Check out this strange 30 K a year shitlaw ad from North NJ cragislist:
I like how one "must never say "no" to where they are sent or why?" and also send him a photo or the make/model of your car. Things are getting mighty strange out there in shitlaw land as the desperation and saturation reach epic levels and the toilet schools keep cranking out JD's. Remember, it's less than 4 months until the class of 2010 get those precious sheepskins!
By the way, the pay works out to $14.25 an hour if you assume a 40 hour week. Where do we sign up!
$14 an hour in pay with 100 grand in student loan payments. What the hell kind of car does he think you will own? Unbelievable.
Aint no jobs in jersey,
Aint no jobs in jersey,
Aint nothing wrong with slavery
Least we had good food back then
I've sent out at least 40-50 resumes to any NJ shitlaw I can get my hands on since August. 0 phone calls and 4 rejection letters. I'd do this one but it would be a 2 hour commute one way and my trusty shitcar would succumb to shitlaw's demands.
Become a teacher. My friend is an entry-level school teacher in NYC and earns 55 grand with full bennies. You can also hop on the 10 year IBR forgiveness program.
With this job and taking loans into account, you will be earning 6 bucks an hour. Driving your jalopy all around the outskirts of jersey while earning less than minimum wage is a sure reason to killself.
Dine is trolling once again for 25 an hour doc reviewers with 2 years experience.
I love how they are so confident that there are hordes of starving law school grads out there desperate for anything. This confidence shows in their disdain for proofreading their advertisement. Just throw anything out there, and of course there will be thousands of desperate lawyers willing to do anything to be able to say "I am a lawyer." That boost in social status is worth the actual loss in income that this "job" provides. This "job" is actually a net income drain. No matter. There are thousands who will be willing to put more debt on those credit cards to be able to say "I went to court today as a lawyer."
Sad, so very sad....
As usual I am only interested in what Sonia has to say. Not interested in the insane ramblings of the rest of you. Only Sonia seems to have the wisdom and experience and worldliness I seek.
Wait, hey dude, that's my car -- hey Tom how did you manage to get a picture of my jalopy??? Oh I remember the days when I used to ride that sweet thing into Newwark for $40/hour projects. Even gave some buxom coders a ride to the station once. Oh sweet jesus those were the days. Gone with the wind....
A panic-button red hatchback! Thats the car I'll get when I finally "make it."
Seriously, this is nothing more than a scam where the naive new hire will work like a horse and then get let go in 6 months for "subpar" performance. There is no profit sharing. Its nothing but a scam and I hope one day the firm gets punished for pulling such nonsense.
The fact that the ABA issued "Ethics" Opinion 08-451 shows CONCLUSIVELY that the ABA does not give a damn about recent U.S. law school grads. Sure, doc review is not prestigious, but it did put food on the table.
This is a corrupt and morally bankrupt criminal organization. It doesn't even pretend to care about its practitioners.
"do paperwork competantly"
"strngth and weeknesses"
"direct legal litigation and trial experience"
"proves their intensity"
"should never say no to where they are sent or why"
This is TOO MUCH. Classic, classic shitlaw!!
Is this New Jersey ad from that sleazy Yorkson?
Yorkson was advertising a shit pay job & said the beggers who wanted it had to live in Joisey & have a car.
of course, the position did not even exist.
Another Yorkson trick to stay in the market.
"and of course there will be thousands of desperate lawyers willing to do anything to be able to say "I am a lawyer.""
That's the main problem as I see it.
It isn't so much the money or shit debt but the lawyers craving prestige.
Who's blog is this now? TtT or L4L? Seriously, L4L, don't you have enough to do at your own blog?
That car was old when my late husband was in the War.
Don't take shitlaw $25/hour, it will kill us all. At 40 hours a week, that is $1,000 gross, with a net no more than $650. That's $250 above unemployment. You want to work and travel for 40 hours+ to make $250? Wait for a real gig.
Lifer, you are right. Unless you are paying 2 grand or more in rent to live in a shoe box in manhattan, you should add in 2+ hours a day in commuting time. So you will actually be spending 50 hrs a week in work and in commuting costs to make an extra $250. That comes out to a whopping 5 bucks an hour.
"Mental toughness is paramount as our clients expect the best"
Apparently their clients don't expect the best spelling. They are looking for a "cadidate" who will "lear?"
Lifer is always right. That old bird has seen enough.
What's a "weekness" and why does the firm want you to identify them?
Sounds to me like he wants a hot, female newbie lawyer and the car info to make sure the back seat is of "sufficient" size.
Just a thought.
Firm sounds shady. I don't know if they will sexually harass you enough to leave bodily fluids on your phone like that shitlaw firm did in Queens, but I would definitely think about bringing some lipstick mace to the interview.
What??? 2:29 please elaborate - who left what?? Sound like a gig I was on one where a fat solo tried to make me feel his muscles!!
2:54 - Several years ago an EEOC complaint was filed against a real estate in Queens. They were accused of hiring a fresh new female law grad and subjecting her to sexual harassment which culminated in one of the partners leaving semen on her office phone. I don't know how the case was resolved.
You can always get a Legal Rebels skateboard.
10:57 Your "Lifer" icon is stupid. A "lifer" in JD land isn't a 80 year old woman, It's a 30 year old guy who graduated a TTT five years ago after graduation from an equally unimpressive undergraduat institution and has never had a permanent position in the legal field.
They don't want much, do they? Just total dedication, the willingness to work at sub-Third World wages, extreme intensity, the inability to say "no", your CAR, your soul, your firstborn, your blood, etc., all for the "prestige" of being a lawyer?
They don't want much, do they? Just total dedication, the willingness to work at sub-Third World wages, extreme intensity, the inability to say "no", your CAR, your soul, your firstborn, your blood, etc., all for the "prestige" of being a lawyer?
Fuck this worthless profession.
Yorkson sucks!
For posterity, I received a call from one of the low end recruiters shilling for a $25 an hour temp job. I called her a stupid cunt and told her to literally fuck her own face.
besides being bad, the ad almost brushes up against employment discrimination law! almost!
simone nagell is missed --where does he now drink beer??
reminds me of the time this scumbag solo in philly tricked me into designing a website for his law firm with the promise of a job offer then refusing to hire me after i set up the website.
What a bunch of spoiled brats. My father used to say if you are not willing to do anything about it, then you should not complain. This small firm is offering a $30,000 base PLUS prfit sharing for a total of $50,000 to $110,000 annually. Actually not bad in this economy for a rookie attorney. I can see why these young JD's are unemployed, broke, and complaining about people who are in action making a living. Here's a clue to you stone throwing superlawyers - get a life. Also, before you critisize small innovative frims offering jobs ask yourself...what ARE YOU DOING? ARE YOU OFFERING BETTER? This firm is willing to pay some rookie to learn. Willing to support a family...who the fuck are you? charity does not start with rich brats that graduated law school that really have never worked a hard day in their life. EVERYONE has to start somewhere bitches.
If you are ever a victim of a fraudulent add there is an bankruptcy attorney in denver colorado that can make sure you get back what is yours. They will stop at nothing to make sure you are not used and played by these people.
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