End your bondage in these awful cockroach-ridden sweatshop basements by lobbying for student loan reform.
Check out the following posting I pulled up on JD Underground. How succinct and so accurately put! Sure, there is a lot of trash and nonsense on these boards, but a jewel like this makes it all worth it:
"First of all the banks... disadvantaged? Who gives a fuck? The banks never loaned out their own money. The lenders are lending out free money from the FED. When people default banks make a FREE 30k on the default which the GOVERNMENT Guarantees. And on top of that they write off the losses...
And let's be honest, if corporations / lenders do go under.. they can go BANKRUPT. They can start over.... Which is something that student loan borrowers can NOT do. The people who work at a corporation that is not ran well can just close up shop and start a new corporation, or go through BANKRUPTCY and reform the exact same corporation without their debt just like a number of major corporations are doing RIGHT NOW here in America, or in the worst case scenario the people who poorly ran that corporation into the ground can go get a job some place else.
The problem is that student loan borrowers can NEVER escape from the problem. That's just UnAmerican. The fees and penalties which are stacked on top of their debt, by lenders who have never really done anything (except fill out some forms for the Government) are taking advantage of other people's hard luck.
Talk about a free lunch. I guess a free lunch is fine if you are a corporation,.... but a free lunch for the middle class well that is EVIL. What a bunch of hypocrisy.
How about this pay your fucking taxes and have a real education and health care system like they do in Europe instead of forcing young people to take out massive loans for college AND THEN putting them into default and making a ton of money of their hardship when their business fails. How about that huh?
And I don't think anyone is talking about a free ride anyway. What we want is the right to go bankrupt... a right which EVERY bank and corporation in America has. It's also a right which EVERY American had up until 1998....
Our country worked fine until 1998. It's a fucking sewer today. The mantra of personal responsibility for the MIDDLE CLASS (but not for corporations) has been an abject and total failure in the real world. It might work fine on Fox News, but it does not work on Main Street.
People need to be able to go bankrupt just like every corporation in America can. Bankruptcy allows people to get back on their feet and start over. That's the American way. Risk makes the system work. Without risk the system fails.
If you really want personal responsibility start at the top. Make corporate executives PERSONALLY responsible for losses of the corporation and make it impossible for them to go bankrupt. Turn them into slaves if the corporation fails. I bet the idea of bankruptcy wont be seen as a free ride then."
Or sentence them to ten years in the hellish basements of their biglaw whore counterparts!
If you haven't done so already, join the facebook group:
Although this political chatter is a little beyond me (a staffing professional and job candidate must never talk politics and religion in front an elite law firm partner), I do admit that job candidates carrying a bunch of debt tend to make better workers. At our agency, job candidates from overpriced private law schools step to the front of the line.
That was too much.
Oh, TTT, please stop the Recruiter routine to reinforce your points. It's so obvious.
May God have mercy on your soul...
Father Eamon
For the first time I admit recruiter may have made a point.
"I do admit that job candidates carrying a bunch of debt tend to make better workers"
Bitch I have a lot of debt-how about getting me job???
I have so much debt I have just been eating potatoes for the last three months...
Potatoes, huh?
Well how about this. I nearly smacked the check-out girl for charging me 10 cents more on my bag of carrots -- how's that for watching money???
I am lonely and single - and with a lot of debt. Is there any cute attorney out there?
I am applying in desperation as I don't have money to go out anymore or even pay for membership at Match.com. :(
Puhleeze dude...this is not a dating site...
"What we want is the right to go bankrupt... a right which EVERY bank and corporation in America has. It's also a right which EVERY American had up until 1998....
... The mantra of personal responsibility for the MIDDLE CLASS (but not for corporations) has been an abject and total failure in the real world. "
America needs a revolution. Throw off your ipods people, get off the grass, let's make a real change
Higher education is a scam!!!!
I want to dock dicks with you Alex.
You've got such a hot ass, god I would tear you apart.
I will find a way to slip you my number.
Call me.
"Electronic Discovery Associate Attorney
Location-New York, NY
Salary-non specified (commensurate with candidate experience)
My client is one of the most respected Law Firms in the world with arguably the finest litigation practice in the world.
The firm has built one of the largest and most complete litigation Support departments to exist within a Law Firm that would rival most e-discovery vendors."
Recruiter Girl, did you put up this ad?
There is only 4 ways to discharge your student loans:
1) die
2) pay on them for 20 years continuously.
3) undue hardship
4) company agrees to write them off
Under option 2) get ready to owe the IRS for the next twenty years after that.
Its nice to see Alex has a fan.
I think this country is headed toward financial collapses. We don't produce anything more, we are squeezing the middle class over what are basic necessities like education and healthcare and we have an entire class of people who identifies more with the top 1 percent than the rest of us. In the case of this identity projection, it is extremely bizare because anyone posting here is per se someone for whom the risk shifting has also been occuring. Yet, they maintain such strong idealogical rather than pratical understanding of finance. Here's the deal- the reason why we want fair bankruptcy laws is not because of liberal b.s. It is because it promotes a more productive economy. How? Because money is being wasted right now on fees, penalities, interest, etc rather than on either the loans or other more deserving financial transactions. This is just retarded. But, that's the U.S. where Iran right now is more passionate about being a democracy than we are.
The Mullahs just aren't as sophisticated in the psychological brainwashing of the younger generation. Sure they try, but "allah is great, kill america" isn't that sexy and the younger generations aren't really buying into it. They need to go about it the way the US does, or the way China did it after they slaughtered all their young in Tiananmen. Blend a sexy mixture of consumer capitalism with an extra dose of ultra-nationalism. Most educated Chinese today, are like programmed robots that will provide unyielding support to that repressive, corrupt regime. The same thing with America's youth. All these countries follow the same play book.
"Blend a sexy mixture of consumer capitalism with an extra dose of ultra-nationalism."
That will never happen, 'cause Iran does not have the productive capacity or the work ethic of the Chinese. Or of the Indians, frankly.
But they have oil, you stupid fuck.
GAWD DAMN, you went to law school?
Saudi Arabia has the most oil in the world, and international companies that are based there won't even hire Saudis as employees b/c they have a reputation of not liking to WORK.
Work ethic is irrelevant except to dumb Americans who have been told all their lives that this is the way the world works. The world works on being smart by cheating the other guy.
Greedy American corporate fatcats -- you know, the ones who fund the Republican party that destroyed our economy -- indoctrinate the peons of the American Middle Class about "work ethics" so we continue to act as puppets and do their bidding, so they can continue to swindle us, exploit us, and laugh all the way to the bank.
Maybe it's Stochkholm Syndrome, but I am losing the ability to feel sympathy for people who choose to be puppets.
You can discharge student loans by declaring bankruptcy then commencing an adversary proceeding to prove undue hardship. You will have to produce your psychiatrist to give evidence that you are mentally insane and incapable of working.
That I am and have been for a long time.
I was driven insane and mentally incapable by the pimp agencies and ghetto goons I had to work with.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
I have Stockholm Syndrome after working at AXIOM.
"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"
Dave Moss needs to be laid.
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