Here is an update on the Labaton project. I just want to make the point, again, how greedy these law firms are. They want all the rewards but none of the responsibilities for hiring attorneys directly. They get business from government entities and have licenses to do business in NY, but yet none of the laws that protect workers' rights are applicable because we happen to be attorneys. It is only in the USA among western countries that this would be allowed to happen because the idea of good corporate citizenship is anathema to these greedy bastards.
Labaton which hired a bunch of attorneys for its Countrywide project some months ago and paid them $32 flat per hour with absolutely no benefits announced that the firm will be closed for Yom Kippur and there will be no pay. How wonderful! I am all for respecting each others' religion, but I draw the line when it takes money out of my pocket. If you wish to take the day off, enjoy, but why should a company consider it okay to close down on a religious holiday, not a federal one, and screw their Countrywide "employees" out of a day's pay. Labaton, you suck. You are cheap.
One of the named plaintiffs in Countrywide is the NYS Comptroller, so you Labaton think it is fine to get business from a government entity, operate in New York City and then hire attorneys for a long term project while giving them no benefits whatsoever, and then to boot, impose a religious holiday on them. What the hell is wrong with this country? No wonder that it is so fucked up. It is one thing to get screwed by an agency, but you Labaton made us your employees. You want to pay us the minimum by cutting out the agency's take, and then you bill the client God knows what for our services, all the while providing no benefits in return. We can't even get paid overtime because of the bullshit professional exemption in NY. The cleaning people have more benefits and rights than we do.
Labaton if you had any decency you would pay us for Yom Kippur, if just to create goodwill, but of course you are too short sighted and cheap to do that. Instead you continue to operate your sweatshop, provide no benefits to your "employees," bilk the client for as much as you think you can get away with, and have a nasty bleached blonde police the caseroom in the hope of finding somebody eating a banana at his or her desk; I think that bleach has leaked into whatever little brain she has. Please deliver me from this hellhole.
Labaton is the worst place to work I can confirm.
Believe me they don't respect any holidays or traditions of any peoples, it's all about the bucks.
$32.00 is a solid rate outside of NYC.... just take the cash.. as long as the documents flow, the cash will be there.. don't go to the wall for the extra $300.00... just take the money as it flows naturally...
The reason cleaning people have more rights and benefits that us is because the they are organized and even may be unionized. They have the guts to show up at City Council meetings, and complain publicly (in a foreign languages if they don't speak English) about how they are being mistreated, underpaid, and denied benefits. They would criticize Labaton and the NYC Comptroller to the politicians in public. They don't get hung-up over technicalities such as whether they are "independent contractors" or would fall into the "professions" exemptions. We, on the other hand, hide behind our computers and whine to each other.
That's right, bitches. You better stay hidden behind those computers. If you come out, I will cut your balls off.
(1) In NYC, Yom Kippur is a widely recognized office holiday, regardless of whether you are Jewish. It's not at all unusual for them to close their office for it, because, if they didn't, many people would just take the day off, leaving the office only semi-functional. Since you're obviously not Jewish, think of Christmas. Would it be at all strange to close the office on Christmas? No, it wouldn't.
(2) Your tone is, well, vaguely anti-semitic. I know you're probably not trying to come off this way, but you sound like you're saying "I respect religious stuff and everything, but Jewish holidays are stupid because I'm not getting paid for them."
(3) Get a real job, one where you get paid for office holidays. You're a temp. So you don't get to complain if your agency calls you at night to tell you that the office is closed the next day in observance of "I don't feel like coming in to work Day".
(4) Take the day off. If you're like most of the people I know stuck in the temp world, you could probably use a forced day off here and there. Go outside and get some fresh air.
Im so scared...all i do is keep clicking..click..click..click..boy do i regret going to a 3rd tier..oh well, i can always jump off the 59th st bridge...see ya!
We really dodged a bullet two weeks ago. It looks like New York was about to be hit again. Thank you President Bush for implementing those policies that have kept us safe. I guess talking nice to the terrorists doesn't work after all. It's fun seeing Gadhafi here, while he poops all over us. All the temps that voted for Barack Hussein Obama are retarted. While the limousine liberals get driven to work every morning, you assholes have to take the subway and risk getting blown up every morning.
If you talk about the importation of cheap foreign labor that is driving down rates, you are branded a racist. Now, if you are forced into a unpaid, non federal holiday, which drives your paycheck for the week into the ground, you are anti-semetic and cannot comment upon it. Classic.
Okay, as an attorney struggling to stay afloat trying to actually practice as well as trying to get on doc review projects to keep some money flowing in while I try to figure shit out, I appreciate the stories about abuse TTT is trying to keep in the blogosphere. Keep doing it.
To the moron who is bitching about being out of clicking work for one day and losing out on 300 bucks, why not write a letter or call your state or federal representative and ask why the the labor laws exempt attorneys from OT pay? You don't have to be nasty in doing so. You have other catagories of workers that get OT, simply make your case. Then why not spend the rest of your day-off trying send out some resumes or spend time with your family or friends? Just because you aren't clicking and getting paid on yom kippur doesn't mean you can't do something useful for yourself on a personal or career related level.
You are Racist!!!!!!!!!
First of all, there is more than one nasty bleach blonde at this place, so you really need to be more specific.
That being said, I think we all need to take a collective deep breath. If I bring in some baked goods on Tuesday will that make you feel better? I would bring pizza, but that tends to lead to mysterious disappearances.
The weather is absolutely gorgeous today. Who gives a fuck that you can't work Monday? Enjoy the weather while it lasts.
Although I am looking to get out of temping, for those who intend to stay a union would be a great idea. Not sure, though, if many JD's have the stomach for the strong-arm tactics employed by unions in order to be successful - threatening those who cross lines etc. I once heard a union boss's message on a scab's voice mail. It was full of "cocksucker, we will come after you, fuck you, behead your children, fuck your wife, etc etc." Yikes...many JDs are enlightened individuals [despite a few freaks and losers here and there] and not sure they could operate on this/cleaning people's level. That's the educated man's downfall - he considers himself above low tactics and gets fucked by those who don't. In the legal world, I have been fucked by ghetto people all the time.
I once worked for a famous divorce attorney. He would close down the office for all Jewish holidays but not give Christian religious holidays off. I suppose if you own the place you can do what you want. It's not right - but NYC is full of such bastards. I hope this doddering old 80 year old asshole catches the Swine Flu and dies this fall. This greedy bastard also made me do six months work in two weeks and had the nerve to come up to me at 4:45 p.m on Friday to ask if could come in on the weekend. I have a life - so I told this old fucker to fuck himself and eventually left the firm.
"Lisa Gibson -- who lost her brother in the 1988 Lockerbie bombing -- sat down with the man many blame for the attack and "welcomed him to America," she told CNN. The Colorado lawyer said she and another relative of a Lockerbie victim met Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi in New York the same day he delivered a rambling speech to the U.N. General Assembly."
Lawyers are such attention seeking douchebags. I wonder what the other family members of the others who were blown up this of this lady.
Bastards will probably close the office for Christmas as well.
Check out this crap agency trying to market itself as an "outsourcing specialist:"
"Legal Experts agree that the trend is toward outsourcing discovery."
"Example of typical document review costs without outsourcing:["
"The American Bar Association has opined that there is “nothing unethical” about outsourcing, so long as the service is provided with “legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness and preparation reasonably necessary” for representation."
That's one of the most intelligent comments I've read on this board in a while.
Especially regarding point 3.
Look people, you're temps. The agencies and firms take advantage of you because you have no substanative experience. Get some experience and then you'll have some bargaining power.
Actually you are wrong. Even when I did have "substantive" experience the agencies wil still take advantage of you. Best is to just GET OUT and never come back. In Templand it doesn't matter if you have bee a partner, once you are there you will be treated like shit. Find a place and stick to it. More than intelligence, the American system rewards numbskulls who stay with the same firm for year and years and years. You could be smart as a whip but if you are a temp you will be treated worse than a sewer cleaner. I know many morons and idiots who are with the same firm for years simply because they can't find anything else or are just to scared to move and they come out looking better and being treated better than creative, highly intelligent people who tend to move a lot.
$32/hr and a vacation? What's wrong with that? Am I missing something?
I didn't explain my point fully enough.
You're right that the agencies and firms will jerk you around no matter what experience you have if you're a temp.
My point was that once you have the experience, it gets easier to get permenant jobs. You also have bargaining power since you become hard to replace.
It doesn't matter how much "experience" you have reviewing docs. You're easily replacable so the agencies can jerk you around. The important doc review is being done by the associates.
You lost me, Tom. You are as pathetic as can be. Did it ever occur to you that an employer can run a business the way he sees fit. Cotrary to what you may think, law firms and clients do not exist for the purpose of giving you documents to review. They get to call the shots when their writting the checks.
If you don't like it, find something else. And I know, it's not your fault. It was the Valvoline Dean and Joan King who conspired to put you in this position. Nobody held a gun to your head and told you to go to law school. And certainly, noone told you to take out such an obviously obscene amount of debt to do it.
Law is like anything else - it rewards thoses who do for themselves. Nobody owes you anything - not even a paid Yom Kippur.
considering the hours may be capped you may want to i dont know mnake up those hours tues thru fri
Legal jobs, even temp jobs, will never, ever be unionized. They won't for a lot of reasons, mostly rational and with merit, some less defensible, but all very solid and real.
If you have a JD and a bar license and think you need a union, you should cut your losses and either (1) get a teaching certification or (2) go to trade school.
Those options are honorable ones and, depending on the trade, possibly lucrative. No shame in that at all.
But, if you think a union is an answer to your woes in the legal world, you aren't going to make it as a lawyer. You just won't.
Paging Father Coughlin!
Your reincarnation is hating on the Jews.
Why is that? Logic please
10:53. Why is that
Hating on the Jews? It is hating the Jews. Please spare us the ebonics.
Forget about unionisation. The problem is the supply and the only way to deal with that is by restricting the lawyer flood at its source, which is, the US Treasury. The federal underwriting of anybody who wants to go to law school has to stop. There has to be some limit set by the demand within the economy. That is the only solution.
Things will only get worse as outsourcing continues to trend upward. The globalization process causes wages to lower to the level of the cheapest wage slave country. Welcome to your future. Globalization will not stop until the country is ruined, and then the shortsighted dumb fuck corporate execs and politicians will wonder why they did not see it coming that the US has become an undeveloped country.
The only solution is popular and political pressure and the dissemination of information about the insanity of the government funding a flood of unnecessary lawyers. Write e-mails to your US congressman and the media if you want to have some effect, organize a non-profit funded by working class lawyers. You can't just blog about it endlessly, more has to be done.
Here, post comments for this article, maybe somebody at the ABA will actually read them. The link to the article is below.
Joan King has to stop. Joan King, get cancer and die. Do us a favor.
- from the Staff at Cravvie
I have the secret of what people should do, but I'm not saying it here, because then everyone would do it.
I've already gotten started on it and I'm making $87K/year as a lawyer. I came out of a Tier 1 school, but in the bottom half of my class with no distinctions. I currently have a "cushy" job, vastly easier and less stressful than any law firm job.
Once I get "entrenched", I will be making $110-150K, with relatively little effort, plus the work is actually pretty interesting.
But tell all the peeps here what I'm doing -- not on your life, 'cause then everybody and their mother will be trampling in!
Hee hee hee hee hee! Muaahahaahah!!!!
I bet you are offering your ass to be banged. Good fer you. Good luck and be sure to use lubrication.
I don't mind the holiday. As long I get to work. So worried...
People like the person who sent in this complaint are why the temp world is so full of losers.
One day off. Big deal! Go find something to do. Get a life.
Instead of complaining about the most important Jewish high holy day, which is widely observed in New York City and elsewhere, you should be celebrating it (especially since your employers are Jewish and the people giving you work!).
I think this complaint has bigger implications than one day. Because of the glut in the market, more projects are apt to jerk you around. A day here and a day there can add up, especially when you are expected to commit for a specific duration.
Temp attorneys, with few exceptions, are pathetic. I can't wait for the day when all of you click monkeys are outsourced.
Seriously, if any attorney is complaining about missing ONE DAY'S PAY from some scummy temp job, they must be a serious loser!
If you went all the way through college and law school and still can't do any better than a situation in which you're living hand-to-mouth and may not be able to eat for 5 days because someone cancelled your job for one day, then has it occurred to you that you deserve the situation you're in?
It may be better for you to hang up your law degree and your bar license and move to Tierra del Fuego or Vanuatu or something, 'cause you can't cut it in the States.
Let's blame ourselves and beat ourselves up. Let's make ourselves feel worse than we already feel. Let's tell ourselves and each other that we deserve to suffer. Let's listen when the trolls tell us we deserve our lot it life.
The phone rings. Who is calling? It is a recruiter offering $18 an hour. You aren't starving and the rent is paid. But you feel so low that you are willing to accept the shitrate as your due. So you take the job.
The rich get richer and you feel worthless and depressed.
People - it is like looking at the ads and photospreads in glossy magazines - beautiful fashionable models in ads that make you feel inadequate and inferior. You buy their product in order to make yourself feel better.
There is nothing wrong with any of us. Our plight is not the result of a lack of charachter or intellegance (or beauty)or drive or ambition or anything else that the trolls are preaching about in this column.
The economy is what it is. Hang on to your ass, conserve your resources and keep your eyes on the road. This too shall pass. It might take a while, but it WILL pass.
How do I know? I've been through this before.
BTW, the trolls that are telling us that we are worthless, the trolls that are telling us that they've got it figured out and are making good money on it but won't share their "secret" are just sadists getting their jollies off of the rest of us here. Ignore them or tell them to shut the fuck up but DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM.
3;50. I know how these trolls are making money. They are offer their ass to be banged.
Otherwise well said.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that people on here claiming they're doing well are absolutely full of shit. Absolutely nobody sticks around and trolls on unemployment boards or blogs like this when they're doing well.
It's kind of like those blogs with men complaining about women. Or even a group of guys in real life hanging out when they have no gfs. As soon as any of these guys gets an attractive, or even unattractive girl, they're out of sight and won't be back until it's over.
I occasionally read this blog and I have posted a few times. But whenever I'm on a project, and by project I've never done doc review but I've done briefs, motions, depos and the like, I don't get the chance to read or comment on here because I'm busy. Only when I've got down time can I come on here, and I still don't have delusions to "brag" about what I got going on.
You can invent any number on the internet. You can claim your job is cushy. There are actually a ton of ways to make money, but absolutely none of them involve sitting on a negative blog and trolling religiously. Most are actually high stress and require a very outgoing salesmen type personality, which is, again, contrary to internet trolling.
Also I always question what people mean by Tier 1. I think USNWR has top 100 law schools as tier 1, but, obviously, it's really just the top 10 are Tier 1 and then everyone else is pretty much in the same boat. When someone says TTT, I think that usually means anything below the top 40 or 50 at most, but USNWR would maybe put that at past 100? I remember one guy claimed Hofstra was a top tier law school, and that's just as delusional as the people swearing they make lots of money.
For me, my numbers would have put me in a top 30 with a little luck. I got into top 40s, but I went to a top 60 because of scholarships. The scholarships really weren't enough, and if I had to do it over again I'd probably have wanted at least a top 30 but I probably wouldn't have gone for it anyway. You really need a top 10 to be safe.
Very true. I have been posting too because I am unemployed. You are absolutely right. Even if I have a crappy job like picking up dog shit I would be too tired to get on the Internet and brag. Oh and if I have a REAL job, making tons of money, fuggedabouit!! I love Tom the Temp - I would still come here to read funny stuff but not write foolish comments. These days most people here are unemployed - hence the crazy charaters.
Hey guys, anyone have any food to spare? Helga, you offered to buy me some Monkey Chow, where are you? So worried...
Law is a dying industy. Everyday it gets worse. You wouldn't know it, because there are so many posers in this industry. A managing partner of a major law firm even admitted that the wheels are coming off.
Find something else to do with your lives. It's easier said than done with bills and loans, but work on a plan. Just relax and take your time. Sitting in the work place with Big Mamma is a soul-crushing experience, but try to seek out those jobs that aren't so all time consuming and toxic. Get involved in things outside the office. Take a cooking or language learning class. Plan little weekend trips for yourself. Most of all, after working in a ghetto environment, you will find that you start attracting ghetto people into your personal life. Try to avoid this as much as possible, and make sure that you maintain a strong work effort.
Furthermore, take what people say on this blog with a grain of salt. There are a lot of fake sadist posers who get a kick out of making people feel bad about themselves and provide nothing else.
Good luck to you all.
Meant to say maintain a strong support network.
It's also important to carry yourself in a professional manner. Even though the working environment is ghetto and the work is nothing more than paper pushing bill padding, it is important to maintain a professional attitude and carry yourself in a professional manner.
I agree with 6:36. It's a ghetto world and if you start sinking to their level you will be lost. It's hard to stay professional after some time, that's why it's best get out when you start feeling you are going to lose it! And don't get too friendly with the ghetto staff - keep a cool, professional distance - these people were raised in weird ways and sometimes they see friendliness as a sign of weakness. That was just my experience - I met a few ghetto queens who were meaner to me the nicer I was. Just my cents as someone beaten to a pulp by legal ghetto thugs.
Are people here using the word "ghetto" as a synonym for Black/Hispanic?
No, we have had this discussion before. Ghetto is a state of mind/attitude. There are white ghettos, black and Hispanic, Chinese, Indian. Equal opportunity. All inclusive. Welcome to the Hood.
I am white and I have no shame in saying at S&C there was a white staff attorney who was more "hood" and "ghetto" than any ethnic person. So it's all encompassing.
Kissing up to the ghetto turds is definitely seen as a sign of weakness in the hood. The less you get involved with them and the more you are better able to stay under the radar the better.
Also, be careful of what you tell to your recruiter. Many of them are ghetto as all hell, and will rat you out behind your back. In the hood, keep to yourself and always watch your back.
Using the word "GHETTO" is a secret way of talking about black/hispanic trash..sad but true...well then again they are kinda ugly..say word
our great pearly white nation has become so polluted with all this trash..too bad..im moving to australia no trash there..asians are ok just not chinks & indians..smelly
Fight together or die together.
"Temp attorneys, with few exceptions, are pathetic. I can't wait for the day when all of you click monkeys are outsourced."
I agree that the majority of temps have very limited ability, which is why doc review on a resume is the kiss of death.
It has more to do with lack of motivation and sitting around waiting for their bosses to "feed the fishies" than to stupidity per se.
Anyone who has done doc review ask yourself, what other job could these people be doing. I have seen 10% that are quality and could be doing anything, either in practice or business. These people are usually older (35-60) and are either retired or very turned off practice, or temping for lifestyle reasons.
Some of the younger people could be doing government work and some either have or will.
This still would put 60% of them not being able to do anything else. That's why the agencies like the Nigerians because they definitely have no competing opportunities except to return to their hell hole of a so-called country, so they scam by doing many temps at the same time.
That having been said, why would you be happy if the doc review people lost their jobs? Aren't they your fellow citizens and neighbors? Are they such bad people (seemed pretty nice to me)? Or is this just a threat from the agencies to make sure the temps "keep in line" and accept whatever new reduced rate you tell them is the new going rate?
The legal industry's wheels coming off, a perfect metaphor, is shown by the number of law firms that have gone out of business or gone bankrupt. These big firms have huge costs and no capital so they can run out of gas in a few months.
Shea Gould, Coudert Brothers, Finley Kumble, Squadron Ellenoff, Donovan Leisure, Heller Ehrman, ........long list.
Ivesting in a law firm is dumb.
How can you organize into a union when lawyers only care about doing better than the next guy?
This is the opposite of the "brotherhood" mentality of union workers.
Most unions started by people with ethnic or family and neighborhood ties, so they cared about each other.
Have you worked on doc review how workers get upset when new people are hired, taking away their extra hours and weekend time? Or happy when people get fired because more secure or more hours for themselves?
How can you have a union when people have this culture?
The culture of sending the person sitting next to you to the torture chambers, because you're happy it wasn't you.
Lawyer: very selfish person.
If you want to be represented by a union (or at least want to be organized), don't try to do it yourself.
We attorneys don't have the experience, knowledge, skills, strength to do it ourselves.
Instead, contact the AFL-CIO. Ironically, their new prez. is an attorney.
You may have to start by organizing/unionizing as employees of the Temp Agencies. Can you imagine the look on the Agency's owner's face when they get word that their Document Reviewers are unionizing?
There are other professionals who have successfully organized. Airline pilots and journalists come to mind.
We want to unionize for the same reason that other workers have chosen to. Better benefits, wages and working conditions. Health Insurance, paid breaks, and adequate notice before you're told not to come into work.
So, who here is going to have the guts to contact the AFL-CIO to get the ball rolling?
Yom Kippur is the holiest of Jewish holidays. It would be like a christian working on Easter. Also, any attempts for contract attorneys to unionize will only speed up the outsourcing of doc review to other nations, which is already beginning and is inevitable. One day, this work will not even exist in the USA.
Yom Kippur is the most important Jewish holiday and should be respected by all. Especially, since in this case the employer who is PAYING YOU is Jewish. Y Luckily unlike you he is willing to hire and pay you regardless of your attitude.
Lawyers fretting over one day of holiday and pay. This really shows the kind of incredible tunnel vision of lawyers. If they cannot see past such a narrow horizon, no wonder they cannot plan their career or business!
The idea about having the AFL CIO unionize lawyers makes a lot of sense. I never thought of this. But isn't it pitiful that supposedly smart lawyers with good educations have to go to blue-collar workers for help.
Lawyer: the biggest loser ever only can sue successful people.
All these people complaining about ghetto people... I hope you are forced to MOVE into the ghetto. And I hope your kids are forced to go to majority black/Hispanic schools to see how the disadvantaged REALLY live... Then they will grow up and marry black/Hispanic mates and have lil' Obamas.
But seriously, there is so much friggin' racism spewed out on this blog. Can you not see that underneath the skin, people are people and all people should be treated with equal dignity?
Sounds corny but it's serious. Just remember, if you're white... some day, your own skin color may be your biggest detriment. When the Chinese take over and turn this country into a debtor's farm, because greedy Republikkkan bu$ine$$ interests and Corporate Amerikkka sold this country off, you may have to answer for the color of your white skin, and you may have to learn how it feels to suck up to some "minorities"!!
"One day, this work will not even exist in the USA."
Wow, really? Do you think that all e-discovery will be outsourced, illegally to foreign lands to be performed by non-native English speaking, non-jd holding people?
You are completely depraved and incorrect. The coming trend will be to closely monitor all work performed in such legal actions.
Only foolhardy companies like DuPont and Rio Tinto will outsource in this fashion. It is the height of recklessness and stupidity.
Just keep watching the news for more examples e-discovery fraud, largely perpetrated in foreign countries.
Can you imagine the pathetic, stooge American attorneys on the hook for supervising these distant cesspools?
I hope they are paying these folks a good deal more than a first year NYC associate to take the bullet for these deceitful corporations.
Can you imagine the criminal and civil liability to which the US licensed kids are exposing themselves by "managing" these vast sweatshops packed to the rafters with unlicensed, non-JD holding, non-native English speaking "attorneys"?
We've only begun to see the massive fraud that is being committed in these dubious "offhsore" centres.
Good luck with your irresponsible, greedy and incompetent enterprises, David Perla and Marc Ross.
We're waiting for the moment when you are taken away in handcuffs.
Agreed Perla et al. and all the outsourcers are sleazy scum who are betraying Americans and devastating prospects for young American lawyers.
But the picture you paint about "massive civil and criminal liability" for US licensed lawyers who are helping these companies train and supervise Indians is wishful thinking.
These people will never be prosecuted, and it's highly doubtful that any US prosecutor will either: (1) be able to build a clear-cut case against them based on any kind of real precedent or codified law; or (2) ever have the political backing to mount such a case.
It makes no sense to "scare" the Americans abetting this outsourcing by telling them they're gonna be prosecuted. They will never be prosecuted because the Justice Department has about a million other really nefarious people and businesses in line ahead of them, who need to be prosecuted.
Slamming the outsourcers for their traitorous betrayal of the US economy is one thing; you are correct there.
But fantasizing about legal exposure and coming prosecutions of line workers in the outsourcing industry just marks you as naive.
Ain't gonna happen.
Really? I think you are delusional. We will be sure to keep it on the radar, so these sleazy "offshore" centres are exposed as the frauds that they are.
Any American attorney on the hook for the hordes of unlicensed foreigners is clearly lacking good judgement. They are exposing themselves to massive civil and criminal liability. It's not just the DOJ and SEC they have to worry about.
It's okay, keep yourself safe 'n' snug in your bubble of delusion. There is massive liability being the licensed stooge as a front for these organizations.
What person in their right mind would supervise hundreds of unlicensed foreigners to perform the unauthorized practice of law? This is work American JDs should be doing, not unauthorized foreigners. The DuPont case is just the tip of the iceberg.
I question the ability of the American attorneys charged with overseeing these glorious, third world, sweatshop profit centers.
The day will come when these illegal operations, which are potentially engaging in fraud and subterfuge, will be shut down.
But go ahead and keep your head and the sand and believe this dodgy chop shops will remain free from legal action.
It's like the mafia saying that because they have all of the money in the Caymans that it is safe. Think again.
I don't know about criminal liability, but when one of these overseas slum shops turns into the next Arthur Anderson situation, you definitely don't want to be a stooge with your license hanging on the line. The reason why corporations spend obscene amounts of money on biglaw is not that they are godlike and intellectual geniuses, it is because it allows them to cover their asses. When the shit hits the fan, you definitely don't want to be associated with some third world, outsourcing slop shop.
Okay, then what is the liability?
Please elaborate the legal argument, based on codified law and precedent, that a US Attorney or other prosecutor would use to prosecute these people.
And if it's not the DOJ or SEC, then who? (BTW, I doubt very seriously it would be the SEC, as they're only involved in investigating purely securities matters.)
It would have to be the DOJ because if state attorneys general wanted to prosecute, they'd have to defer to the Feds because of the nature of the violations.
But what exactly are the violations? Please spell them out... cite the laws, please.
I'm NOT trying to defend these people at all.. I think they are SCUM. But it's a long, long way from establishing that they're scum, to being able to mount a coherent, credible case on them based on the law.
You see, not every scumbag is clearly breaking the law. Sometimes it's our laws themselves which are deficient.
This won't happen either.
An overseas "slumshop" may turn up another Arthur Anderson violation, but remember, Arthur Anderson itself (an accounting firm, not a law firm -- although it had bad legal advice that was arguably criminal -- "shred the docs" when there was a federal subpeona, etc.)...
But for every overseas case of negligence or incompetence they can point to, someone will turn up a case of US-based incompetency or negligence.
Without the ability to clearly PROVE, with statistics, that there are significantly more cases of negligence in overseas outsourcing operations, than in US-based operations, no court will ever create a precedent that outsourcing violates the law.
Remember how long it took (decades) for the government to mount a case against the Tobacco Industry. Decades of work relying on statistics, medical histories, etc.
Whenever you're facing a big industry, like tobacco or legal outsourcing, they will set the bar so high to prove that there's a problem, that it will take decades of dedicated work to change any laws.
"Please elaborate the legal argument, based on codified law and precedent, that a US Attorney or other prosecutor would use to prosecute these people."
You're kidding, right? Why on earth would I do the legwork for a mouthbreather like you.
If you cannot see what it staring you in the face, just wait. It will all eventually become clear to greedy fools like you.
The real strategy:
Have the American Law Students Association, or the student section of the ABA, or the minority law students' associations, invite President Obama to speak.
After the speech, request that the WH accept a delegation from the associations.
Then bring him the stats on young, minority law school grads shafted out of jobs b/c of outsourcing.
10:08 said "All these people complaining about ghetto people... I hope you are forced to MOVE into the ghetto. And I hope your kids are forced to go to majority black/Hispanic schools to see how the disadvantaged REALLY live... "
Ha, Ha, ha, motherfucker, I DO live in ghetto. And I have never hated these fucks more than when I moved here and SAW how they lived. Before I felt sorry for them and now I see they are where they are because they are STUPID, LAZY AND UNMOTIVATED. They are also FAT!!, RUDE, LOUD, DIRTY, DISUSTING and MENACING always leering at anything walking by. They are always complaining and always sitting around stctaching their balls. It probably has to do with poverty than race - because I see this in poor people of all races, inlcuding my own. I am broke and poor right but I still get up clean, workout, am still well-behaved. They are just fucking animals - actually we shouldn't even be blaming poverty - some people in this world are just PIGS!!
"Without the ability to clearly PROVE, with statistics, that there are significantly more cases of negligence in overseas outsourcing operations, than in US-based operations, no court will ever create a precedent that outsourcing violates the law."
Are you really sure about that? You sure don't reason like a lawyer. Anyone that has practiced law would never use a sweeping statement such as "no court would ever...".
Of course a court would and very well could. Again, your attitude smacks of some RICO enterprise with brazen law braking and self destructive over confidence.
You're in over your head, guy. If you think you are somehow immune to US jurisdiction and legal action, you are wrong.
Your sloppy reasoning and idiotic greed will be your downfall.
I know what you're gonna say, but it won't wash.
You're gonna say that legal work done outside the US by unlicensed people is a violation of state laws.
Maybe technically true, but it would be so hard to prosecute that, that it would never happen.
Why? Because:
(1) State laws don't clearly define exactly what "legal practice" is, anyway. The precise definition of what activities constitute legal representation is slippery and uncodified.
(2) The ABA has already given the green light to the outsourcing that is currently done.
(3) They would also have to prove the UNDERLYING case that the outsourcers were negligent and either committed criminal fraud or negligently caused a litigant to lose a case or lose money.
(4) The mechanics of prosecuting American workers living abroad for acts committed abroad would be horrific. Not to mention the discovery in such a case.
(5) To establish the useful precedent or change the law, they would also have to prove that the negligence or fraud happened BECAUSE they were using foreign, unlicensed attorneys.
No US attorney or state attorney general would be interested.
"No US attorney or state attorney general would be interested."
hahah. Again, delude yourself withever words soothe you. Keep repeating your rationalizations to yourself, over and over. Does it make you feel better?
Just like Goebbels, you believe that if you repeat the same barren lies over and over that you will turn it into truth. It won't.
You are essentially engaged in a criminal enterprise, stealing jobs from Americans and contributing to the destruction of thousands of careers of American JDs.
Someday there will be massive legal action and this unauthorized practice will be ended, no question about it.
Until then, I hope you can sleep at night as you greedily count the rupees you'be made each day.
Also, I forgot to mention...
The DOJ would *have* to be the ones prosecuting this type of case, since it is international and therefore to be brought in federal court, but they would have very little motivation to do so, because the key (alleged) violations have to do with STATE LAW.
The DOJ is just not that interested in prosecuting violations of state law, where there is no clear federal violation.
RICO -- perhaps. But it would have to be a very clear case where all the facts line up A-B-C-D. Not likely to happen.
What about my dirty little gypsy, Emily?? Ooooh, she is the dirtiest, filtiest - and I love it. We all do, me, her uncles, our dog. Come home pretty girl. Horny for you Honey. Love, Your Pops.
By the way, I am not an outsourcer, I am not a recruiter, I am not involved in hiring anyone and I have nothing even remotely to do with the legal recruitment or legal services/temp/doc review industry in any way, shape or form. I am not an investor, and I work in a completley different industry. Plus I despise outsourcing.
I am arguing here from a different standpoint. I am arguing that we need to change the laws, because the current laws are inadequate and don't criminalize this type of outsourcing, as they damn well should.
I am not arguing from the hypothetical, Ivory Tower, impractical wishful-thinking fantasy world standpoint that the Big Righteous Superhero Prosecutors of Uncle Sam will heroically parachute down into the fray and prosecute the Evil Bad Guy Scum Outsourcers, as God Himself intended it, and slap on the handcuffs and lock 'em away in jail for live.
That is a fantasy; and the longer we delude ourselves with that childish fantasy which will never happen, the longer we postpone taking serious action, like lobbying and changing the laws.
The roots of this fantasy lie in the laziness and herd mentality of most American attorneys who want desperately to believe that some savior, Uncle Sam or someone draped in a flag and a Superman outfit, will swoop down and save them, rather than doing the actual nuts-and-bolts sweaty legwork, research and effort it takes to get things done themselves.
"By the way, I am not an outsourcer, I am not a recruiter, I am not involved in hiring anyone and I have nothing even remotely to do with the legal recruitment or legal services/temp/doc review industry in any way, shape or form."
Oh yes, of course. You an American licensed attorney who feels compelled to "speak the truth" to the rest of us delusional people who actually work at American law firms.
You are fraud and liar, not to mention an embarassing clown who lacks the ability to compose rational arguments. You lack even the smallest shred of credibility.
I don't think liability is the real issue with outsourcing. It's about competency. These people cannot do a good job. The Nigerians cannot do a good job either but it's averaged out by the good job done by the J.D.'s.
Will you idiot liberals stop whining about racism on this site. There isn't any.
Race and nationality, and JD versus LLM quality, have nothing to do with each other.
It is not "racist" to be against outsourcing overseas and hiring foreigners to take jobs in America. Stop saying how small the problem is. The people who support Mexican illegal immigration always say the numbers are exaggerated, too.
End of TMZ show: "I'm a lawyer".
How smart could an Obama voter be?
Most New York temps voted for this person.
At the UN he explained how he had changed everything. Obama: the new Messiah.
Obama: his biggest accomplishment, being half mixed race. Wow.
If you did a side-by-side test, I would guess that the accuracy rates of the Indian outsourcer attorneys are slightly lower than those of American attorneys/JDs, due to the Indians' weaker proficiency with English.
BTW, that doesn't mean they are NOT proficient with English. Indian law schools teach mainly in English, and India comes straight out of the British Common Law tradition that existed throughout the British Empire in the 19th century.
However, since they don't grow up using primarily English (Hindi is their primary language, with numerous minority languages scattered throughout the Indian subcontinent), their English skills and accuracy are bound to be weaker than the average American law school graduate.
HOWEVER, with regard to dedication to work, productivity, seriousness and diligence, the Indian attorneys probably slightly outcsore their American counterparts.
I think that if you looked at this on a net-net basis, the US advantage in English probably outweighs the US disadvantage in greater productivity. That is to say, the mistakes made by the Indian attorneys due to their poorer English skills probably DO NOT justify the marginal improvement in productivity from the Indians.
"DO NOT JUSTIFY" until you take their price into consideration. Their price is MUCH LOWER, so in the end it does justify using them.
Now, is this practice moral? For an American firm to go over to India and pull jobs out from under American attorneys? No, I believe it is morally reprehensible. I am opposed to ALL outsourcing -- whether it's in the car industry, the call center industry (credit cards, customer support, etc.) OR the legal industry.
But until we as Americans get off our fat duffs and start fighting the powerful corporate interests, who own Congress, and until we lobby and struggle to change the status quo with every ounce of energy we have, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.
No US Attorney in a Superman outfit will fly in and save us from the outsourcers.
We, the opponents of outscouring, will have to make a moral and economic argument and win this fight ourselves.
Their English is only slightly less proficient?
Have you actually called a customer support line that is based in India?
Communication is a major problem.
If you read any of my prior comments, then you know I have been dealing with Recruiters awhile. I have nothing good to say about them. Their antics and neurosis are both scary and humorous at times. NEvertheless, these jobs have eroded to nothing but a paycheck:
1) You pay for your own retirement via an IRA and s/s. There are no more pensions!
2) You pay for your own health Insurance.
3) You pay for your own life insurance.
4) YOU can take a FEW days off at your own cost. There is no more free days or vacation.
Now that Labaton has eliminated the middleman at treating its employees like temps is just one more step backward for labor.
I'm talking about their ability to read and comprehend English, particularly American English.
I'm not talking about their ability to speak American colloquial English understandibly.
Obviously, if they had to do that, they would come up "very deficient".
Happy Yom Kippur!
"Later this year, 21 year old Ephraim Khantsis will pack a couple of suitcases, say goodbye to his mother, leave his home in Brooklyn, and move to Israel. On arrival in Jerusalem he will enroll in a religious schol, that is popular with Americans. After a few months he will make his way north, to a place that this young American feels is his true home: the Jewish settlement of Kfar Tapuach.
Khantsis believes that all arabs and Palestinians should be forcibly removed from territory controlled by Israel, including the West Bank.
"It's the most humane way to solve the situation," Khantsis-who has just graduated from Stony Brook University, on Long Island, with a degree in computer science-says, sipping a soda in an Israeli-run kosher pizzeria in Bensonhurt, Brooklyn, this past June. He acknowledges that he is advocating ethnic cleansing.
Israeli-run kosher pizzeria?
Oy, gavolt! You're giving me agida!!
Emily, some may call you a CUNT and a BITCH. But as a beautiful, intelligent and highly disciplined woman myself I can understand your fascist and discriminatory approach. Since you seem to know so much, I wanted to ask you how can I keep the horny blacks and hispanics in the dungeons of law firms off my back. They are everywhere - so desperate and slimy. The good-looking blacks and hispanics never bother me - they are cool and have shit going on. It's always the ugly, pudgy, slobby ones. I am sure a mega-bitch {wonderful!!] like you must have devised some strategies to keep low-lifes in their place. I eagerly await your response.
Yom Kippur is considered one of the highest holy days if you observe. I do not understand, therefore, why the complaint when one considers Christmas is a holiday for everyone. I am a Roman Catholic and feel that if a group chooses to take such steps on one of the most important days for themselves, it should respected by others. For an attorney, you display a rather high degree of intolerance, insolence, disrespect for the choices and rights of others, and frankly, you are not grateful for your position - in light of the fact that there are so many many probably more deserving unemployed attorneys than yourself.....you just have been working as a temp attorney for too long....you are losing perspective.
"I don't think liability is the real issue with outsourcing. It's about competency. These people cannot do a good job."
It's not one problem or the other. These are all serious flaws with this sleazy practice. There are many, many problems with outsourcing which are not mutually exclusive.
That the quality of Indian work is inferior is unquestioned. Only a chimp would be led to believe that such foreigners, trained in a vastly different legal system in a diametrically opposite culture would do a better job than native born Americans.
Indians have a different approach to the world and work. They have different philosophies than the common law, Judeo-Christian West.
These are points with which anyone besides a greedy, self interested slime like David Perla or Marc Ross would instantly agree. It's called common sense.
Unfortunately, we as a culture no longer heed common sense, but rather have allowed ourselves to persuaded by greed and truculence.
There are many, many problems with outsourcing of American attorney work to India and other places, that any disinterested person can plainly see. That's why these greedy monsters continually bombard the Internet and other media with their unrelenting shilling of this shoddy product. If they relent for any length of time, their budding empires will disappear.
It's just a matter of time before "shitsourcing" is ended. It is really an untenable and reckless practice.
Here is my response to 4:45.
76.5% of this nation identifies themselves as being Christian. If you ever stepped foot outside of the People's Republic of New York, you would realize that we are essentially living in a Christian nation. It is shocking that business closes for Christian holidays in a nation that is predominantly Christian. Far be it for me to say that the firm shouldn't be allowed to close the office for the Jewish holiday. In the People's Republic of New York, if holidays were offered to appease every religious identity, business would never operate.
If you work for me, a well bred Christian girl, you better expect not to come to work on the high Christian holidays. I would never tolerate unsupervised trash rummaging around my office.
Listen Emily Litella,
You're babbling incoherently again; plus, you look like a transsexual. Not that there's anything wrong with that, as Seinfeld would say. But seriously, your pic is revolting. You have the eyebrows of a man.
Emily, is it raining in Hackensack? Are you still in your underwear in your mom's basement and is that hag still beating your 40 year old saggy ass with a frying pan?
If you only received a blowjob from Emily like me and her uncles and our dog have you would have new respect for her. Lay off fellas..this is my girl. Love Pops.
Emily is a strawman by the pro-Nigerians to get the site censored by constantly mentioning the N word.
What would you expect other than a scam?
Jews are notoriously miserly. I worked with a well-known Jewish lawyer and while he drove a Bentley he did not give us a car home even if it was 1 a.m.
Jews and Blacks are always whining but they do the same to other people that the whites did to them. So they are no better.
I just saw a promo on CNN that talks about how in a few years Hispanics will rule the U.S.
Great!! I am a foreigner, no I am not Nigerian, but I sucked a lot of dick to come here and now I am going to be ruled by Mamis and Papis??? Mios Dios!! Hispanic men are always Horny and Hispanic women are cunts, perpetually on PMS. Makes me want to vomit.
And while whites are no saints I have more faith in their intelligence and self-control. I need to get out of this country ASAP.
WTF is wrong with some whiny temp lawyers?! On the scale of things to complain about - cockroach infestations, disgusting washrooms, A/C not working - this is about the most trivial complaint I've ever seen on this blog. There's nothing wrong with a firm - for any reason, Jewish holiday or any reason - deciding to close on a particular day and notifying temp lawyers in advance "we will be closed on day X".
If they weren't closed, there'd be people complaining that because they weren't working on Yom Kippur that other reviewers were unfairly getting an extra day's work, etc.
If the notification were last-minute so that those not observing Yom Kippur were unable to make 3-day weekend plans, then there'd be some cause for complaint. But there's nothing in the post to suggest that.
The USA's economy is dying. It needs a complete overhaul, and all it is getting is a third rate oil change!!! All these U.S. presidents who graduated from Yale, and/or Harvard, have killed this country. Ivy League=Failed leaders, and a dying country. I hate Yale, and Harvard!!!
I think that the people who keep complaining about the unauthorized practice of law should find a public interest group that will bring a case against the ABA on this matter. If there is any legal basis for this anti-outsourcing viewpoint it should be tested by a John Doe lawsuit against the ABA. It would take a lot of courage (losing ones job is a risk of such a case), but if no one does it you will not have any jobs to lose anyway. So, really you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
I was a supporter of Israel and the Jews until recently; now, I'm not so sure.
The Jews were always a progressive force in the USA. They were champions of civil rights, social justice, the New Deal, and progress.
However, in the past 25 years or so we have seen the development of "Conservative Jews" who are right-wing, anti social justice, anti-black to the point of being bigoted and racist, and economically conservative.
This is a plague that has infected mainly young Jews in the US, who have grown up largely privileged and pampered in the post-war Baby Boom generation, and even more, in the children and grandchildren of the Baby Boomers.
Along with the rabid Neo-Cons, many of whom were Jewish and propelled us into the Iraq occupation, we have more and more conservative younger Jews who grew up as white privileged rich kids in the suburbs of larger urban areas like NYC, but still in proximity to minorities especially blacks. There has been much racial tension between Jews and blacks in the past 20 years. If you talk to many young Jews, for instance, in the greater NYC area, and ask their opinions of blacks, the opinions will be very bigoted.
This combined with the blind support of Israel -- their attitude is you have to give Israel nothing short of a "glowing endorsement" otherwise you'll face charges of anti-Semitism -- has made me start to question my former support of Jews and Israel.
I still think these rabid conservative, bigoted Jews are in the MINORITY among all Jews, but they are a shocking trend, and seem to be growing in numbers.
The Jews have suffered much during the course of history. The Holocaust was real and was an abomination. But none of that means that the Jews or Israel should get favored treatment, support handed to them on a silver platter without questions of how it affects the US, or US safety and security, which are entirely different and separate from those of Israel.
For Jews to become conservative, racist and bigoted, when they themselves have been victims of bigotry through the agens, is a real disappointment but is happening today.
"Aaron Gottlieb is 15 years old, speaks in a rapid-fire American accent, and has yet to have his first shave. He does not look like much of a threat, but he is part of a group that has many in Israel deeply worried: the Hilltop Youth.
Gottlieb grew up in New Rochelle, New York, and immigrated to Israel when his family was 9. Like most other settlers, Gottlieb doesn't call the people in the nearby town "Palestinians." That would imply that there was a country called Palestine. Sometimes they're "Arabs," but mostly he calls them "terrorists." Gottlieb says he's not afraid.
All religious nuts, Jewish, Muslim or Christian, should be spanked!!! These boys are not getting laid!!
"What Ben Yaakov sees happening is a step up kind of resistance.
It would include planting bombs in Palestinian villages. The Dome of the Rock, one of Islam's most holiest sites, might also be targets for Jewish terrorists.
Back in the Brooklyn pizzeria, when talk turns to the Temple Mount, Khantsis' (graduate of SUNY Stony Brook) conviction is resolute. 'I think it's one of the greatest insults to put that place on our holy site, ' he says. 'I think the mosques should be removed. At best they should be moved and built elsewhere.' The other option, he says, is that they should be "violently disassembled.'
The same Yom Kippur where all vows are declared null and void:
"All personal vows we are likely to make, all personal oaths and
pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our personal vows, pledges and oaths be considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths."
How can any Judaic therefore be permitted to practice law when their
Talmudic religion espouses and promotes vow breaking?
WHO CARES????? LET'S MOVE ONTO JUICY GOSSIP!! whose banging who at S&C, who got fired, who fucked up, what projects? Did Clovester get laid?? Did Whoredan have a bastard child. Get Tiny get his dong extended???? This is the REAL stuff, peoplezzzzzz!!!
"If there is any legal basis for this anti-outsourcing viewpoint it should be tested by a John Doe lawsuit against the ABA"
You're a retard. The actions will not be against the ABA. This is the hight quality stuff from these outsourced morons.
The actions will be against the sleazy outsourcing outfits or even the law firms. There will be heavy sanctions against these firms and attorneys.
It's just a matter time. Keep deluding yourself and counting your rupees, your day is coming.
One wonders about this generation of attorneys who hold themselves out as being well trained "attorneys". The comments on this blog smack of the lowest form of human beings....merely reflective of the dwemming of education in America - bring it all down to the lowest common denominator. This discource proves the point.....res ipsa....disgusting.....no one should have allowed a majority of you into law school period. Much of this discourse is a disgrace. No one owes you anything. Get a life. Try working for it, rather then sucking off the "x" of someone elses cases and litigation.
2:29 PM is absolutely right..this country has sealed its fate..the twilight hours of Man are upon us..beware we are being taken over by ghetto trash!
Has anyone noticed how there are more and more mutants walking around? close the borders already!
I have a real job, so I take the day off and still get paid for it.
Maybe you should try and find something besides temping? You know like an actual job, where you write motions and appear in court.
2:29- That's what happens when the ABA allows anyone with a fucking pulse into the profession. Allowing someone to enter law school with 140 LSAT and with the mentality of a fuckin retard is a grand idea. Keep opening those crappy schools. The real ghetto hasn't even started yet.
Joan King argued that the treatment the article gave to contract attorney work was too derogatory in tone. The article ignored the facts that (1) contract attorney work can be rather lucrative, not only in monetary terms, but in terms of opportunities; and (2) many lawyers like contract attorney work, because of the freedom it allows (and again for the money it offers). She went on to say that they have not heard that the market is being scaled back in hiring, and that the outlook is good.
- Sept. 07
In a good economy contract work isn't a bad deal if you're not doing it as a career. You can use it to travel, get a solo practice off the ground, etc.
The problem arises when people turn it into a career. It's temp people -- not a career. Don't confuse reviewing a bunch of documents with doing substanative work.
Enough with the race baiting.
Let's get back to the issue at hand. An outrageous unpaid holiday sprung upon us without any notice. I'm angry and I am not going to take it anymore. Who is with me?
I am!! I will pee on Labaton tonight!! I will call and leave nasty messages. I will blackmail the attorneys and bust their tires. What more do you want me to do Norma. I am yours!!! I am mad and I am NOT going to take it!!!
Who cares about the holiday?? Hey you still have work!!
10:08 said "Can you not see that underneath the skin, people are people and all people should be treated with equal dignity? "
Dem jews and blacks always whining about some shit or the other. We fucked up so many coloreds all over the earth - you don't hear all of them bitchin' all the time. They just use our white guilt...enough already...go fuck yerself!!
I got a 168 on my LSAT and I still have no job over a year after graduating. About the only job I can probably get is as LSAT tutor, since they're the only ones that ask for LSAT score and care. If you didn't go to a top law school or you don't have connections, you're pretty well and screwed.
I went to a top tier 1 or 2 school, Hofstra, and have never had a job or even an interview. The path to gold, indeed! All I have is debts and child support unpaid.
I am 44 and haven't had a job in a year. I am living with my parents. I am willing to ride any partner like a horse or wear diapers to marry for money. I'm not bad looking in the day well, and have a big A.
lmao, you are al losers!!! take the day of and shut the fuck up!!!!
Just rec. a letter from my Law school asking for $$$. From the letter, it looks like my TTT overextended itself. For 2009 Fall, it rec. 2100 unsolicited applications. From those 2100 applications, it accepted its largest 1L class of 350 1Ls,- 90% of the 350 came. My TTT now has its largest total enrollment, --755.
The school is actively hitting up the alums for $$$. Frankly, Florida has 9 Law Schools. Does it need 9 Law Schools, F**K NO! The market is over saturated.
Gets down from soap box
"I got a 168 on my LSAT and I still have no job over a year after graduating. About the only job I can probably get is as LSAT tutor, since they're the only ones that ask for LSAT score and care. If you didn't go to a top law school or you don't have connections, you're pretty well and screwed.
12:47 AM"
No legal interviewer has ever asked me for an LSAT score. Once you graduate, who cares! They can infer your score from your school, if they wish. AFter I graduated and rec. my license, the most common questions I am asked are:
1) what was your last firm's size and your position?
2) what was your last big case?
3) can you work in a diversified workplace? seriously!
4) what clients will you be bringing to this firm?
IF you have the time and $$$ to waste, then plug away at the LSAT till you get 168. Hell! its your new hobby. When you finally get a 168 we will even give you a gold star; just like kindergarten.
Don't just wait for an assignment -do something. OK, well, most of us waited for a while but eventually you have to take initiative. It's easy to sit at home and blame the market - it's hard to put in the blood, sweat and tears needed and build something. I waited the summer and finally got out on my own and got work. It's tough because my ass is getting bigger sitting and researching all day but when I look back at the kind of people I was meeting on temp jobs and the way I was being treated I knew I had to get out at some point.
In the Temp World it does not matter if you are a highly qualified individual and are writing a thesis on String Theory in your spare time, [and even if you are more qualified than the two-bit bitches supervising you] you will be treated like shit, including by some nerdy lawyer, just because you are a "temp".
Yuppie Attorney:
I agree with you. I was just responding to the guy that said everyone without a job had 140s on their LSATs. In reality, nobody cares about your LSAT score, just what school you went to, and the 4 points you listed.
Incidentally, because of the glut of law school applications, a high score 10 years ago doesn't guarantee you a good school now. Even Georgetown, which is the bottom of the T14, seems to require about a 171, which is top 1%. 10 years ago, 165 probably gets you in.
Temporarily Yours is right. I have read his/her blog and yes, I have also been treated really shittily by not just staff attorneys but also actual associates. At some point you do have to get out - to save whatever little self-respect you have left.
The thing about the associates is that many of them ACT really nice - but many can be just as "ghetto" or petty as your average hood rat staff attorney/paralegal. It's just not a gentile world at this level - and unless you a real loser or you are building something on the side there is no reason you should be here. This only really works for the Nigerians or others who have no real interest in the law. Good Luck!
I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?
The most important thing to getting into law school is not your LSAT score but your race.
Applications flooding into law schools now means a tidal wave of new lawyers flooding the market, calling up the agencies for doc review work.
I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?
I,m a dweeb lawyer still talking about my LSAT score which I paid Kaplan three times to get, after donkey's years.
Meanwhile whose getting the jobs at Soho temps but girls with big tits.
I'm willing to hook around now because after being a temp nothing is beneath me.
Got to be careful about what I wear because I may get an Update "appropriate attire"call.
Nigerians speak pidgin English.
They wouldn't know what law or democracy was if it hit them in the face.
While Labaton hires all peoples, ingrate Nigerians only try to load more of their family and friends onto the overcrowded doc review boat until they sink the whole project.
Isn't it funny the same thing they did to sink their own hellhole of a so-called country they then do in America and in the legal jobs the New York bar is nice enough to give to them.
Nigerians are crooks without borders. They are inherently crooked.
Is the average Nigerian fraudulent? yes narailand,
Even on temp jobs, they
-work multiple jobs
-sign up their ghost family and friends
-do no work
-on phone all day (scamming)
-bill every hour
-use every taxi service
Best Defense? Seeking a Haven in Law School - WSJ.com - 19 Mar 2009 ... At Washington and Lee University in Virginia, for example, law-school applications are up 29% this year over 2008, while Yale Law School and ...
The Law; Law School Applications Up Sharply - The New York Times - Applications to law schools have risen dramatically this year while the grades and test scores of applicants have also risen, admissions officials say. ...
Everything getting inflated!
Like a baloon ready to explode!
The Hindenberg of lawyers is ready to come crashing down to earth with your body being burnt alive.
Open up law schools on every block! we need more lawyers! More is More! I Love Hofstra!
The Nigerians are really conniving. The ghost family member thing really doesn't surprise me. I once sat next to a lady who asked me what a tort was. At first, I thought she was joking.
Check those I-9's carefully! I bet many of those Nigerians aren't even who they claim to be.
Thought I'd post this. I'm tired of the police officer vs. attorney stuff that pops up all the time.
From the NYPD website:
Police Officers overwhelmingly approved a contract that gives them a 17% raise over four years. Members of the PBA approved the contract by 99.4%.
Under the agreement, the January 2009 Police Academy class will have a starting base salary of $40,361 and goes to $41,975 on August 1, 2009. When adding holiday pay, uniform allowance, and average night differential; a first-year Police Officer will have a total salary of $46,228 before overtime.
The base pay will increase every year to $76,488 after 5.5 years. When adding holiday pay, uniform allowance, average night differential, and longevity pay; a Police Officer with 5.5 years will earn $90,829 before overtime.
After 5.5 years of practice as an attorney, you'll do considerably better than that.
As an actual attorney, not a doc reviewer.
Who wants to work as an actual attorney when I can kick back in the S&C dungeon as a doc reviewer, get laid in the handicapped bathroom with a desperate fat temp, check out Gaylard's ass, make friends with Clovester, eat free dinners and get free cars, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? What could be more fun that that???
More reasons to outsource....
Published: September 29, 2009
KARACHI, Pakistan — Ten months after the devastating attacks in Mumbai by Pakistan-based militants, the group behind the assault remains largely intact and determined to strike India again, according to current and former members of the group, Lashkar-e-Taiba, and a range of intelligence officials.
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K.M. Chaudary/Associated Press
Pakistan says that it lacks the evidence to charge Hafiz Saeed, the man Indian and Western officials accuse of masterminding the Mumbai attacks.
Times Topics: Lashkar-e-Taiba
Roshan Mughal/Associated Press
Pakistani authorities have arrested seven men linked to the Mumbai attack, including Zaki ur-Rehman Lakhvi.
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Despite pledges from Pakistan to dismantle militant groups operating on its soil, and the arrest of a handful of operatives, Lashkar has persisted, even flourished, since 10 recruits killed 163 people in a rampage through Mumbai, India’s financial capital, last November.
Indian and Pakistani dossiers on the Mumbai investigations, copies of which were obtained by The New York Times, offer a detailed picture of the operations of a Lashkar network that spans Pakistan. It included four houses and two training camps here in this sprawling southern port city that were used to prepare the attacks.
Among the organizers, the Pakistani document says, was Hammad Amin Sadiq, a homeopathic pharmacist, who arranged bank accounts and secured supplies. He and six others begin their formal trial on Saturday in Pakistan, though Indian authorities say the prosecution stops well short of top Lashkar leaders.
Indeed, Lashkar’s broader network endures, and can be mobilized quickly for elaborate attacks with relatively few resources, according to a dozen current and former Lashkar militants and intelligence officials from the United States, Europe, India and Pakistan.
In interviews with The Times, they presented a troubling portrait of Lashkar’s capabilities, its popularity in Pakistan and the support it has received from former officials of Pakistan’s military and intelligence establishment.
Pakistan’s chief spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, or ISI, helped create Lashkar two decades ago to challenge Indian control in Kashmir, the disputed territory that lies at the heart of the conflict between the nuclear-armed neighbors.
Pakistani officials say that after 9/11 they broke their contacts with the group. No credible evidence has emerged of Pakistani government involvement in the Mumbai attacks, according to an American law enforcement official.
But a senior American intelligence official said the ISI was believed to maintain ties with Lashkar. Four Lashkar members, interviewed individually, said only a thin distance separated Lashkar and the ISI, bridged by former ISI and military officials.
One highly placed Lashkar militant said the Mumbai attackers were part of groups trained by former Pakistani military and intelligence officials at Lashkar camps. Others had direct knowledge that retired army and ISI officials trained Lashkar recruits as late as last year.
“Some people of the ISI knew about the plan and closed their eyes,” said one senior Lashkar operative in Karachi who said he had met some of the gunmen before they left for the Mumbai assault, though he did not know what their mission would be.
GET OUT AND DEMAND PUBLIC OPTION IN HEALTH CARE!!!! Michael Moore was on CNN saying he will be organizing a showdown and people need to get out of their houses and join him when the time comes!!!
Who the hell do the Democrats think dicking us around like that???
The Democrats and Obama are all about money.
They are corrupt and greedy.
Rahm Emmanuel after serving in the Clinton white House went to work for Wasserstein Perella and made $60 million in one year bringing them the government AT&T deal.
Now who did Obama put in to run GM? The guy who ran AT&T under the Emmanuel deal. The guy said he knew nothing about the car business.
Corruption is 10 times worse under Obama than ever before because he is very arrogant and knows he can play the race card any time something is mentioned.
The Nigerian ghost family member on the payroll, don't you know about this?
Why do you think the Nigerians are so "popular" with the agencies?
Their English sucks. Wat dat?
Wat dat?
Dat wat?
whatever psycho quoted from the nytimes "law school applications up sharply," the article is from 1988!!
Who wants to work as an actual attorney when I can kick back in the S&C dungeon as a doc reviewer, get laid in the handicapped bathroom with a desperate fat temp, check out Gaylard's ass, make friends with Clovester, eat free dinners and get free cars, ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? What could be more fun that that???
Bullshit, S&C sucks balls. Dungeon labor, no internet, deflated rate, no cell phone service, fuck that fucking place. Not to mention the supervisors who look like they havent changed their clothes in a week.
whatever psycho quoted from the nytimes "law school applications up sharply," the article is from 1988!!
Yes but the WSJ article is 2009.
The NY Times article is just a continuation of the link.
Anyway, law school is the best safe haven now - so they say!
It is I, The John Bungsolaphagus (The Prophet!)
In Re The Cop Vs. Attorney Battle:
An idiot poster from above posted NYPD website numbers in order to make the case that an attorney (as a natural right of fact) will be doing better, after 5.5 years than a cop after the same period of time in copland.
They had the nerve to post this in support of their faulty and factually incorrect premise:
"The base pay will increase every year to $76,488 after 5.5 years. When adding holiday pay, uniform allowance, average night differential, and longevity pay; a Police Officer with 5.5 years will earn $90,829 before overtime.
After 5.5 years of practice as an attorney, you'll do considerably better than that."
No, retard, most lawyers and JD grads are no longer in practice after 5.5 years and many are either under or straight up UNemployed and most make much less than $90,829 that your numbers say that cops make 5.5 years in.
You just made the point that there is way more profit and security in being a cop than a useless lawyer.
Both suck as a career. I have no interest in becoming a police officer, but have a few friends who have applied over and over again for police jobs that get hundreds or even thousands of appliations for each opening these days -- and that's just an opportunity to go through the intense screening, endless background checks, training, etc. It's actually much more difficult and competitive to get a police job than to get into law school.
Once you do get that police gig, in most jurisdictions, the pay sucks and you come in as an absolute peon. You are a blue collar worker at the absolute bottom of a very high totem pole, To make things worse, the work environment is extremely stressful, dangerous AND bureaucratic at the same time. in many cases making hand-to-mouth wages. It's no wonder so many police officers on the beat act like they're angry all the time.
I'm not saying prospects for new law grads are any better. They suck, too. But police work is no great alternative.
If you like that sort of thing and want to combine a little of the best of both worlds, you might try going to law school and then joining a DA's office. At least you're treated with more respect in the workplace, don't put your life on the line regularly, and get paid a little better than a cop.
How many people do you think can get a job at the DA's office? A tiny fraction of top tier and usually connected people!
You make it sound like this is a real option for most unemployed lawyers. Do you think a doc review worker has even a .000000001% chance to be hired by the D.A.,even in Hazard County?
Being a police officer is a much better job better paying, and more steady than being a "doctor of law attorney."
You can retire early. too.
As for background checks every government job has these nowadays.
So get used to it.
But if you want no background checks stick with the temp agencies. As with the Nigerians you know they do no background checking at all and sometimes people turned out not even to have graduated and/or not to have passed the bar.
Don'tlaugh at joining the police force or army. You only do so because you couldn't get the job yourself three years and $200k later.
I spent $200k and three years at a top school, Hofstra, have child support overdue up the whazoo,and all I can do is apply for doc review jobs at $18 per hour.
But when I come home in my suit and tie in the taxi, people in my family and neighborhood say "He is a doctorate of laws. He is a prestige attorney. He holds a doctor degree."
Firm seeks contract attorneys to work on a large-scale document review for two+ months. Must be admitted (and in good standing) in any State and have prior document review experience. Position starts soon. Available and qualified candidates only please.
Compensation: $35/hr. plus time and a half after 40 hours worked
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Going to a top tier school obviously helps. In my Temp Travels I met several associates who had majored in Bullshit like Creative Writing or Film, gotten a high GPA and then billed themselves as bleeding heart "activists" and gotten into Ivy League law schools. It was all a sham, of course, they are now doing big money corporate work and fuck the poor and downtrodden - but they are raking in the $$$ and walking around filled with self-importance. That's the way to do it folks!!
I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?I live in the ghetto, does that make me ghetto?
No, retard, most lawyers and JD grads are no longer in practice after 5.5 years and many are either under or straight up UNemployed and most make much less than $90,829 that your numbers say that cops make 5.5 years in.
Looks like someone doesn't like (or isn't any good at) being a lawyer.
What is my Hofstra degree worth? Well besides a great academic experience and being surrounded by a lot of great minds it has not translated into $ for me yet. Regretably. There's a lot our school grads can contribute to the profession and be leaders in the field - IF given the chance.
Any open doors?
Hire a Nigerian and:
put loads of Americans out of work!
steal American black quota!
bring in all their families and other Nigerians (no one else of course, have to be selfish) to put more people out of work
cut hours for others on the job by being greedy and overbilling
sink the project by not working or doing shit work
Nigeria, the end of America.
Oh but there is a silver lining:
American black and Nigerian fake solidarity (and a totally one way street with the Nigerians stealing black jobs and giving American blacks nothing in return except silly and false pride)
people who hire them can be PC and sing "We are the world..."
Meanwhile the criminal Nigerians laughing their heads off at the American idiots.
"Looks like someone doesn't like (or isn't any good at) being a lawyer."
This is always the shit double talk of "blame the victim" used by the temp agencies (who didn't go to law school except Touro Michelle Vega the skank) and people like Joan King and David Perla.
Yes it must be my fault that this industry is flooded with hundreds of thousands of lawyers more than needed and that the Bars give a bar license to anyone who writes them a check so they can collect more bar fees.
The UK law society used to do this to get more bar fees by giving licenses to half of Africa and Indian (more Nigerians being dumped on their shores and making the crime rate soar in London - such quality lawyers!). But then their membership had a revolt and they have frozen all transfer testing for foreigners.
Even PC of PC UK is doing more for their citizens than our big firm-run ABA is doing for us.
The Nigerians are evil, ignorant thieves - but no reason why we need to muddy ourselves by getting involved with them.
12.24 PM
spot on about people doing BS majors at schools desperate for money who reward them with high GPA and law school letters.
Sounds like B. Hussein Obama to me? But he won't release any of his school records so who really knows? It only matters that Obama is black.
But this lib arts degree to Ivy law school scam is an illusion. Most of the people who did this actually believe their liberal B.S. and are inside depressed about selling out and how miserable their lives are. Look at the stats on how unhappy people are being lawyers.
The NY Times recently ran on article showing the most successful people majored in computers, tech, and physics, etc.
Many lawyers if they had half a brain could have gone to tech school and had a much better and happier career, gotten a good perm job, and saved beaucoup time and money.
But then you wouldn.t be a doctor of laws like Boston Legal.
PRESTIGE -- yes as a lawyer I do have prestige. I am sitting in my underwear eating rice and beans but I feel very prestigious.
Neighbors are also impressed. I don't know if I will have any neighbors soon as I am about to be evicted. But who cares, I have my JD.
Leading landscape company based in NYC is seeking individuals with experience working for a company providing lawn/plant care service.
Must have previous experience with references in this field.
Very fast paced and able to do heavy lifting and work in all weather conditions.
Immediate hire full time/salary commensurate with experience.
Principals only. Recruiters, please don't contact this job poster.
Please, no phone calls about this job!
Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
Listen to Michael Moore people !!!! Act!!! Call your fuckin' senators and demand your health care!! It's time to act and save your health insurance-less ass [or really bad insurance from exploitative agencies]. THE TIME TO ACT HAS COME!!!
We need to get crazy and Townhallish!!!
I need health insurance too. Having been sat upon by Big Mamma, beaten by Valvina and molested by a S&C staff attorney I have to get to a doctor soon. I miss my mom.
Dear Chimp Cutie -
How's the Purina Monkey Chow holding out? I hope you didn't acquire an STD in the S&C dungeon.
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel.
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel.
We're goin' to the dungeon, we're gonna have a real
good time.
Let it roll baby, roll
Let it roll baby, roll
Let it roll baby, roll
Let it roll - -
All Night Long!!
Hello Friend, thanks for inquiring about my welfare. Purina Chow is holding up, I just put a lot of hot chilies on it so that I end up drinking a lot of water and feel full with that. God knows what I acquired from that basement and that desperate staff attorney. It's a jungle in there.
God, Labaton again? I thought you'd complain of something better than not being able to work on Yom Kippur. Whatever, I love every day I don't have to work with those team leads!!!
I worked with a Fat Filipina backstabbing para that used to work at Labaton. Ha, ha, ha, ha. If they hired us they must not be so great. She fucked up many projects.
I meant to say "if they hired her" they must not be so great.
But hiring us also works, I guess, he, he.
I've worked with Filipinoids, Asianics, Hispaniards, Blackfrican-Americans, Nigerese, Industanis, Arabiacs, and other people on the fringe, and I LIKE IT!!!
phantom shitter has struck again @ Labaton. The 34th floor is scratching their monkey heads!
Who or what is a/the phantom shitter? Is this on Labaton??? I have my guesses!!
it happened , it was forcasted in the prior labadouche thread.
Judy Android is lacks any human characteristics
Of course, the idiots who post comments on this blog without understanding the original post missed the point that Yom Kippur, or Easter for that matter, is not a federal holiday; Christmas, however, is a federal holiday. If you are Jewish and want to take the day off, fine, but it's on your dime. If a law firm closes on Yom Kippur then I think it is reasonable to expect to be paid if you are an EMPLOYEE, as people who work on the Countrywide project are classified. The comment from 1:52pm was especially stupid. He argued that if firms wouldn't shut down on Yom Kippur"...many people would just take the day off." No, not even all Jews would take the day off, and hardly any non-Jews would decide to take it off. I like the clowns who dismiss it and say take a day off and do something else. Projects pay so little right now that most people can't afford to take time off and fart around in the park because they need all the hours they can get just to keep up with bills. Then there is the brilliant comment from 2:56pm: "Why not write a letter or call your state or federal representative...” Yeah, that's going to help!
And of course, last but not least, the rocket scientists, who say get a real job and pretend to have such wonderful careers themselves, yet they are on a blog with the title "temporary attorney" which is pretty much a forum for people who do doc review.
You apologists for the agencies and law firm sweatshops are not fooling me with your comments that are supposedly from temps who actually do this work. We all know that Labaton is little better than an ambulance chasing shitlaw firm whose main goal is to generate legal fees with their class action lawsuits. And stop ragging on Nigerians all the time; nobody seemed to have a problem with them when there were projects aplenty. The bar associations and licensing bodies do nothing to protect our interests whether it's failing to stop outsourcing or tightening licensing requirements, not to mention the lousy law schools who just care about enriching themselves.
Ouch!!! God damn!!! Really, tell us why you are mad 6:33, really, we want to know.
Tina, a project leader, got canned from the Countrywide project. I am shocked! You would think that your job is secure when you do nothing but walk around all day, overdressed, clutching a beverage, with a scowl on your face hoping to find a temp sneaking a nibble from a banana or whispering into a cellphone. Well, if she can't reprise her role in Tony n' Tina's Wedding, I guess I will see her on the next project in the general population. Looking forward to that!
Who's next to go: Blondie or Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? Place your bets now.
I wonder how Kit is doing. She finally made it to the blog.
Johnny Buckwold is Gay!
human feces on floor three times in mens room (each time about two feet in front of toilet, first stall each time and someone stepped on it!, this past week (nov17-20) and once on the marble floor in elevator hallway the morning of nov 20th.
Fuck you Labaton for removing the Internet! Fuck you Joel, you greedy bastard!
Why be diligent when you are treated like a kid. Is this Labaton's idea of boosting morale?
Everyone on project: Slow down. It is not enough that Labaton pays us a lousy $32 flat, but now they take away the one little luxury of the project. Those temps who take this project way too seriously need to wise up because Labaton and Joel don't give a rat's ass about you. I love listening to these $32 clowns discussing deposition strategy or the intricacies of financial accounting like they know what they are talking about. If they were such rocket scientists, they wouldn't be on this shitty project.
MM: You need to calm down and stop trying to be so damn friendly. You are disposable like the rest of us and Joel will dump your ass as soon as he gets his money. And nobody wants to hear about what happened in California, so shut the fuck up when you get back.
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm; You are dressing way too slutty; you must be trying to get Joel excited. Maybe you and your brunette anorexic friend will get together with Joel and provide him with some lesbo action.
And fuck you Labaton and Joel one more time.
Feces guy: Do you thing. Go wild!
Laba-toilet is firing the remaining contract attorneys before the 6 months benefits kick in -
the posts regarding the team leaders at Laba-toilet are misdirected...the real villian is that Gollum looking assoc...
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