Keep spreading the truth! From a blog commentor:
'Do you know that LSAT registrations are flat to down this year. That students' applications to law school are flat to down in a substantial number of law schools. That's never happened in a downturn in the economy before. They're catching on. Maybe this thing they are doing is not so valuable. Maybe the chance at being in the top 10% is not a good enough lottery shot in order to effectively spend $120,000 and see it blow up at the end of three years of law school.'
- Dean Richard Matasar
FINALLY, kids are starting to get the message that law school is just a scam for 90% of the class. No wonder we have the BLS and other law school trolls on all of the message boards."
There will still be an over supply of graduates.
The only way to prevent an oversupply of graduates is to lobby for the scaling back of the non-dischargeability of student loan provisions. If banks actually had to weigh the risks of these toilet schools before handing out money, the market would be much more sensible.
This quote is from the illustrious Dean Richard Matasar of New York Law School. I find the "they're catching on" portion to be interesting. What are they "catching on" to, Dean Matasar?
Is this an oblique admission that you and the rest of the NYLS administration were doing something dishonest with the statistics you publish? Something which needed to be "caught on" to?
Might be good grist for a fraud suit against NYLS - straight from Dean Matasar's mouth!
The nondischargeability started because when it was dischargeable, everyone declared bankruptcy. That ruined it for everyone.
Then people should not go to law school, unless their prospects are solid for getting a job. Any idiot with a high school education can sit around unemployed. You don't need a JD and $120,000 in non-dischargeable debt for that.
Strict nondischargeability was too draconian a solution to the problem of people declaring bankruptcy too flippantly. We had massive credit flooding into higher education, skyrocketing tuition, and growing corruption within the ranks of higher education.
2:59 (#2) is right. There should be some relief now because it seems like this could be turning into an actual depression and many J.D.s are currently worthless paper.
According to one of the trolls on JDU,
New York Law School received 5,600 applications last year for about 500 spots.
Touro law school received 2,200 applications for 250 spots.
So although apps are down, they're not down enough to put any schools out of business.
Applications will slide down, but the market will not reach a reasonable equilibrium until massive gov't backed credit stops flooding into the system. Until then, applicantion demand will still exceed supply, tuition will continue to skyrocket, and the American taxpayers will still be at risk for a flood of massive future defaults.
American taxpayers will still be at risk for a flood of massive future defaults.
Just the rich ones. Poor people don't pay much taxes.
So right now you have this scheme by which the wealthy in society subsidize educations for the poor. But you want to take that away. Good goal?
If banks actually had to weigh the risks of these toilet schools before handing out money, the market would be much more sensible.
Although debts aren't dischargeable in bankruptcy, they are effectively discharged by the wage garnishment limits. Under those laws, if you don't make much money, the banks can't get sh*t.
Also, default rates on law school loans are very very low. Although $35/hour may not be much to those TTTs who deludedly aspire to make $160k, it's enough to make some amount of payment.
I doubt the rich people will wind up being on the hook. Like the housing crisis, expect massive defaults, a skyrocketing deficit, and an ultimate cut in social services and a debasement of the dollar.
Although debts aren't dischargeable in bankruptcy, they are effectively discharged by the wage garnishment limits. Under those laws, if you don't make much money, the banks can't get sh*t.
No, you moron. With federal and PLUS loans, the gov't steps in and insures 100% of the loss. Outfits like Sallie Mae actually want people to default, so that they can add on penalties and collect from the gov't.
Oh I see, you want to take the government guarantee away. That has nothing to do with dischargeability, which was your original request.
All that will happen then is that poor people won't get student loans.
You know what you'll be doing then? Complaining that law schools discriminate in favor of the rich.
The problem, ultimately, is that a certain percentage of society refuses to accept that they are poor. When you graduated college and couldn't find a good job, you didn't want to accept your position. So you went to a TTT law school. Then when you graduated the TTT and still couldn't find a good job, you delude yourself into thinking your situation is caused by a scam.
What will you do three years from today?
Eventually you need to accept your position in society rather than pointlessly fight it.
I find it refreshing, if not suspicious, that Dean Matasar, on more than one occasion, has been brutally honest about the law school debacle for most. He also once said that "we may have seen the end of the golden era of law schools".
I wonder what his motives are for speaking the truth. I wonder what his law scam industry colleagues must think about him saying these things.
Can he be lawland's closeted Ralph Nader? Hmmm.
I agree that he speaks the truth. The vast majority of TTT students do not get good jobs.
That doesn't mean TTT law schools are a bad thing. It's so bad out there that a 10% chance at a good job is worth $120k. And that's not the fault of law schools, rather, it's the fault of a society which offers so little opportunity to college grads.
TTT law schools aren't a bad thing? You think it is a good thing that 90% of the students are training for jobs and putting themselves in a lifetime of debt for jobs that don't exist? It is only a good thing if you are an overpaid school administrator that likes to suck off of gov't backed debt.
He is just doing an ex post facto cover your ass statement. He wants this to look out so it appears that students were warned about their poor job prospects. Meanwhile they continue to accept students whose only method of payment is student loans.
As far Govt guarantees, the non-dischargeable nature of the loans means that the individual must pay it back, so the govt is not going to pay it back. That's the whole point.
How much in non-dischargeable law student debt did the govt pay ini 2007 or 2008? Beuller?
This is a red herring and does not have any bearing on the discussion at hand, that law school admission are dropping as times get tougher and people realize it won't pay off for them in the long run.
Of course law school admins are desperate to change the subject.
3;28, you must be rich and successful because coming to a blog to insult contract attorneys is what the rich and successful do with their time, isn't it?
Calling you poor isn't an insult. It's reality, and if you had accepted this lot three years ago you could have avoided the TTT law school game.
TTT law schools aren't a bad thing? You think it is a good thing that 90% of the students are training for jobs and putting themselves in a lifetime of debt for jobs that don't exist?
Yes, because it's their choice, and because they didn't have any better option coming out of undergrad.
Again, the fault lies with a society that offers so little opportunity to college grads. Not with programs that offer 10% of their applicants a good life. 10% is better than the 0% chance they would otherwise have.
Tom, will you please delete ^^this person's troll posts?
Please delete 3:45's posts. This person is a f-ing retard.
Hey 3:46, SHUT THE F UP!!
Very seriously, why can't you people deal with the fact that you're poor?
You are poor.
This is exactly the mindset that causes 5,600 people to apply to NYLS.
You simply cannot deal with the fact that you graduated college, have reached the stage where you need to assume your place in society, and that place is as a poor person. That's why you went to a TTT law school.
Even now, three years later, you still can't deal with it.
How long is this going to go on? Are you going to be 40 years old and telling people about how you're really destined for success but law school robbed you of it?
Deal with reality.
You are poor.
We live in a society which has limited opportunity, and like most people you got the short end of that stick.
You are poor.
You are poor.
You are poor.
Deal with it.
"Yes, because it's their choice, and because they didn't have any better option coming out of undergrad."
What an insane statment. Are you saying that everyone going to a TTT law school had no other options? So really the TTTs .are just institutions that permit young people to commit to a hideous life of indentured servitude.
This is a rather telling remark and shows a lot about what the law schools think about law students. We are indeed just stupid lemmings ready to be pushed over the cliff.
Why on earth would anyone ever go to a TTT if they knew this?
For the record, many, many law students gave up good jobs and bright futures, some have Ivy degrees, for the chance to attend a TTT. They thought their hard work and sacrifice would create more opporunity, not ruin their lives.
To say that are just losers without options is disgraceful, disrespectful and WRONG. You are just a pathetic sock puppet and a liar.
Are you saying that everyone going to a TTT law school had no other options?
Exactly. That's why you went.
What would you have done with your life had you not gone to a TTT? What job prospects did you have?
Just please stop lying and deal with reality.
It is better to be unemployed with zero debt than to be unemployed with 150K of non-dischargeable debt.
It is better to be unemployed with zero debt than to be unemployed with 150K of non-dischargeable debt.
Apparently it's better to go into $150k debt for a 10% chance at a good job, than to work a bad job.
At least that's what the 5,600 people applying to NYLS think.
Look, the problem is with society. If society offered decent jobs to college grads very few people would go to a TTT law school. But that's not the society we live in, hence the situation.
The problem isn't law school (which is a good idea). It's getting a BA in some useless subject (English Lit., History, Poli. Sci., French or the worst Psych or Art) instead of a BS in something computer related, a buisness degree, or an Accounting degree with a minor in a useful foreign language (not French or Italian).
The people with the law degree and an undergrad in a useful field aren't complaining. There's no oversupply of EE patent attoreys, CPA Tax attorneys, or Japanese/Portugese/Chinese speaking attorneys.
If you think law school is a bad investment, try finding a job paying 60K with just a BA in Poli. Sci. or English.
I know someone who had gotten into NYU law school, but who turned it down when they got a $65k job at a big4 firm.
And that's NYU.
Why is Portuguese in high demand?
Thai is also in high demand. Every language, but English is in demand. Sucks to be a native American.
3:54 you are a d-bag
you are a d-bag
you are a d-bag
you are a d-bag
deal with it
accept it
its real
p.s. you are a d-bag
Thai and Portuguese? Why?
Now for something a little more important, has anybody heard back yet or get a response to the CL Doc Rev gig posted last Saturday? The one paying $40+OT with lots of hours.
Nobody who is actually economically successful is going to come here without an agenda. So anyone here saying contract attorneys deserve to be poor is a fake who either is just pretending to be doing better than the rest of us or a fake who is a troll.
TTT law schools know that that they are offering zero value to young people who will be going hopelessly in debt. Young people grow up with TV shows and movies showing lawyers as rich and powerful. The law schools know that will never happen for most of those young people. That is a scam.
contract attorneys deserve to be poor
It has nothing to do with deserving it. It has to do with being it.
TTT law schools know that that they are offering zero value
Tell that to the 10% (maybe as much as 25%) of TTT grads who get great jobs.
That's why unemployed college grads apply in droves to TTTs. They hope to be one of those few.
4:46 anybody can make up numbers but nobody is buying the lame nonsense you are here to sell.
You don't think 10%-25% of TTT grads get good jobs?
Come on.
Nope, not at most TTTs and not in the economy. Keep dreaming!
4:51 go back to troll school.
Nope, not at most TTTs and not in the economy. Keep dreaming!
Dood. I'm pretty sure 10% of TTT grads get good jobs.
4:56, Dood I'm pretty sure you've been outed as a troll. That's because you suck at it.
I think that CL posting for the $40 job with lots of OT was a scam. Anyone can post a job.
It was a scam. EP Dine pulls such a thing when they feel like doing a resume collection.
2:29 you are right on the button. All the ranting and raving on here is really anger about owing this huge debt that will last the rest of your life. I share that pain too. I also think that the collection agencies need to be better regulated. They are so manipulative and deceitful.
I'm just curious though. How many people chose to go to law school based on the employment prospect statistics published by the third-tier law schools?
I also think that the collection agencies need to be better regulated. They are so manipulative and deceitful.
Research how to stop them from harassing you. A few letters and citations to law (FDCA etc.) can make that a lot easier.
You can sue debt collectors if they harass you.
However, if by "manipulative and deceitful" you mean they want their rightful share of your salary, then well . . .
Manipulative collection agencies, sweatshops, heavy debt are all symptoms, not causes of the problem. Unregulated, gov't backed, non-dischargeable debt to students is the real problem.
What exactly do these collection agencies do that's "manipulative?"
They have a right to a share of your salary, and using the court system to extract that from you is far from manipulative.
They have a right to a share of your salary? I thought slavery was outlawed in this country?
Gee wonder who would be defending collection agencies? Could it be THE TROLL?
Portugese is in demand because of Brazil. German, Chinese, and Japanese are also in demand. Spanish is useful, but too many people speak it.
They have a right to a share of your salary? I thought slavery was outlawed in this country?
So that's your complaint? That they want to garnish a small percentage (20% is it?) of your pay?
What a fucking asshole.
Interesting. Bi-lingual doc reviewers must be pwning.
the troll arises again to defend the honor of collection agencies, this time spicing up the language in am attempt to be more convincing. That is pathetic
You made it seem like the collection agencies were hounding you and harassing you, playing deceptive games and causing you a lot of stress.
Turns out all they want is their right to garnish 20% of your income.
That's your complaint. You don't want them to be able to take any of your income, even though you owe them hundreds of thousands of dollars.
You even had the nerve to compare it to slavery.
You are a total fucking asshole.
Troll are you kidding us with this stuff?
So let me get this straight.
You want to live in a world where you get three years, all expenses paid, where you study law and earn a degree, and you don't want to pay ANYTHING for it? Not even a measily 20% of your income, which probably doesn't even cover the interest?
You are a total fucking asshole.
You're proof no matter how generous a society is to its people, there will always be ungrateful assholes.
You should be sent to a country with real debt slavery, where the creditor literally owns you, gets 100% of your income, and can force you to do whatever he damn well pleases.
What an asshole.
We don't want to pay for a product that was falsely advertised and that everyday is increasingly worthless.
What kind of a person defends collection agency practices on a blog for the victims of the great law school hoax?
We don't want to pay for a product that was falsely advertised and that everyday is increasingly worthless.
I hope it's clear to everyone why student loans can't be dischargeable.
Every jerk with a 145 LSAT would attend a TTT in a beach town, max out on student loans for 3 years, party and chill, all on some creditor's dime, and then declare a phony bankruptcy right after graduation to void the debt.
8:55 you must be the world's worst troll. Where's the bailout for those who were scammed by the law schools?
It's clear that the only person trying to pull a scam is you.
Your "party for three years on someone's dime then declare bankruptcy" scheme is foreclosed.
Being scammed by law schools is really a party. Where's the bailout for those who thought they could actually earn a decent livelihood with a TTT J.D. only to become jobless and heavily in debt?
Good question. No bailout is forthcoming, but we have at least awakening future lemmings to the truth behind "The Law School Scam".
Any scheme that benefits only the people at the top would best described a pyramid scheme, or at worst, a ponzi like diversion of assets. What's even more unconscionable is that is virtually all borrowed money.
Here's to hoping that more attenion is made of how bubble economics has come to higher education.
8:55, your language makes it clear who the real A@#-hole is, and that would be YOU. Your nonsensical disjointed, unconnected, irrational, untruthful, distorted, bombastic, ludicrous, ridiculous, irresponsible, disgraceful, shameful, hateful, snot-nosed, shrieking, shrill, trite, insane, inane, profane, non-germaine, trivial drivel proves it.
You add nothing to the discussion and are merely a sad attempt to hijack the board. No one is fooled by it, now go back to the ABA and tell them that you have failed.
Guys there's a new doc review coming up. The problem is you need to submit a blood sample, urine sample, be subject to a credit check, criminal background check, a preliminary interview, followed up by a second interview with the associate in charge of the project, then an interview with the E discovery company, then you have to take a timed exam on how well you can use the software, then a personality test, an interview with your parents, and then a final interview with an actual equity partner!
O and I forgot to add if you work over 100 hours in a given week on this project, you get an equity partner's spare bow tie, a tour of his wonderful corner office and then he kicks you in the ass, and then its back to doc review for another 16 hours.
sign me up, I have been on worse
I, for one, think law school is a wonderful investment, and I am very pleased that New York State is soon opening three new law schools. I received an excellent education at my law school, where I was challenged every day and taught to think like a lawyer.
And, after graduating, if you work hard you'll be able to pass the bar exam, acquire a license, and practice law. You'll have a host of options: big firms, small firms, government agencies...or even goin' solo!
The sky's the limit.
we have at least awakening future lemmings to the truth behind "The Law School Scam".
TTTs still get 10 applications for every seat. Applicants don't care that only 10% get good jobs. It's three years without having to deal with a boss, and 10% is better than 0%.
that is the sad thing 10% is NOT better than 0% because the fact is that there are a LOT of jobs that pay as well or better and have better odds than 10% that you don't have to risk your entire financial future on.
Yes, there are many better opportunities out there. But the law school apologists keep parroting the same, tired phrases. It really shows how the legal profession just does not respond to the needs of the students.
They have really over expanded the law franchise, 200 is far too many. Now law profs and lawyers are dime o dozen.
4:12 PM I my school people did try for the high demand majors: Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Nursing, and engineering... But each program was restricted to 60 to 100 declared majors. People were forced into low demand majors.
In my accounting program, If you did not have a 3.0 overall and 3.5 in accounting they did not even look at your application. I went to a state school. I can only imagine what Ivy league was like. Even though I had an accounting degree and a high GPA; I was unemployed when I graduated!
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I would have removed law school from the table as an option and done something else had I known things would be so difficult after graduating. I wasn't completely aware of the "tiering" system, although it wasn't much of a mystery to me that those who graduated from Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc. would have it made. Unfortunately, I went to a "TTT," following the now-disproved dictum that a legal education is a great thing.
I'm not poor. I come from a middle-class family. I decided to go to law school a few years after graduating college. It was something I'd had in the back of my mind, but I wanted to take time off after college.
I was a B+ student in college. I was also a B+ student in law school. I paid for my legal education with full student loans, under the assumption, fueled by the employment numbers published by my law school, that I would be able to get a good job after graduating. (Maybe not as good as a Harvard grad, but something decent.)
Instead, I've found myself doing sporadic contract attorney work (which my law school deceptively included as "full-time employment" in their aformentioned employment data), and collecting uemployment when I'm not able to find work.
I started doing contract work because I couldn't find a permanent job, although I sent out nearly 800 resumes. I was desperate, I had bills to pay - including student loans. Now that I have contract work on my resume, I have absolutely no chance of landing a permanent job - the firms have decided the reason I did contract work to begin with was because I didn't want a permanent job! No amount of explaining changes this perception - they use it as an easy way to reject me out of hand and trim the huge pile of resumes they have on their desks.
I've decided to take the hit and stop paying back my student loans. It's not a decision I'm proud of, but it makes no sense to continue paying for something I'm not getting value for. I'll just start over and figure out another career option - I've been forsaken shut out by the legal profession, so why keep knocking on a locked door?
What are Matasar's motivations? I think he is just doing a CYA because he knows the word is getting out and he is waiting for the first lawsuit regarding fraud in the inducement regaridng NYLS's employment and income stats.
So think before you praise his "honesty."
Yet NYLS is still the most expensive school in NY. I highly doubt Matasar said that...and if he did, it was most likely to just get his name in the paper. If there was any compassion, he wouldn't keep raising the tuition at that dump.
Matasar sees the writing on the wall. NYLS is too expensive, applications are down, defaults are probably inching up, nobody in the class of '08 is finding work, etc. When the inevitable shit hits the fan in the coming years, he wants to be able to say I told you so.
12:17 - agreed.
Matasar was well aware of the problems when he took the NYLS Dean's job in 2001. He used to hold "Town Hall Meetings" and get yelled at by disgruntled students who were already 2 years into the program - too late to pull out, considering they'd already forked out $70,000+. These students got wind of the truth: their job prospects would be abyssmal post-graduation, while their debt load would be enormous.
This 'crisis' is not a surprise to Matasar. And if you read his words carefully, he's not really even addressing the problems facing those who have already graduated. He's wringing his hands and feeling bad that NYLS is running out of marks for their scam. The problems NYLS grads face - $120k in student loans (actually, too low of a figure - it's more like $150k+), no jobs - seem to be secondary for him.
Tutoring is a good gig if you can produce the test scores needed to get the work. My spouse has a scored 180 on the LSAT and has made quite a bit of $ tutoring wanna be law students.
Before you ask, no, he won't be attending law school himself, he's too smart for that ... :-)
It would be a major contribution to our society, indirectly, if law school applications plummeted.....wouldn't it be intersting if the upcoming generation actually thought engineering, agriculture, R&D, and many other professions could offer more rewards personally and financially...heh, actually creating something, rather than pushing paper.
I was inspired by Obama to roll up my sleeves and actually do something. Law is the biggest crock of shit profession out there. You are loaded up with debt and have to spend the next 30 years of your life pushing papers around a table. For what? Most of the documents that we tag, or most of the "motions" that we cut and paste together aren't even read or reviewed. "Earning" a paycheck involves scrounging up pointless makework bullshit that ultimately has no beneficial effect on society. I'd rather earn money by cleaning up shit in a nursing home, or by hosing down the monkey cage at the Bronx Zoo. At least I'd be making an honest living.
I want to root for Obama, but I can't get past the fact that he's a Harvard guy, and thus part of the Establishment that everyone thinks he's going to change. I think when push comes to shove, he's won't come close to the hype. Just take a look at who he's picked for his cabinet: almost all Clinton-era retreads, plus a Clinton! Some change...
I voted for him, and I hope he fixes things, but I'm not holding my breath.
I kinda doubt that #1 on his list of priorities is telling his biglaw contributors to quit outsourcing legal work because we need the jobs.
Hi, BLSsuccess!
I see you got sick of trolling your monotonous crap on JDU and decided to come here.
Hi, BLSsuccess!
I see you got sick of trolling your monotonous crap on JDU and decided to come here.
Damn, I knew someone else would be competing with me to get that job hosing down the monkey cages at the Bronx Zoo.
Do they require experience?
Soon, there's gonna be "Offshore" law schools on every Caribbean island... Antigua, Barbuda, Nevis... all will have "American" law schools where you can go to buy a degree and become accredited as an "international" attorney, ready to do outsourced contract work in some Central American hellhole like Managua, Nicaragua for $5.50 an hour without benefits. You will live in a corrugated tin hovel, eat gruel, date prostitutes from the local maquiladora, and STILL be $160,000 in debt when you "graduate".
is this a fake?
What the fuck is up with all these Thai doc reviews?
The only other thing going on is Japanese reviews. There is no English, French, or German at all!
This blog was more fun when it made fun of Anita and her firing of the temp for playing minesweeper. At least then, there were horrible work conditions to complain about. Now there is no work.
What happened to the lawsuits...they still have to be defended. In recessions litigation generally increases.
WTF is up with Thai crap or portugese?
and now cranford and florham?
OK, people, it's time for action.
Lots of words have been typed about suing TTT schools for consumer fraud. Now it's time to back up the words with ACTION.
Let's start with New York Law School.
If you're a NYLS 'graduate' who hasn't been able to find permanent employment and who is struggling to pay back student loans, you're in the same boat as many others. You probably relied on the glossy employment numbers NYLS published prior to attending and figured you'd be able to pay back those massive student loans because you'd be employed as an attorney when you graduated.
Unfortunately, that's not the case. You've found all doors closed to you and you're forced to do document review - if you can even get onto a project - which NYLS deceptively and fraudulently included as 'full-time employment' in their employment numbers.
Send an email to sue.new.york.law.school@gmail.com to be a part of this.
Feel free to create an anonymous email account and contact us from there until you trust that we're for real. We understand the need to protect yourselves.
We encourage those of you who 'graduated' from other toilet schools to get started on your own fraud lawsuits. We'd love to see "Sue Brooklyn Law," "Sue Touro," "Sue Cardozo," and "Sue Cooley" movements as well.
Time for action, comrades!
Right now, if you can get anything at all, even the lowest salary with a sole practitioner, take it. The TTT J.D. world is now what it was before there was doc review, fighting over the worst garbage, defaulting on student loans and eventually paying thousands of dollars extra in interest. Doc review was the best thing that ever happened to TTT J.D.s. We can only hope that it returns.
any news on the streadwell posting?
would cranford, florham NJ and sstreadwell postings be considered garbage?
chicago law schools are next. watch them up tuition to pay their defense attorneys....
No one is going to start a law suit here to go after NYLS, because no one has any reasonable claim other then they are unemployed. If NYLS committed fraud then go after them instead of just talking about it. Put up or shut up. Or is this on the list of things to do after starting a union?
I dunno, why don't you send an e-mail and find out, chief?
The BLS is freely open to anyone who cares to research a career before borrowing to go to school--even undergrad.
You'd think college grads would look ahead and realize that maybe listening to someone other than the one selling you a degree would be a good idea.
The BLS says exactally what we've been saying. Isn't it refreshing to find out we are right?
the fact that many of these schools settled with teh NY AG in teh regards to student loan fraud makes me think that there is something to it
"The BLS says exactally what we've been saying. Isn't it refreshing to find out we are right?"
I hope you are not a BLS grad or emoployee, you are unintelligible.
Sounds like the reference was to BLS as in Bureau of Labor Statistics not Brooklyn Law school
Cranford, Florham Park, etc. are just euphemisms for Westfield. Barrasso can't get anyone using their own name and location, so now they go by Deloitte and Touche and nearby towns. Don't be fooled. They're even worse than DiscoverReady!
There is so much complaining about no work, then there is a job and people crap on it because it isnt the best one out there. I'm applying for it regardless because I need the money. Keep holding out for that golden ticket, at least I will have heat the rest of this winter.
Don't bother applying, there's already a massive pile of resumes collected from multiple agencies for this gig. The collection started late last year. You missed this train if your applying now.
It costs nothing to apply to Barrasso. They have an awlful reputation. They will make you come in for a test and after that, only a small percentage are called. If you have time to waste, do it. Westfield is a nice town. Go for lunch afterward to make the day not a total loss.
anyone heard of Jennifer Reiss of
Jennifer.Reiss@acsicorp.com - in florham...is she affiliated with barrasso?
No she isnt
Things are just beyond awful out there. Doc review is dead. Anyone see Page One of todays WSJ? Huge story on how bad Biglaw business has been doing.
Cases are settling left and right because no one can get the lines of credit needed to pay the temps and associates, etc. And consider this: the NYS bar had the highest pass rate EVER in July 2008, and over the next 3-4 months all those kids we be getting sworn in. Most have no jobs lined up, and w/out doc review they'll be nothing but the occasional 30 K shitlaw gigs on craigslist.
Oversupply doesn't begin to describe this mess. According to Posse List 60% of the perma-temps are outta work right now. It's over. Just get the hell out of law altogether.
I bet its even more than 60%. I even have friends with multiple foreign language proficiencies who can't get any gigs. There's no English, German, French, Portuguese, Norwegian, Dutch, Russian, or any other European language reviews right now.
The only thing going on is Japanese and Thai reviews. And the agencies can't find any attorneys who speak Thai so they spam the message boards all day looking for someone.
pfffffft. The golden era of doc review in nyc is long over. Enjoy shitlaw, if you can get it!
I want my doc review doc review doc review gig,
I want my doc review doc review doc review gig,
I want my doc review doc review doc review gig.
This place stinks. Many will tell you this. A den of paranoid vipers.
Is zablotsky still dating that girl who graduated in '99? Is he still doggin' on his wife?
No, she dumbed his pathetic wimpy ass... heard he was lousy in bed, too.
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