Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Anita's Auction

When the economy turns around, these will come in handy for Anita when she employs the most debt ridden batch of lemming graduates in the history of legal education.

For sale in NYC: Torture devices from 16th century

NEW YORK – For sale soon: a variety of torture devices from the 16th century, including shame masks to enforce silence, a 14-foot table-like rack to stretch the victim's body, and a tongue tearer to punish blasphemers and heretics. Even an executioner's sword.


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Anonymous said...

They need to add an S&C basement to the list of torture devices.

Anonymous said...

and the Fagawardens loser so fuked up at attorneyhood (as well as manhood)loser analysts down there on the C-level

Anonymous said...

I have had enough of the rhetoric of victimology!

Hang a shingle...Yes we can.

We are only at the mercy of the ABA as long as we are afraid to strike out on our own...Yes we can.

We must stop enpowering BIGLAW by accepting either grungework or the unemployment line...Yes we can.

Anonymous said...

Torture ends today for me. De Novo Simpson Thacher starts $36.00 per hour 6 day weeks 72 hrs week. HA HA more news later!

Anonymous said...

Jolly Johnny and the bug eyes included for free? Friday pizza - man u in hog heaven

Anonymous said...

Pretty sweet, some nice bank in a shit economy. Keep your head down and click away and all should be well.

Anonymous said...

The master is coming to Simpson Thatcher. Soon they will know his pain. I, The MASTER, will be on that job and will work you all. My will is followed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Fat Jolly Alkie Johnny!

Anonymous said...

I heard Jolly John was no longer there. Is that just a rumor or is he still De Novo?

Anonymous said...

Check out this ad:

Document Review Attorneys for Securities Litigation Must have at least one year of securities litigation experience. Good schools preferred. This is a long term project beginning in May. If youare interested, please email me an updated resume asap.

Umm, what's a "good school." Top schools is one thing. But "good?"

Anonymous said...

1:56 Saw that. WTF!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like things are starting to get back to some semblance of normality; the complaints are about the projects instead of the lack thereof.

Let's see what happens after the results of the bank stress test are announced.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the S&C basement, it is what it is. Most of the people there deserve to be down there with each other anyway. At least the long hours keep them confined there.

Anonymous said...

Thank God!!! An Anita post!!! We Anita fans are mighty pleased, Meestuh Tom duh Temp. It's 2006 once again!!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone worked with A. Witting at Dine and S. Kim at Yorkson. These ladies call me all the time, leaving messages for jobs and when I call them back usually within seconds, they never call back!! What's with these chicks??? I can't believe with all my degrees I am at the mercy of some salesgirls!!

Anonymous said...

S&C is a really quite bad for temps. I was there for a few years. The "staff attorneys", usually glorified peons, look at temps with great disdain. Funny because most of the perm people went to crappy schools like New York Law or St. Johns.
One of people they hired pulled out a knife on a temp! I'm not sure how that person got hired...maybe there is hope for psychos at S&C.

Anonymous said...

maybe you didn't go to a "good" school.

Anonymous said...

I went to NYU. I am only doing temp work because of the economy. I think NYU is "good" enough. Well better than what the recruiter chicks went to.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone worked at Fitzpatrick with a perm para called Erik and lawyer Rob? How are they?

Anonymous said...

Was that S&C ghettoasian who pulled the knife? Sounds like something he would do. He doesnt look coordinated enough to work a pair of nunchucks LOLLOLLOLlolll

Anonymous said...

6:12 - keep telling yourself that, everyone knows that HYS are the only 'good' law schools, and per the yorkson ad they will be the only grads considered for the coveted clicking gigs. Sad really, if only you'd tried harder...

Anonymous said...

All those "man" analyst on the C1 lebel are just NOT Just NOT Just "manless" tutty fruity LOSERs LOSERs LOOOSERSSSSS... Holy fairy land the C1 level has become in the last years. The winner is none othe than AlexXXXJJJJJFAGGGALLARDOlot

Anonymous said...

Small, congenial law firm needs top notch associate attorney to join our exceptional team. Please do not apply if you do not meet the following requirmenets:

1. Top half of the class at Harvard, Yale, UPenn, U Michigan, or Georgetown; top 10% at U Chicago, Boalt or UCLA. Top 1% everywhere else.

2. Law review and/or moot court experience a MUST.

3. Federal Clerkship REQUIRED.

4. Must be willing to accept $28,000 per year. $10,000 bonus for billing over 2500 hours a year. The bonus is pro-rata more, so it is worth the extra billing.

5. Must be willing to make coffee every hour, on the hour. The position is open becuase our last associate sustained severe burns from the hot plate in which the coffee post rests. We had to discharge him as he required too much "leave" time.

6. Insurance after two years, with employee contribution at 50%.

7. Must be willing to share a desk with a paralegal. She said you can have the top drawer.

8. Must be in the office by 8am, and remain until 10pm. On Fridays, you can leave by 9:30pm.

9. Must be a team player.

Please send resume to the link above. Good luck- hope to see you soon!

Compensation: $28,000
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

PostingID: 1159642218


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What about the enormous beastly Dawn.She is scary scaryfucking shit.The fat Dog Yuck is the most fucked up analyst there is at 55 Water.She won't keep you as a temp unlss you feed her big fat ugly scary heSheIt gigantic fucking tank of a body.She once fired my friend because he wouldn't get her fat as food from the cafetera. What a beastly woman she is OMG what a beast. BTW her ass kissing analyst followers are just a scary just in a sadder way.GGGGeeezzzzzz, Sullivan has some sad folks parasiting there!!!

Anonymous said...

The refrigerator is stocked! Anita smells the fish wafting from Tom's crotch. Are any functions disabled on the computers? Oh...I feel so giddy.

Anonymous said...

At S&C: What about that huge ass ghetto paralegal, name rhymes with Melvina -- she fired many temps for just looking at her and cut up her boyfriend's clothes at work. he worked there too just because he was shagging her way hotter Indian gal-friend.

I mean seriously the associates and lawyers there are some of the brightest people I know -- and then there is complete shit at the paralegal and staff attorney level - barring the young uns that come straight from college.

I guess they like people who are not too smart. You don't want the "bellboys" getting too big for their boots.

Anonymous said...

It's all GHETTO at the para and staff attorney level.

The partners don't know half the shit at this low-level.

Anonymous said...

Dawn and the other bitter middle-aged staff attorneys - oy very -- are very scary and very nasty.

They give S&C such a bad name. They stomped all over the educated, nice people with dignity and class.

They only respond when you show you can be ghetto too - but who wants to wallow in the filth with these hogs.

They are ugly, no one wants their fat ass anymore [if they ever did]-- they have nothing else to look forward too - and they esp. make life hell for educated attractive women.

Anonymous said...

Yorkson is no good. Kim never had anything for me. They don't have any jobs and are constantly recruiting, posting phony jobs.

Anonymous said...

Whatz up guyzzzzz...when firms make you sign background checks:

1. Can they investigate your Internet habits -- I certainly won't get the job 'cause I view this site too much!!

2. Buying habits

What other stuff can they "investigate"???

Anonymous said...

Kim sent me on some interviews and sent some resumes out for me. This was a while back before the steep decline in stocks, but since things are improving, I'd send them your resume.

Who knows, they place you on something that's normal. From what I understand, they're geared to a more specialized market and probably don't want to send specialized temps (which are harder to find) to crazy projects.

Anonymous said...

That large analyst he-she beast Ms DS is uglier than the ugliest beast known to man or beast. Plastic surgery couldn't leave her better looking than that poor woman who was attacked by that gorilla recently.She is also dumb dumb dumb just like most of the SandC staf attorney losers.Sullivan real attorneys couldn't be all that bright that they'd allow the likes of that witch to run (HAHAHAHA) projects with her posse of severe rejects.(the male ones are the most pathetic)

Anonymous said...

she makes it hard for anyone who returns from dinner without food for her big fat smelly ass LOL what a scary thing that one is at Sullivan When she grazed by the temp tables up on old floor 36 I'd swear she would consume 10,000 calorie at the very least. (we all wpuld have to hide our food from the big bear.That is a big ugly whatever

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed many temp to perm paras and staff attorneys are usually very low-level desperate types.
I guess maybe only they will be so grateful for basically a clerical job.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Frank the Tank, the low-voiced zombie of S&C. He shuffled down the aisles of 55 Broad Street, looking for latecomers or people wearing sneakers.

Then he shoved them up his ass.

Anonymous said...

Did they fire any Staff Attorneys at S&C like they did at other firms?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Frank the Tank, the low-voiced zombie of S&C.

Are you talking about Franken Frank Franker, the asshole who dies his white hair black? What a fucking asshole! FUCK YOU FRANKER! You truly are New Jersey's worst.
And who can forget Dawn. I call her Blackie Black Dawn. She is shameless in her exhibition of black nationalism. Back in the day she blasted beat if from her office when Jacko was acquitted. That blacks show racial affinity for a black boy turned white woman is beyond me. But when it is pretty much beyond a doubt that he is a pedophile, it is sickening that someone would celebrate his acquittal, especialy out of some sort of racial affinity. The worst part is her use of ebonics? "I need to axe you to look at sub dokumentz."
There are of course others. Clovester, Alex. Hate (not collect) them all!

Anonymous said...

Oh and yes Franken Frank Franker does look like a zombie, with those cirlces under his eyes. I can only hope that he is as dead inside as he appears outside.

Anonymous said...


That is the most blatantly fake ad I've ever seen. It's so stereotypical and obvious, it's not even funny!

Please, people, if you're gonna try to post fake legal employment ads on Craigslist, at least use more than 3 brain cells to make them humorous.

Anonymous said...

Insults aside, its all true. I worked at S&C for almost 2.5 years. The staff attorneys there truly are a desperate and awful lot. Granted, there are a few who are intelligent, bright, friendly and respectful, but these are almost NEVER the ones who are (mis)managing the docreviews there.

I'm not sure what formula they use to decide who to put in charge, but they seem to find the most contemptuous, egotistical, ghetto people and/or bitter middle-aged people who have washed up their careers and their lives and delight in nothing else than making life hell for the few temps unlucky enough to come under their control.

I've seen staffers there hired from out of the temp pool, who then within 3 months who have forgotten that they have a law degree from an institution that ranks below dogshit, they are up on the high horse like the temp police, disrespecting and looking down on their former temp colleagues as if they are dogs.

Just because someone makes a mighty fine doc reviewer and or kissass DOES NOT mean that they will make a good staff attorney or case manager. The vast majority of them that I worked with had minimal/no knowledge of the case material, had no knowledge of the docreview programs, and were generally just useless.

It was like walking on eggshells with these losers, you had to be afraid to ask for help because you might offend a fragile ego. Almost every case I worked on had some sort of fuckup with miscoded documents that could have been prevented by competent management.

Out of the 50 or so of them, there are probably 10 people there competent/friendly enough to work with temps, another 25 or so who are just useless deadweight, and about 15 who should be locked in a padded rooms coding documents, because these animals certainly shouldn’t be brought into contact with other lawyers.

Do they even interview these losers? You'd think that it was a requirement for the job to be an egotistical piece of shit with personality issues. Once we got curious about how our tormentors could be fucking up so bad and looked them up with the NYS bar - come to find out that some of the worst ones aren’t even admitted to the practice of law!

S&C is a fucking joke, I don’t think they have done a mass staff attorney firing like at Skadden but they need to clean house. I doubt that the partners are aware of the shitty people festering there. Its a total contrast from the associates I have met at S&C. The main difference was that while some (honestly, most) were assholes, ALL maintained a their professionalism. Can't say that much for the staff attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Is that Big Mamma still there? wow S&C is a f-ed up joint. Is that big fat ball who dwelled in the basement still there as well. George. That guy was a perfect big globual round blob.Are there any normal supervisors (both physically and mentally)?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Today, I heard that David F (Temp Warden at S&C) is married to Wendy P from Update. True? If so, is that not a major CofI

Anonymous said...

Whole lot of HATE on here. I LOVE IT! Hey, if any of you here are suicidal with despair, do not fret. Call the Hatesville Suicide Hotline!

You might enjoy the new you so much, you might find a reason to postpone your plans! CALL NOW!
No need to dial 1 for names and addresses of annoying pests, as they are all right here.

Anonymous said...

Enough inside jokes and references to people that only 5% of the readers of this blog will know, already!

Not everybody who reads this blog is a temp in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Michael Page Age Discrimination-

Michael Page International
Contract Attorneys Needed! Immediately Available!
NYC - New York


Legal/Law Firm

Added on 04/09/2009

About the company
Our Client is a regional firm with offices in the tri-state area. The attorneys call upon a broad range of experience and are supported by a dedicated staff, advanced technologies, and a comprehensive law library. This firm distinguishes itself by providing an intensely personalized approach and by immediately responding to the needs of their clients.

Job description
Our Client is looking for five contract attorney's who have document review experience who are 2-6 years out of law school who would be interested in assisting on a case that will last for approximately 3 months and maybe longer.

Anonymous said...

Age Discrimination at Kelly Too -



Premier consulting company in Northern NJ seeks recently admitted, temporary attorneys for a long term project.

Anonymous said...

When I was a temp at S&C that Update chick marrried to Fig used to deliver the checks in these really low-cut blouses. Why is that women with not so hot bodies will always bare their saggy bosoms? And Old Conehead Fig checked out the ladies with a really un-classy look. They had a similar trashy energy.

Match made in heaven!!

Two unclassy people Match made in

Anonymous said...

I am a minority -- but I have to say that when I worked at S&C I noticed most of the staff attorneys that were nice were white people.

And the meanest bitches were old fat minority ghetto chicks - or in a few cases like Lucy K thin mean bitches. They were esp. mean to me because although I have brown skin I have super credentials and I questioned their muddled approaches.

Anonymous said...

David F at S&C is ghetto. I worked there a few years ago and some of the people who had been there there for years told me he had come in as a temp about 13 years ago and they worked with him and he used to be a pompous and not so competent asshole. Some things never change.

Like everyone else I can't believe a white-shoe firm like S&C hires ghetto.

I interviewed with Figaro a while back and although I have much superior credentials than he has or ever will - he acted as though he was a partner at S&C and not some lowly mid-level bureaucrat hired to manage other morons and peons. He was pretty offensive in the interview -- and after I told him that I wasn't actually interviewing for NASA but a lowly admin/clerk job, my fate was sealed!!

Anonymous said...

Most white staff attorneys leave after a while -- dealing with the ghetto management is too much for them. The only ones that stay are too lazy or too depressed.

Anonymous said...

Not all paralegal manager jobs are controlled by ghetto minorities. I was at Fitzpatrick and the manager there was the meanest bitch I have seen -- Lisa something - she was white. She had a coterie of stupid lazy paralegals with whom she chatted and got information from on other paras - like who they were sleeping with etc. Totally unprofessional.

Again she was barely educated, some unknown college, but had an attitude the size of her fake boobs.

Anonymous said...

This whole blog is one big joke, right? Certainly no such idiot, who would take out 150k in student loans to attend a top law school just to become a temp for life with no marketable skills, exists.

George L. said...

@Anonymous 2:08 AM

No, George (I) am no longer at S&C. Haven't been for 5 years; I was escorted out the door by D.F. for sticking out my neck for the temps and trying to make sure that their Agency treated them like human beings.

Thanks for the lovely words you have about me, btw. Bitter about something?

Anonymous said...

Is anita still alissa solow from constantine cannon? she is nasty.

Anonymous said...

Yes. sara k is a sleazy korea girl, but arent they all?

Anonymous said...

haha talk about ghettoooo, what happened to that bitch Tracy Jordan - the one who looks like a pufferfish and was having an affair with Mark Watt? Did his wife find out about the fb pics?? I hope to god that she has been fired by now.

You know that Sullivan has hit rock bottom when the staff attorneys are openly breeding.

Anonymous said...

frank the tank hasnt seen his penis in ten years because it is hidden by the belly

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about sara over there at yorkson. real piece of shit

Anonymous said...

The consulting company listed in that Kelly Law Registry ad smells like Barrasso Consulting...

Anonymous said...

Yes and Barrasso hasn't had a "recently admitted" requirement so that smells like Kelly-created age discrimination.

Anonymous said...

anybody know if the agency Legal Options is out of business yet? they used to staff some projects at S&C and post on craigslist but they seemed to have disappeared

BaileyBee said...

Sara Kim at Yorkson is a complete cunt, I can confirm this.

Anonymous said...

right, she is korean. confirmed!

Anonymous said...

Franker used to exercise regularly. Wondered what happened. Or are we talking about the same guy?

Anonymous said...

To the 12:20 dweeb. Yes, some temp attorneys are lazy and stupid. But many are actually really bright and good people. They graduate from law school with high ideals and the search for truth and justice, but instead find they have to suck c%$# for a living. I don't think many do this forever, but some turn to temping to figure out what out do, make a worthwhile living and still feel like a decent human being. Some use temping to build their own business, others to supplement human rights/non-profit work. Some are just going through a hard time, a family member has cancer and they need flexibility or they had a child. True there are some true cunts in the lot, but most are decent people and with far more humanity than the staff attorneys who manage them.
Many are really funny and bright and interesting.
Some are really on par with the associates but flesh and blood people some cannot do the soul-sucking work required as an associate. The associates are really bright but they are anemic looking mega-nerds who sacrifice many simple pleasures in life.
Some temp attorneys don't want to do that -- anyway for most it's just a way to figure out how to have a rich personal life and also do something wortwhile for work.

Anonymous said...

I have to say -- I have been so depressed for a few months. My life is passing by and there is no work -- and yet people on this list really make me laugh!! Please keep stories of sloppfy staff attorneys, penises and Clovester keep coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy do I have stories about staff attorneys and paras hooking up at S&C. That firm is hotbed of ghetto hook-ups. Oh and of course temps are frequently utilized as well. That Clovester was one nasty fuck. I was on an assignment once with him, first I had to throw up a few times. Then he made me sit with his "actor" friend who pulled out his cell phone and started taking pictures of the girls. [Actor my ass, the only part he could probably audition for was Freddy Krueger]
When we got mad at him, Clovester came in and asked the girls who had spoken up to sit in a dark small room. He knew fully what had happened. As for me, I refused to move. The nextday I just called in sick. I knew I would kick that slovenly peon in the nuts if I went in.

Anonymous said...

Ugly people get to suck n' fuck too? YAY!

Anonymous said...

I agree. Some of your posts are hysterical. Keep them coming !! They would be funnier if they all weren't true.

Anonymous said...

I never hear anything good about Sullivan and Cromwell. Who are the main offenders? Do they have a lot of people quitting or getting fired from projects?

Anonymous said...

I heard Conehead David F at S&C [does his head not look like a Cone] lived in a thatched hut in Jamaica before he hit it big-time in NYC.
Many people have left because he and his little manager buddy Gary have been trying to create a Caribbean group of paras and staff attorneys.

Anonymous said...

Black Gary colluding with other blacks out of some sort of racial affinity. WHO WOULDA THUNK IT!

Anonymous said...

Oh and Gary was also shagging Jenny--another nasty old-timer with a large posterior. No one would have gone out with Gary had he been the last man alive, but Jenny was always so jealous of the temp girls in case they made a move on him and always looked at them with these toxic looks. Oh the drama at that place!!

Anonymous said...

There was a spurt of postings a week or two ago by the DC agencies. A poster here explained that the reasons for these ads are (1) multiple agencies competing for the same project, and (2) agencies periodically replenishing their pools of ready candidates if something turns up.

Sure enough, I haven't gotten any work by responding to these ads. So if someone knows of anything good happening in DC, I'd love to hear it.

Anonymous said...

I almost want to get a gig there to see these people !!

Anonymous said...

HENSE... the Carribean MOBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB The Godfadda being the big scary fucking beast none other than that grazing fat beast, Dawn Samuel. Her loser following includes that pathetic Lucy Koward,this lady is just not bright, in fact, in the golden years, she'd be locked up as demented. Gary is a wuzzz if ever one was-_______-he kisses inner ass of the MegaAmaZON Dawn and the Wendy suckin Figaro. Sullivan is just fucked up.

Anonymous said...

BTW... Fat ass Jenny... Yes, Gary is fucking the half way decent looking Analyst. Mind you, not the hot ones hahahhahhahahahahahhahaha because there aren't any ahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhahahLOLOLOOLOOLLhahahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

GARY IS A SPINELESS FAT JENNY usin' LYING PRICK WHO'S fat ass WILL BE FUCKED IN THE END, and I am not talking about Jenny's many dildos

Anonymous said...

While temping under that dynamic doodoo, Jenny Fat Buns gave me hell because I was and still am hot, and her creepy crawly soft butt GP kept checking me out. He is so gross, and she is the abomnibal snow bunns :)

Anonymous said...

Crack me up. even the NINA cheatin GayLard would not wan the fat but JRLewis. Though, it might not be that he hates fat phony bitches such as she, the issue jus might be (and probably is ) one just cannot secure a thumb tack into a big fat watermellon.

Anonymous said...

This is 6:44 PM again.

By the way, I really want to thank the person who previously posted those three DC projects from his/her emails. I will try to return the favor by passing it on, doing the same here if I get the chance.

Anonymous said...

This applies to law school graduates as well as firefighters:

Having lost both houses of Congress and the White House in two straight elections, Republicans are going through an identity crisis, its leaders holding Town Hall meetings to "listen" to the people.

"What should we focus on? Should we drop the social issues? How do we get the young people back?"

Such angst and soul-searching is not the mark of the leader, but the mark of a man suffering from doubt and despair.

Why is the party in trouble? Simple. Dubya got a hold of the keys, got high on neocon hooch, and crashed and rolled the family SUV.

He launched an unnecessary war against a country that had not attacked us. With his utopian No Child Left Behind scheme and his Medicare drug plan, he did his passable imitation of LBJ, and blew a hole in the budget.

Touting globalism, he presided over the loss of one in every four U.S. manufacturing jobs and ran up $5 trillion in trade deficits. He refused to defend the Mexican border against an invasion, then pushed an amnesty for the invaders.

This was no Reaganite. This was the neocons' apprentice.

How does the party reconnect with Middle America? How does it win back the Reagan Democrats who went home disgusted?

Become again the party of Frank Ricci.

And who is Frank Ricci?

He is a fireman in New Haven, Conn., with 11 years in the department, who suffers from dyslexia, but nonetheless has pursued his dream of becoming a lieutenant and a captain.

Six months before the promotion test, Ricci quit his second job. He bought $1,000 worth of the textbooks he was told to study, had a friend read them onto tapes to compensate for his dyslexia, studied every spare hour he got, and sat for the test, to compete for one of eight lieutenant slots open.

Frank made it. Frank Ricci came in sixth.

It was after the results of the test were made known that the problems arose. For, of the officers who had made the cut, all were white, except for one Latino.

Concluding the test results would, if used by the department, have an "adverse impact" on the black community, New Haven tossed out the results and called for new exams to ensure a "fair" outcome.

Thus, because he is a white man whose people came from Italy, Frank Ricci is to be denied a promotion he worked for and won, and be robbed of his American dream by the liberal bigots who run New Haven.

Had Frank Ricci and half of the other top performers been black, all would be on their way to becoming lieutenants and captains.

What is being done to Frank Ricci is exactly what was done to black folks for decades. Great black ballplayers who might have become legends like DiMaggio and Lou Gehrig never got the chance because they were black. Black students were denied admission to prep schools, colleges and military academies because of their color.

Now, what was done to them is being done to white folks. And it is just as wrong as it was then.

In 21st century America, race discrimination endures.

All we have done is switch the color of the victims with the color of the beneficiaries. Today it is white males applying for jobs and promotions as cops, firemen, government workers, who are held back because their color does not comport with the desired "diversity".

What New Haven has done to Frank Ricci is like the U.S. Olympic Committee throwing out all the trial heat results in the 100- and 200-meter races because not a single white runner qualified.

New Haven contends the "disparate impact" of the test hurts the black community, proving discrimination. But does the relative absence of blacks in the National Hockey League prove discrimination?

If the Republican Party wants a future, it will become again the party that stands on the principle that "No discrimination means no discrimination", that stands with the victims of state bigotry, and that stands up to hypocrites like the Jim Crow liberals of New Haven.

Affirmative action began as a mandate to cast a wider net and ensure all had an equal shot. It has become a mighty engine of state injustice that seeks to remedy the consequences of past racial sins and crimes, by committing new ones.

In Michigan, Washington and California, none of them red states, majorities have voted to abolish affirmative action. Only Colorado failed in a dead heat last fall. A Republican drive to write into federal law an end to all race and gender preferences, as well as to all race and gender discrimination, is a cause whose time has come.

This is a winning issue for the GOP, for it is rooted in principle and comports with what is written on the human heart.

Down deep, even liberals know that what is being done to Frank Ricci is not right.

Anonymous said...

Last blog is dull

Anonymous said...

Simmons & Simmons plans to use external lawyers for litigation and corporate due diligence work.

The firm seeks to outsource legal work to qualified lawyers, unlike other firms that outsource to paralegals in India.

The firm has already contacted several outsourcing agencies, and hopes to ramp up the new initiative in the next three years.

It is unclear how this will affect hiring at the firm.

Simmons & Simmons is a leading international law firm with over 2,000 employees, and 20 offices located throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

Anonymous said...

DS is a scary hairy closet lesbo jungleGaranamil beast from Jamaica or the fucked up like she or he or it is a scary ugly fucking beast who preys on temps eats their food and tries to fuck up their lives. If by scary chance you are stuck under her fat ugliness, and you are hot and not black woman from the islands, DO NOT tell her if yyou are involved with a black man. That bigot will surely hang you out to dry. I can't believe the firm tolerates that and all her uther massive discriminations!

Anonymous said...

How are all these ghettosgetting these jobs. Actually when I was there someone I knew managed to get their hands on a memo between partners and the para manager. The memo stated that many of the staff attorneys they were hiring were so desperate that they would be happy just to get a perm job - any perm job. And that's how the shit would work. So I guess they really want desperate types -- and ugly works because what's ugly going to do except work? I applied there with a fat guy who ate Dunkin Donuts all day--musta been 300 lbs. He got the job because they figured a flat slob like would have nothing better to do, while me with a couple of solid degrees and fairly decent looking might want to have a life.

Anonymous said...

Well to the extent Blackie Black Dawn might prevent white women from shacking up with black men, I suppose I approve in that particular instance. Overall, she is detestable.

Anonymous said...

Wasssup guyzzzz--lemme axe you about sub dokuments...who am I? I am ghetto employed at S&C

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Kevin and his buddy Tod are still at S&C. They were kinda nice, and smart.

Anonymous said...


Most of the folks you hear about as the worst offenders are veterans from the early days of the SALA program at Sullcrom - not even staff attorneys but glorified legal assistants many who were not even admitted to the bar. These folks have been hardened by years of shitlaw to the point that they have great contempt for any attorney at any level.

And everybody has been fired, I dont think there is any temp work at all there right now, totally dead!

Anonymous said...

That's right. When I first started at S&C in 2003 the people who are now "staff attorney" were basically Legal Assistants. The new ones were a bunch of bumbling idiots and too busy shagging each other. Seriously this staff attorney Robert I worked with -- his door was always locked and finalyy it would open a some other attorney/legal assistant would walk out. He never did anything worthwhile...just chilled with the Caribbean posse and managed to get by, while the rest of us fucks actually worked.

Anonymous said...

Not working and can't afford to go out. At home, typing on the computer, and waiting for more hating...

Where did everyong go?

Anonymous said...

Actually, David Figaro is just another white slave master's puppet (a now-retired partner). His mom was a house maid for a S&C partner's family in Long Island for many years, that's how he landed the job 13 years ago.

To this day, Figaro's 83-year old mother still sucks that partner's cock on the regular to support her family of 14 kids. The reason why David Figaro is being a subhuman dickhead to everyone at the office is because he refuses to bite the cock that fed him.

Anonymous said...

Big Mamma Big Mamma BIg Mamma Why the fuck did these LOSERS for this big fat ugly stupid BEAST Dawn SamsonAmonite. She is a fucking ugly scary woMANit And what kind of genetically fucked up degenerit is he side kick LUCY LU "I am a major RETARD" Cow. Chubby ass CloverAnastywoman and prickless GayLLard are at least literate, albeit, still special :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. This blog is hot tonight. I so need to get a another gig at S&C. I am missing the circus. apparently, the old elephant, MS Big Mamma is still leading the other monkeys.LOL

Anonymous said...

That's right.

Let the hate flow through you....

Anonymous said...

I think they are still there Those two are normal (rare on the C-level)

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha Don't mistake hate for mere observation. YOu just can't help but notice these silly analyst

Anonymous said...

Document Review Attorneys Needed (Central New Jersey)

Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-08, 4:24PM EDT


Central Jersey Based Firm Document Review/E-Discovery Firm seeks contract attorneys for ongoing e-discovery project. Candidates must be admitted attorneys, in good standing and must have compliance/securities review experience.

Must have between 2-5 plus years of Doc Review experience. Excellent opportunity to work on interesting and timely litigation matters.

Email resumes in MS Word format


•Location: Central New Jersey
•Compensation: $29/hr plus OT
•Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
•Please, no phone calls about this job!
•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.

Anonymous said...

Jeez I wish my mama had been a house maid as opposed to a doctor!! What did that get me - over-education, class, respect, dignity -- but these things are apparently not useful at S&C.

Anonymous said...

Apparently there are only two ways to get by in New York -- Mega-Nerd or Ghetto.
The rest of us decent human beings should head to Montana

Anonymous said...

Yep, there were some nice analysts - but usually they just got peeed on by the Ghettooooo Posse, and big buts and lard asses. In time, they too turned cruel and petty.

Anonymous said...

I once worked with that old bag mongloid Ms Cow. She has to have ridden on the extra small bus back in her school days. She just can't have a law degree. Wasn't her last classmate Sam 8)

Anonymous said...

Did that Big lump of a Boy Mark (the closet fairy) ever leave temp land and go perm?I bet he goes drag by night (or day)LOL

Anonymous said...

A bunck of Marks were hired perm. 3of them, and all with major issues. Crackhead/Weirdo/Ghetto and hired in that order.

Anonymous said...

That's right.

Let the hate flow through you....

10:46 PM

Yes, let the HATE flow through you. Anger, hatred gives you strength, focus. . ..

Anonymous said...

Mark that I have in mind (I call em MARKER) is a big doughy bumpkin who went to NYLS and wears this ugly, dorky glasses.
From what I understand he was also bestest friends with the CLovester. God how I longed to strike their temple with a tire iron, somewhere along the nose or forehead. At times I still do. Perhaps because it would feel so right.

Anonymous said...

LOL Doughy Dork. That's a good one.Is he flamer or what?He getting it on with Clover bendover and or the prancing AlHoseBGayLLARD?Any other of those peon losers from Barclay's still there?What ever happened to ButtaFace? Did his wife ever find out?She was so nasty. Of course, so was he(she)HAha

Anonymous said...

3:07 that is funny !

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

speaking of Barclays at S&C, does anyone remember all the losers on that project? many went on to become LAs but even more pathetic were the losers who got shitcanned. who can recall that guy who walked around like he was man mountain dean and stared at all the women like a mental patient? He was constantly farting and just plain smelled bad. there was also that morbidly obese latina who struggled under her enormous girth with a cane in one hand a tray stacked with a 14-inch pile slop from the cafeteria in the other.... and one guy ended up getting murdered in a scandalous S&M love triangle...DS, AG and Clovis, all vile, worthless creatures in their own right actually compared favorably to the aforementioned...

Anonymous said...

Was Big Mamma on Barclay's? Why don't I rememeber that one.Man oh man she must have gone to 800 Pounds from grazing on those temps.Were there as many as 100 temps at one pooint. That thing is a food swiping eleFuckingphant.Doesn't S&C pay her?Maybe she's just the firms Big Mamma Mascot, and they park her in C3 at night.I am so cracking myself up as I type this, I just am.That one is a boat load of jokes waiting to be had.LOL She even gives the Marker a run for his size.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...



10:02 AM

If this is true, you are the most pathetic person on the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Any answer on Gaylords Butta bitch?That fagatoid has seriously bad taste if you ask my.There is a new on now an the C1 level that he is bagging I heard. Some mideast chick with a fucking big head. Not very compliant for his little thumbtack head in his pants.

Anonymous said...

Ah, remembering those halcyon days of unlimited hours on 38. Need to have my foldgers crystals and clean up after last night's hatefest orgy... that was gooood.

Anonymous said...

Did Alex ever purchase an iron :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Alex's wife won't iron his shirts to spite him for his affairs. A crisp shirt won't make him look any better anyway. He should wear a mask.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall anyone mentioning Barclay's. . .. Anyway, getting fired from S and C is one of the best things that can happen to you.
Taking joy or making slight of someone being murdered in a love triangle says more about YOU. Actually, that young man was one of the few decent people there, even though his secret sexual proclivities were revevaled to be bizarre.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that was lame. I din't know him, but heard the story. Let's stick to the loser perms:)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of affairs, look at these two Sullivan shit staffattys/"analyst" in the midst of an extramarital romp: on the sea like the fat whales that they are.Ahhhh that place is such a cesspool the gossip could go on and on!!

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Who are the two porkys?

Anonymous said...

Uuuuuugh--what's with the tatoos? Now if that's not ghettooooooooo what is??? Let me aks you?

OK, this is enough. Now I don't feel bad about not getting hired at S&C. Obviously it's just because I am waaaaa better - way classier.

Anonymous said...


The guy's name is Nunzio Vorrebba. The girl's name is Adisha Wattley.

Anonymous said...

Soon, there will be no more jobs.

Anonymous said...

I worked for several years at S&C as a temp. I got lucky and got one of the nice attorneys and worked one-on-one and had my own office.
I came from an academic background and had a pretty decent pedigree, Ivy League degrees, a solid work history in research. When my mom got cancer I went a litte beserk. My jobs were high-powered and stressful and I couldn't focus. I needed time out. I turned to temping because I had heard through my artist friends at Yale that it was a good way make a living and still leave time for family/creative pursuits. I am also an artist. I had no idea I was entering the ghetto zone.
My supervisor was refined and cultured. But I did manage to see quite a bit during my time there, the ghetto squad, the pettiness, the trashiness, the malaise, the crack addicts, grossness in general, like those festering garbage cans.
Part of me detested these fuckers and felt contemptuous, and part of me envied their lazy well-paying jobs. Here I had been working these stressful jobs while I could have been scratching my ass as a glorified peon and making as much.
Part of me longed to be part of this easy-money crowd. And even after things got better at home I continued temping. I was hooked on a loser lifestyle. After 2 years, my gig with the nice attorney ended -- that person had a child and left. I re-entered the real world.
In the basement, with all the petty politiking and ghetto squad and the low-level types making you feel like shit, you forget there is an intelligent, refined, better world out there. When I re-entered it I was shocked that decent, intellectual people still existed -who didn't have fragile ghetto egos and with whom you didn't have to walk on eggshells, where you could argue and question and discuss - and that sort of mentality was encouraged and if you didn't then you were considered a loser [as opposed to the other way round with the ghettos]. I had forgotten all that. It was wonderful and comfortable and I felt in my element after so many years. In some ways I was not fit anymore for polite society. I was a little paranoid, a little aggressive, thinking some ghetto would pounce on me again. All those years in a loser's world had left me a little mentally handicapped.
In the closed environs of the coding room, the ghetto goons had achived mammoth proportions and were no less than Moses. In the real world they were regarded as what they are -- trashy peons-- and looked upon with great disdain. Many employers first looked at me with disdain for working at that level and when they heard my whole story they understood. But the world really does not recognize these people as players on a global stage.
Re-enter the refined world. I have met so many of you and found many bright, funny and interesting - well much more so than the ghettos.
I make only a little less money but the quality of my life has shot up and I am once again recognized by my peers as an intellectual force and not some loser hiding in a basement sucking ghetto cock.

Anonymous said...


I know, I know... I work at Cravath, in a place called "The Pit", four floors below ground level. It's changing me too, bro.

My two cellmates go by the names DJ Schleprock and Special Ed. They wear gold chains and constantly be flashin gang signs at each other when they're s'posed 2 b workin...

Anonymous said...

5:12 That is funny!! The cell mate story pray do tell more...

Anonymous said...

hahahaha those are my current staff atty supervisors at S&C we knew something was going on they seem too close!

Anonymous said...


Yeah, every Friday they smuggle in 2 big ice chests full of malt liquor, invite some street ho's down from Bed-Stuy, crank up the Montell Jordan, the NWA and the Jay-Z, and get to bouncin'... Break dancin' on the floor to Oldschool jams... Gettin' their blaze on.... As I sit there and click.

Anonymous said...

Didn't that ugly fat useless chickmunk cheek stupid bitch whore get MADE into the Godzilla Dawn SamsonaNITES's pathetic MMMob? That same otrocious THEIVING GOD FUCKING ugly beast who has haunted and DRAINED S&C for 13 tears?That fucking beast who's husband is so thankful that she is gone most night so he cqn have a normal hot woman and eat monsters cake too!!!!!! hahahah at least some one benefits from her recovery time...... can't say the same about Clover Bendover or the faGGGGallard

Anonymous said...

I worked with that guy a few years back his name is Chaiyot but goes by "Mark". He was married but had a lust for all the chocolate on the project back then too if you know what I mean. I guess he is a perm staffer at S&C now? And the woman there is his new hershey's kiss? lol

His wife was rumored to be far fatter/uglier than the woman in the pic.

Anonymous said...

As someone else on this blog has said, 'Let the hate flow, it will only give you strength and focuc", let it out brothers and sisters, let the river of hate flow and clean us all, hallelujah
.... this hot stuff and funnnny in my darkest hour

Anonymous said...

That dude is GROSSOLA!!! about a man-bra

Anonymous said...

God, I wish were a sloppy under-educated loose-assed temp as opposed to a hard-working, toned, over-educated lawyer.
At least I would have a future -- if nothing else I could land a delicious staff attorney...

Anonymous said...

This blog is hot !! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time...I am eating lentil soup in my pajamas and starving b/c I am unemployed and depressed --
but this is making me laugh so much --
thank you, you funny people...

Anonymous said...

Yo, peoplezzzzz, let me aks you. Whatever happened to that old horsy hag Maura Mac-something. That old bag that managed temps? Is she still ruining the aesthetics of the place with her Old Stallion face??

Anonymous said...

Is that drunk para Derek still at S&C. He used to hide his cheap liquor in an iced tea bottle -- as though people couldn't tell ...
on and beware he also used to spit in the kitchen sink in C-2

Anonymous said...

What about that cute David, the gay staff attorney- is he still there. I knew he was gay but had a crush on him anyway -- many a "straight" male staff attorney felt the same way -- and some actually got fired for harassing him!!

Anonymous said...

If you look carefully at the pic of those two, the chick is also a damn sight taller than the lil' fat dude, too...

But she ain't half bad lookin'... nice smile and nice long, firm chocolate thighs... a lil' thick maybe but dat's goooood... I'd do her, mos def...

Anonymous said...

Her name was Maura McDonough, I believe. Good eatin' pussy if you ask me. And what's good for eatin is also good for fuckin. Too bad she was a total cunt.

Anonymous said...

ALL hAIL THE MIGHTY BEAST (and hide your fucking food) as she comes a grazing across the reviewers tables.

Thump thump thump thump thump thump ....... ?Fie fii foo fum... Big Mammma's a hunger and SMELLS another crumb.......thump thump thump thump thump..... fie fii foo fum..... oh you retttarddded Ms Lucy Cow you are just so fuckkkkiiinnngggggg dumb!!!!!!!!!!

S&C.... are are you fucking serious keeping these pathetic and very large (DAWN) and stupid(both THAT SAME BIG MAMMA AND THE COW) on for all these years..... Goldmann Barclays UBS do you really know what goes on here!!!!OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG omg omg omg omg

Anonymous said...

Wait so he cheated on his wife with her and took pics? Daaaamn thats not exactly discreet but I guess you cant expect discretion from a guy with a tattoo of a fireball on his chest!

Maura McDonough - fired/left/laid off either way she's gone and good riddens she was a bitch!

But now Kemp is left to ogle your little man-butts without consequence. I remember his youtube videos were hilarious years ago.

Anonymous said... found him! He's still at it! For those who dont know he is flamingly gay the temp police officer at Sullivan who watches sign in/signout, calls your agency if you took more than 3 cookies in the cafateria, etc.

Anonymous said...

Why has this blog turned Ghetto?

Anonymous said...

Maaybe Mr WattEvertheFuck should tale lessons from the Tiny GayLLARD. I heard that he is still with his stupid MailOrderBride and her Dowery, and even had another child with her (though, I have my suspicions that the hottie Trainer from Equinox is really the perpetrator). Even if Mark's wife were as large as Big Mamma, ChicMunkCheeks is NOOOOOO solution. She is a fatty herself, and ugly as shit, and don't forget, mega bitch!

Anonymous said...

Because, sadly, we work with ghetto. If we worked with Foucault we would talk better.
Let me aks you....

Anonymous said...

Seriously. You'd think S&C were teaching ghetto slang in the basement the way these people talk. Most people leave that stuff at the door when they enter the world of white shoe firms. No wonder they are relegated to shit duty. Contact with anyone important might cost the firm its reputation.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see the racism and reactionary griping going on in this blog.

Of course, we can't call the S&C employees "niggers" or "spics" because that would be too obvious, so instead we call them "ghettos" or some other stupid, racist terms. Truly disgusting, but not surprising considering the mentality of the people going into law these days.


Anonymous said...

Ghetto is ghetto -- there is black ghetto and brown ghetto and white ghetto and yellow ghetto. It's a term not for race -- but for mentality. Get with it you pompous old wind-bag.

Anonymous said...

11:14. Have you seen some of the people that work perm at S&C. They do NOT leave this stuff at the door - they just don't do it in front of the partners and associates -- but it's there alright.
We only wish they left it at the door.

Anonymous said...

The firm's reputation -- haha good one, defending common crooks.
We all know what they really do.

You can sugar-coat shit but once the sugar comes off the shit is still there.

Anonymous said...

I know temp attorney is not the highest profession in the land, and some of them are really lazy nut-jobs, but overall most are half-way decent people.

But the way they are treated at these firms is shocking. I come from the Third World and am not a temp attorney but a writer who follows this blog for humor and information and b/c I have temped at some of these firms.

It's OK to have sweatshops in some shit Third World country b/c that's what you expect, but having them in a country like the US [with barred lawyers, no less] was a complete assualt on my notion of the US.

Anonymous said...

wasnt that dude in the pic named marc, or at least that was his americanized name, he seemed ok, watched alot of dvds...what about the guy cesar, he was fairly normal as far as i could tell.

and what about that S& C breakfast? it was great coming to work high and eating all that fresh fruit...

Anonymous said...

Agreed 11:31, its not about race it is the way the people at S&C act. And what I saw when I was there is exactly what people are posting on here.

I was there in 07 on a doc review, and there was this one legal assistant, her name was Selena. She worked and was friends with the Asian staff atty from the picture someone posted above. There were some other legal assistants too, various races and the whole lot of them were "ghetto" in every sense of the word - it was like a switch would flip when an associate would come around, they would be normal but otherwise they were totally lacking in any form of professionalism whatsoever.

These two and a few others would often talk and laugh loudly, she in particular would cackle and yell so loudly that it would disturb the work of the entire project, 30+ temporary attorneys and some 10 temp legal assistants would all stop and wonder what the hell was going on. This happened day after day for months! This is the type of yelling that could be heard 75 feet away on the other side of the floor. I had never seen anything like this in my ENTIRE professional career. The behavior was so obscene and embarrassing, and they seemed completely clueless, it was an utter disgrace!

One day one of the temporary attorneys working on the project had enough, she just couldn’t listen to constant yelling, screaming, cackling all day long. She told the staff attorney supervisors on the project. Instead of solving the problem they promptly dimed her out to the loudmouth legal assistants. I saw the legal assistant Selena then take the woman into a room and yell at her so loudly it could be heard through the closed door. It was really, really bad, so bad that we encouraged her to contact Update about it. I don’t know if she ever did. The woman was so upset that she packed her things and left within the hour.

I have only been back to Sullivan once since then and I dont plan to go back ever if I can help it. Sounds like they need to fire about 1/2 of their staff attorneys and just start fresh, there are plenty of smart people out there who won’t act like this.

Anonymous said...

Big Mamma Big Mamma what temp groupis feeding you now? I need ajob Big Mamma. I promise to bring Twinkees and the like in bulk of course fromm Cosco
Big Mamma!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This blog has not turned ghetto. AND KUDOS TO SULLIVAN AND CROMWELL. THEY have reversed discrimation!!!! With the analyst, preferring to hire / keep people within their ethnic class and preferrably people that have english as a second language! It is making up for the good old boys network!. Uh wait, that never benefited the rest of us born or modets means in america, went to school to better ourselves and try to achieve a career to support a family. I guess that is what we get for trying to be more in this country. What a joke. Rich get richer and take care of their own. And now we get the "what fuckin part of the caribbean you from" two fat crew only hiring from their family reunions. What an ugly nightmare. I should have been a sanitation man.

Anonymous said...

This blog has not turned ghetto. AND KUDOS TO SULLIVAN AND CROMWELL. THEY have reversed discrimation!!!! With the analyst, preferring to hire / keep people within their ethnic class and preferrably people that have english as a second language! It is making up for the good old boys network!. Uh wait, that never benefited the rest of us born or modets means in america, went to school to better ourselves and try to achieve a career to support a family. I guess that is what we get for trying to be more in this country. What a joke. Rich get richer and take care of their own. And now we get the "what fuckin part of the caribbean you from" two fat crew only hiring from their family reunions. What an ugly nightmare. I should have been a sanitation man.

Anonymous said...

"I love it when you call me Big Momma/ Throw your hands in the air, if you'se a true player/ I love it when you call me Big Momma/ To the honeys getting' money playin' niggaz like dummies/ I love it when you call me Big Momma/ If you got a gun up in your waist, please don't shoot up the place/ 'Cause I see some baby daddys tonight who should be fatherin' my baby, bay-bee."

Anonymous said...

That's very funny. I was think more like the Eddie Murphy Version.:)

Anonymous said...

Great to see how many bitter, unemployed and delusional temps that are out there suffering.

I'm glad I can pay my bills, student loans, my rent, go to nice restaurants and take vacations when I want.

Wish I can say the same for everyone here! lol.

It just shows what a bunch of losers everyone on this board is that can't get a job.

Keep the hate coming! I'm loving it!

Anonymous said...

You may not care to see the hate coming when someone finally goes postal. Oh and in case you have not heard, droves of associates at big law firms are being laid off. Offers to summer associates are being deferred for as much a year. Then if someone starts at the deferred date, the get laid off a month later.
Anyway, keep it up with the attitude (provided you are not a flame). I am sure there is enough pain out there for some to call the Hateville Suicide Hotline.

Surely you are on the list of pests, along with Clovester, Wrinkled Shirt Alex, Blackie Black Dawn, Piggy Swooney, and others. I cannot wait till someone finally takes the sage advice from the Hatesville Suicide Hotline and decides to dispatch others along with them to Never-Neverland!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I thought it was all in fun. didn't know you took it so to heart. They are just pathetic analyst who are too low to have the title Staff Attorney.No need for deathwise fella. Keep it light gEwizzzzzzz.

Anonymous said...

Can you not read? I have no intention to call the Hatesville Suicide Hotline. But others whose life is for naught should call, and take the sage advice offered by Adam Palfry. This was clearly indicated when I stated in plain, simple English that I cannot wail till someone (else) calls the HSH.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are a retard. That is a deathwise you hateful boy/girl.It wouldn't make sense for you to callin hopes of their perish, numnut.

Anonymous said...

Hey dude, don't call me dude!

Anonymous said...

I have a friend at Cr_v___, who says he knows a fifth year associate there who was given an offer leave his $295,000 position "to go work among the penguins in Antarctica", at his own expense and for a salary of $60,000, and he TOOK it!

THAT is how bad things are getting.

Anonymous said...

Stocks fizzle, complaints go up... and MORE WORK FOR US!

The work is coming, peeps...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like bullshit 1:36, I know for a fact that Sullivan pays you 30 bucks an hour, with an increase of about $2/hr yearly just like a temp.

You'd have to slave at that shitshop for 3 years just to make the $35 rate we make. No wonder most of you guys cant afford basics such as irons, decent clothes, and look like you slept in the office.

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Hahaha 4:04pm, that's the best arguement you got. Because we start off at 30 bucks an hour we "cant afford basics such as irons, decent clothes, and look like you slept in the office."

Another delusional temp!

No wonder your unemployed and can't get a job.

I can understand why your bitter. It must be hard for you being in your 40's and having to move back with your mommy and daddy.

Excuse me while I take my mother out to dinner to any restaurant she wants because I can afford it.

If you want, I can take your mother out too.

Anonymous said...

Do we have loser analysts posting here?

Anonymous said...

Hey 6:12 -

I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you about 4:04 pm. His/her comment was definitely stupid.

But this really doesn't say too much about you:

"No wonder your unemployed and can't get a job. ...

"I can understand why your bitter."

OK, you've used "your" twice in the space of 12 words when you meant "you're". One time is an admissible mistake, two times is grievous and just plain stupid.

Which begs the question, who are all these atrocious spellers and manglers of English grammar on this site masquerading as "lawyers"? When did 5th grade remedial spelling abilities become the norm among American attorneys? Or is it just the TTT bung-hole crowd who can't spell and write worth a shit?

Anonymous said...

1;46/2:00 you have a REAL problem, you are advocating violence resulting in death. First think about teh legal liability you just put on yourself should such a thing ever happen. Second, what the hell kind of person advocates and hopes that people be killed? In all likelihood it would be a bunch of temps that got killed, maybe even you. You are a disgrace for even thinking this.

Anonymous said...

It's a blog tutd, not a brief or to be published doctrine. Get a life you pretentious prick. Or, rather, get a real job, U R A 8-

Anonymous said...

6:44 apparently never reads or hears the news or otherwise surely wouldn't be so stupid. The world is far to sick a place to make "jokes" like that.

Anonymous said...

6:41 I cannot be responsible for what others do. And if listening to a bit of black humor (that someone else wrote) sets someone off, I am hardly responsible. But if it were to happen, I would hardly feel bad. I would probably smile, and I might also laugh. I would surely be amused.
And yes I really do recommend the Hatesville Suicide Hotline to so many desperate peoppe whose lives are just not worth living, so that they may understand they really should just to end it all now. And if increased numbers of people turning to the good folks at Hatesville should make other annoying pests uneasy and fearful, well that is another advantage. Have a happy day.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if they took out someone you cared about(assuming that any such person actually exists) you wouldn't smile about it. Although you seem to think that your kind of remarks make you sound superior, they only make you sound totally brainless.

Anonymous said...

7:21 is fucking nutso. Holy Shit Looney Tunes. Dude, let's just keep it at the Big Mamma type, ok. Chill the fuck out.

Anonymous said...

I do not care about the sort of piggish people complained about on here ad nauseum. But you are right--all life is precious. What was I thinking? All the dead are grateful. All you need is LOVE.

Anonymous said...

well if you acts like you get offended by everything and cantu be asked a question then you are fucking ghetto. I mean we ain't trying to get one over on you on the yard homey. Dumb overanakyzingnlazy motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!

Fuck you and choke on your childrens bodies!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

8:54 is a psycho.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so concerned about what's happening in the S&C basement? Who cares. So some litigation associates are out of control and doing a terrible job managing people. Big deal.

You should take it as a hint to get out of temping and find a real job. What are you going to do, review docs for the next 20years? The economy is improving, so you relly need to be looking for a career type of job.

As for the litigation assistants, doing a crummy job and making enemies of 100s of attorneys is not the way to have a successful long term career. The litigation assistant is more or less a dead end -- have you ever met anyone that's done it for more than 5 years? What are they on partner track? A couple years from now they may find themselves out of a job, with a bad reference, no real experience, a bad reputation in the temp industry (the agencies and firms are smart enough to figure out who's doing a bad job in a management position), and lots of enemies. Not a good place to be.

Anonymous said...

9:35 you are right, except, no one seems to be bagging the asociates, it's just a handful of loser analyst, all of which have been there over five years as PATHETIC as that sounds. The male analyst are the most sad. What do they tell their signifigant others..... Oh, I copy check, uuuhhhhhh, I carry boxes, andd click key worrds on a computer, and, uuuuuhhhhhhh, I sleep at work at night and bag temos while you are sleeping. Wait, the fat Marcs and the puffy cheeked husband rifler haven't, my bad.

Anonymous said...

They've been doing that for 5 years!!?!

Could you imagine being stuck in a basement 6 days a week for 5 years staring at docs? That explains why they act the way they do. I figured they were only there for 6 months or so, but 5 years. Man -- that's crazy. Talk about a lack of career direction.

Regardless, don't stress yourself about whatever's going on in the dungeon. It's temp work, as in the idea is to do it temporaraly until something better comes along. It's not bad money, but it is a waste of time if you're trying to permatemp.

Anonymous said...

well 7:21 yes you can look up the statute yourself. Incitement to murder is a crime in most states, and you certainly would/will be sued by any victims estate. No wonder you can't get anything better, yo don't even know what every first year learns. Sheeesh.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

I guess you are unfamiliar with hyperbole. Some arrogant prick, (Alex would that, could that be you) said he looks forward to more of the same, that he wants to see more hate coming (his words). I am just reminding him that what comes around goes around, with the most extreme, and in my mind somewhat comic contingency possible, all with the sort of black humor and hyperbole that all should be able to appreciate. Conduct yourself horribly, and people are bound to snap. Whether that is someone raising their voice, taking a swing, or something far more drastic no one can tell, and certainly is not within my control. Individuals are responsbile for their own actions. So be done playing barracks room lawyer and get those documents produced, you peon!

Anonymous said...

I still don't see why you people get so excited over a temp job. Most of the projects are full of a bunch of screwballs anyway. There's generally a reason that someone has been temping for years on end, and it's not a going to be a good one.

The temp supervisor doesn't like you and figured out some way to screw you. Oh no -- there's only 1000s of temp attorneys employed and projects that are so big, they can't fill them. The agency is a little ticked. Big deal, there's 15 of them and a new one tries to enter the market all the time. All you have to do is wait around like 2 weeks until something else comes along, or maybe 4 weeks in this economy, but it's hardly like it was in January/Febuary.

Also, as long as the economy improves and you've worked as an associate, you'll find something permenant in a month or two. Once you have some experience everything gets easier.

Here's a little secret -- when the economy is rolling along normally, there's not enough normal attorneys around to put on these things, especially, if it's some kind of specialized project. Most rational people find a full time job, and that severely cuts down on the applicants for the temp jobs. And by the way, despite what you read here, the majority of grads from Brooklyn and NYSL have full time jobs.

Quit getting so worked up about some stupid project. Instead use the energy to find a full time job.

Anonymous said...

I sucked on your mama's clit.

Anonymous said...

12:06 AM That is just NOT CALLED FOR here you total loser.

Anonymous said...

Typical response from a loser Sullcrom staff attorney. Some temp attacks their professionalism and the response is that they are better than temps because they can take their momma to nice restaraunts?

As if that's how greatness in life is measured! And to think that they all used to be temps themselves, how typically crass. Nice going probing that what everyone is saying about you is true.

Anonymous said...

He aint no staff attorney. He is a litigation analyst. Epic FAIL!

Anonymous said...

I don't get all the comments about finding a permanent job. I have been looking. I am 8 years out of law school, have 5 years of small firm experience, and strong academic credentials. I have not stopped looking for a permanent job for the past 6 months. and this is what there has been: NADA, ZILCH, 0000000000.00000.

Please stop being so facile about it. I have a family to feed. I have some clients coming in, but not enough to provide capital needed to fully launch a firm that will support that family i have to feed.

Anonymous said...

Whats the difference between a "litigation analyst" and a staff attorney?

Anonymous said...

None, they are the same losers. I worked at S&C for three years and saw these staff attorneys and paras up close and personal.
Most temp to perm paras were morons, and their wardrobe choice was not what I would advise at a white shoe firm -- or any firm, red patent shoes and belts!! What an eyesore.
Some staff attorneys were really nice, but many were depressed and sad. They get sodomized by the associates the same way they sodomize temps. You should have seen some of these staffers in fron of the associates and partners. Meek as mice and trying soooooooo hard to please them. It was a sad sight--some grizzled old 50 year old trying to bend over backwards for a 28-year-old. Some associates were quite nasty to them. Many of these staffers were bitter and angry that at this age they had to kowtow to young affluent Ivy pricks while they took their working class New Joisey ass to Touro etc. So it cuts both ways. Many have been there for 5-10 years. But they do get abused. I would advise temps to get to know the associates and let them know what is going on. They are generally a more decent bunch.

Anonymous said...

Poor analyst.

Anonymous said...

Is Clovis the token special ed or what?

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