Heads up! There is a new bottom feeding agency in town. The person who is complaining about Wise Counsel is spot on. Although the agencies are all fly by night (on a broomstick), Wise sub-let some tiny rabbit cage space on Third Avenue. They sent me for a total waste interview in Garden City, Long Island at a nothing firm. They then started asking me if I wanted to sub-sub-let some space in their office to operate a private practice. You see, these agencies will find any ways and means to skin you alive. You don't have a job - and they don't have anything for you - so they try to get rent money out of you.
The second of the Big Three has to be Helene Diamond. Every temp has dealt with her agency, Peak, at some point offering the lowest possible rate and the worst jobs, usually in places like Bridgeport, Connecticut with no commuting allowance. (This is a real experience I had with her.)
The third and winner of the Booby Prize goes to Sean Treadwell, who has called every temp but never returns their calls or emails. There is always some non-existent position with him. He wins the resume-collector of the year award. He's just fishing around to see what's out there and to get everyone's resume so he can claim to be their massa'.
The new and up-and-coming power player of the week is Sara Kim of Yorkson, also famous for touting non-existent jobs and being very nasty."
Sean Treadwell is a total ass. He collects resumes and never returns calls or e-mails. I'd like to break a beer bottle over his thick head. For the past 2 years, he has listed positions for projects that seldom start or even exist. Prick.
As I am often first on projects, I too am first for this batch of comments.
Very Truly Yours,
Better Coder
Most of the temp agencies are bottom feeders anyway. The projects generally suck, the work is dull, and the agencies do their best to take advantage of you.
These agencies are mere ghetto, middlemen that will all too soon be weeded out...I cant think of a more useless job title than "staffer" This just in! Contract attorneys will now be able to directly apply to positions at "elite" firms through HR, eliminating the "need" for agencies..so long suckers!! End of days nears..
Hogwash! There is nothing more valuable to a firm than a good temporary legal placement professional with a shared mega database of every admitted legal professional's personal and work history in the United States.
BTW, I knew Sean Treadwell when he was at Elaine P. Dine. The guy truly is a class act.
Yes, I agree. All the agencies pointed out are truly lame.
The lady that runs Wise will try and rent you out for as few bucks as possible, even once offering me $18. This was before the economic meltdown!! In the heady days!! After I refused, it suddenly went up to $25 - which was still bad, but at least better than $18.
How is Sean Curtin to work with? I've been thinking of sending him my resume.
I have two words for firms that attempt to recklessly hire job candidates directly on their own: Yolanda Young. I have a stockpile of quiet and obedient Nigerians that will work under the third party umbrella of an outside agency.
Law firms could save a bundle by cutting out agencies!! No doubt.
I think that's the wave of the future.
I hear "elite" sanitation companies are hiring "recruiters aka un-elite sales girls" who will soon be dumped in the trash.
Boo, hoo, hoooooooooo, hoooo, hooooo, hoooooo
This may be a temporary slump for me but at least I have a law degree from an "elite" school with an "elite" work record and the "elite" economy will pick up again and hire "elites" like me again ....but where will the petty pimps go....booooo, hoooooo, hooooooo
Back in the day, staffing firms didn't exist..everything was direct hire..during boom times, firms got lazy and thats how these horrible, unnecessary agencies came to be...the trend is now reversing, agencies are being shuttered daily, they just don't offer any valuable services and are without utility..we're on to you recruiters we won't miss ya!
Does anyone else just 'sense' priv.?
Better Coder
Treadwell is one sleeezy mothafucka.
The problem with a direct hire is that an elite law firm client really can't get a sense of the job candidate's track record. With access to the shared intra-agency database, we can provide our clients with a detailed spreadsheet listing every document coded and every day taken off since the job candidate stepped out of law school
I work with an "elite" law firm and while I like these dames sucking my "elite" dick to get my "elite" work -- they are a pain in my "elite" ass not to mention stupid and mostly ugly. They pretend they are professional and educated but what have they really done except trade meat.
What's with the BO, the polyester clothes--I would love to get rid of these bitches....
There is no intra-agency database, bitch, get real.
The commenter turned down an offer to sub-let to open a private practice? WTF? He should have JUMPED on it. They had his best interest at heart. They might have spoken to him with a bit of irony?
Recruiter, what do you think? BetterCoder, I bet you get perks like office space, right?
By the way, my entire lawschool cohort was white trash, so don't judge.
Recruiter baby -- why would the agencies want to maintain an "Inter-Agency Database"?
In this competitive environment, wouldn't the agencies really want to withhold such information from each other? In fact, wouldn't they instead want to actively sabotage each other by providing false information?
If Agency A fills a project with blacklisted coders or people who are known slackers and early bailers, then that Agency would probably be blacklisted by the client.
Right now competition is actually CUTTHROAT between the agencies, I don't care what you or any other agency spokesperson says.
Anyone who thinks competition is fierce between coders or applicants for these temp legal jobs, has no idea about the competition between agencies bidding on projects -- that competition is much more direct, open, nasty and brutal than competition between coders or job applicants could ever be.
Instead of sharing info with each other on an "Inter-Agency Database", it would be more in the agencies' interests now to say screw the database at, let's provide no information, or false information (or "mistaken" info) to competing agencies, to drive them out of business.
It is wonderful to have "Recruiter" here to bring some pleasant and clean humor to this blog.
This blog has RE-jumped the shark.
"With access to the shared intra-agency database, we can provide our clients with a detailed spreadsheet listing every document coded and every day taken off since the job candidate stepped out of law school"
Sounds like a relly good way to get start a class action for defamantion and negligent interference.
I've been placed by Sean Treadwell before, and I never had a problem with him, he always got back to me. I don't what he's done to so many people that he's earned a bad rep, but he was ok by me. Got me not one, but two temp jobs for the good $$$ and that lasted a while.
And I'm not at an agency now, I have no reason to lie to you, that's just my experience.
Blawgs are reporting that Paul Hastings is cutting 25 staffers related to document production from several offices, including New York. Severance is being offered. Document production is being centralized in Los Angeles, and some new positions will be created there. The laid off staffers are being encouraged to apply for the LA jobs, with relocation to be paid by the firm.
In March, the firm laid off 44 associates and 87 staff.
Blawgs are reporting that Paul Hastings is cutting 25 staffers related to document production from several offices, including New York. Severance is being offered. Document production is being centralized in Los Angeles, and some new positions will be created there. The laid off staffers are being encouraged to apply for the LA jobs, with relocation to be paid by the firm.
In March, the firm laid off 44 associates and 87 staff.
London’s The Times newspaper predicts that up to 10,000 UK lawyers could lose their jobs over the next two years, based on interviews with recruiters, consultants and senior law firm partners.
That’s well over 10% of the island nation’s 83,000 privately employed solicitors.
The United Kingdom’s legal sector (including non-lawyers) lost 16,700 jobs in 2008, to 279,800. The 2009 losses are expected to be much worse.
Vacancies for associate solicitors down by 95% this year. One recruitment agency received 700 applications for three entry-level vacancies.
Last week in law firm layoffs:
Pinsent Masons: undisclosed
Sughrue Mion: undisclosed
Alameda County, California: 29 lawyers
Wragge & Co: 85 undisclosed
Boulder County, Colorado: 6 lawyers
Dykema: 20 lawyers, 30 staff
Bass Berry: 10 lawyers, 22 staff
Miller Canfield: 16 lawyers, 9 staff
Total: 81 lawyers, 61 staff, 85 undisclosed
Just wanted everybody to know I got another call about a project. Unfort. had to turn them down. Surprisingly it was same agency that called earlier. Apparently, it was another project altogether.
Oh well.
Very Truly Yours,
Better Coder
Yolanda Young is a Goddess!!!!
The girls at the sister agencies and I aren't afraid of a good tussle. When push comes to shove however, we all share a common mission of serving our elite law firm clients. In fact, you may see many of your favorite recruiters shifting between many of the same agencies throughout the years.
We all share a mutual common understanding not to knowingly try to pull candidates off each others' projects.
Bitchyer coder than you is a dumb loser I can't wait til he is out of a job a faced with being a coder. What a loser went to lad school and now thinks he is making it.
Go back to putting a d in your mouth.
hey better, think nknow who you be and think you need lesson for your racist comments. Gonna get you dude. Your not the only one at the job your on
Your coworkerd
fF'nng F his shit up bro.
I am hot, and want to be with Alex G.. Butta, any tips? He is so manly, and so so so so sexy. I think about him ALL DAY long. He must be well endowed = he just must
Temps who qrite more than 5 lines, AND/OR speak of shit you make not enough to truly care about are pretentious AND GAY
I doubt seriously that there's any kind of trend towards cutting out the agencies. Why would firms want to be directly associated with temps? Half the point of the agencies is to create a buffer between the temps and the firm. So not only do they not have to pay you benefits, but also when your staff attorney catches you coding with one hand down your pants, you just disappear. No paperwork. And another bright-eyed coder in your seat the next day.
Temps, think twice before you post comments on these blogs. While I would advocate the freedom of voicing one's opinion in general, it is clear that you lifers are neither elite nor intelligent enough to exert any influence in regards to your career conditions and directions, even as a collective body.
Any negativity towards any bodies that preside over your state of employment will never result in a positive outcome in your favor and only embarrass you further at best.
I therefore suggest to foster a supportive and respectul relationship between you temps and the agencies, law-practicing attorneys and even those in the outsourcing business.
What about the Cravath associate that was caught molesting the child?
I know NYC and DC are cesspools of temping experiences, but what about other cities? Any stories from the midwest (Chicago, STL, KC)?
These posts about which agency is worse are like arguing over which lump of shit smells worse.
Big Mama? Come work in Los Angeles and you will really meet a Big Mama. She's a notorious beast in these parts.
it's like those agencies that call wanna be actors and actresses in and then try to sell them a headshot package
that is lame ass b.s.
anyway, new developments at law shucks:
End of days nears..
Yolanda Young for President!!!!
Is that big monsterous evil mean rotted food grubbing beast, Big Mamma still at S&C?
Is that big monsterous evil mean rotted food grubbing beast, Big Mamma still at S&C?
How about those other evil creatures that live down in the S&C dungeon? The evil witch, her lumbering assisistant, and the seemingly normal (except for the wrinkled shirt)lit. assistant that is used to give the dungeon a sense of normality.
Big Momma is hungry...
Who posted this on Above the Law?
"Even worse than the scandal at S&C first reported on another blog - A certain asian staff attorney was openly cheating on his wife with a black female staff attorney.
As the story goes, after months of open flirtations around the office the pair then proceeded to go on a tryst to the Caribbean and then POSTED THE PICS ON FACEBOOK for all to see.
Everyone found out about it, there was much pointing/staring, etc.
The typical ATL response - I guess since they were/are staff attorneys we cant really expect them to have the sharpest of minds, but damn.
How do people go about dealing with known adulterers at the office? Surely can't reflect well on their judgment, but then again business and personal are separate aren't they? But what if business is mixed with personal?"
Funny if true.
6:45 "While I would advocate the freedom of voicing one's opinion in general, it is clear that you lifers are neither elite nor intelligent enough to exert any influence in regards to your career conditions and directions, even as a collective body. "
What makes you think all temps are lifers and not "elite"? I've met many temps who have gone on to be partners, or have been associates and have been laid of, or needed flexibility and are in transition.
I've also met many accomplished people who are doing it while they start their own business.
I don't know what world you come from -- but most people have real lifes, that go up and down. Perhaps you lead a one-dimensional myopic life, perhaps you are alone, and single, and have no variety in your life and you think everything should follow a linear trajectory.
Many passionate, successful and creative people go through all sorts of phases--I recently interviewed with a partner at a large law firm who had actually temped for a short while years ago and even she said it was a horrible exploitative system.
Anyway, who really cares what you think. If you were that successful and elite you wouldn't be here with us losers. Yes we admit it because we know we are in transition. What you YOU doing here. Obviously you are a loser too.
I am unemployed and thus here. Even if I get a five-hour gig I am too busy to come here and post shit.
Sexual relations between job candidates at the workplace is a definite no-no, especially if one of the job candidates is married. If what is said here is true, both of these S + C litigation analyst whores would definitely be put on my inactive non-preferred candidate list.
I love Yolanda Young!!!
I love Big Momma!!
I love Alex and Tiny!!
I love you all - except the haters -I hate them right back!!
I love Big Momma too....
But I hate Tiny
Anyone know what's up with the Juristaff project?
The woman there said she would get back to me. But hasn't yet. It's been a week. It starts in mid-July so maybe it's kind of early.
Apparently the rate is down to $22/hour.
Just NPC the lovebirds now recruiter, S&C is gonna fire them anyway.
The ship be sinking. Temps, please remember to follow the standard emergency procedures and allow the preferred, elite associates, partners and recruiters to board the life boats first. Thank you for your cooperation.
The ship be sinking. Temps, please remember to follow the standard emergency procedures and allow the preferred, elite associates, partners and recruiters to board the life boats first. Thank you for your cooperation.
Juristaff has a $22.00 an hour priv project. The pay is low but for a recent graduate it is a way to start a doc review resume.
Tracy Whoredan is a fucking idiot. I used to have respect for Mark while on a project with him, but since I heard he cheated on his wife with this fat FuGGLY whore who is so fucking stupid, my opinion pf him has plummetted. Boo!!!!!!!!!
Big Mamma seems to have been out of commission lately, huh? Someone feed her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still don't know who tiny is .......MORE CLUES, please. Name? Initials? He can't be as cute as Alex. I love that hottie.
Clovester, I miss you :)
Love birds??????? TRY Love ELEPHANTS ahahhahahhahahahahha ahahhahhhahahhaha ahhahhahahhahhah ahhahahhhaa
@ 10:33
Michael Ray, is that you?
Any opinions as to how far this ship might sink?
First of all, I love this blog, with the addition of "recruiter, beerguzzlingtemp, and better coder."
We all know it is TTT. Come on. He told me it is his memoirs, publish already.
Oh, these comments are the gutter of the blogosphere.
You may think we're all a bunch of stupid, underprivileged losers but from my experience nothing could be further from the truth. I for one have worked with many former temps from wealthy, preferred backgrounds who went on to high-level careers at premium biglaw insitutions as senior paralegals/case managers. It's probably the best career choice available for a TTT who wants to enjoy the top-tier corporate lifestyle, except unless they promote you from staff analyst to associate.
This started out as having useful information.
But then had the usual spam from Recruiter, Better Coder, Benny Lava.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Sara Kim at Yorkson is the new allen cohen - as sleazy as they come. but in fairness to her, all korean are act that way so she is just doing what comes natural to her
She is a major pain in the ass. She calls for an assignment, when I call back to get details, she doesn't even bother to reply. How can I say yes or no, if I don't even the fuck know what it is???
But then when she is deperate OBOY she is as sweet as honey!!
All these bitches make me sick.
At least reply with details if you have called us.
Boy am I glad I am getting some interviews--I am dying to get out of the coven of these middle-aged salesgirls/witches
yeah better coder,
you better stay shut up to try to delay the beat down after work, keep you mouth shut like a good beetch.
Your cowerked.
I still can see you
Anon 10:21,
You should know that it's exactly that kind of Ebonics that keeps you on the first level.
Anyway, thought I'd let everybody know that we just got a bunch of documents and a litigation schedule "push-back." Looks like we're inked for through Christmas.
I think I'll hit up Per Se or maybe Nobu for dinner on Friday with some of my recruiter friends.
Very Truly Yours,
Better Coder
CLASSES OF 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
Are you still wearing those pants you wore all of last year -- sigh -- I love them....and I love you...I miss you...I dream of you....sweet dreams baby boy...
I haven't had any bad experiences with Allan Cohen. He doesn't return calls unless he has work. Other than that he has been okay. Maybe it is just luck on my part. Strategic is a disaster. They advertise jobs which don't exist and...don't return calls or emails.
12:19: "Juristaff has a $22.00 an hour priv project. The pay is low but for a recent graduate it is a way to start a doc review resume."
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha -- good one!!
Even paralegals sniff at that rate!! Yes, even in this economy!!
Hi, Juristaff!
If you get real close (you dont want to) you will notice that Clovester smells like garbanzo beans. He signed my timesheet once, but never again.
If you think attorneys have it bad.
Juristaff tried to recruit paralegals for $15/hour in Newark!! with no transport cost provided.
Silly girls...
11:16. Ha, ha..that's funny. Yes, I never got my timesheet signed by him either. The one time I worked with him I got too sick -- I called the agency and they had it done.
hUey everybodyes,
I gonna jump better coders ass tonight and give him better ass beating
$22.00 an hour from Juristaff's project is better than $0.00 an hour sitting home doing nothing and sending out resumes no one is interested in.
2:36 - Not really
"hUey everybodyes,
I gonna jump better coders ass tonight and give him better ass beating"
yaaaaaaaaaaay -- that dude is lame
JuriSTIFF you at $22 an hour?
5:41 Be careful. Bettercoder looks like a slippery bastard. Good luck. I hope you succeed.
Juristiff can take those bills and shove it where the sun don't shine.
If you get real close (you dont want to) you will notice that Clovester smells like garbanzo beans. He signed my timesheet once, but never again.
Are you still wearing those pants you wore all of last year -- sigh -- I love them....and I love you...I miss you...I dream of you....sweet dreams baby boy...
10:56 AM
Hahahaha he has boxes in his pants hahaha
Clovester the Sullivan Box Jester HAHA. Is he still dwelling down there? Did he ever get laid? Maybe Susan? I bet he has crusted balls. He smelled like he did in 2004 on 38. how about the big overgrown, ummm, rhymes with Park? Is Big Mamma who I think she is..she was on 38, too right? How about Alex who was banging that chick in the stairwell. Life at S&C was so comical. I am back temping. Is it worth coming back to Sullivan? If for nothing else, the comedy?
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Sean Treadwell wants YOU.
Send him your res now.
Allen Cohen where are you?
JuriSTIFF can go JuriJAM itself
Yes, they are losers.
Lady Sara of Yorkson is also now desperately looking for people -- after blowing them off when they call her -- she is now finding herself with fewer and fewer people to exploit.
How about calling them once in a while for a real assignment - then they might call you back!!!
Princess Sara of Busan has already burned her bridges with mega mega loads of people.
Time for Joan King to start churning out some more!
Big Mamma has a MEGA Semi for an ass......Ten truckers can take her at once< and then VOMIT FOR EVER
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Sara K. is a bitch.
Like the other guy said she calls you about a job, wastes your time, and never gets back to you.
They are all hookers and whores as far as I am concerned
You are correct.
"I've been placed by Sean Treadwell before, and I never had a problem with him, he always got back to me."
Hi Treadnotwell!
Why do you fartheads always expect a recruiter to call you back? If they are interested in you, they'll call, if not, you know they're not interested. Do none of you understand that concept?? You are only driving yourself crazy. Same applies to any HR department of a company. The problem is not with the recruiters, the problem is with you all thinking you are deserving, hello..reality check...if you haven't noticed you, the market is flooded with candidates, here's the key to a long lasting career in the doc review world...DON'T EXPECT A PHONE CALL BACK AND YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED. Haven't you all heard this "don't call us, we'll call you." GOT that you lame brains?
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