"It's not often that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi camps under the GOP tent, but that's just what happened recently when she broke ranks with Bay Area Democrats and the Obama administration and voted to keep billions of dollars in federal student aid flowing into the coffers of for-profit colleges.
She had her reasons. Some of the biggest recipients of the $32 billion in federal student loans and Pell Grants each year paid to for-profits are in her district - including major Democratic donor John Sperling, founder of the online University of Phoenix, the nation's largest for-profit college.
The issue arose after Education Secretary Arne Duncan proposed a rule that would stiffen federal aid requirements for for-profits, making them provide stats showing that their students actually are getting the jobs they trained for."
1 – 200 of 264 Newer› Newest»Well, when it comes down to money for your buddies or the well-being of the little guy, what do you expect? Although, it both saddens and angers me how our politicians are so bought and sold by special interests.
I should be used to it by now, but still...they're like junkies. Whatever gets them their next money hit. No matter who ends up paying for it.
"No Blood Money for Botox!"
Wait until Obama/PelosiCare kicks in. Expansion of Medicaid for illegal immigrants, skyrocketing prices for middle class health care and college tuitions. It never stops.
Tom Harkin is practically a scam blogger, and Al Franken and Sherrod Brown have both introduced measures to ease the bankruptcy provisions for private student loans (which were an incredible deal for the banks, so no shills crying about the repayments, please).
Of course these measures have no chance of passing, due to industry shills in BOTH parties. Ben Nelson is particularly bad for the Dems, but the GOP are the ones who passed the 2005 requirement that PRIVATE student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy, and they're the ones holding up any chance of reform. (God knows we can't stop govt subsidies to the banks, that would be anti-capitalist).
I hate both parties so much on this issue, but let's not forget who passed and is holding onto the bankruptcy provisions - the GOP.
What's more interested in that this site mentions none of that. It also ignored the push by Senator Boxer to address the fraud that happens with law school employment numbers. One of the reasons I only use this site at this point to go to other scamblogger sites is because of the obvious conservative/Republican leanings of the blog owner. I have no problem with calling Pelosi out on this. But, to pretend (a) that there aren't any Democrats going against the corporate tide and (b) completely ignore there are NO Republicans addressing these issues at all is Congress- well its why some people are still coding documents. They refused to give up cherished beliefs. Tom strikes me as one of those people who was raised or is a Reaganite/faux libertarian type. He allows really bigoted comments to be posted here. That's why others like Nando are quoted while Tom is being ignored. If you want to matter Tom, actually show that you get it by examining both parties and the conservative/corporate swing in this country.
How about the "reforms" the dems passed when they controlled the House, senate and presidency? Did nothing for my student loans. These people are as corrupt as they come. That picutre of Pleosi, larsen and that ugly hag - a rogues gallery!
End days nears...batten down the hatches people, its gonna be a bumpy ride..Tier 1 or bust!!!! I call for a clean sweep, a coup, a revolution..its time to eliminate all political positions and get back to basics..cant stand these dishonest charlatans..China has it right, shoot first, ask questions later!
Thank you for that comment.
"And the banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place," he said on WJJG 1530 AM's "Mornings with Ray Hanania." Progress Illinois picked up the quote.
Remember when U.S. senator Dick Durbin of Illinois made this statement? This was picked up by Salon and a bunch of smaller sites.
For $ome rea$on, CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox, CNN, et al. did not report on this. (They are all owned by corporate pigs, who are benefiting under the arrangement.) While it is common sense that the banks OWN Congress outright, it should have been MAJOR NEWS that a sitting U.S. senator would have the balls to make such a public statement.
He made this statement back on April 29, 2009 - nearly two years ago. This country is owned by corporate demons. The best us nobodies can do is to continue to publish the truth on our blogs.
I absolutely agree that corporate interest have taken over both parties. That's why I said what I wrote to Tom. The truth is that I have no problem with Tom attacking the Democrats for being corporate shills.
The problem I have with your movement is that there are a lot of people who seem to not get it or connect the dots. There is a larger discussion and debate going on here beyond law school fraud and the dwindling jobs for lawyers. We are just emblematic of that larger fight.
This is a process that's been happening for 40 years now since the Reagan revolution started and its goal of dismantling the FDR/LBJ social democracy trend.
In fact, the educational battles, if you look them up, historically began in the 70s with Reagan in California. It was about that time that education shifted from being a public good (with a value in itself) to a commodity that individuals rather than society as a whole paid for.
People here and else where discuss how we should change the system not through understanding that it is a system, but arguments over cutting student loans. Student loans predate the education bubble. The real problem is not loans. The real problem is that education is a business now.
But, we aren't suppose to say that the e are more important things in life than business. So, the bank take over is natural from that mindset where private business, in the eyes of some, can do no wrong.
Everyone ends up tailoring their arguments to fit that believe. We have Obama pass what is essentially a Romney and Bob Dole's health care proposals in that it enshrines our system as run by corporate health care, and we have people whining about socialism. Its unreal. The problem is not socialism. The problem is that we view everything now as about business.
I always have argued that there are a core basket of issues that are not about business- education, healthcare, housing , retirement. Everything else can be about business, but those 4 have greater societal issues at play. But, again we aren't suppose to say that.
Instead, people tweak around the edges. I believe your points about education fraud is important. But, you need to ask a deeper question: Why is the fraud happening? individual greed is an easy one to identify as the reason. But what about the system allows the greedy to get away with it?
Why aren't more people angry amongst those who are not profiting from the education industrial complex? Why aren't they doing more about it?
Those are the deeper questions.
All these programs: Social Security, medicare, bankruptcy reform are revolution insurance. The right-wing/ teabaggers/ republicans don't want to pay the premium. When it gets bad enough or enough of the American public won't take anymore there will be blood. it will be in less than a decade.
Dianne Feinstein's husband is also heavily invested in the for profit scam. Tying loan limits to gainful employment like the Dept. of Education is proposing will be dead on arrival. The lobbyists have been working overtime in the last several months handing out dinners and schmoozing on the Hill, while you dopes whine on blogs.
As Bulworth said, if you don't get big money you get a defeat. She needs that big money to stay in DC. If she gave a f**k about us, then she would not have gotten to where she is today.
And who do you think will win that revolution? Which side has more money, guns and power?
Careful what you wish for...
To the cretin who posted at 12:36 pm,
We KNOW that the banks own Congress, as well as most state houses and city councils across this land.
"The lobbyists have been working overtime in the last several months handing out dinners and schmoozing on the Hill, while you dopes whine on blogs."
By the way, I am doing what I can, by informing others - which you idiotically refer to as "whining." Your little "contribution" is nothing. Really?!?! Well-heeled lobbyists are working the pigs in Congress?! You should win a George Foster Peabody Award for such surgical precision, in investigative journalism. What great insight!
The $y$tem is rigged, and always has been in this country. You think Jefferson, Washington, Hamilton, Adams, Madison - and the other wealthy pigs - fought for the rights of the common man?!?! They wanted to wrest control of the colonies from wealthy British swine.
Look at the Electoral College. You guys are casting votes to select a set of presidential "Electors." These people then cast actual ballots for president. (By the way, these supposed "presidents" are mere hand-puppets of the corporate elite.) Even with this system, a voter only participates once every 2, 4 or 6 years - while the lobbyists are BUYING "lawmakers" from *the moment* they are elected, or announce they are running for office.
Good luck competing with that. See how successful you will be operating under “their” system. It is for their benefit, NOT yours. The legal industry is a great example of this. Courtrooms are conservative in nature, and they abide by prior rulings – under the guise of “precedent.” One is supposed to use euphemisms, staid language, and conduct themselves in an “appropriate” manner. Yeah, you can take on the powerful – but you MUST play by their rules, use their lingo/jargon, and agree to the results.
This is akin to a high school team agreeing to play the LA Lakers at the Staples Center - with officials that love the Lakers. Think you’ll have a shot in hell of winning?
And who do you think will win that revolution? Which side has more money, guns and power?
It will depend on the numbers, not money or guns or power.“Après moi, le déluge.”
Is it just me or do the cackling Nancy Pelosi and friends look like the skeletal Martian invaders in "Mars Attacks!"?
Gaaaack! Accck! Accck! Gaaack!"
Pols always look weird. It comes with the superficiality of their job. Even he so-called great ones are not completely without a certain about of oddness of you pay close attention.
Several week document review project for a top national firm. Supervision by an excellent project manager. Monthly bonuses which will effectively raise the pay rate significantly. Pay rate of $25/hour on a weekly basis. This pay model is only effective when reviewers are both accurate and efficient. Please let me know what a typical rate of review is for you on a per day or per hourly basis. Reply to: job-a25gu-2321492265@craigslist.org
And who is that Romulan behind her?
She's outside the Neutral Zone.
And laughing about it too!
Tom deleted my comment, which tells us a lot about Tom. let's see does he delete the comment pointing out that he's now editing out comments of substance while leaving comments that are racist. You are nothing if not predictable Tom.
As expected, Tom publishes the rant, but not the info. Here's the info regarding the corruption of both parties:
Let's see if this gets through.
Great jobs for JDs!!!
Contract Installer needed ASAP!
About our company: Green Energy Masters, a division of The Gasket Guy Inc., focuses on retrofitting commercial refrigeration units, replacing gaskets, strip curtains, door closers and night covers to help businesses become more energy efficient. We partner up with local utility companies across the country to provide this service to restaurants, groceries and small retail stores. We believe in creating solid relationships with our customers and to us this means exceptional customer service from beginning to end, quality products, and installation.
Our company is now working with an energy-savings rebate program in New York! We are seeking contract Installer to be a part of our team, who can work flexible hours in the five boroughs. We will train the right person for the job.
* Some handyman experience (some experience using hand or power tools)
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To find out more about our company, please see our website: www.greenenergymasters.com and www.thegasketguy.com
We are proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Location: Brooklyn, NYC
Compensation: Contract Job. Commission
This is a contract job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
$14/hour!!!! Take that recession!
Looking for an Office Assistant/Receptionist that is energetic, reliable and possesses the ability to learn quickly. We value our employees and realize that it takes everyone to make a successful company. We are looking for the right candidate to fill this position immediately, one that will make a good addition to our team
Location: NY
Compensation: $14.11 per hour
This is a part-time job.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
I many not agree with her politics but I do like Nancy's dress sense. Thank God a powerful woman who looks like a woman - and not some big old ugly mandango queen. I am sick of seeing ugly chicks.
How is this "breaking with the Democrats"? Obama was behind the Pell Grants demand.
University of Phoenix online is NOT cheap, but ranks 2490th in terms of college costs. They are still one of the cheapest values.
Get your degree online you can work at the same time no point in living away at school.
Check this out. If this guy is right, that sense of entitlement will finally get gutted like stuck pig. And something else, inevitably, will arise to take its place.
There is a lot of projects this week. We are in demand again and the agencies will be forced to increase the rate in order to staff their projects because temps won't accept any lousy rate if there is a lot of work out there. Greedy agencies have been taking advantage of the lack of work and they dropped the rate around $10 an hour because they knew temps were desperate and would take anything rather than sit at home and make no money.
I was browsing through your website temporaryattorney.blogspot.com and found very interesting contents on money and finance which are pretty informative. I was hoping I could write a guest post on your blog with an article related to your blog, I believe this will be of interest to your readers.
The article will be entirely unique, written just for your blog and will not be posted elsewhere. I hope I can produce informative and viscid content for you. If you’re interested in this idea, please get back to me.
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Pablo Gibson
Well said Liz.
Paolo Gibson - you iz a cute boy. Do you want to be placed by my agency? Take a look at some of the beauties we place. Give me a holla honey if you wants work - I only place cute guys or black girls. Aks for Polly when you call .. but you will have to do me some "favors' before - toodle dooo
What's going on in the dungeons of S&C?
any news on Big Mamma, Clovester?? Is he still peering out from behind wonderboxes, wearing slppy pants, sleeping on case room floors??
What's going on people? Where is the gossip. What about Valvina Scissorhands - what is up with that ho bag?
And where is Sonia???
What we need is more law schools!! One on every block!!!
What is that thing to the right of her? Is that a man or a woman?
That is a recruiter from Update.
Too many blow jobs has left her sapped.
yes I can verify this, I had to do that ape to get a 2 week gig for $25 no OT.
Someone should have Smacked Da Black Off of Obama, just leave the purple lips........
I was just going through some finance related sites and blogs and came across your site (http://temporaryattorney.blogspot.com/) too. I really found it interesting and informative. I am working and associated with many finance sites as a content writer and I write articles on various topics of Finances. I really liked the way you have presented your site. I would love to do a “Guest Post” for your site like I did for other sites without charging you a penny :)
Some of the companies I co-author for are Community Development Financial Institutions, Oak View Law Group, Center for Community Development Investments etc. It would be great to be a part of reputed site like yours :)
The article will be 100% original and will be published only on your site. If you want you can suggest me a topic and I ll write an article for you on that topic.
Looking forward for a positive reply :)
Patricia Briggs
Content Editor
Leave doc review and make money like me. I am the great Henry.
Lookie lookie, scarface faggot is back in L.A.
RIP Tom.
great job! thats why i like her
Emory U Law Professor to Grads at Commencement: "Get Over" High-Salary Entitlement; "Move to Nebraska"
daylight come and me wanna go home
How is Epiq systems to work for?
They are all shit- good luck
Rest In Peace Tom The Temp....no more sweatshop edition?? What's up - everyone being treated well? Hah...now that's a joke....
RIP Shitting me Softly....
For those who are missing some of the temp attorney blogs, start your own. Shilling Me Softly is just one blog. It's gone. So long.
Nancy Pelosi is the most hypocritical politician to occupy a national office during my lifetime. Given that I lived through the administrations of Nixon (Grante, I was a child then.) and Bush II--and lived in New York when Ed Koch was mayor--that's saying something.
No form of mendacity surprises me when it comes from her. The day she led the hue and cry for the Iraq invasion, I knew what she was about. And I knew we were fucked. Really fucked.
Can anyone tell me what Cardozo Law is like? Is it a good school? Thanks
You have been doing this for close to 8 years. Have we hit the point of failure yet? Do you see any hope?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpZtX32sKVE - College Conspiracy
I should have listened to my parents & should have taken the civil service exams, I could have become a fireman straight outta high school w/ 10 years of service under my belt, HIGHER EDUCATION IS A SCAM EXPENSIVE ISOLATION FROM SOCIETY DAMN YOU SALLIE MAE!!
CONGRATE TO D. KING getting married in NEW YORK STATE! legally
Tom da Temp, he dead. He ain't be bloggin cauz he croaked afta workin Dat De Novo Graveyahd project.
Buh bye Tommmy Tee, good luck, RIP.
I guess this blog is finito and has been for all 2011.
It was a good site, too bad,
Tom, You haven't posted since April. Did you give up blogging?
Rest in Peace Tom da Temp - the roaches at Paul Weiss ate him.
Well looks like comments are still being posted, so the site isn't totally dead.
A lot of the scam blogs seem to be dying now. That could mean most people are actually beginning to do well again, or it could mean people feel everyone knows the message now so there's no need to keep posting.
Only 18,000 new jobs created in America during June. Of those, just a small fraction were in the legal profession.
I think it's safe to say people aren't beginning to do well again...not by a long shot.
It used to be that when Tom the Temp farted, the entire NYC community could smell it.
Not so much, anymore.
Tom the Temp was a cool site. But now there isn't any temp work, so there's no point in maintaining the site. Plus, I think everyone gets the joke. Not that ruined lives are a joke. But people have moved on or given up.
Most people use educational loans for upward social mobility, and without student loans, only the wealthy can afford higher education. The lenders are not responsible for students who do not do their due diligence to see if they have the skills to crash a flooded market.
I guess it is my fault: if I hadn't inflated your grades, you wouldn't have though the world was your oyster. But your parents complained, and I just can't have any flies on my ass.
Yep, looks like you losers finally got the message. Get out while you still got blood pumping though yer veins. While you bitches have been moaning I made a couple more million. Sucked a lot of dick and even offered my behind several times. Yessiree Bob, even us privileged white folk have to be buggered now and then. At least I got some dough to put as a balm on my humiliation. Tally ho, pip, pip and cheerio....
Yes, I have licked Baxter's balls and shaft on many occasions. His cock is so large I gagged on it.
I was also pressured to give him a rim chew. I actually like that better than the cock sucking. It too him like an hour to finally blow his wad and boy was I tired.
He has me penciled in for a dirty sanchez next week. Boy, the law sucks, literally!
The big problem with looking at the financial payoff from for profit colleges is that this might lead to examining the cost benefit ratio of many programs at traditional non profit schools. Many of them, often state run, promote programs that have less chance of any worthwhile result then the worst truck driver and medical assistant program.
J. England
L4L back in the game?
Junior Document Review - NY Bar Required (Midtown)
Date: 2011-07-29, 9:44PM EDT
Reply to: job-kxrab-2520497417@craigslist.org
Downtown law firm has an upcoming project that will run 3-6 weeks. Candidates must be available to work 12 hours per day and they must be admitted to the NY state bar. The rate is $28 per hour, straight time.
Junior my ass! Tom, where the hell are you!
This case highlights some of the many ethical problems in modern, assembly-line document review. Document reviews today are done under assembly-line conditions by temps (not always lawyers) who often work 60 or 70 hours a week, ten or twelve hours a day, at rates ranging from $12.50 to $35 an hour (for English-language reviews), and are summarily fired if they fail to meet arbitrary production quotas. The work is mind-numbing and monotonous, affording none of the intellectual stimulation that lawyer usually expect. There is often little or no quality control. What supervision reviewers get usually has more to do with the schoolroom than with the law office, and generally focuses on production levels, tardiness, talking, number and length of breaks, etc. Under those demoralizing conditions, mistakes are inevitable, and careless, unprofessional work is common.
On one recent review in the New York metro area, reviewers were instructed on privilege by a junior associate who obviously did not know the difference between the attorney-client privilege and the attorney-work-product doctrine. Reviewers who knew better didn’t dare make targets of themselves by pointing out that masses of privileged communications were being produced as a result. They could only follow instructions and hope (against all evidence) that some more competent attorney with the firm would catch the error. That’s demoralizing for lawyers, and tends to produce indifference to standards of professional competence.
Instead of addressing these problems by improving working conditions, quality control, etc., the legal staffing agencies seem to be responding by requiring temps to sign indemnification agreements, whereby the temps agree to hold the agencies and their clients, the law firms, harmless against all claims arising out of the temps’ work. Normally, employers buy liability insurance to cover the errors and omissions of their employees. This oppressive tactic reverses that arrangement, and makes the individual employee the insurer of his or her employer and its client. Temps aren’t paid enough to cover malpractice insurance, so those who sign such contracts are simply hoping nothing bad will happen. The McDermott case names 100 John Doe lawyers as defendants, presumably referring to the temps who worked on that review. Their agency, Hudson, last I heard, doesn’t require its temps to sign indemnification agreements; but if it had, they’d all be looking at the possibility of thousands of dollars in personal liability, for which McDermott’s malpractice insurer would certainly pursue them.
if you r fattty saty home from doc review and go on a diet, maybe a workout too
I like the smell of farts.
Dental Plan?
How about a new post, Tom?
Or did the law school shills finally have you killed?
i am loving her smile..full of life
I hope you and your dog die!
sooner the better, be careful no
poison on the route,
I miss this blog. (:-( )
Howdy folks - wasssssuuuup!! Register with me. I got no jobs, no leads, so what?? At least you will feel like you did summin. Even tho youz will be $4.50 [subway fare] poorer. Still you will git to meet me and who knows maybe you will run into my bevy of ghetto beauties in my parlour. Come on in -- ghetto agency party is ON!!!
"Poli Estah 4 evah, yo!"
as a Bankruptcy Attorney i have seen the worst of times in this economy. i don't know if i was better off temping or working for myself where the money is definitely not guaranteed.
Anyone work with B3Legal Agency? How are they - they seem like nice folks???
Sounds Good, But it should be implemented at grass root level, just talking is not a solution.
McDermott hit with lawsuit against temp attorneys.
I see one coming for Sullivan - its orgy infested basement - I hope Clovester gets it in the sweatpants.
Wait unitl they find the shit they are pulling in India..McDermott is just the tip of the iceberg...
*licks chops*
Thanks for such a nice sharing and nice talks.I really impressed from the post.
who do you think will win that revolution? Which side has more money, guns and power?
I am not agree with her politics.
it is very ackward to see what she is doing in politics
I heard Tom the Temp blew Figaro and is now working as a staff attorney in the basement of S&C - with midgets, trolls and wenches. Get out Tom - you don't belong there.
It would seem the powers that be behind the law school scam had Tom the Temp killed months ago.
R.I.P. Tom.
Anything but her laughter is really full of life.
Super blog and nice writings
Thanks for all posts
Thanks in advance for coming posts...
Keep writing...............
Biz and Legis
Document Review Legal services
Thanks and best regards, Dawn aka Big Mama Sullivan
Lawyer turns topless dancer to pay the bills
Pat Shannahan for msnbc.com
Carla couldn't find work in the legal profession, so she's dancing in a topless bar now.
By Bob Sullivan
When Carla graduated 10 years ago, she thought her law degree would be a permanent ticket to a high-paying job. But instead of selling her mind, Carla is selling her body. After student loans, debt, a layoff and unemployment battered her bank account, she now finds herself in an almost unbelievable position – dancing in a topless bar.
"Did I ever think I’d be taking my top off for rent money? No. I was in my mid-30s and had never danced before," said Carla, who asked that we use her stage name and withhold her identity and some personal details. "As a little girl, I never thought to myself, 'I just want to grow up and be a stripper,’ or, ‘All I ever wanted to do in life is climb in the lap of sweaty stranger and take my top off.'
"But, with our economy the way it is, especially in smaller cities ... you strip or you starve," she said.
Last month, as part of our coverage of America’s economic malaise, we chronicled the story of a young father who took a job as a firefighter in Iraq after he couldn’t find work in Miami. Then we asked msnbc.com readers: What crazy things are you doing to make ends meet? This is the second of three reader stories we’ll share. Last week, we wrote about a man who has turned to dumpster diving to keep food on the table for his three children. Now, we tell Carla's story.
Carla grew up in the Midwest and moved to the West Coast in the late ‘90s to fulfill her dream of earning her law degree. After graduation, she worked for nine years putting her degree to use, but she had entered the crowded legal profession at the wrong time. When she was laid off in 2009, she couldn't find work.
"At first, I worked as a waitress, and a cashier in gas station," she said.
'Act of desperation'
As her prospects grew dim, she went back to school to earn a master’s degree, hoping to bolster her credentials. But her financial aid came in lower than expected, her credit was battered and she struggled to find part-time work in her new town to keep her afloat.
"I went around to see if could get a job as cocktail waitress, but there was not a single retail or waitress job. No one was hiring, except for the topless places," she said. “It was an act of desperation.”
She started out serving drinks as a waitress, but moved quickly to dancing "because that's where the money is, and that's what I needed."
On an average day, she earns $20 an hour, but on a good weekend night, she might pull in $50 an hour –enough to get her finances back on track. She can set her own hours, which means she can squeeze in reading and writing papers around her work schedule.
Sometimes it sucks, it’s degrading and I hate it, but it is necessary right now and I’m glad I have the option of doing it," Carla said. "My parents and a few friends know and they were horrified at first. But now they are proud of me for sucking it up and doing what I have to do."
Carla has her limits, as does the topless bar she works in. She stays away from private rooms even though women can make $500 to $1,000 a night there.
Local rules allow lap dances – as long as the patrons don’t touch the dancers – and Carla sometimes performs them. The bar doesn't have a full nudity license, and that’s just as well with Carla; she'd need a personal license to work at a place like that and she wants no record of her temporary stint in the dancing business.
Pat Shannahan for msnbc.com
Carla hopes she'll be finished with dancing in about six months.
"While I am proud of making a living by any legal means available to me, I realize that some will think of me as just a glorified legal prostitute and I would very much like to move on with my life and career at the earliest available opportunity," she said.
Ugly moments
Despite these precautions, Carla said she has had her share of ugly moments. Not all men follow the rules; some have tried to overpower her and “grab her, bite her, kiss her, or get their hands under the bottoms (I) wear.” Bouncers come to her aid, but they can't be everywhere all the time.
"I've had men overcome me," she said. "Luckily help has arrived and nothing has happened. But I have been scared."
Carla agreed to talk about her experience in part because she said it has been profound – in one sense, the job is less hostile than any law office she’s worked in, she said. Coming from the cutthroat legal profession, she has been stunned by the camaraderie among the women she works with.
"I thought the other women I worked with would be competitive and not supportive. We are 'fighting' over the same dollars," she said. "But my female coworkers are the best coworkers I've ever had."
Many are in the same situation she is, she said: forced by their economic situation to perform work they would have never considered in the past.
"I work with war widows, a nurse, a med student, women who have had to go to work to save their home after their husbands have lost their jobs, and others who do this as a means to an end and who do not fit the profile of junkie/prostitute/dancer. … What we all have in common is being in a tight spot financially and living in an economy that provides limited options right now, " she said. "I'd be willing to bet that there are women like me working in it all over the country, out of necessity and not because our goal in life was to appear topless in front of … creepy guys."
She's also been horrified by the way dancers are treated by some men she encounters.
'Some real creeps'
"I was shocked at how horribly
Does anyone know anything about a law firm called "Ervin, Cohen & Jessup"? They are in Beverly Hills, CA. According to ECJ's website, they belong to the Law Firm Alliance.
Any comments about the following lawyers at Ervin Cohen & Jessup (plz keep ur comments respectful and civil:
Ara A. Babaian
·Howard I. Camhi
·Angela P. Chan
·Reeve E. Chudd
·Richard R. Cipra
·Allan B. Cooper
·Peter A. Davidson
·David R. Eandi
·Patrick A. Fraioli Jr.
·Gary J. Freedman
·Jeffrey R. Glassman
·Debra L. James
·W. Edgar Jessup Jr.
·Michael S. Kogan
·Rodney C. Lee
·Randall S. Leff
·Kenneth A. Luer
·Barry J. MacNaughton
·Bertram K. Massing
·Jeffrey A. Merriam-Rehwald
·John A. Meyers
·Gary Q. Michel
·Kenneth Miller
·Byron Z. Moldo
·Kelly O. Scott
·Thomas R. Sestanovich
·Lee Silver
·Melvin S. Spears
·Philip Starr
·Karina B. Sterman
·Joan B. Velazquez
·Robert M. Waxman
Amy M. Anker
·Eric W. Cheung
·Jennifer S. Grock
·Vanja Habekovic
·Kevin J. Pavlik
·Faye C. Rasch
·Russell M. Selmont
·John W. Shenk
·Nicole D. Warmerdam
·Pantea Yashar
Alan M. Bergman
·Howard Z. Berman
·Colleen D. Calkins
·Lauren J. Katunich
·James A. Kohn
·Kimberly D. Lewis
·Bernard B. Nebenzahl
·E.A. Stacey Olliff III
·Todd R. Reinstein
·David N. Tarlow ·
Please, what is this nonsense about Carla - lawyer turned topless dancer? This wench probably always wanted to be a stripper. Go work in Dunkin Donuts for chrissake...the lies these chicks come up to justify their tawdry ways.
p.s. what the fuck happened to this blog? where the hell is everyone?
No blood Money........ Hope such kind of information creates awareness among people.
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Can't trust anything these days...
Has the blog been abandoned?
Tom the Temp is dead. The law school shills finally killed him.
Thought is good but should be implemented to get rid of these kind of scams.
Let me AKS the associate if Tom the Temp is dead
Let me AKS the associate if Tom the Temp is dead
Let me AKS the associate if Tom the Temp is dead
Dawn - Big Mama Sullivan
This blog is fantastic; what you show us is very interesting and is really good written. It’s just great!!
Immense post. I really liked it. You have explained it so well that it directly make you understand.
I think Tom must have gotten a job with the Obama administration, and therefore is not allowed to run a blog. It is sad how people abandon others so easily in our society. Still, if Obama loses we will have Tom back in 16 months. So, there is some HOPE for us yet.
I heard big momma hurt herself hard daggering at the wild west indian day parade! Oh no! Awww big momma awww! I can hardly code because I have to wipe the tears from my eyes.
I wanted to have Tom the Temp's baby - but now he is dead, dead, dead.
I wanted to have Tom the Temp's baby - but now he is dead, dead, dead.
Big Mama, Gary, Fig-man and his tacky Update groupies were all dancing at the West Indian Parade to the tune of "Here comes the Caribbean Mafia"
Where are you now Tom the Temp?
A lonely nation turns its eyes to you.
Let me aks the associate
Let me aks the associate
Let me ask the associate.
What are these people doing working for premier law firms? Thye can't even speak proper English - while perfectly decent hard-working types are unemployed? I guess you have to belong to the ghetto staff attorney mafia at these firms.
Congratulations for making to the summit. I bet this such a wonderful feeling to all the participants, specially to you guys. With all the effort and sweats you have shed...thanks for the share.
"Who is this Tom the Temp?! Come to me, Tom the Temp, if you dare! I defy you! Come! Come and kneel before Fraud! Fraud!!"
This is quite disconcerting, but I can't say I'm surprised. This is par for the course considering Pelosi's track record.
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Pelosi needs to just go away. She and her hubby have been cheating the system for about 150 years by the look of her. She has done nothing for my student loans and takes credit for making everything great They are corrupt and are living large on our money.
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A great discussion is going on here. I like the blog.
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Almost nine months and no new posts.
This blog is truly dead.
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Here lies Tom D. Temp, he died with his hand on the mouse, trying to click "not relevant".
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Appropriate picture of Pelosi, by the way.
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I only know about 100 woman that got screwed with this whole bs system .
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Is Tom the Temp dead...because this blog sure as hell is.
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You need to write more articles. This is a great blog. Law schools are continuing to destroy lives and scam students. I went to UCLA for law school and am now $200k in non-dischargeable debt. I was promised opportunities. There were none. I'll be lucky if I make $35k this year.
Until Mr Obama/PelosiCare intervention. Expand medicaid for illegal immigrants, the prices of the middle class of the health care and college tuition. It never stops.
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I can't believe Nancy Pelosi has been involved in this issue.
A lawyer, according to Black's Law Dictionary, is "a person learned in the law; as an attorney, counsel or solicitor; a person who is practicing law." Law is the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign government of a society to correct wrongs, maintain the stability of political and social authority, and deliver justice.A Blossom Street Novel ® A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife ® The Lawyer Bubble : A Profession in Crisis ® Quicken Home and Business 2013 ® Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer ® Lawyers Desk Book, 2013 Edition ® How to Make Money Buying Distressed Real Estate ® How to Probate an Estate in California ® The Executor's Guide: Settling a Loved One's Estate or Trust ® Estate and Trust Administration For Dummies [Paperback] ® The village lawyer: a farce, in two acts ® The Young Lawyer's Jungle book Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who retain (i.e., hire) lawyers to perform legal services.
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It will great write up, thanks for sharing it.
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I feel like there is constantly a scam appearing. It can be hard to know what the truth is now days.
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Some temp attorney Kalyn Stephens has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against S&C staff attorneys. About time someone did something about those sad middle-aged losers in the basement using temps as an escort service. Although I doubt Kalyn's sanity to some extent [she claims she was harassed at EVERY firm she worked at] as far as S&C staff attorneys are concerned the account seems pretty accurate in the complaint. Hmmm, maybe she is not all that crazy...
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Great article, keep it up!
Brilliant article, great read!
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An Epiq rant!
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