"There is a new staffing agency in New York City called the Vinmar Agency (http://vinmarstaffing.com/). Apparently, they asked contract attorneys to cancel their Christmas plans. Many people canceled plans to go home to see their families because they needed the work. Three days into the project they fired everyone. Merry X-mas, indeed."
Oh c'mon. Do you really think the staffing company purposely hired a bunch of attorneys so they could then fire them after they cancelled all of their Christmas plans? The client settled. It happens all the time. In this economy, I would happily have cancelled my Christmas plans in order to work.
Don't work for these people.
A Temp attorney was found dead in DC...
In this economy, I would happily have cancelled my Christmas plans in order to work.
But their not working. Can you read?
That's the point, there were only three days of work! I would have worked on Christmas.
I don't think really the agency wanted to cancel the project, though. The firm was responsible for jerking everyone around.
I say OUT the sick callous bastard law firm or corporation that dumped these temps at the lest minute and also - what is the deal with VinMar? Is it Indian? It is named for Vinnie & Marie? WTF?
The firm was Schulte, Roth and Zabel, LLP
Well - I think that firm sucks. Their client sucks too.
I've seen this happen a lot and 99.99% of the time it's client driven. Basically someone higher up the corporate ladder then the lit counsel that hires the firm freaks out when they find out what the review costs, and takes it in house.
God Bless us Everyone! Yes law firms are Dickensian these days.
On Vinmar's site it states that the company was found by someone with 20 years of experience in the staffing industry.
Does anyone know who this is?
This sounds like a case of poor management skills. What changed in 3 days other than bad communications finally unclogged long enough for them to set their goals right?
I know there will be posters who claim this is the point. That we are fungible. Therefore, they can do this.
I get that we are fungible. That has nothing to do with poor management skills. This is why these projects are sooo much b.s.
Yes, they can get away with it. But it seems like a waste of money.
Then again, doc reviews are a waste of money in general. So, I guess I should not complain too much about how poorly they are managed.
It just sucks when the mismanagement bites you in the butt rather than leads to a few more weeks of fake work.
9:53, Do you know who died? Gabe says we should pray for him, but then doesn't tell us who it is.
Who died? Was it a suicide:(
It's sad that most suicides occur around the holidays. Add in the economic collapse and you have a real recipe for disaster.
He did post the name now. I don't know this guy myself, but still that is so sad. I hope it wasn't suicide.
Why even bother will the law at all? No jobs, what work is available is being performed by unlicensed foreigners.
I pity any of poor lemming that goes to law school soley on loans. Quite simply, the chances are remote at best that they will ever repay it or find decent work.
Law school is a sucker's bet for sure.
Wal-Mart just settled nearly all their wage and hour lass action cases. The 4 year Wal-Mart/Hudson doc review project is coming to an end! Wal-Mart ordered the North Carolina site shut down immediately, and Houston is likely to be shut down imminently. This project has gone from 200 long term attorneys to zero in less than a month!
Merry Christmas!
TTT, I hear wedding bells!
I am so concerned that the two of you might not hit it off. She is the busy type, always going around the city, going to wine tastings and hikes & stuff. Could she perhaps get tired of sitting around with you when you are online? She's smart (PhD), so maybe if you make it a point to keep up the interesting conversation?
TTT, please make a social call, visit CA or entertain in NYC, and let us know how it goes in a post.
Hudson is gonna CH11!!
I love how everytime a project ends, it has to be a deliberate act against the temporary attorney market. Its amazing that any of you went to law school and do not know that sometimes cases settle, or god forbid come to an end. Not to mention that sometimes when a client sees a cost they pull the plug on some things. Merry Christmas.
@12:27 Learn2Read
No where did I say there was any malicious intent or a deliberate act re: Hudson/WMT.
When cases settle, the need for document review attorneys evaporates. Two days before Christmas does suck, but layoffs are common right before the holidays.
No one is blaming Hudson or Wal-Mart. We are all adults that realize every project inevitably ends, even the ones that seem like they will last forever.
Merry Christmas!
A friend alerted me to the job and I sent my resume, only to be told after several interviews that I did not have 3years of experince doing doc review. I thought that was the lamest line I had heard in a while.
Oh well, I am sorry it got cancelled. Merry xmas.
Vinmar? Google Kim Shamsky and enjoy the fun times reading various stories about her and her former ball player ex-husband. Vinmar has been around for some time. Just not so much in the legal realm. Quite colorful.
Fun game for Christmas:
This blog is on life support. We need a new voice!
Happy New Year Babu! You have all the work, while we will sit at home.
Happy New year!Nice presentation on the topic...
SBL Lpo services
PLEASE NOTE FOR THE RECORD, this was not a FAKE ASSIGNMENT. They said on the first day at orientation that the project was to last 3 weeks. Also,the rate they were paying was $40 per/hr, not $30.
As a temp who was on the project, I found the work to be easy and pleasant. It was the attorneys who came off a bit arrogant and condescending.
You guys really shouldn't bash Vinmar. It's not like they didn't want to bill the hours either (im sure they lost a great deal of money as well).
Furthermore, don't bash Kim and her personal life. Google her and her business savvy if you must pry. The gave us an opportunity at a competitive rate that was unfortunately cancelled by client. Vinmar has been around for over 21 years and has been staffing attorneys for just as long.
I agree fully with the above post because I also was on that project and it was geared to be an excellent assignment. If anybody deserves bashing, its the law firm and their inability to properly counsel and control their client.
She deserves bashing because all Indians cheat and lie as businesspersons. I worked with Indians for 3.5 years and every last one of them lied and cheated in various facets of business.
I went to that agency (VinMar) after I was contacted in regards to my resume. It was nothing but a waste of time. They were so phony... Don't waste your time going to this agency. I wish I had Googled her before I went there. WOW. Now I am glad I never heard back from them.
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