46K a year to attend the Brooklyn Law School Dump and Document Review Training Facility? Is the Dean Joan Wexler freakin out of her mind? For years we have called out this scoundrel and her ilk in the press for their blatant misrepresentation of post-graduate career statistics, and yet they still have the audacity to jack up tuition three times faster than inflation in one of the worst job markets and deflationary environments since the Great Depression. Pure unbridled arrogance and greed!
Joan Crawford pancake makeup on/
"No more BigLaw jobs EVER!"
Why does Joan Wexler look like Jack Nicholson's Joker?
And yes, Brooklyn Law School is a steaming, vile piece of filth. I guess the school feels its product is worth $46K per year.
"This profession needs an enema!"
I am feeling the Leona Helmsley pic to depict Joan Wexler. 46K? Jesus god! Per year? $138K for the diploma not including books and other expenses? For a totally worthless TT degree for all but a few Preferred, Protected and or seriously Connected?
Its just not worth it my little foolish lemmings. Especially if you are not members of he PPC classes.
When will the scam collapse? Year after year, the tuition goes up and the jobs disappear. Where is the breaking point? How rich will Joan (Leona) get?
My friend's brother graduated BLS with around 200k in debt. After you factor in living expenses in NYC, it gets even more expensive. He tried to get into the IP field. Now he's a temp in the IP field. On top of that he took a mortgage out on an apartment in Brooklyn so he could live there during law school. He is @&$!ed.
Thank you law scam bloggers. Without your blogs and the horror stories I hear from actual people I know, I would be a fish/donkey to these TTT sharks. I seriously thank you guys for these sites. I am one person that has been deterred.
Anon at 9:39
Im really glad that these blogs of ours have deterred you from making this huge mistake. While many will disregard these sites as written by a bunch of losers, more and more are begining to see just how fucked up things really are in the JD world.
Come visit subprimejd.blogspot.com and please tell other law school 0L lemmings to read these horror stories. Every applicant that changes their mind is a huge victory.
Honestly, the audacity of these TTTs! What is it going to take for the 0Ls to wise up to the scam?
I agree that this profession needs an enema...starting with a full colonic of the current crop of law school deans.
You bloggers are correct about the scam but are too harsh on victims who make the same mistake we made. There's more info out there now (thanks to you), but we all knew long ago that there were too many lawyers. What else are prospective law students supposed to do? I often regret my decision to go to law school, but I don't know what else I should have done. Many recent grads with "in-demand" degrees in nursing and teaching can't find jobs, and I'm sure potential carpenters, plumbers, etc. are having similar trouble. My view is we're all in this hell together, so let's try to find a solution. Many blogs expose the law school scam (kudos to you for warning others), but none mention the obvious lawyerly solution: SUE. If you're sure that the schools mislead on employment prospects, why not sue for fraud (or unfair trade practices)? Can't the real numbers be accessed by subpoena or FOIA request? I'm considering starting a law firm practicing in this type of practice and would appreciate your thoughts.
I am not sure it is worth it to pay so much to attend a low-tier law school. I went to Yale, am gorgeous and have connections and still have to fight like a bitch to get work in this economy.
I can't imagine what it's like for lower-tier grads - and with all that debt. Despite all my stellar credentials I am currently working for a sweatshop, sandwiched between steely Jewish partners and lower-level temp paralegal saddlebag queens. It's truly the Inferno. After my appointment with my plastic surgeon today I will be posting my nightmarish experiences at this firm on my blog. Hell hath no fury like a partner or ghetto queen scorned. They are not as different as you think.
I went to BLS and I have to say I am disappointed that it has not panned out the way it was advertised. A top school, it attracts the cream people, but it's alumni network is not as touted. The person's friend described before with the 200k in debt and the mortgage, and not even being able to land temp spots, sounds like me and everyone I know who went to Brooklyn.
I have a question. Can i email it to you, I don't feel comfortable asking in the forum.
Where's the Chuck Schumer press conference on this one?
Another BLS alum here with 200k in debt, sparse temporary opportunities and absolutely nothing on the "real job" horizon. 0L's be warned!
law school actually is the default option for college graduates with some otherwise lifeless degree in English or Political Science. There aren't all that many other practical options"..sure there are, if the individual is able to avoid the snobbery trap. Business-to-business sales, for example, can be very lucrative, and for a person with an independent spirit, may be a lot more fun than lawyering.
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