it was stupid. Now it is downright criminal.
"Recruiter" is obviously a flame. I checked out this site out after getting the following email from the Kelly recruiter on the Skadden project. Unlike recruiter troll, the real recruiter is also probably pissed with having been jerked around. If we don't get paid, they don't get paid. It also must be annoying to have to constantly harass the idiot associates to find out if your candidates will be working the following day. Clearly, I will never view Skadden in the same light. I always heard good things about their staff attorney program, and I generally thought they treated their contract attorneys alright, but I guess I was wrong.
"Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to first thank all of your contribution on the Skadden project. I know that you are all frustrated and confused regarding the current state of the project. Unfortunately, I do not have any answers with respect to when the project will resume. I also wanted to acknowledge the fact that these last few days of no work have disrupted all of your lives. My colleagues and I are trying our best to obtain more information as to the status of the project. I hope that you all realize that the decision as to when the project will continue is out of our hands. Also, an anonymous blogger on "tom the temp" suggested that we might have staffed the project with other attorneys. Please be assured that we have not done so.
I look forward to continuing to work with all of you. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience you all have most likely experienced as a result of the sporadic nature of this assignment. Please know that my team and I are doing as much as we can to make the project run more smoothly."
not to surprising about the kelly/skadden thing, jackass unstable vulgar associates, jackass partner and scummy cheap and immoral client.
bounce if you can, many already have...
Skadden probably has Clutch furiously working in India, while they keep the American licensed attorneys sitting around with their thumbs up their butts.
Just walk out and move onto another project. If you are not working when (and if) they call back, go back and work. Otherwise, do something else.
I have heard of this happening on other Skadden projects.
Who are you calling vulgar?
Yelling out profanities all day was a suggested treatment option offered by my psychiatrist to help alleviate passive aggressive tendencies.
First of all, I don't even know where to begin to pull apart the inaccuracies of your post.
1) NY is NOT "one of the few states that allow non-JDs to sit for the bar". What State Supreme Courts and Bar Examiners look at is, in the vast majority of cases, not whether or not the applicant has a "JD", but whether or not they graduated from a school in the English-speaking world (even where English is a secondary language), which follows the traditions of the British common law system. Examples of these countries are very numerous and include: the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, India, South Africa, Malaysia, Fiji, Antigua, Jamaica and much of the English-speaking Caribbean, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, even Pakistan.
I've known Irish-trained solicitors who've taken and passed the Bar in California, for example. The degree they have is NOT a JD.
2. The vast majority of law schools in the English-speaking world outside of the USA DO NOT EVEN CONFER THE JURIS DOCTOR DEGREE. Around the world, the LL.B and other variations are much more common. Law programs in the UK, which is the seat of the Common Law tradition and where much of the famous landmark courses we Americans read in our casebooks comes from, don't even grant the J.D. degree.
Read this from Wikipedia, specifically the section on "Creation of the Juris Doctor":
The JD degree is basically a creation of the legal profession in the USA, and a relatively late one, designed specifically to make the legal profession's main academic diploma more similar to that of an M.D. and a Ph.D. -- that is, calling it a "doctorate".
Prior to the creation of the JD degree in 19th century America, US lawyers weren't considered "doctors" of anything. The JD degree was created for public relations purposes to boost the standing of the legal profession.
And fact that British (or French, German, Italian, Russian, Mexican, etc.) students can graduate from a law program which is not necessarily a post-graduate program -- that is graduate with a law degree and be eligible to sit for their equivalent of the Bar Exam -- at say, age 22 (as opposed to an average age of 25 or higher here), means absolutely nothing, it is COMPLETELY irrelevant, because those people get a more serious undergraduate education than American university students anyway, having been spared the frat parties, football games, Spring Breaks, and general drivel and non-academic bacchanalia that accompanies "higher" education in the US.
Not to mention that they are not loaded down with student debt when they graduate.
9:54 - Thank you for your useless, uninformative post. Who cares what the rest of the world does? We live and work here and require JDs. Many states do not allow non-jds (with few exceptions) to take the bar. Do your homework before you start posting your innacurate drivel.
Wikipedia...are you kidding me? I guess you're one of the unqalified non-JDs. Do some real research ad get back to us.
I'm Dr. Law.
I know more than you do.
I have a Master's Degree! In Law!!
Not the racial thing again!
Many of our elite law firm clients always mandate that we staff our projects with an eye towards diversity. The proper gender mix usually isn't a problem. Landing a Chinese and Hispanic is usually a cake walk. Staffing an occasional person over 50 is fun in that it helps lighten up the atmosphere.
Now to be truthful, where we occasionally run into problems is with the African Americans. Now, I have nothing against African Americans. Although I didn't grow up with many of them, I have been friends with many of them over the years and they all have been very nice. It just seems that many of the native born African Americans that we tend to place on our projects have chips on their shoulders and tend to disrupt the workplace. The Nigerian job candidates are a perfect solution to this dilemma. They really are quiet workhorses that bill an astounding amount of hours, they really don't complain or cause us any headaches, and they placate our clients' racial diversity mandates. I say import more Nigerians.
Dear Recruiter Gal:
My mother is from El Salvador and my father is from Bangladesh. I consider myself "Hispangladeshi", and I make a mean mango chutney pupusa.
Would I satisfy your elite clients' diversity mandates?
Ricardo Abulhassan
Not sure why the animosity toward me. No I do not have body odor. In fact, I just bought a new American Crew men's grooming kit today. I also picked up a new Hugo Boss suit - no not from Century 21 - it was from Nordstroms.
Anyway, hopefully walking with 8 net this month (I've hovered around that now for quite some time) so paying for the new suit is not a problem.
Back to the Laker game - I mean Laker win.
Better Coder
I do better than any Nigerian. I come to America, and I work for free. I waive my normal requirement of bowl of curry to obtain honor to work for most gracious and beneficence employer as Mr. Skadden Arps. Also, I share my lovely Rajnaputhnamam what for Skadden Arps partners to have their pleasures with.
Also, I bring forthwith my so smart brothers Ashit and Apu to come with and work for free also. Ashit is both very very fast coder and clever with English language; Apu is slow and speak English not good like me and Ashit, but he also work free so Mr. Skadden Arps will most certainly do the necessary and hire him as well oh yes.
Quiet workhorse animals? Do you hand out whips to your "elite" law firm clients and allow them to refer to your temps as Kunta Kinte?
I am laughing my ass off at the fact that "better coder" does not live in manhattan. Shopping at nordstroms's? Do you live at home wife your mom and sister, aka recruiter girl, in jersey? She's at Niemans and your going to nordstroms's! Hilarious you two are dickheads. Or more than likely one little dick. Before flaming check the facts on what exists. Hey, I think your mom needs you to go help her make muffins.
More like bitch ass not living in NYC coder.
Fucking idiot. Lame schtck, your benny labia character is almost lame as you.
better coder,
You not better coder than any Nigerian coder!
Nigerians are best best best coders.
please change your name to reflect this fact.
as sun rises in east above Nigeria, so to is it that nigerian are better coders than anybody.
Nigerians suck, are stupid, and have the usual entitled attitude.
They love telling you how great their homeland is.
Then go the fuck back!
Enough of these lousy Indians and Nigerians.
Yeah--let's get this HATE TRAIN ROLLIN!
What Agency is that Recuiter from? Hey Recuiter what agency are u from, dont be shy. I doubt that is really her picture anyway. If it was her picture she would post her name because people would figure out who she was. It is a small temp market after all.
There are a lot of spam posts here such as very unfunny Recruiter, Benny Lava, and Bettercoder.
webmaster, time to start blocking IP addresses.
On a more serious note, most of us have already heard the tragic news of Cravath deferring their entire class of 2010. Please join me in my prayers for this group of talented torch bearers and future leaders of our profession and our country.
Until we can put them back to work, let's all do our part in other ways. I urge you to volunteer for the next class of associates in other ways. Even something little to express your gratitude can make a huge, positive impact. For example, you could mow their lawn while they're globetrotting or getting coffee and lunch for them as they focus on their voluntary pro bono work during their year off. Show them your team spirit for the legal profession and show them that you care about the future leaders of your profession.
better coder? More like better ass pussy.
You are correct, I was home for a bit yesterday. It's so close, why not. In fact, I used to live at home for about half way through the first year of this project. It was nice.
1) Work 65-70.
2) Car home.
3) Eat free leftovers.
4) Repeat.
Fortunately for me, my parent's paid for lawschool, too. I was therefore able to spend my money where I wanted to.
I would often hit the Diesel Flagship store or Nat Sherman's for some cigars and cutters.
Now, however, I am renting a flat in the village. It's actually pretty nice place. Full one bedroom/one bath. I was recently able to negotiate my rent down from 2100 to 1800 so that's not bad, as well. After cable, which is my only other expense (large one though - I get all the movie channels and the phone and DVR) I am about 6K in the clear. It feels good that I can walk down the street and know that I don't only have to window shop or that I can buy that extra drink for my date.
Anyway, back to coding. I'm on a special assignment today.
Better Coder
My understanding is the agencies are groveling all over the biglaw laid off associates and are placing them over us permatemps...
Its cutting into my liquor budget.
Well, its clear that someone is very bored and unemployed. Perhaps an unemployed former biglaw associate with delusions og writing grandeur. I hate to tell you, but that stuff is terrible.
Bring back the tales of big momma!
11:54: bullshit, they don't place former BigLaw because they know these people will bail on the project when they get a real job.
Plus temping is below them and therefore they would have low morale on the project...
Most of the A list permatemps are working right now, on good projects...
You must have pulled that information out of your ass.
They place former associates on temp gigs all the time. I've met them on the projects.
2:03, you are right, I am hearing and seeing this as well. 12:53, I wish you were right... Boo to you.
Looks like they can't find any dotheads who can speak French worth a shit (what a surprise):
Reply to: job-fhbf8-1222814607@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-15, 2:39PM EDT
French speaker fluent in business French needed for document review in India. Must have prior document review experience.
Duration is 1-2 months, and you will need to leave on June 19th or 20th.
Please attach resume and highlight relevant experience.
* Compensation: Rate is $40/hour + OT, 50 hours per week. Visa, flight, hotel, transportation and meals included.
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
PostingID: 1222814607
There is a city in southern India called Pondicherry, which is a former French colony, where French is widely spoken as a second language. They could check there.
Every time I eat Indian food, I get diarrhea. I'd never go there. Its not worth the $40.00 an hour.
from your general lameness seems like you have diarhea all the time
12:06 said: "Well, its clear that someone is very bored and unemployed. Perhaps an unemployed former biglaw associate with delusions og writing grandeur. I hate to tell you, but that stuff is terrible.
Bring back the tales of big momma!"
I agree. I don't even read this stuff anymore. Just pass it over -- totally stupid -- and not funny at all
All these posts are funny. The whole field is ridiculous.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
CLASSES OF 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Thank you so much for your explanation of the LL.B degree. The LL.B degree used to be the degree given to lawyers in America. The JD is a new creation. JD's are not more intelligent or better lawyers than foreign trained lawyers with LL.B's nor will I say that LL.B's are more intelligent than them.
I would say one thing, it was wonderful to graduate as a lawyer at the age of 21! Eventhough I still had to go to school further to be barred. I think everyone should get along and stop throwing darts at other lawyers. We are all suffering the same fate. We have all lost our source of income, we all have families and mortgages and our credit ratings have all been affected. America is a country of foreigners... a lot of us especially in NY are first generation, 2nd generation immigrants in essence our parents and grandparents are immigrants. For the ones whose great, great, grandparents were immigrants you are still a descendant of a foreigner. No one owns America. Not all Nigerians are foreigners, some of us are first generation like I am, so where do you want me to go back to?
I think it is time to stop and use our time in finding employment to sustain our families. This is a terrible time for everyone.
I thought that they ate that, opps maybe it's the Pakastanafreaks that eat their own shit. They always smell like it
What's that -- "Pakastana"
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