Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Hudson Legal "Environmental Law" Project

This project is being staffed by three agencies: Hudson, EP Dine and Epiq. The person who runs the review is the same woman who ran the infamous Hormonal Replacement Therapy review many years ago on East 45th Street for the firm out of Newark that does work with breast cancer and asbestos. Her name is Laura Kibby. Loud, arrogant and extremely fake.

You are paid a flat rate, you worked set hours but have the flexibility of coming in between a window, there is an elaborate conflicts form, they conduct interviews--they prefer environmental lawyers! The team leaders watch everyone, you are not allowed to bring your cell phone, especially ones with cameras---there are no notes allowed, and no books, bags nor purses. You must leave stuff in a holding area--holding pen.

There is no internet access, yet there is an obsolete cafe with old IBM computers. You are also monitor if you get up too much to go to the bathroom.

If you do well you become a permanent employee for Epiq---there are tons of ass kissers on this project.

Are you ready to give up your phone for a year?

Are you ready to be treated like a 7 year old?

Are you ready to be incommunicado during business hours and while your children are in school?


Nando said...

See what you can do with a law degree and "specialization" in environmental law, kids?! You can work in a cage.

"One can do anything with a law degree," right?!?!

Anonymous said...

I bet they are getting tons of applications for this. I'd apply to this right now but they block stuff at my current crappy admin job so I can't apply. When I get home I guess I ought to.

Anonymous said...

dental plan lisa needs braces

Anonymous said...

Fuck this worthless gutter profession.

Anonymous said...

I recall them saying that the project is expected to last 1 year. I'm sure people will jump on this because of its duration.

Anonymous said...

Also, $35 an hour is a lot better than $25.

D said...

Which is a lot better than $15.

Anonymous said...

Tom, I suggest adding Adventures in Document Review to your blogroll. It's Houston-specific, and very well done.

Al Apone, Esq. said...

"What is it, Counselor?!"

"How do I get out out of this chicken shit outfit?!"

"You secure that shit at Hudson!"

Anonymous said...

Does Nando have a jon, a life??? How does this person always post within minutes of TTT's new posting - either he is always cruising this site, or he is Tom the Temp himself.

Get a life Mr. Non-do

Anonymous said...

I need work, dammit! Where the fuck are the jobs!

Patel Rajanrandum said...

"I need work, dammit! Where the fuck are the jobs!"

They're in Mumbai. We're paid in curry by the document.

Aren't Indian "attorneys" Wonderful? said...

Aren't the Indian "attorneys" wonderful? They can proofread and correct American attorneys' grammar and spelling!

Anonymous said...

why do I keep seeing ads on NYC craigslist seeking legal recruiters when there are very few doc review jobs to go around?

Anil Rahahayoudumassesrsuckers said...

Whatev. It's work, man up to a secure environment. None of my collegues complain about not having cellphones. Pussies.

Anil Rahahayoudumassesrsuckers said...

5:31, better than Americans

Anonymous said...

So I'm on the PATH train yesterday and I see 3 well-dressed 20-something guys acting all cocky. I assumed that they were I-Bankers going to Newport for a meeting. Then I notice that one of them is studying a legal brief on some obscure lawsuit involving Major League Baseball. I looked at the jurisdiction on the cover page, and sure it enough it was some bogus law school fantasy court. They were Seton Hall basketball fans-- I mean law students, on their way to moot court. I felt bad for the wasted energy and youth-- here were 3 seemingly bright young guys who could be working at a real job, learning valuable work skills, but instead they were blue booking citations on obscure points of law for god knows what reason.

I'm 10 years out of the joint (T-25) and working in business in a position that is tangentially related to law. Every time I see kids doing practice LSATs at Starbucks, I want to interrupt and persuade them not to bother.

Anonymous said...

I was at Barnes and Noble today and I was sitting next to ten kids in a LSAT study group.

Anonymous said...

Call your Congressman to support this bill and its companion in the Senate which has also been voted out of subcommittee.

President, the Institute for College Access & Success 510/ 318-7902
Gretchen Wright
September 15, 2010 202/371-1999
Bankruptcy Relief for Private Student Loan Borrowers Advances
“Today the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative
Law took a stand for students and consumers by passing the Private Student Loan Bankruptcy
Fairness Act of 2010 (H.R. 5043). The bill reverses the unfair and unjustified special protections
for lenders of private student loans enacted in 2005.
“While banks that knowingly make unaffordable loans can simply write off these debts, the 2005
bankruptcy law made it nearly impossible for distressed borrowers to discharge a private student
loan, even after meeting the strict criteria for bankruptcy. Under the legislation sponsored by
Subcommittee Chairman Steve Cohen and reported today, private student loans would once
again be treated like other consumer debt in bankruptcy, rather than like unpaid criminal fines.
“Private student loans are one of the riskiest ways to pay for college. Like credit cards, private
loans typically have uncapped, variable interest rates that are highest for those who can least
afford them. They also lack the basic consumer protections and flexible repayment options of
federal student loans. Yet, under current law, private student loans are treated so harshly in
bankruptcy that borrowers are left at the mercy of their lender.
“We applaud the subcommittee members who voted for this bill and urge the full Judiciary
Committee to act promptly to restore fairness to the treatment of private student loan debt in
bankruptcy. People who borrowed for college and played by the rules deserve basic consumer
protections and fair treatment when they hit hard times.”

Anonymous said...

The Senate version is S.3219

Anonymous said...

It's very depressing. I'm 20 years out and considering working like this since it is work. It just feels that Hudson, and others like it are taking advantage of a very bad economy. The starting rate for this type of work 10 years ago was $ 40.....but lawyers doing this type of work don't have a choice. Demeaning to be told you can't even have a phone in the room; reminds me of the famous textile sweatshops but instead of women sitting at sewing machines, you now have lawyers sitting at monitors.

Hudson's Secret said...

The fucks at Hudson are happily deflating rates at a swift pace. They are using their huge size to underbid projects to the point that they're making little to no profit on some projects. Presumably, the goal with this strategy is to elbow the smaller players out of the market by bidding so low that they can't compete. Also, to make some projects loss leaders on the backs of other projects where the margins are higher. In addition, it could be inferred that they're getting the temps used to lower rates so that when economy picks up, they can get projects with higher bids and still keep rates low, increasing their profits at the expense of the temps.

Certain insiders have said that Hudson has over 1,000 temps currently working in the NY market. That's a lot of temps.

Anonymous said...

This reminds me of the old bloomberg project of last year.

Ivy Temp said...

Hudson is a strange outfit. They will not place me - but will happily place fat lazy stupid saddlebag queens with odious weaves that sleep and gossip on the job. That should tell you something about them.

Better Coder said...


I have been getting called left and right for projects. Apparently, I am very wanted. It seems the client is demanding efficient quality and thus folks like me are getting calls. I, however, and like I have been for the past three consecutive years, am working. In addition, I also make booooooo-cooooo bucks.

Look, I suggest all of you take a good hard look at yourselves and ask whether you are cut out for this kind of work. Making boo-coo bucks is no joke. There are consequences for every action. If you succeed then you not only get the boo-coo bucks, but you also get the ass (small, asian, hard, sometimes pale, only the tiniest of light skin black, et al.), the wardrobe, the great food and not-for-poors restaurants, ridiculous ass-getting apartments, super-sweet - and yes, ass-getting - wardrobe, etc...

Basically, you have to be winner. You have to be....Better.

Very Truly Yours,
Just Fucking Better Than You

Anonymous said...

Hi Bitter Coder!

You seem so desperate and pathetic you have to make up ironic projects to discuss.

Seems pretty sad, really. You are sleazy and depraved.

Anonymous said...

LOL Better Coder. You are my favorite character on this pathetic blog.

Anonymous said...

EP Dine sucks!
They pride themselves on being the low ball payer in the industry.
Thats why they get a lot of city jobs. Low government pay.
They also bounce checks and try to force you in paying for their illusory benefits program, which they rake in a commish on and which is above what you could buy over the internet. But you better buy their benefits deal if you know what's good for youz!
Elaine Dine is laughing her way to the bank sipping margaritas in Fort Lauderdale.

Anonymous said...

Tom, new post, please.

Anonymous said...

Better Coder sometimes brings a smile to my face, which is really a great thing these days considering how depressing my life is.

I should probably start reading his blog religiously.

Anonymous said...

Better Coder is a cunt.

Anonymous said... deleted his blog! Think L4L will be back?

Anonymous said...

Urgent Call to Action!
September 17, 2010 by Robert Applebaum
The Senate version of the Private Student Loan Bankruptcy bill passed a significant hurdle yesterday - it was voted out of subcommittee and now goes to the full committee. While we're still a good way from the finish line with respect to restoring basic fairness to student loans, this is great news. DO NOT LET CONGRESS DROP THE BALL NOW!

I was planning on writing sample letters and giving you links to find your representatives and Senators, but the good folks at The Project on Student Debt beat me to it. No sense re-inventing the wheel, therefore, if you do nothing else today, please follow this link to send a clear message to Congress that you support the restoration of fairness to private student loans.

Cut and paste the link to Send Letters to Your Senators and Representatives

Little by little, we're winning the fight to restore sanity to the student lending industry. Let's keep the momentum going!

Anonymous said...

I did a few doc review gigs before I gave up on the law entirely and went back to what I was doing before law school...BUT in defense of the sweatshop temp agencies, I was annoyed by the amount of goofing off on the reviews. Some people (seemingly mostly Carbozo grads) spent half the day chatting on the phones. In addition to NOT doing the work, their conversations just annoyed the hell out of the rest of us. Listen, yes the job sucks but if you had anything better you would be doing it, right?

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with Hudson. They never answer their phone. The recruiters never call you back if you leave a message. If they have a job, they delay it. It never seems to work right with them. That's my experience.

Anonymous said...

Hudson does their best to pay as low a rate as possible and will openly lie about project duration. I've had them tell me a project is scheduled to go 2-3 months and on the first day the associates in charge tell you 6 weeks tops. Bottom line don't work with Hudson unless you want to be lied to and treated like a child.

Smoke on the Water said...

Let me candid, there are many valid posts which lead me to summarize a few basic truths about the current state of the legal market.
1-There is a surplus of lawyers with legal degrees and no experience and the law schools including third and fourth tier schools which ought to be closed keep churning them out even as the student loan default rate climbs.
2-There is a surplus of lawyers with actual real, large law firm experience, many of whom have been recently downsized.
3-Major law firms are dealing with a very different economic climate and client perspective than prior to September 11, 2001 and may no longer have the ability to train younger lawyers or at least the same volume of them. Consolidation in Corporate America has and will continue to impact the security of law firms and their partners as well as associates.
4-The Laws of Supply & Demand have created or necessitated the development of and proliferation of Contract Lawyering and companies servicing the temporary employment market.
5-Contract Attorney Culture: The lack of professionalism is a two way street. On one hand it sucks to be a professional who has x number of years serving clients in a demanding legal environment as an associate to have a person who has only done document review for a few years monitoring your bathroom breaks and questioning your integrity at every turn. But on the other hand there are many people who have never worked in a corporate environment before and turn some of these document review projects into Peyton Place with incessant gossip, petty agendas and engaging in what amounts to totally unprofessional behavior.
6-Epiq: The Epiq model is the closest thing to fairness for both the professional practitioner and the client at present. The only shortcoming is that because of how tight the legal market is at present, those who are in a more secure, relatively speaking, position at Epiq and places like it on some level do their best to hold back intelligent, productive and more skilled people from advancement up the food chain so to speak. Until that organization recognizes their one blind spot, they will have similar issues as many other shops.
7-Grateful: If you are working in this economy be greatful, work hard and be professional. Likewise if you staff people recognize that many people are working in roles far below their pay grade and are in fact professionals who committed a good chunk of their life to a higher level education and may have worked in demanding professional environments, and are doing whatever it takes to pay their bills, so chiding them about bathroom breaks and how long they took to take a dump is demeaning to say the least.

Smoke on the Water said...

Let me candid, there are many valid posts which lead me to summarize a few basic truths about the current state of the legal market.
1-There is a surplus of lawyer with legal degrees and no experience
2-There is a surplus of lawyers with actual real, large law firm experience
3-Major law firms are dealing with a very different economic climate and client perspective than prior to September 11, 2001.
4-The Laws of Supply & Demand have created or necessitated the development of and proliferation of Contract Lawyering and companies servicing the temporary employment market.
5-Contract Attorney Culture: The lack of professionalism is a two way street. On one hand it sucks to be a professional who has x number of years serving clients in a demanding environment as an associate to have a person who has only done document review for a few years monitoring your bathroom breaks and questioning your integrity at every turn. But on the other hand there are many people who have never worked in a corporate environment before and turn some of these document review projects into Peyton Place with incessant gossip and engaging in what amounts to totally unprofessional behavior.
6-Epiq: The Epiq model is the closest thing to fairness for both the professional practitioner and the client at present. The only shortcoming is that because of how tight the legal market is at present, those who are in a more secure, relatively speaking, position at Epiq and places like it on some level do their best to hold back intelligent, productive and more skilled people from advancement up the food chain so to speak. Until that organization recognizes their one blind spot, they will have similar issues as many other shops.
7-Grateful: If you are working in this economy be greatful, work hard and be professional. Likewise if you staff people recognize that many people are working in rolls far below their pay grade and are in fact professionals who committed a good chunk of their life to a higher level education and may have worked in demanding professional environments, so chiding them about bathroom breaks and how long they took to take a dump is demeaning to say the least.

Anonymous said...

CUT THE SHIT! I never been more amazed...hahahahha!!! Hey Better Coder, tell me, seriously, whats "boo koo bucks?"

WAIT....don't tell me. I'll tell you this much. I was just forwarded this blog by a friend dying laughing-WHERE DID THIS BLOG COME FROM?? I love it.

Ahhhh, I BC, I need you to know this, while I was reading your post, I was thinking wow, this guy/girl thinks 100k a year is BOO COO BUCKS! (how do you spell coo again?) And it made me feel really sorry for you. I say with by no means to criticize you. I say it to WAKE YOU THE FUCK UP! You're the best??? REALLY? Talk to me when you clear 32K a month-AFTER TAXES, with no law degree, and no BA, and the worst speller in the country, but like most of the comments here, enough self esteem to tell Laura Kibbles N Bits (know her well-grotesque human being) to drop fucking dead!! I haven't always made this kind of money. I go in cycles because unlike you, I'd rather fucking starve, LITERALLY, than be the best coder!!!!!!! And, I'm picturing you in a "Kenneth Cole REACTION" suit, eating at Hudson Grill, and living in a 1 bdrm 500 sq ft box, REALLY believing that's SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh man, meet me at Thomas Pink, drinks at Elio's, dinner at Blue Ribbon, and walk me home to my 1700 sq ft 1 bdrm on Mercer St.-GET IN THE GAME MEN'S CENTURY 21 is NOT success.


Anonymous said...

Excuse my ignorance - I am not a lawyer and I kissed applying to law school goodbye. This is because of the job market and time and cost. But my question is: how can this staffing situation be real? Yikes.

I am an adjunct professor that gets paid about the same amount hourly or more than attorneys in temp or even some perm jobs. And I know how it feels to be treated like I am 7 :(

BasiaBernstein said...

I've just applied to study a law degree and am in a very similair position. I've got savings from summer work and have been granted a scholarship, I'm still worried as to whether or not I'll have the funds to complete my degree...don't see my parents selling the house to help me out so I guess it'll have to be a part time job while studying for me. If you can do it I don't see why I can't.

Anonymous said...

There is this guy in their sf office, their project manager who likes to "manage" their projects by yelling at you and repeating everything you say when he asks you a question. Also throws things around, lifting and dropping the entire computer keyboard loudly on the table. This is how he fixes the computer and "manages" the project. Also like to scare people by standing behind you quietly for long periods of time without saying anything. He likes to do this to female reviewers when they are alone in their office so that no one is there.

Anonymous said...

FYI, there is nothing going on at Hudson sf for about five months now, with the exception of one project that lasted for several days. So if they ever call you for a project...

Anonymous said...

They got desperate doc review attorney to work for less than $35 on a project that started about a month ago.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the worst and most unprofessional agency I have worked with and I have worked with most all of them.

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Looks like this one job is very interesting. I love to preserve the environment and I hope I can be able to help some environmental laws.

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