"The guy at the Sullivan taxi desk is arrogant, nasty and disrespectful to contract attorneys--he has a contempt for us. I am not sure if his name is Colin, but I think it is.
A call to contract attorneys working at 55 Water Street needs to be made so that he can straighten up his anger and act. Because of us, he has work...if he does not like us, he can find something else to do.
Please ask people to expose him. There is no need to take his abusive nor displaced anger."
Who the hell is working right now? Lucky bastards...
this is really nitpicking. With thousands of contract attorneys scrounging for work, we need to focus on a little more on positive things and not act like prima donnas.
people are rude in nyc.
The Sullivan managers are psychotic.
Several years ago, the Sullivan taxi desk gave me the wrong Dial car. I took it anyway, although all through the ride, they were frantically trying to recall it.
Tough for them.
Try being overly polite and friendly at the outset?
those guys aren't so bad, just a little stressed. Deal with it and be glad you're getting a ride home.
No that guy is an asshole and he should not have a job where he has to deal with people. I recall waiting for a car with other people at the desk. No one was even talking to the guy, and he goes off like we're pounding on the Quick Stop door while it's closed for a funeral. And get this: if you don't get on the list for a specific time, you don't get a car at that time, tough shit. So you have to get on the next list. And you can't bill. Fuck that guy.
Really, folks. There's a lot more wrong with the agencies and firms than the car dispatcher at S&C. Let's focus on something more important.
Yeah, let's focus on something big like globalization where NOTHING can be accomplished.
One of the janitors looked like me mean at Lex. Boycott.
How about you losers stop whining and do something about it?
Like form a union? The first thing they can put in their collective bargaining agreements is no surly taxi men.
who working at s&c??
"Because of us, he has work...if he does not like us, he can find something else to do"...funny thing to be said by someone posting to this blog.
I worked at S & C for a while, and yes those taxi guys are assholes. Colin and all those weird dudes, think they are hot shit. I know they are stressed and I did my utmost to be nice and polite, but EVEN SO THEY WERE ASSHOLES. They are just the under-class and these people will always be sour and rude. Even though poeple are temping they are still MUCH MORE HIGHLY EDUCATED AND QUALIFIED than taxi boys.
Colin is a low class ghetto taxi boy - what else do you expect/
someone should whack that ugly face of his!!
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