"At the same time, law firms are instead expressing a “growing enthusiasm” for a staffing alternative—contract lawyers, according to an Altman Weil press release. Last year, 39 percent of the law firms used contract lawyers. This year, 53 percent will or might do so, while 52 percent expect that contract lawyers will become a permanent part of their staffing plans."
And the TTT schools love them, too! After bilking 40,000 kids out of $150,000, why not dump them onto your grubby biglaw partner friends who can exploit them in cockroach infested basements and not have to worry about contributing towards those pesky health/dental plan and 401K things? They will be so desperate to ward off Sallie Mae that they won't mind slaving away for 80 hours a week in unventilated, superheated basements. Meanwhile, you can share in the loot with your skeletor Joan Wexler look-a-likes and enjoy obscene, record profits and jacked up tuitions in the worst economy since the Great Depression.
Taking the 44,000 JDs from the Class of 2009 into account, we reach the following figures:
In the last 29 years, a cumulative total of 1,127,231 law degrees were awarded by ABA-accredited law schools. Yes, ONE MILLION, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY ONE law degrees have been issued in the last 29 years, in the United States.
IN THE LAST FIVE academic years combined, ABA-accredited law schools have handed out a total of 217,661 law degrees. In the last ten years, a total of 411,234 men and women have graduated from ABA-accredited law schools.
But, the lemmings WILL undoubtedly overcome the odds and avoid doc review hell, right?!?!
Scam followed by exploitation. Pure and simple.
Temp, can you add my blog to your blogroll please? http://firsttiertoilet.blogspot.com/
Could it be that the partners at law firms and corporations now have every reason to utilize contract attorneys to such an extent. Media reports today that at least 10+ law schools are admitting to inflating law graduates grades merely to help them become employed(and make their own numbers look good). Why would they actually hire law graduates of the years '83-present if in fact they know any grades a law school transcript reflects is merely grade inflation....can't trust the work of the graduates, and how can you billa client if you fear substandard work,with potential malpractic liability.
Any managing partner is smart to use contract attorneys if they feat the work product of the inventory of attorneys out there...can't trust their work, can't trust their grades, and can't trust the law schools.
Look what P.C. et al has gotten us, killed the goose that laid the golden eggs.
Tom, Skeletor was jacked - a skull on a Schwarzenegger body. Wexler looks more like an evil Mother Teresa.
Who here is actually working? Spit it out, quit hiding the job leads.
Joan Wexler is a joke. She should be locked up for fraud and for wasting so much money on the German imported marble that she purchased for the law school lobby. Totally unnecessary expenditure. When the law loan bubble bursts, the government is going to have to institute an education czar to monitor how these bozos spend taxpayer money.
Just received another glossy brochure where several of her pets boast how great the school is. " James: Brooklyn Law School is Life-changing; Mike: Brooklyn Law School is Real; Sparkle: Brooklyn Law School is Family; Shannon: Brooklyn Law School is the Place to Be," and my personal favorite "Paul: I have two. The first one is Brooklyn Law School is Undervalued. If you’re not here, you don’t know how good it is. That’s the truth of it." Yeah, at 80 grand a year it's a bargain. I wonder if the morons over at TLS are even dumb enough to buy this verbal diarrhea?
One point you are missing when you talk about "grubby biglaw partner friends who can exploit them in cockroach infested basements" is that I assume most people on this site are doing that crap doc review stuff. There are actually law firms using a growing number of "contract attorneys" for more substantive stuff -- I am at Morgan Lewis researching trial briefs -- and I think that was what the article was addressing. Granted, these are not TTT graduates but folks from better schools and it is only $75 an hour but it's a job. And I think it is a trend.
@3:34 AM - $75 an hous is more than I make as a lawyer in house, but then I work (;30 - 5:00, work from home twice a week and everyone kisses my ass. If I had to take shit from "Associates" who think their shit doesn't stink just because they went to NYU, I'd go postal.
Keep yoru head up.
-ex BIGLAW Associate
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This dumbass thinks he can get away with paying $100/day.
$75/hr is really good, anyone that says otherwise is just full of it.
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I am a contract lawyer for a biglaw firm and do more challenging work than I did when I was a partner at a regional firm. I make $130 an hour. Works well for me and I still get to have a life. I hope more people get this opportunity.
I always say that the biggest beneficiaries of law schools are NEVER the law graduates, but the law firms and other employers of law graduates.
Another beneficiary of law schools is the faculty and the administration running the law schools.
In this capitalistic society, why would the law school industry in general make the law graduates the biggest beneficiaries, when the people running the law industry are law firms, employers of law graduates, and the faculty??
As a corollary, college education in the US mainly benefits corporate America, who are the employers of college graduates. Education in America produces workers for corporate America, not citizens for the society.
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