Instead of constantly putting a hatchet to the firms and staffing agencies, why don't you focus instead on some of the psychoids, perverts, and malcontents that somehow get staffed on these projects and make life a living hell?
I am currently on a nice foreign language review gig that was generally going well up until today. Some ass clown (who was probably playing around on some illicit website) downloaded a virus onto the server and crashed the entire project's network system. How about before we hire someone we run their name through a sexual perversion watchlist? Not only did dozens of people lose out on an opportunity for hours today, but just wait until the client finds out about this. Just another wonderful day in the oh-so "distinguished" practice of law."
Tuesday, April 13th, 12:06 a.m.
no comments in over 5 days??
BTW, Happy Lawyer Day!!
What about the ass clown who hired these people in the first place? If they are not performing basic background checks on doc reviewers, it shows you just how "prestigious" this garbage profession is. (I suppose we can chalk this up to cutting costs.)
Where is your disdain for the cockroaches on the ABA's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility?! These turds allowed American law firms to hire foreign attorneys and non-lawyers to work on U.S. discovery work, thereby bringing down the rate for U.S. contract attorneys.
Wrong! It has only been a little over 4 days.
Wrong again! It's "National Be Kind to Lawyers Day."
Get on the ball!
I bet they hired this guy out of S&C. If you want to hire an totally unmotivated ghetto loser, be sure to hire someone who did a long stint at S&C. The place will kill your work ethic, destroy your soul, and turn you into an unproductive freak.
Sounds like that crazy Simahalese review. I almost got on the project, but having never seen, read or spoken the language I was not selected for the review.
I bet I could've done a better job than that ass clown!
Just having a JD requires little more than sitting unbearably boring law drones and taking a few tests.
Now, being a competent employee requires a bit more, like common sense. Unfortunatly, many document reviewers are so desperate and devoid of common sense that they do amateurish stuff like this.
That's why firms pull the plug on the Internet and clampdown on the good workers.
All it takes is one bad apple to spoil the project for the whole barrel.
You may take my dental plan, but you'll never take Lisa's Need For BRACES!!!!
I differ with this writer. I think being able to be a sexual predator and pick up the skanks on the project is part of the reason to be a temp. I have seen some hot young babes and they're trapped in the room with you with no escape so why not be all over them?
60% of internet use is porn. Big f-ing deal.
Don't take your eye off the ball the biggest problems are-
-the ripoff law schools
-the sleazy lying agencies
-the Nigerian and other foreign project destroyers and wage busters
-the crooked ABA
How does Pace Law compare to NY schools such as NYU, NYLS, Brooklyn, or Hoftsra? I guess they get a lot of business support and are near the courts to get good government jobs for people.
Does Pace even have a law school? The graduates must all work in the suburbs. I have never met anyone from Pace.
Pace Law & Hofstra are the worst. These are 3rd tier schools. If you want to bury yourself in debt at least try to get into a top 20 or at least a 2nd tier. These 3rd tier schools need to be disaccredited. All they churn out is crap, crap in, crap out. End the glut! This country needs more doctors and engineers not lawyers!!!
It's not just doofus temps who do this. Once I was accidentally mailed a nude picture of a woman by a partner because my first name was similar to the person for whom the e-mail was originally intended. I sent it back to him letting him know I had seen it. Perm clowns do this all the time too. They are all assholes and pervs. They all get a little kinky sitting in an office all day in tight pants.
Where is Sonia and what does she think of all this?
Our society is rotten from the top to the bottom. No ethics, no morality, no professionalism. Running a scam, or outsourcing to the cheapest foreign labor source is par for the course. Hard work and sacrifice are no longer appreciated. We need to get our kids away from the rotten public schools that teach laziness and victimhood. I recommend a good Catholic education. Back in the day, the nuns used to smack you hard with a stick.
Sonia is off getting her Bush shaved in preparation for performance later this week at a Berlin sex club.
She also getting several new tattoos to add to her collection (these are in sensitive spots) to commemorate the occasion.
Sorry, she's busy.
Ha! I was just thinking about this same sort of thing about the kinds of people who are recruited to temporary positions.
I started working on a temporary on a non-legal assignment. Most of them are nice, older people who are just simply looking to pick up some extra cash. However, this one guy who is roughly my age, decided to interpret "oh, the nice girl is talking to me" to mean, "let me look at some papers she was writing on, copy down her full name, and then run home and add her as my facebook friend!"
Good Lord! What is wrong with some people?
Sonia passed away in her sleep last night.
3:40. That's too bad. TTT's blog has lost all meaning for me now.
I don't wanna wait
for my dental plan to be over
Oh I wanna know right now
What will it be?
I don't wanna wait
for my dental plan to be over
Oh will i get braces
or will it be... soorrrry.
You will never know the true kinky-ness of partners. It's best for society if such matters are kept behind closed doors. Blame it all on foolish temps.
Tom the Temp - you have outdone yourself. Nice photo. But do I really need to see a clown's crotch???? As if I didn't see enough disgusting filth at law firms every day - more pervy crotches!!!
God, I so love the Baxter Davenport III schtick that was created in response to my sreeds railing those WASPS and Jews who control lawland. Those who look like Jerry Seinfeld, Martha Stewart and yes, the John Connally look a like...Baxter Davenport III. They look at all who are beneath them as worthless mudpeople.
Mudpeople know this...law is not for the like of you....you are to be scorned forever by the Baxters of the legal world. Leave law now.
We have racists and offensive buck dancing, amos and andy type on ours. Decent attorneys are thrown in a room surrounded by insecure misfits that dont do any work. Guess what they are paid the the same amount we are. Why dont the ABA do ethics opinion on behavioral misfits and fraudulent timesheets/billing.
The agencies do no background checks on anyone, hell, they don't even do conflicts checks. They provide no "value added service" other than to select a group of people at random from a stack of resumes. I just recently heard of a project where halfway through training one of the contract attorneys realized that everyone on the project was potentially conflicted out of the project due to the project they had all just worked on, and they shut the training down and told everyone to go home. How exactly did the agency provide value there? Wouldn't you think the agency would at least know what the case is before sending people to work on it? Hell, I've been on a case where everyone shows up and the firm asks if everyone is barred in that state, and then half the people were kicked out because they weren't. How about finding out what the project requirements are before sending people there? Ridiculous.
Shut the fuck up, dumbass.
People download stuff all the time without crashes. It's called having a fucking firewall.
The firm or agency is obviously too cheap to pay for IT people.
They are the ass-clowns trying to squeeze every nickel out of a dying industry.
I have to say I agree with Anonymous above. Where the hell are the IT people and a very basic firewall?
The freaks and perverts seem to be in full force these days and it's getting so old for people who just want to earn some money.
Despite what someone mentioned here, it's not just younger people who can fall into this category. I am so sick of some of the computer illiterate older people I see with their racist and sexist attitudes. Most of all, why do they expect the younger people to have heard of things from say 50 years ago not even in the mainstream of Americana? That is incredibly annoying.
But, I've heard too many things from friends who say the "crazies" are indeed mentally ill and should not be on their projects. It takes such a toll on a good group of attorneys who know why they are there: to earn money.
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