As bad as it is here in the big apple, just be thankful you aren't living in Ohio!
"Tom, A glut of attorneys, obviously. Take a gander at this desperate soul, posting on the Columbus (Oh.) Craigslist:
Four year Ohio licensed attorney will perform any and all contract work, including drafting, research, etc. for $10 per hour.
Please tell me this includes the possibility of overtime cleaning the deep fryer after work. Eeek."
Luckily, a poster on JDUnderground who refers to her/himself as "OhioDocReviewer" may have a solution:
"Call them bum wines, street wines, fortified wines, wino wines, or twist-cap wines.
Whatever you call these beverages for the economical drunkard, this page explores the top five.
So curl up on a heating duct and enjoy..."
Chaos at Dechert. Sitting back reading Above the Law. Karma is a bitch. The contract attorneys get a shout out in #4::
"Bart is full of lies. This firm is awful and I'm so ashamed that I ever worked there. Yes, I am a victim of "stealth" layoffs.
1. There isn't "better" work for the midlevel associates. There is NO work to speak of and midlevels have been doing paralegal work for years. Several practice groups have been SLOW or without work since August 2007. I would like to know what glamorous work he is talking about.
2. I know for a fact that the FRE group has been gutted and more associates and even partners are next on the chopping block. Corporate and bankruptcy are on the list as well. I wonder why the corporate department isn't "killing it" with Derek Winokur (yes, son of the CEO douchebag Bart Winokur) running things. I thought he was a heavy hitting gun from Cleary? Yeah, right. He's a joke just like his dad. Derek lateraled - sorry (diagonaled?) - into the firm as partner with no book of business to speak of. That's not surprising since he was an associate at Cleary. He's not the official head of the group, but the poor partner who is can't go against the managing partner's son.
3. Dechert has always been about "fudging" the numbers. They even admitted to be market followers and not wanting to be market leaders when it comes to bonuses and market pay scales. Wow! Way to go Dechert. That's something to be proud of.
4. Dechert is also hiding the fact that they issued walking papers to hundreds of contract/staff attorneys, and staff. When they lost the Vioxx litigation it was a huge blow. They didn't expect the litigation to settle so soon and in fact they were the last to know. Dechert didn't even structure the settlement terms for the litigation that they claim to have brillantly defended. Dechert did not have enough work to keep people on the payroll.
5. Enough said...This firm will throw their staff under the bus and kill associates' careers just to get ahead. The firm is poorly managed and apparently has a crack PR department."
Great feedback on this question, I wish my forum questions got more input.
The problem with practicing law in Ohio is that the "pie" is very small.....It is a "bread and better" law pracatice area - corporate, BK, T&E, commerical, tort, property....you are NOT going to find much work in multidistrict complex corporate and commerical litigation - as one finds in DC and NYC......unless you do criminal defence, juvi, or in the prosecutors office, or have a job with the state government - good luck....you'll note this explains why many many Ohio graduates of Ohio law schools leave the state.....there just isn't not much going down..one might as well begin looking for a job with Ohio BC/BS - too may Fortune 100 corporations have closed or have been acquired, in northern Ohio, and central-southern Ohio just doesn't have much going on except OSU or the Ohio state government...it is a complete drag....leave the state.
That's what the morons in Ohio get for voting for Bush in '04.
whatever happened to sean curtin?
He became #5 in the picture.
sean curtin works for david feldman inc. runs the show there.
Anonymous said...
The problem with practicing law in Ohio is that the "pie" is very small.....
This is what I've pointed out repeatedly about people who complain about the NY job market, and then suggest that all anyone has to do is move elsewhere to secure employment as a lawyer.
Because as bad as the NY job market is, it still provides more jobs for lawyers per capita than any jurisdiction in this country outside of D.C. -- that's the reason it's so competitive, because it provides the most opportunities. Most of those opportunities suck, but if you aren't even get many sucky opportunities to practice in Idaho or Alaska.
I'm just a little daffodil
With sweetness, joy, and love.
One day I'll die and float away
Into the skies above.
Okay, so Mayer Brown has a project going in Chicago, through Huron Consulting. 100 attys, total sweatshop and only paying $29/hour. HUGE client with tons of $$$. Ridiculous that we are working for that little.
You can't possibly be working for that little... not after all the strides this fine blog has made for us?!
Say it isn't so!!
This is really depressing. You are better off opening your own coffee cart.
Face facts, young attorneys: There's no future, no future, no future for youuuuuuuuuuu.
any reviewer who takes a project paying less than $35 is a piece of shit. You deserve to suffer for having no self respect. The market rate is 35 and it has been 35 for a long time. Taking less is a betrayal of not only your own dignity but of all other contract attorneys.
You got it, 5:22-
All the contract attorneys stick together. HAHAHAHA. See our sucessful union for proof of our solidarity. Not.
If attorneys in India just had self respect...
Silence Roach Boy, pfffffffffffffffffffffffft.
it's very simple, I dont take projects that dont pay $35 an hour and any project that doesnt pay OT is usually abandoned by half the reviewers in the middle of the project anyway as we find better projects and leave.
Yes, 7:05- you are the BEST!!
You go girl! Tell them the rates, homegurl! You go!
The market rate is 35 if you are in DC or NYC. Outside of those areas the market rate goes down-
Richmond 28-29, many others 22-25, and good old Florida at 20 an hour.
We are all going to die!!!!!!!!!
We are all going to die!!!!!!!!!
Dear Tom The Temp,
Please publish this article or comment on it. http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/23/pf/college/student_loan_fugitives/index.htm?postversion=2008102407
Thank you
Election coming up, worst financial crisis in a decade and Tom the Temp is nowhere to be seen. This is a zombie blog. Hardly anyway posts or even cares. I guess you are content to see your paychecks drop 20 to 30% year after year.
Tom is probably on some 80 hour a week super OT project and cant post because the clowns have turned off his internet.
Fuck you, Tom the Temp!! You're no economist. You're no sociologist. You're no labor historian. Stop your little-boy whining.
I think all the pansy whiners here need to get a life. Your not entitled to anything. There was no law school contract that stated you would make six figures for getting a degree. You went to college, didn't due your due diligence on the state of the profession and now you want to whine instead of doing something about. Temping is not a profession. It is a transitory job while you look for full for full time employment.
If you can't find a full time job as a lawyer that pays you what you think you deserve then find another profession doing something else. So your law degree didn't lead to legal riches - cowboy up and move on with your life.
This is like listening to a laid off wall street broker whine. No one cares. Just be thankful your not a poor sap who was laid off from a manufacturing job with no chance of finding employment.
You whiners are all pathetic and should be ashamed of yourselves. You clearly are elitist snobs to be whining about your situation and the fact that you can't afford all the fineries of life.
Get a job losers.
Applebee's is hiring.
Listen to these cows moo how Tom their "savior" has abandoned them!!!
At least these losers don't have to worry about being laid off! THEY NEVER COULD GET JOBS IN THE FIRST PLACE!
WE have jobs. At we did. I remember 2006 like it twas a dream -- 100 hour weeks with bonuses for hours worked over 60 hours. Raises from $32 to $35 plus OT. Being able to tell the temp agencies to suck it because you were making close to $4000 a week. Banging hottie go body temps while on the clock. Spending $100 a night on a bar tab and then coming back the next weekend to do it again. Filing a tax return with an annual salary of $156,000. Those were the days.
Solomon Page is staffing Crowell and Moring. $40/hr, no OT, mandatory 7 days a week, 9am-11pm and to 7pm on weekends, no travel/meal allowance.
This site is losing much of its value as the updates are too infrequent and it is stale.
Wasn't 2006 the glory days of this blog, with iron-pants Anita acting like a tyrant? Kinda makes you think and puts everything in perspective--how I wish that bitch was stripping me of my dignity me right now!
No 12:09, that's called a TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENT. Not a "job". Did you get firm benefits? An ID card that wasn't emblazoned with the word TEMP on it? Firm benefits? (ha)Did you pilfer empty conference rooms for food not intended for you?
Didn't think so.
Thelen Reid dissolves. This is the second big firm to dissolve after Heller Ehrman.
7:28 Actually we did pilfer conference room pastries, sandwiches and what have you. My momma always said to be a member of the clean plate club.
It was all a dream - used to read Tom the Temp blogazine. If you don't know now you know.
Could you post an email address to send resumes to at Solomon Page. Im coming off a project and am kinda desperate.
the article suggests curling up on a heating duct, like temporary attorneys are too good to poke holes in a metal trashcan and drop a match
In the meantime, vote for Obama--he'll take money from the lawschool grads that studied and give it to the grads that smoked weed and thought they figured it all out.
Now there is something real to complain about....no fucking work. The prior posts and complaints about agencies and stupid staff attorneys were sport compared to this.
There have been no postings for assignments...unless you speak an odd foreign language and have patent and IP experience with a chemistry background. English is out and Chinese/Korean/Finnish is in....Ungaar !!!
Maybe things will pick up after the elections. At least that’s what I’m hoping. Otherwise, it might be time to take a 6 month vacation in a cheap country. I see no reason to hang around NYC if every project gets cancelled before it starts. The way I look at it’s a win-win situation. If the economy completely tanks, I don’t have to pay back my student loans and can shift careers/practice areas after taking a long vacation. If the economy gets better, contract work will pick up again.
All of the English speaking jobs for American citizens have been shipped overseas.
However, if you are a foreigner and speak your native tongue like Japanese, German or Chinese, you can find work in NYC.
Way to help out the American law school graduates, assholes.
Maybe now they will get serious about closing down a few of these over priced american law schools.
Is it true, $16/hour doc review in NYC?
Thanks Tom the Temp. You pissed off all of the law firms and corporations now they've moved all of the work out of NYC.
You have succeeded only having your jobs taken away and given to someone cheaper and less annoying.
I'd like to thank the ABA for this. I mean the same orginization that makes me take CLE's, take the bar exam, and graduate from an ABA approved law school, has said that it's perfectly fine to send legal work to people who have done none of the above. Makes a lot of sense to me.
2:45, your point is correct. Why compel these requirements on us and approve the outsourcing of our jobs?
Also what about staying in good standing with the bar? Some of the outsourcing countries are so riddled with corruption that bribing is an essential element of business. Try bribing an official in the US and see what the NYSBA does to your license.
However, according to the ABA and NYSBA, it's perfectly acceptable for non-US law grads, who haven't passed a bar exam, who aren't held to the same ethical standard of US attorneys, and don't have to take CLE's to perform US legal work as long as they're supervised. What a joke. I give it six months until there's a class action and a team of attorneys is reviewing these fly by night agencies documents and some BIGLAW firm is BIGTIME pissed because they lost privilege and are sued for malpractice. Someone will be made an example of, as they should be.
Someone will be made an example of, as they should be. And some of the people facilitating this will lose their license.
No they won't. Perhaps your crystal ball shows you, instead, yourself increasingly unhappy as the world passes you by without a care? Alas, even in law, sadly, there is no justice. Might I reccommend a job in another industry. Please don't misunderstand, you are a pleasure on this blog!
Any good projecs lately? I hear they're about to explode any day now.
Have you considered scoring essays for all of these educational measurement companies? With high-stakes testing, there's a lot out there. They're looking for worker bees with strong clicking fingers who have lots of time at their disposal.
Sooner or later people will be made examples of. All you have to do is read the 2006 ABA opinion and you can see that they’re comparing non- US barred “attorneys” to non-lawyers. The 2008 opinion states that the attorney must have “direct supervisory authority” over the lawyers or nonlawyers and further clarifies that foreign lawyer can be viewed as non-lawyers pursuant to certain circumstances. Even if the foreign attorneys are viewed as such (actual attorneys), why would they outsource overseas instead of the mid-west (where they can get US barred attorneys to work for 15-20 bucks an hour)? “Direct supervisory authority” that why. There’s plenty of precedents out there regarding supervision of non-attorneys (which is what a non-us barred “lawyer” is likely to be considered) in the practice of law. However, there is an absence of case law directed specifically to outsourcing. The attorneys that are supervising the outsourcing are going to become this new case law (i.e., infamous).
You seem a little bit defensive – maybe one of these sales girls has talked you into signing off on this outsourced work. Better ask for a big raise because you’ll need the money when they pull your license for 5 years (if you’re lucky) and you can’t find a job since the indiscretion is permanently on the ABA’s website. The sales guys and girls don’t have a J.D. or a future in law, so they don’t care. You should. Do you honestly think that an on-line video link to the off-shore site where a bunch of “attorneys” with non-ABA accredited LLMs, no ABA bar membership, and no real training in US law is going to hold any water in full scale litigation?
Regarding the lack of projects, the Dow tumbled in the last 6 weeks and the elections are on the horizon. This affects the clients’ willingness to spend and the amount of work at the firms. However, the Dow seems to be stabilizing and after the elections the corporations will know how the bailout plan will be distributed. So, I expect the projects will start again in the next month or so. They’ll be funding for larger scale projects, and the associates that are still at the firms will have better things to do than the doc review that temps normally do.
I don't share your rosy view. It's going to be a long and bitter winter in NYC, with little or no work for American contract attorneys. The Nigerian connection will continue to exert a strangelhold on the temp jobs, the few that exist.
So many unemployable temp attorneys on this blog, so many clairvoyants.
Everyone here knows the future- WOW.
Not to beat a dead horse to death about the outsourcing issue, but I found the controlling document. It’s the 2006 NYSBA’s opinion. The ABA’s 2008 opinion has no legal significance in NYC (or anywhere else for that matter).
The 2006 opinion specifies:
“A New York lawyer may ethically outsource legal support services overseas to a non-lawyer, if the New York lawyer (a) rigorously supervises the non-lawyer, so as to avoid aiding the non-lawyer in the unauthorized practice of law and to ensure that the non-lawyer’s work contributes to the lawyer’s competent representation of the client; (b) preserves the client’s confidences and secrets when outsourcing; (c) avoids conflicts of interest when outsourcing; (d) bills for outsourcing appropriately; and (e) when necessary, obtains advance client consent to outsourcing.
And more importantly:
"a lawyer would be aiding the unauthorized practice of law if the lawyer outsourced legal support services overseas to a “non-lawyer,” which is how the Code describes both a foreign lawyer not admitted to practice in New York, or in any other U.S. jurisdiction, and a layperson.”
So, according to the NYSBA the foreign attorney is the considered a non-attorney that must be rigorously supervised. The confusion is that people are reading the ABA opinion (which is considerably more lenient) instead of the NYSBA opinion (which is the controlling opinion).
Incidentally, aiding a non-lawyer in the unauthorized practice of law will get you disbarred (do some research) or suspended for a substantial period of time. Looks like you'll be living in India because you're not going to be able to afford NYC.
Not to beat a dead horse to death about the outsourcing issue, but I found the controlling document. It’s the 2006 NYSBA’s opinion. The ABA’s 2008 opinion has no legal significance in NYC (or anywhere else for that matter).
The 2006 opinion specifies:
“A New York lawyer may ethically outsource legal support services overseas to a non-lawyer, if the New York lawyer (a) rigorously supervises the non-lawyer, so as to avoid aiding the non-lawyer in the unauthorized practice of law and to ensure that the non-lawyer’s work contributes to the lawyer’s competent representation of the client; (b) preserves the client’s confidences and secrets when outsourcing; (c) avoids conflicts of interest when outsourcing; (d) bills for outsourcing appropriately; and (e) when necessary, obtains advance client consent to outsourcing.
And more importantly:
a lawyer would be aiding the unauthorized practice of law if the lawyer outsourced legal support services overseas to a “non-lawyer,” which is how the Code describes both a foreign lawyer not admitted to practice in New York, or in any other U.S. jurisdiction, and a layperson.”
So, according to the NYSBA a foreign attorney is considered a non-attorney that must be rigorously supervised. The confusion is that people are reading the ABA opinion (which is considerably more lenient) instead of the NYSBA opinion (which is the controlling opinion).
Incidentally, aiding a non-lawyer in the unauthorized practice of law will get you disbarred (do some research) or suspended for a substantial period of time. I’m glad I’m not the one signing off on the doc. review.
you are delusional. none of your prattle matters one bit. it's going on now, all over India.
They're taking our jobs, getting our pay. No corporaions or attorneys care enough to bring a suit to challenge it.
Sure, I agree that is technically the unauthorized practice of law, but since the ABA has rubber stamped it, it is not going to be challenged.
We're shit out of luck, people. Roach Boy wins.
I have to disagree with you. You seem a little glum, maybe you need to get a regular job instead of settling for temping.
The agencies may have gotten to you.
Anyway, there's already a class action suit relating to LPOs filed in the DC area (not the one that was removed). While it may not relate to doc. reviews per se, all that is needed is an appellate court opinion on outsourcing as a whole.
Also, the UPSTO issued the statement a while back stating that export of technical data has to comply with EAR. Not only will this stop the patent outsourcing. It will also put a damper on any patent/technology doc. reviews going overseas. IBM’s or whatever tech company’s emails are going to contain quite a bit of technical data, and it’s a violation of EAR to send it overseas w/o the license.
You may be right that nobody cares about the temps (and the temps won’t do anything to help themselves), but BIGLAW makes a lot of money on doc. reviews. Also, the LPOs have been moving into other legal work like brief writing, etc., so they’re starting to cut into the firm’s profits, and that’s a big problem.
Additionally, I have a hard time believing that a huge amount of work is going to India. The majority is probably the coding the paralegals and non-licensed JDs are doing.
Give it a few months and I bet you’ll see some precedents putting a stop to the LPO industry.
Once again you are delusional. The firms are still making the money, they can just offshore the whole thing and make a tidy buck without having to manage the entitled creepshow called an onsite document review.
Remember, this is not firm driven, but rather done at the behest of clients.
The patent decision was a step in the right direction. I sincerely hope that the ABA and others come to their senses, and give us our jobs back. However, it is unlikely. Doc review is a commoditized business and such is going to the lowest bidder.
Not to mention that the search functions have improved greatly, shortening reviews and the need to review every document.
The golden era of easy doc review money in NYC is over. Firms are already moving a lot if it out to Hartford, Richmond and other cities.
You need to focus on getting out of the doc review rut and find a real job.
You need to get your facts straight before you get everyone worked up.
This morning I looked up the Florida outsourcing opinion and guess what? Foreign attorneys are considered non-lawyers, the same as in the New York 2006 opinion. It follows that all the stuff being outsourced should be whats given to paralegals or non-admitted NYC attorneys. That’s not me, and from what I gather not you.
There’s a difference in the level of supervision and skill level required for the supervising attorney. Also, the type of legal work affects it. It’s one thing to supervise some non-attorneys pre-coding documents or removing jpeg files, but another to supervise (and perform quality control on) the non-attorneys when they make relevance and privilege calls. The first doesn’t require as much supervision (e.g., you don’t have to be in the same office with them and review every document that they do), while the second does.
With regard to moving reviews to Virginia or anywhere else for that matter, I doubt it will happen in mass. They run into the problem that there’s not a lot of supervising attorneys admitted in Virginia, and the Virginia attorneys are not admitted in NYC. Either there’s a supervising attorney admitted in the jurisdiction where the case was filed supervising non-attorneys in the jurisdiction of filing, or the reverse. Both of which are problems. There might be a few cases here and there where an argument can be made for multiple jurisdictions, but I doubt it’s the norm.
That being said, there’s still no actual precedent from the courts or NYSBA (the New York opinion is from the city bar) for outsourcing. However, there’s plenty of precedent regarding scope of work and supervision of non-attorneys. There’s also precedent concerning who is considered an attorney and who isn’t. So, I would assume that when there is a precedent, it will follow the city bar’s opinion.
In light of the vaguely worded ABA opinion, I wouldn’t be surprised if some idiot NYC attorney in India is signing off on doc. review that should be going to admitted attorneys. An example will be made, and it won’t be pretty; there’s also plenty of precedent for disbarring attorneys aiding and abetting the unlicensed practicing of law.
Don't forget that its also a criminal offense to engage in or assist the unauthorized practice of law.
Yes, but it is ABA approved, so your arguments mean nothing. They are well thought out and sound nice, but have a hollow ring.
You are merely grasping at straws. When the work comes back (which it won't), feel to free to say "I told ya so". Until then, time to find another line of work.
Your man Obama is in the pocket of the ABA and will do nothing to help you, either.
But Obama believes in a redistribution of wealth, so he will take money from the studious, full-time lawyers and give it to the smoked-a-six-foot-bong-every-day-in-law-school-and-laughed-at-how-smart-going-to-law-schol-was temporary attorneys.
You guys are soooo negative.
One other thing, treating foreign attorneys the same as local barred attorneys is not "ABA approved." What is "ABA approved" is some type of outsourcing not yet defined by the courts.
Personally, I don't see anything particular wrong with sending paralegal work to India if it's supervised more stringently than in the US (which seems to be how the city bar views it). If some corporation wants shoddy work and possible liablity associated with export violations to save a few bucks, they can go right ahead. It's America, right?
Sorry, you have it wrong. The city bar rubber stamped it too. Take a look at all of the outsourcing firms with offices in NYC.
Clutch, Strategic, etc. Many many firms with outsourcing as key component of their services.
I sense that you have shown up to party too late, you speak as if the widespread outsourcing is not going to happen.
Sad for us, it has already happpened and you cannot put the genie back in the bottle. The era of the big first line review is over. Take a look at Craig's List. Where there once we 5-6 posting per day for 2-6 month doc reviews, now there are zero.
You really don't get it, do you? Your job has been sent to non-us trained attorneys in a foreign country.
None of your nice arguments will do anything to bring it back.
Read the city bar opinion. It does not "rubber stamp it." On the contrary it specifies that foreign attorneys are to be treated as non-lawyers and that they require "rigourous" supervision. Maybe the Indians can do work a little cheaper than the paralegals and non-admitted J.Ds, but that's about it. Unfortunataly this isn't precedent yet, but it will be sooner or later. The hammer will fall and someone will get smashed.
With regard to the lack of projects, it might have more to do with the economy than the Aug. ABA opinion. The Dow dropped a couple thousand points, the credit market froze, and banks refused to lend money. I think that might have more of an effect than a vaugly worded and non-specific ABA opinon.
Here's the link to the opinion:
Note the word "rigorously supervise" Not reasonably supervise, not feel free to outsource whatever legal work you feel like, but "rigourously supervise."
One last thing before I go to bed regarding outsorcing:
Ethical violations by subordinate attorneys can be attributed to the law firm (e.g., the partners). That's why they try and blame the temp attorneys and use the agencies. It's also why the temps are employees of the agency.
However, nobody knows what will happen with the outsourcing, especially if it's a flagrent violation that the firm new or should have known about. The courts aren't going to let a large firm get out of a sanction when they knew that non-attorneys were performing legal work and were unproperly supervised. The large firm knew or should have known what was being sent there and who was reveiwing it.
The situation is analgous to a large firm using a team of 40 or so paralegals to make calls on documents with only one associate supervising them.
Good luck with your fight, you won't win. Don't you think the firms have all the angles covered on this one?
No, I don't. Also, I thing most of it is hype anyway.
A good 80% of the posts/blogs are written by the LPOs and push their angle.
Do you relly think anybody is crazy enough to try and do a doc. review with one or two attorneys suprvising a room full of non-attorneys. Give me a break. If something gets screwed up it's a pretty heafty saction for the law firm/corporation involved in it. Plus there must be some kind of duty to investigate the contracting agency, so the fact it's differenct buisness entity won't help.
Yes I do think they are that crazy because it is going on all over Mumbai and other parts of India, as we speak.
I hate to break it to you, but the work has already been shifted away from NYC. It's pretty obvious to anyone that works as an NYC DRA.
So you can argue whether it is right or wrong, legal or illegal, but you cannnot argue with the fact that it is happening.
Read up a little, Ace.
the curry here in bombay tastes good !!!!!!!!!
I ran into Tom the T yesterday, and he is publishing his memoirs. He's moved on, and so should you.
riiiiight. Like anyone cares about TTT's memoirs. That's a good one.
Not to mention that he steals most of his stuff from JD Underground or other bloggers.
As bad as things may be, just be happy you don't live in Ohio. That place is a shithole!
People leave Ohio for obvious reasons, and the job market isn't one of them. It sucks there.
A lawyer that is anti-outsourcing has just been elected president. He's got a majority in Congress. Good days are ahead for the temp profession.
LPOs are fucked sooner than they would have been.
Also, world markets are rallying. Might be a good time for temp work.
the last entry smacks of someone who never took a history class....recall Smoot Hawley....my attitude (also voiced by former NPR journalist David Gergen) is that without a clear landslide state by state and nationally within the popular vote (thus no true mandate) he will have an extremely difficult time in D.C. (he didn't get the 60 in the Senate for filibuster proof)after the usual honeymoon is over..... the Washington press corp actually must soon begin doing their job (become their usual antagonistic selves merely to write weekly or daily pieces in order to keep their jobs e.g. soft copy doesn't sell newspapers or retain on-line subcsriptions); and it quickly becomes all too foreseeably clear, he doesn't have the true talent to handle anything but education, healthcare, and the softer issues of social policy that training in critical legal studies and community organizing offer.....note Putin and his sidekicks moves today int he EU and Hamas's move yesterday....no one outside the U.S,. gives a darn, they are on to other things and view this as merely an interesting little story particularly to the U.S.......read history, get off the political theatre train now, and look to reality.
President Barrack Obama -- damn it felt good to say that. Eight years of nirvana coming our way.
12:13 Listen up, President Barack Obama's victory is a much greater landslide than W's 2000 selection and his 2004 Ohio robbery. Obama will be a great president.
Listen up.....I'll talk to each of you in 4 years....I highly doubt it, just a case of illusion and hope....I'll adopt the ole Missouri coinage....."show me"......we'll see....I'll just watch ont he sidelines and be a mere observer.....not engaged, not interested....
6:21 Typical self-hating repuglican wing nut. You don't care about anyone but yourself. I will enjoy seeing your taxes raised.
Everyone will pay higher cap gains, not just republicans. Get used to the markets tanking for a while. The Bush economic plan will look a dream compared to the foolish tinkering of Obama that lays ahead.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to take a 3-6 month vacation in some warm cheap country.
The dollar is strong and the economy sucks. So, I'll go spend my money somewhere cheap and wait for the economy to recover.
And when you come back slacker Tom will have the same blog post about Ohio still up...
In fact, I am NOT a republican nut....would it surprise you that there actually might be Democrats who think identically to me...sorry, bud, this person is a life- long Democrat, who thinks that like Palin, the Democrats did NOT do a thorough job of vetting him, and in fact, feel that he is nothing but a "gamer"......people who wish the worst on others as you expressed as to the issue of increased taxation are nothing but people who adhere to class warfare and in the economic scheme of things probably a "loser" in life - looking to government to solve you personal problems, rather than relying on yourself and your own talent........I'll bet you are just a naturalized citizen.....just a hanger on for the job, not someone who believes in the system of the founders.
Tom --
Check this one out!!!
Damn! Where are all the temps jobs at? Does anyone know how to get on unemployment?
Will temp for food!
What happened to those updates from India?
Good question, what about the LPO Tom the Temp? We're waiting for the updates.
i think tom wuz offered a position in the Obama administration. No more time to form unions or help temps.
There are no fucking temp jobs...... Soon there will be no reason for this site.
"SOON there will be no reason for this site"???
You are 2 years too late. Then again, isn't this site supposed to be where we unionize, strike and "expose" recruiters?!??
Tom sold out- he is the source in India. He will post after he settles in to his Mumbai apartment.
Does anyone know if craigslist raised their rates to advertise jobs? It seems like they did for the Philly area site. So I guess perhaps that partially explains why the job postings have decreased? (in addition to the scarcity of jobs in general).
There wasn't a shortage on the NYC site today.
Also, I think the scarcity of jobs might have more to do with the lack of temp jobs than a few more dollars to post an add.
It seems that Tom the Temp has not
entered any new "stories" (or new substantive copy) since October 23..am wondering if this might further reflect the state of the "market", thus substantiating the facts life will continue to be very very bleak for temporary attorney employment, and most particularly long-term doc review jobs?
this curry tastes good !!!!!! drinking the water out of the river though....
Tom finally let me read a couple chapters of his memoirs, and they are GENIUS! I tell you, it read like 30 pages of the Golden Oldie stuff he posted a couple days ago. It starts the way we'd want it to, with Anita and he office--you guessed it, the minesweeper episode. When it gets published, you won't miss the last couple of posts on this silly blog.
I can't wait to read the childhood chapters about the precocious child who gets in trouble at school and whose mother calls up the teachers and cusses them out. I'm telling you, after you read how momma bear tore into those Anita teachers, you'll start reading just for the horror. Carnage! Anita! A sensitive young boy just trying to express himself in a big, confusing world.
One hundred!
Tom has thrown in the towel. His contract for his explosive memoirs was cancelled when he delivered thirty three pages of plagiarized material.
Tom may not get his memoirs published. Perhaps he should. His job was outsourced. Many jobs were. However, the law student had a significant time and money and effort invested in his profession. The auto worker didn't. I'm not being critical of the auto worker, but they earned more with without the effort to attain any form of licensure. Zero investment is no gamble. What happened here is a fucking disgrace...and its not solely related to document review. So all you of you who think this is a joke will also be on the cutting block at some point. The auto worker will get unemployment. Yours will be consumed by undischargeable debt.
Maybe Tom is in the pokey and we need to raise some bail money.
Is it this time of the year? Someone said that is why there are no document review assignments.
trollop said...
But Obama believes in a redistribution of wealth, so he will take money from the studious, full-time lawyers and give it to the smoked-a-six-foot-bong-every-day-in-law-school-and-laughed-at-how-smart-going-to-law-schol-was temporary attorneys.
6:27 PM
Do you ever shut the f**k up or is that only when your mouth is full with firm food or supervisory attorney dongs in order to get OT credited? Loser...
Trollop said...
No they won't. Perhaps your crystal ball shows you, instead, yourself increasingly unhappy as the world passes you by without a care? Alas, even in law, sadly, there is no justice. Might I reccommend a job in another industry. Please don't misunderstand, you are a pleasure on this blog!
Any good projecs lately? I hear they're about to explode any day now.
Have you considered scoring essays for all of these educational measurement companies? With high-stakes testing, there's a lot out there. They're looking for worker bees with strong clicking fingers who have lots of time at their disposal.
What a blowhole. Fuck that Trollop. Next thing you know, Trollop will be publishing his memoirs, as if anyoe cares--Obama this, Obama that, Obama hit me with a wiffle ball bat. Same old tune, same old song, which graduate student doesn't hit the bong? Fuck Tom, Fuck Trollop, I'm out. It's not like Tom the T posts anymore--why not give us a glimpse of the memoirs?
Word on the street is that two lawyers working for DiscoverReady (doc review mill downtown) complained to their recruiter at Strategic Legal about the lousy work conditions there. The recruiter sold them out and they were fired.
Would recommend staying away from both these places.
ya i've worked with shawn t over at strategic before; he's a holdover from EP Dine--- bottom of the bottom; if you have to work with him it's time for a career change...
TTT has abandoned his flock, but only after he shamed the corporations and law firms into shipping our jobs overseas.
Nice work, champ!
Every job is soooooo competitive now, almost impossible to land a decent project.
The reality that this may all be coming to an end hit me this week as the project I was on ended. But as luck would have it I received an interview for a job outside the law. I have experience in the field. Regardless, I had to spend half the interview explaining why I wanted to do that job rather than be an attorney. Luckily, I have been invited to participate in round two if the interview, so there is hope.
From what I've seen on internet, it appears Craig Brown may no longer be at Strategic - he is hawking jobs in CT under his own name, not Strategic.That means Treadwell, who left Dine with Brown for Strategic, must be the main "man" at Strategic....that also means he will do anything to protect himself and his cronies inside Strategic and those working for him AT ANY COST....not a guy to trust, to assume will watch your back, and he lacks both integrity and ethics....scam artist and totally "for sale" unless....
Just another horse trading asshole.
I went to Monster.com to conduct a quick survey of the Document Review market in New York, NY.
My search parameters were:
Keywords - Document Review, Occupations- Legal, Attorney,
Location - New York, NY
Radius - 30 miles
The search returned 36 results. About 6 or 7 of these results were not for document review jobs.
15 results required foreign language skills like fluency in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, German, Dutch, or Portuguese.
There were a handful of English language reviews that were paying $40/hr.
Honestly, it is not looking so good for NY, given that NY is the biggest legal market in the United States. There is still work out there but I have a feeling that the market will be extremely competitive.
Thanks for the scintillating update! As if we didn't know this already.
Go back to sleep already.
You are reviewing online ?
Check out the forum and chat room at
docreview.us (All the things you can do while docreviewing..., even build websites)
tom the temp has gone away !!!!!!!!!! a shame...
Tom the Temp, tear down this blog!!!!
anyone know if Tom is even alive anymore?
I need work. Help! Please I need work.
Don't they have internet cafes near your new gig in India? Did you forget your laptop here in the States? Hit the local internet cafe and post an article so we TTTers can have hope.
Unemployed Temp
Tom finally got found out and no longer has work...he's trying to lay low until he finds another gig to not report about.
TTT was never a real temp, but rather a ficticious persona devised by the India outsource people to collect information about temps and help facilitate the move offshore.
Even if he is real, he is a turncoat in the end. I give this until the end of the year, max, before it is closed forever.
How much did they pay you, TTT?
Oh, TTT is definitely a real temp. I worked with him on the Constantine/Anita project when he was first beginning the blog...he's a very shy, nervous little guy who is a severe conspiracy theorist. Outwardly he's the last person you would expect to be TTT. I'm surprised it took the agencies so long to find him out.
On a serious note, if Tom is having some personal or family issues that prevent him from posting, then I wish you well.
"He's a very shy, nervous little guy who is a severe conspiracy theorist."
After having had to sit next to some hussy who slept around the document review center and some highly racist, self-loathing gay Republican who was highly medicated for six months straight, I am surprised he didn't have a nervous breakdown.
It's not a comment section without the woman hating comments, is it?
Wow...for you to erase those comments and then start lashing out with childish name-calling and insults ...they must have hit a nerve, huh "Tom?"
Yeah Ohio's not pretty, that's for sure - I'm looking for a job there with NO experience - and in Cleveland, which is WAY worse than Columbus (so what do I get to make per hour?). But fuck it, I just figure I'll get a part time job doing something else and maybe do some pro bono work until this problem hopefully dries up. I guess I'm lucky because I never depended on getting rich from law school and have always spent my money cautiously in case this sort of thing happened.
That is, if I can even get pro bono work.
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