This just went up an hour ago (1/21/09) on nj craigslist:
"Deflate the rate" comes to New Jersey! BTW, can anyone confirm that Barasso/Deloitte has cut the Westfield sweatshop rate to $25 for the incoming coders? Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse! Lady Barasso must address this immediately and reclaim the mantle of cheapest sweatshop operator in the Garden State from our new pals in Morristown!
This is great news for the Valvoline Dean Pat Hobbs of the infamous Seton Hall Unemployment Center. He's probably working the phones right now and loading Greyhound buses at Newark Penn Station to truck those grads up to Morristown, just in time to mention his "99% employment rate" to our pals at US News!
Do the math: 44 K a year tution at Seton Hall to scrounge for $25 an hour temporary doc review gigs with no health benefits or chance for advancement! Come on down.....
(By the way, this will likely be my last post as Tom is getting back from vacation soon and taking back the reins. It's been fun, coders! L4L
Aint no jobs in jersey, aint nothing wrong with slavery, least we had good food back then.
I have a prediction on law school/scam reform: the scam will worsen. Law school will become four years of study and the baby boomers will juice out more free work from "interns" to secure retirement. This will
well, I don't know how good the food was for slaves. Read Frederick Douglass's bio--the average slave on one of the really large plantations was almost always really really hungry, and their main ration for the day was one "ash cake." That is a cake of cornmeal mush put in the ashes of the fire to cook.
Anyone find out who's staffing this gig?
Those aren't bad rates for a New Jersey project, in this economic climate.
the practice of law is in trouble... click... click.. change that.. has been in trouble.. click.. click.. yawn.. green tea break.. click.. click.. hard to remember how to do critical thinking anymore.. click.. click.. hoping solo practice is the answer.. click.. click.. click.. yawn.. pass out.. click.. click..
8:05 P.M.
Die in a fire, you worthless cunt.
L4L is the Nostradamus of coding and shitlaw. He predicted the current rate plunge dead-on just a few weeks ago:
Where is everyone???
Is everyone working???
Does everyone have the swine flu???
Is everyone at Townhall Meetings???
Is everyone printing money at the Fed???
Whatzzzz going on??? Where is everyone??? Am I the only one sitting at home in my underwear eating rice and beans??? Whatzzz going on???
WAIT: Tom the Temp can afford a vacation! I guess it can't be that bad in coder land?
L4L announces his retirement and the TA:TSE heads back to its original self - serious comments combined with memes, random crap, and venting.
Love ya L4L, but your blog has its own style. Tom's has one too.
Yeah - what the hell - since when could coders afford a vacation.
Please, write your state legislature, Congressmen, Senators, and even POTUS. This policy pressure needs to come from the top! Be sure to mention how much debt you have, your lifestyle (e.g., I cannot afford even a shirt and tie, I have a serious medical condition and cannot get treatment because I do not have medical insurance while my boss owns multiple homes, luxury cars and takes vacations that cost $20-$30k/each; my shoes are hand-me-downs from my grandfather who made $8/hour selling tractors with a 10th grade education, I wake up every morning thinking the better thing to do is organize a mass exodus of debt-ridden lawyers to an extradition free country or to join the French Foreign Legion ("F.U.B.A.R. for Sallie Mae, Direct Loans, and the bunch") and ways in which you were misled either by prior employers, law school recruiters and private lenders (akin to the Mortgage industry [cf. "Don't worry, you can refinance]").
E.P. Dine is staffing the Westfield project, and I believe one other agency also was staffing it e.g. HIRE counsel, now Mestel possibly.
Thanks l4l! Anyway the rate is dropping only because so much work is being offshored. They just package the service in bundles, commoditize it and ship it off. American attorneys don't even get a shot at most of the basic, first line work.
What's left is the more sensitive, complicated stuff. For how long, who knows. But it's clear that the powers that be want to cut out fat billing that used to go in document reviews.
What will third tier grads do when the doc review money is gone for good? It is slowly slipping away now, it's almost impossible to make a living anymore. At $25 per hour, you're better of just letting your loans into default and starting over in something you like.
Good bye middle class!
Puhleeze - who wants to work in Joisey with the Juiceheads???
It does indeed look like doc review is sinking nose down. Like the Titanic at 1:00 am, the bow is already submerged and water is cresting over the bridge deck. The few people still clinging to the stern know damn well the fate that awaits them. The doc review ship is doomed.
You have a rapidly sinking economy, better technology/software to cull the amount of docs, outsourcing, and a massive glut of recently admitted grads who will work for utter peanuts. Explain how doc review can survive all these factors?
aint no jobs in jersey
LISA 3:16
Blackman Kallick was shopping a project in Chicago entitled "paralegal review available for attorneys!" The project paid $21 an hour. Another Chicago gig was floating around today capping hours at 40. There is no way to make money doing this anymore.
Lisa still needs her braces
the vast majority of SHU grads get employed through the NJ stat eclerkship system which, unlike many other states, is exclusively aimed at recent law school graduates. This is how the employment rates at SHU and Rutgers skew high.
Moreover, if you ever thought you could skate by with a 3.3 or below at a school like SHU, you are a huge schmuck. These days, if you get below a 3.5, you'll be jobless.
--SHU alum, BIGLAW alum.
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Once in ketozin sis it is not necessary, technically speaking, to maintain absolute zero carbs or low protein. But it is still better if you ketozin want to reap the greatest rewards. Besides, assuming you are training hard, you will still want to follow a cyclic ketozin genic diet where you get to eat all your carbs, fruit and whatever else, every 1-2 weeks, anyway (more on this in another article).
Measuring and Testing using heart rate is difficult. Not only are there the influences mentioned above to factor into testoultra performance testing, but your maximum heart rate should not get faster. If it gets faster you probably weren't going hard enough during your initial test. Maximum heart rates drop as you get older.
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the signature of Mayor CLA Safflower Oil Antonio Villaraigosa to make it the law. South LA has the highest concentration of fast-food restaurants of the city, about 400, and only a few grocery stores. L.A. Councilwoman Jan Perry proposed the measure to try to reduce health problems associated with a diet high in fast-food, like obesity and diabetes, which plague many of the half-million people living there. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) .
Supplement Portal It is not necessarily the time of day you eat that leads to weight acquire, however the type of meals you over indulge your self in late at evening combined with not burning it off physically afterwards. It's so great to search out that weight that's simply right for you and your way of life. WARNING: These meals could be hazardous to your health. I really like beans but I've never thought about consuming them to drop pounds. At 320 kilos my idea of normal was not wholesome. In a similar trial in patients with type 2 diabetes confirmed that patients had a median Supplement Portal of 3.7 % from baseline compared to therapy with placebo at one 12 months. After this era, patients ought to normally anticipate to add meals to their food plan, but there are Supplement Portal limitations. The lemonade Supplement Portal technique can be called the Grasp Cleanse Supplement Portal plan and it has been around for over 70 years, thus it's a full proof methodology that has stood the test of time. Individually these foods are incomplete proteins, however whenever you mix the 2 collectively to make hummus, they create a whole protein,” explains Consalvo.
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- This chain offers "lettuce wraps" - your burger wrapped in a large piece of lettuce for easy low carb eating. (As I've said, I tried it and don't love it. I like to carry my own fork instead.) Bunless options - Six dollar burger (7g), 1/2 thick-burger (5g), charbroiled chicken club sandwich (7g/10g at Hardees). Grilled chicken salad without croutons is 10g
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It is a common belief that cardio should be performed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach if your purpose is to lose fat. As far as preserving muscle is concerned, this is not always the best strategy. As long as your diet is sound, cardio can be performed effectively any time of the day. While you should refrain from eating at least one hour prior to cardio, you do not need to begin your session in a completely fasted state such as of that when you awake in the morning. Doing any kind of intense exercise after 8 or more hours of not consuming food can potentially result in catabolism. It is good idea to consume fast acting protein, such as whey, or a sufficient amount of BCAA's prior to cardio.
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Semen volume pills are usually responsible for the "cumshot" scenes found in adult movies. Many volume pills also enhance pleasure, increase libido and have positive effects on sperm unless they are solely intended for male fertility improvement. A sub category of the semen volume pills are supplements that only focus on enhancing male fertility by affecting the quality and quantity of sperm.Semen pills are designed to either increase semen volume, increase sperm fertility or both. Men looking to increase semen volume take these products to increase the strength, duration and intensity of ejaculations. This is because men can increase ejaculations by increasing semen volume.
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A major factor in that reason is eating unhealthy is thrown in our faces every three minutes on TV along with allot of the printed ads. Not to mention that in today's economy it is usually cheaper. Another reason why people fail in maintaining the body weight they may have quite literally worked their butts off to lose, may be the insufficient education and guidance. Whether it's lacking furthering their knowledge in nutrition, or even lack of knowledge in supplements that assist in dieting and maintenance.
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Mongolian Barbecue - YES! Load up your bowl with chicken, shrimp, onion slices, and mushrooms, then top with the Asian black bean sauce. I know beans have carbs, but this sauce label says 1 gram of carbs per ounce (each sauce is plainly labeled). Add a bit of garlic and wait for the griller to do his work.
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Aloe Vera is that wonderful cactus looking plant that can be grown in your garden or a pot on your porch. It is perfect to have on hand for burns, sunburn, bruises, bug bites, and anything that burns or irritates the skin. Just cut off one of the long fleshy leaves, wash it, cut it right down the center and scoop out the gel and put it directly on the irritated skin. Aloe can be applied anywhere on the body. It is very soothing for delicate tissues. It has anti-bacterial properties so will also work on wounds. This is one plant to always have on hand.
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This food or meal should not be taken in 2 or 3 times. You meal should be at least for 5 to 6 times a day. Only when you take less quantity of good package of nutrients frequently, your body will have the capacity to keep on raising the metabolism. So, do not take less than 5 or 6 meal, if you are aiming at big Weight Loss in short period.
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First of all, enough is enough. Bad genes may have an impact for some, but they are hardly the primary, exclusive cause of weight gain. Obesity is not a disease. It's certainly not normal. None of these things explains the worldwide explosion in obesity that we've seen over the last 30 years.
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In cases of massive weight-loss, the skin that has been stretched has lost its collagen strength making it very difficult if not impossible for the extra skin to shrink back to its former shape. Those undergoing gastric bypass surgery or bariatric surgery feel this pain. As the number of patients going through weight loss surgery increases, so do corrective surgeries for the unwanted and uncomfortable skin. This extra skin can actually be a serious problem and can actually cause infections, rashes and even back problems.
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A goal does not have to be just about the weight you lose or want to lose. You could write a goal using your body measurements Weight Loss Tips or percentage of body fast lost, or it may be your desirable clothing size. Set your goals in a way that they are attainable. For example, I want to lose 15 pounds by Christmas or I want to drop 2 dress sizes by my sister's wedding.
Once you have set your larger goals, you need to set smaller ones to make sure you are on schedule to achieving your long-term goal. Keep track of your goals by using a weight loss chart, a food journal, or an exercise chart. Keeping aWeight Loss Tips journal is the best way to track the foods you eat, the amount of water you take in, the amount of daily exercise, and to daily write out those goals. You can even track how you are feeling throughout the day
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Ce produit bloque en fait la production de graisse corporelle. En réalité, Vital KETO aide votre corps à empêcher la production de nouvelles cellules adipeuses. Maintenant, votre corps produit naturellement des cellules adipeuses si vous mangez trop chaque jour ou si vous ne faites pas assez d'exercice. Mais, ce supplément encourage votre corps à utiliser ces calories comme carburant plutôt que comme graisse. Ainsi, même si vous vous régalez de vos aliments réconfortants préférés, ce supplément veille à ce que votre corps cesse de convertir cela en graisse. Ensuite, Vital KETO commence à brûler la graisse corporelle stockée, ce qui vous permet de perdre du poids en quelques semaines seulement.
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Organa Keto: High rates of mental ill health among students, including some tragic cases of suicide, have highlighted the vulnerability of many young people facing the pressures of higher education while away from home for the first time. The muscles and blood vessels improve in tone, fat weight changes to lean weight, and endurance health benefits that are derived from rebounding exercise are unquestionable. Ot nic nie znaczaca informacja: urodzila sie zdrowa i jest najwiekszym skarbem dla rodziców. In 1997, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed that foods with high levels of rolled oats or oat bran could include data on their labels about their cardiovascular heart benefits if accompanied with a low-fat diet. Lentils require a long cooking time, but the seeds can be sprouted which makes them ready to eat - and a delicious, healthy snack.People with diabetes often have a condition that makes it harder for blood to circulate and wounds to heal. For all the damage now being done to the English language there are some people who continue to care about its health. Regular exercise improves sleep, blood pressure , mental function, bone health, muscle strength and heart health, she said.
garciniamarket Published today in Nature Metabolism, new research led by academics from the University of Sydney's Charles Perkins Centre, Professor Stephen Simpson and Dr. Samantha Solon-Biet, suggests that while delivering muscle-building benefits, excessive consumption of branched-chain amino acids BCAAs may reduce lifespan, negatively impact mood and lead to weight gain. GDPR generally applies to health data, including genetics, so healthcare organizations that treat EU patients will need to be cognizant of GDPR's regulations about patient consent to process PHI.|The study team recruited 302 patients aged 18-85 from Cone Health and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Hillman Cancer Center in this prospective trial sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. They found that not only were more patients more likely to be non-white, 27.4 percent versus 25 percent seen by non-excluded health care providers, they were also more likely to be dually-eligible for Medicaid, 38.8 percent versus 25.5 percent, and non-elderly disabled, 21.6 percent versus 17.3 percent. The term health insurance is generally used to describe a form of insurance that pays for medical expenses.|When selecting an elderly homecare service agency as compared to an individual caregiver, people can assure themselves that they have appointed a licensed personnel to offer the best care to their lovable elders thereby they can show their support to the elderly person or the patient, who will feel really happy about the steps taken by their family members in appointing the best caregiver for taking care of their medical and other requirements. Tylko od 1 do 5% ciężko ustalić jednoznacznie zgwałconych kobiet zachodzi w ciąże, gdzie ułamek tej liczby decyduje się na aborcję.
Garcinia Market: Short-term physical health effects of noise pollution include the following: elevated heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure, along with inhibition of your digestive processes. Overall, the study participants who were in the recommended, ideal ranges for at least four of the seven factors had a 70 percent lower risk of developing diabetes over the next 10 years. These are essential fats your body can't make on its own, so you have to get them from your diet. Janet Renee is a clinical dietitian with a special interest in weight management, sports dietetics, medical nutrition therapy and diet trends. Oznaczaloby to, ze skoro ludzie sa nieplodni, to znaczy, ze maja na tyle wadliwe geny, ze nie powinni sie rozmnazac (a przynajmniej czesc z nich). If you have a history of high cholesterol or heart disease, though, play it safe by consulting with your doctor about how foods like prawns might fit into your heart-healthy diet.
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