I have been reading the most recent string of comments. Which is better? Update, or the Tower staffing agency? Who cares? Stop trying to compare dog shit with cow shit. Even I who has been writing about this snake infested industry for years now has time and again fallen prey to the fake, poodle charlatan lapdogs. Make no doubt about it, there is nothing "professional" about these posturing, Verscace-clad monstrosities. If you aren't blacklisted from at least a half a dozen of these horrorshops, you are clearly doing something wrong. May God help us.
Ok, let's start this one off correctly. Who is the major asses of the litigation LoserAnaLoserists at S&C?
Alex Gayllard.
Practiacally all of the analysista and most of the people in the S&C dungeon are degenerates.
I hope they up their overtime. It will keep all of them in that basement and off the streets for the summer.
Maybe S&C could market it as community service:
"At S&C we help the legal industry by paying degenerate and immoral attorneys overtime so that they stay in our office the majority of their waking hours. In so doing, we prevent said attorneys from embaressing the legal profession or causing harm to the public."
Hahaha.. and keep Big Mama out of the buffets, and thus, safing nice restaurants from going out of business. Hehehe LMFAO They are serious degenarates. makes me laugh to no end that they think that the are in some way better than the janitors let alone, contract attorneys. BTW, speaking of large fucking useless overpaid tards, how's are barrel Markie Mark doing? And the sleepy hallow Cloverster the seemimgly molester?
I am proud to say I have been blacklisted by several agencies. And for what? For simply asking for my basic rights. They are total shits. And propelled me to start my own business.
And regarding S&C, so many of them need to be fired. That would save the firm a bundle. They are abusing OT- they sleep in caserooms or chit chat or surf the net after hours. There is no work going on - I hung out with these losers until I realized I was wasting my life. Many of them are drug addicts, have serious personal issues that's why the hide out in the basement all the time. The only one I think is hot and worth mention is Clovester - what a dreamboat, those phermones trapped in his clothes for years really do it for me.
P.S. What is LMFAO?
I prefer cow shit to dog shit--it's not as slimy.
The blacklist serves a legitimate purpose. We use it to weed out maladjusts and malcontents from future projects.
Laugh My Fucking Ass Off :)
Right, S&C should give the lit. assistants (Big Mama) free food at the S&C cafeteria as a community service also. Not only would they keep the buffets in buisness, people could bring their children to restaurants again. Their kids wouldn't go home crying after seeing a monster devour a three course meal in under a minute.
Anyway, I assume that they're still sitting in front of the computer 70 hours a week trying to bully the temps and kissing the associates asses. Probably bragging to their buddies about how sucessful they are. I'm out of the temp world for the time being, so I don't know.
Some of those people are such a joke. Do they plan on being a litigation assistant for the next 20 years? Since they make every normal attorney that comes in contact with hate them, I'm sure that they have a bright shiny legal career ahead of them.
"The blacklist serves a legitimate purpose. We use it to weed out maladjusts and malcontents from future projects."
You can't be serious.
I think there are too many people out of work, with too much time to post.
People on the blacklist are definitely not the kind of job candidates that I would be willing to place with future clients. Professionalism begets professionalism.
10:17 Man, you made me literally laugh out loud with your Big Mama descript.
"Their kids wouldn't go home crying after seeing a monster devour a three course meal in under a minute" Classic.
She is one scary monster for sure. She used to send us home crying after he fright for 13 fucking hours everyday. Feed the Pig, and keep your job. That's her motto :-)
What about Snuffy at Cravath. I saw him hanging out with Paula Abdul in the basement. "There's a whole lotta of that going around here."
who ia the ugly bitch recruiter?
We never got an answer as to who is the Alex competition?
Snuffy's doing fine over at Cravvie. He and Skeeter just snagged DJs Special Ed and Ruffles for the next Freakin' Friday, and word is there's gonna be a shipment of the finest "jams" and other confections courtesy of Lil' Kim and the USVI connect. HOLLA!
I saw that the Snuff-Man himself checked in here sometime last night! A rare appearance!!
Alex Gayllard has no competition. No one is a bigger pompous self-important ass. If he loses that job, he is finished. No one will hire his worthless pansy ass.
What do you guys think of LSP?
What about the little guy?
Did Alex marry a temp?
Did Alex marry a temp?
I got an offer from Barasso in Westfield but live in Brooklyn. I can work in shitlaw as an alternative. What do you guys think? Suggestions?
Fuck you, Tom. Don't you fucking lecture us, you crybaby asshole.
Gayllard didn't marry a temp. He just attempts to date them. He has a wife who is supposedly a school teacher. She probably doesn't know about his affairs. Maybe she deserves it for failing to iron his shirts. He seems like a henpecked dweeb.
11:19. Work in Shitlaw. Barasso is a sweatshop.
Most agency representatives would not know professionalism if it was their own mama biting them on the ass. So, to listen to some random recruiter, if you are one, use the word "professionalism" makes me want to laugh.
Unprofessional is changing the nature of the assignment once someone is on the assignment so that they can not choose rationaly between your assignment and another. People lie to you because you lie to them. It's the golden rule.
Unprofessional is picking people for projects because they kiss your ass while they are bilking the clients for billable hours by talking to your dumb ass when their timesheet says they are "working" or they are watching videos of tv shows.
I am prefering to assume you are dumb rather than unethically allowing them to do that because the later would be grounds for disbarment, if you are lawyers yourself. I hoping you are not that dumb, but maybe you are.
Unprofessional is treating a TEMPORARY position like it is a permanent position because it suits you, but turning around to treat the assignment like a temporary job when it suits you. A la calling someone up in the middle of the night because you lack enough professional consideration to allow the person to call their other agency when you know the project is ending.
Heavne forbid I leave because I have a better opportunity. Were we truly contractors, you would understand that "at will" is for both of us, and not just for you.
In the later case, I have been on assignments in which I asked at 4 pm "Is this project ending," was told absolutely this project will continue, and by 7 pm that night received an email saying the project is over.
What's the point of lying? What did you think I was going to do? Do you really think that I emotionally care that much about a temporar project? Let me just say don't be delusional. I need these gigs for money. I have nothing more vested in these projects than the pay check.
So, unless you are the worse fucking manager on the planet (which would not be a stretch), there is no way that this should occur. Yet it does.
Here's a bit of unsolicited advice from one human to someone masquerading as one: If you tell me the project is going to end, I am not going to go crazy. What I will do is simply have more lead to time to search for another job. Even if that time is only one extra day.
There is a concept in contract law- if you are a lawyer- most of you know it: if you want equity, you must do equity it. Next time you bitch about the unprofessional temp, take a gander in the mirror and think about how they may just be reflecting your image back at you. I am all about the golden rule of given what I get. I am sure a lot of people here are the same way.
Then you are one of few normal ones. Most temps wouldn't take the news as well, so for security reasons we wait till you are home and cannot damage the firm or release proprietary info in retaliation. A few bad apples do spoil the bushel.
In corporate america, you don't get a call at night, but a security
person showing you the door for the same reasons. People are hard to predict when they get canned. Don't take it personally.
Don't cuchie cue this baby ass prick temp. Shit naturally goes with the shit territory. Bet you hated your babysitting gig when the mom and dad came home early, too. You should have given that shit fourth tier crap ass law school a second thought long ago given that you are a mega cry baby/ WAAAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAA the assignment ended at 7:00 WAAAA WAAAA WAAAA Turd ass!!!!
Blacklisting is real. I know one guy who worked at a project for 2 months in 1998, and left early to take a permanent job.
Didn't work a single doc review job again until December 2008 when he was laid off and forced back into the temp market.
He was getting steady gigs with different agencies, but forgot he had left that one project back in '98, so when he applied for a project with the same agency, BAM! Blacklist hit him in the ass!
He tells me they didn't even answer his calls.
Didn't know the agencies keep their blacklists for so long.
Temps can only talk about the agencies because they have no skills and no legal ability whatsoever.
AW! that's not nice! they are very strong sttorneys who just haven't been 'discovered' yet for their ability, and brilliance. If making fun of people anonymously doesn't mean you are worthy of a top legal career, what does?
Neither do S&C Litigation Tardalyst. The main feature on their resume is at best, "Rode in the front seat of the Mini bus to spcial ed" They are a sorry group of mega "sub 70s" (there are a handful for which this comment does not apply, but it's the hand of an "infant")
Temp Agency=PIMP
I am sorry I am late in responding to you. I just finished staffing a project for one of our elite law firm clients. Even at this late hour, we were able to line up twenty candidates and five alternates. Not bad for an "all hands on deck" after hours staffing call.
I hear what you if to say, but most of all, I am concerned with your attitude. I would never place someone with such a negative attitude with one of our elite law firm clients. Ultimately, the nature of this work is temporary. If you can't handle it, maybe you might find yourself suited for another line of work. Finding quality contract attorneys isn't easy. I am also on the look out for those "diamond in the rough" job candidates that are smart, energetic, and eager to jump into a legal project at a moment's notice.
She just called us all ROUGH. OMG HiFUCKINGlarious!!!!!!!!!
What academic record gives you the better job prospects:
1) Top 10 school but graduated last in your class
2) A totally wack TTT school but graduated first in your class
Recruiter - do you know Snuffy, and what do you think about him?
I bet Recruiter is really Big mama just toying with us because she is hungry.
I'm a super lawyer.
I'm a perma-temp.
Such skills!
Such ability!
Wheeeeeeeee! look at me go!
Skillz 2 make Millz, yo!
What is better Barasso or landlord-tenant law for 30,000 a year with no benefits where you get to go to court, etc..?
On 30K, you get to go to court for your own eviction!
You can go to court either way. In fact, dweeb, you'll have to when you can't make rent anymore. You are dumb. oooooooooooo, I get to wear a cheap suit, and do shit L/T law, and be paid belwo minimum wage. Oh, man... the American dream. Bet you are the life at the Thanksgivingday dinner table with all your interesting shit ass low life stories of L/T court. YOu are an idiot. get a freaking life already. Door #3 is probably best - get a job in sanitation.
Haha 12:57, we were on the same page LOL
"S&C Litigation Tardalyst" Now, that is classic.
This post is lacking in Cloverster. Come on jesters, make me laugh.
First, off, I don't believe you are a recruiter.
Second, I do not have an attitude. Like I said before I live by the golden rule. You either live by that rule, or see it in the mirror when you bitch about an "unprofessional" temp. I give what I get. It's that simple.
Third, I don't believe you are a recruiter. You are a schmuck with nothing better to do than to piss down our collective legs.
"Elite"? You would not know "elite" if it was your daddy standing next to your mama as she's kissing your ass.
Credentials? Don't be stupid. This society is not about merit.
Finally, for all the "dem jobs are going abroad" types, here's a bit of interesting news:
"The American Bar Association's Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee recently released an opinion regarding law firms using contract lawyers for various tasks. The ABA stated that when hiring a contract attorney, the use of attorneys who have been trained in the United States is preferable. However, if you wish to hire an attorney who is based in another country, be sure to check out the statutes in that country regarding property seizures, disclosures, and the remedies used if there is a dispute between yourself and the contract attorney." That sound you are hearing is the bell begining to toll on outsourcing temp lawyers.
To "Recruiter":
If you're legitimate, give us some contact info. (real email, address, or website) as to how we can get in touch with your agency.
That is, ONLY if you have ACTUAL jobs.
11:46, well said (I don't entirely agree with everything you wrote, but for the most part I do).
11:53, anyone who would do the things you say should be suspended from practice at best, disbarred at worst. I am a member of the bar (multiple bars, actually) and am subject to professional ethical obligations on top of my duties as an employee. If I or anyone I worked with sabotaged anything we would be liable to professional discipline which would be far worse than merely having a job end. On every single contract I have worked on, I and the others with me were told when the supervising lawyers knew, what was going on. At worst I had maybe a day or two notice, at best a week, but never was I or anyone else considered such a risk that we had to be safely out of the building before being told anything nor did the employer wait until the end of the day or anything like that. In fairness, I'm not working in New York, so that may well be how things "work" there - but it shouldn't be, and it needn't be.
I was just fielding a telephone call from an angry client. It's almost 9:30 and half of my job candidates haven't arrived at the worksite yet! I am definitely going to have to stay on top of this and review the timesheets much more carefully. Those candidates who continue to be late are certainly going to be at risk of losing their status on my preferred job candidate list. All is good, however. The client calmed down after I ensured her that the 1st + 2nd Departments (after a long backlog) were going to be admitting another couple of thousand of new admittees next month.
1:17, who am I to say, but it certainly seems like you have a chip on your shoulder. Why were you writing in after 1 am? Did you ever hear the old saying, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"? I certainly wouldn't place a job candidate who has nothing better to do than rant on an anonymous message board in the middle of the night with one of my elite law firm clients.
Fuck this stupid bitch recruiter...she probably fake anyway - let's get back to the meaty issues - Big Mamma et al.
Viva La Clovester!!
11:21 - Ha, ha -- good one.
"She probably doesn't know about his affairs. Maybe she deserves it for failing to iron his shirts"
Yo recruiter - what do you think of Clovester and Gaylard--what you like to meet them?
Tom is right - if you haven't been blacklisted yet, then something is wrong with you.
If you haven't had even a moment of anger at being crammed in a sweatshop with roaches, being yelled at for taking a bathroom break,, YOU ARE OBVIOUSLY A DEPRESSED TALENTLESS SOUL who will put up with everything.
You are just right for being a temp and this is all you will ever do.
And for the rest of us who have seen better and want better, being blacklisted is a badge of honor.
At least Update has some nice looking women - aside from fat lauren and burnt-black, back wendy.
Tower is cock full of ugly, fat women.
By the way, the Tower girls have their own float in the Pride Parade coming up on the 28th. I tell you this not to encourage voyeurism but to advise to stay clear. They stand on their floatilla topless and in skimpy shorts. Their fat tits drop to their belly buttons and their asses have so much cellulite that you will loose your lunch
1:26 AM
No, that language was put in there for political reasons and to placate vocal opponents of outsourcing. The language is very mild and only added as an afterthought, and has absolutely no "teeth".
"Be sure to check out"? That sounds like picking players for your weekend softball league, not investigating foreign laws and attorneys.
Tom needs to learn how to spell . . . it's Versace, not Verscace.
I guess a temp attorney wouldn't know that, right? They only know KMart.
I do sheepishly admit that sometimes you may see me out and about on my lunch break perusing the aisles of Neiman Marcus. Armani, Gucci, Prada, and Versace are all nice. A lady definitely has to present herself well to her elite law firm clients.
No, you just have to suck their dick - which from the looks of it you seem to be doing well.
Versace, my ass - I have yet to see one of you ghetto chicks in anything beyond Nine West.
Life is temporary..end of days nears..
Payhalf on Broad! Payhalf on Broad! Payhalf on Broad! I've seen the Recruiter shopping in Payhalf on Broad!
So everything sucks, there's no point even griping about it or comparing agencies and firms, because it always sucks everywhere? Yet your every post is dedicated to griping about it and comparing agencies and firms.
So basically, Tom gets to gripe, but not the commenters. No, griping commenters are ignorant sheep who just weren't gifted with such a fine sense of self-preservation as Tom has.
Translation: Tom the Temp wants a soapbox upon which to air the whiney grievances of a TTT law graduate who is pissed off at the lot in life that his own bad decisions have landed him with.
So what is this blog about then? The dilution of the value of a law degree with the proliferation of TTT law schools? The alarming level of debt that students are now expected to shoulder? The collapse of BigLaw as we know it? Nope, this blog is just me me me. BIG surprise!
"Versace, my ass - I have yet to see one of you ghetto chicks in anything beyond Nine West."
I agree with you. During the boom years, the standards in temporary legal staffing dropped significantly. For example, in our office we even had to resort to hiring a girl from New Jersey.
Nieman Marcus does not have a store in NYC. . .. Sorry, you lose.
Update just folded!!!
temporary staffing agencies are the wave of the future...
dear recruiter:
would you love a temp ??
- sincerely,
clicking my life away
Update filed chapter 11
Happy to hear the news about update.
Those jerks had is coming for a long time.
I hope it was a temp they jerked around that sued them and shut 'em down.
So the fall out starts. My hope is that many of them will fall suit, and that the law firms will have deal with contract lawyers as free agents rather than through the temporary agency process that has dominated the market. This maybe wishful thinking, but at least there maybe a chance.
Until I get confirmation, I simply cannot believe this unfounded rumor. Update Legal is truly the gold standard when it comes to temporary legal staffing. In fact, in order to further impress many of our elite law firm clients we have undertaken many of their policies as our own over the years.
Recruiter - Neiman's has stores in NJ. Are you from New Jersey??
Stop jerking us around.
Can anyone confirm with a link that Update filed chapter 11 ?
I will miss those cute girls.
This just in!! All temporary staffing agencies have folded!! The inept, unnecessary middlemen have been called out & caught!! Contract attorneys may now deal directly with HR at "elite" law firms! Vengeance is ours!
Google new york state bankruptcy court and update
JDunderground appears to have disappeared.
Here are two successors:
If Update is really dead someone needs to preserve that blacklist. Although in our office we really don't refer to it as the blacklist, rather the inactive non-preferred candidate list.
The inactive non-preferred candidate list is vital in ensuring that our elite law firms only get the best in contract labor.
This just in!! Recruiting positions worldwide have been abolished as an unnecessary frivolity of boom times..its ok recruiters you can coast on unemployment for awhile..(for those of you who don't know..recruiters are usually inept sales girls from the burbs (community college educated) or haggard spinsters) woohoo! They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!
HireCounsel is now LowerCounsel
Robert Half is now Robert Quarter
Hudson is now Kill Van Kull
Update is now OldNews
Legal Options doesn't have any
Dine is now Dyin'
Recruiters schtick is growing very old very fast. . ..
Recruiter - you have a nice face. I'd love for you to blow me.
Recruiter stuff is fake. It's not real. It's just someone trying to get people riled up. Ignore...
Vive La Clovester. Vive La Big Mamma Sullivan, Tiny Tim, Blackie, Jenny FatBuns, Tiny Tim, Retard, Gaylard and Cunty!!
"Recruiter" - troll.
One paralegal at S&C a big old ghetto girl with boobs that go from east coast to west cut up another paralegal's clothes that were lying in his bag at work b/c he did not want to date her anymore, and was instead oogling her classier 'friend'.
Then she told the temps if they talked to him they would fire them.
What the fuck -- this ain't the hood girly. Go back to the ghetto if you want to play these games.
Those poor temps had to talk to him about work and were so scared.
The associates should know the shit that goes in underground. It is truly a low-class world at the para/staff attorney level.
Like really scary and low-class. No classy person can survive there. You will just get sick and leave -- or hurl vomit ...
You would think a large old firm like Sullivan could run a class operation. Apparently not. They are worse than the slip and fall firms in the boroughs.
These other losers make even a total loser like Alex Gayllard look good. Perhaps thats why he hasn't been fired yet. He is the best of the worst.
Screw doc review! I will never do that shit again, guaranteed. I quit my last project in Feb. and will never go back. I pity the poor souls who worked 90 hour weeks there to pay their mortgages and thank my lucky stars every day I "travel light" so I don't have to sell my soul to assholes for a buck. I have had all I can stand from the assholes in the legal profession and am getting OUT. I feel like a fucking weight has been lifted off my shoulders even since I made that decision. SOON I WILL BE FREE!!
Scissorhands may be nuts, but for a woman in her 30's, she's smoking hot. Cant sat that about Blackie, BigMomma, fatbuns, Tracy Whoredan, etc.
8:00 - Good for you!! Way to go --
8:11: Are we talking about the same chick -- Her name is B---ina?
She's in her 30s?? What an old cow??
Scissorhands!! Ha, ha...nice
There appears to be an attempt silence temp and other attorneys. JDUnderground has also been silenced (again).
It's a sad, someone is actively trying to muffle free speech.
I believe it to be the LPO hackers from India. They are trying to shut us down.
Tom, be careful, they may try to hijack your blog account and cancel it. That's how they operate.
I just wanna know if the Recruiter knows Snuffy over at Cravvie... Recruiter Girl... yoo-hoo!
What the hell happened to JD Underground?
Cravath is one of our more elite clients. Only our most preferred job candidates get submitted for temporary opportunities there. Your allegations of cocaine use at that fine institution undoubtedly spring from jealousy and sour grapes.
Update didnt go anywhere. Show an actual link to prove it
I <3 Recruiter Girl!
I can't find anything on the Update bankruptcy. I spoke to them today on a gig.
Until I get confirmation, I won't believe it.
You will believe Update is bankrupt when Update paychecks will be bouncing all over temp world and or you won't get paid at all. What are the Stepford wives going to do now? Funny how when you blacklist half of the temp attorneys in NY you end up in the red.
We would all love to believe it now but where is the proof?
What about Andy Limpus and Leslie Firtell? Is that situation over at Tower like "Will & Grace," or what?
He guys, is Clovester still ladyless? Perhaps, he has given up, and gave into the advances of the Fairy Giant - Markie Mark, Perhaps 8)
I think Clovester is asexual...he likes the ladies but no one likes him back so he has become sort of a dead sexual being --
maybe if he were to be nicer and shower occasionally and stop sleeping on the caseroom floor he'd find someone - God knows he has the $$$.
For god's sake it is Mark Marker, not Markie Mark.
How fuckin' cares_ all the Mark Fagalyst are Alex Gaywhores ass kissing Queer bates
How fuckin' cares_ all the Mark Fagalyst are Alex Gaywhores ass kissing Queer bates
I can't imagine how low on the food chain of life one must rank to ride Alex Gayllard's coattails.
I mean, if Gayllard is pure dogshit, that makes his sack riding buddies like the undigested specks in the dogshit, no?
Gayllard really is a bag o' shit.
I don't even know Gaylard - and I hate him!! He, he
What the hell did he do...
But I have met many other shit staff attorneys at S&C so I am pretty sure he muest be a tool of some kind...
My prediction is the rates will end up being that the doc reviewer will gross $800.00 a week.
Alex is so HOT!!!! All the other male analyst are wuzzy fagolots.
I'm hot, not Gayllard. He is a fag.
Alex is so sexy. I want to fuck him between boxes.
9:59 pm
Cunty Anorexia already beat you to it.
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