Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Nora's Girls

"The New Girls' Network is an alliance of female leaders who individually and collectively promote the advancement of women in the practice of law. Founded by Nora Plesant, Principal of Lexolution LLC, the New Girls' Network hosts frequent seminars, panels and breakfasts on cutting edge topics faced by the women who are redefining the legal marketplace. The New Girls' Network also provides the opportunity to mix and mingle with the best and brightest in the today's legal community.

-Lexolution website"

Once again, we have yet another marketing scheme cooked up by our friends at the "Lex-Pollution" temp agency. See the "Nora's Girls' Network" for what it is: nothing more than a niche marketing campaign designed to get Nora in front of female biglaw partners, so that she, Krowitz, and Osman can sell "Lex-Pollution" services and increase the "Lex-Pollution" bottom line.

Examine the lives of the real "Nora's Girls" (those who actually work for "Lex-Pollution"), and you get quite a different picture. As a real "Nora Girl," if you get pregnant, and take too many bathroom breaks, you may very well find yourself fired and blacklisted. God forbid you actually have a child; good luck trying to insure it under the stingy, overpriced, and non-subsidized "Lex-Pollution" family health care plan. You can also forget about ever seeing the kid; as a real "Nora Girl," you will be nothing more than a potted plant, grounded in front of a dull, luminescent computer screen for 12 hours straight in the crowded "Lex-Pollution" sweatshop.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's the New Girls' Network and not the Moo Girls' Network?

Anonymous said...

Will Aunt Tom Kim Powe be allowed to stay in the Lex-Plantation house when the biglaw girls' network comes over for tea?

Anonymous said...

More importantly, when's the sick-out?

Anonymous said...

dec 25th, loser

Anonymous said...

Do Snot Krowshitz and Dickhead Osman have a network, too?

Anonymous said...

Screw you asshole if I ever find out who you are I will kick the living crap out of you.

Anonymous said...

That is not true. I apologize for the rudeness. Please, Tom,tell the lowly temps what to do...

Anonymous said...

yeah. What about forming a temp atty union? huh? what happened to that?

Anonymous said...

What happened to your job agency guy? It's going to India...good bye maggot! No more need for using horrid agencies like yours for paralegals & attys when you can use a foreigner for half the price with no agency attitude.

No wonder the firms want to hire us directly now, you provide nothing except an extra layer of cost.

Dude, you're being outsourced!

Anonymous said...

"No wonder the firms want to hire us directly now"

Dude, ain't NO FIRM hiring your loser ass. Get over it. Cravath, et al is not interested in your Touro Law, clicking background.

Anonymous said...

Any christmas firings this week?

Anonymous said...

A sick-out, if there will ever be one, should probably not be too soon. Maybe in a couple months. Give the temps a bit of buffer time to squirrel away a little bit of cash. If they can save a hundred bucks or so each week, then they can soon afford to miss one or two days of work.

Also, I don't know how it would be organized, but I'm not sure I'd organize it through this blog. It's a little too public. There needs to be some alternative mode of communication.

If I had to throw out an idea, it might be through something like, where the members are somewhat screened. I believe there are questions like "how long have you been a contract attorney? and what type of projects you've worked on." The sick out (if there is one) needs to be organized from a site that is less public. (note: I'm not sure jdwired is a nyc-oriented temp attorney site, so someone, perhaps someone on this very board, will have to create one up.)

Anonymous said...

11:03 pm, I love it! I just knew it was a matter of time before they outsourced recruiters. The Asian Indians speak English and a phone line is a phone line.

Anonymous said...

6:25, name the time and place and i'll gladly give you an opportunity to embarrass yourself, halfwit.

Anonymous said...

a sickout?? Get real. You people are retards. All that'll do is show how useless you really are.

Anonymous said...

are the chicks in the New Girls Network hot or just chubby, third tier toilet grads?

This new girls network sounds an awful lot like that book for teenage girls, "The Babysitter's Club". It's so gay.

Anonymous said...

anybody hear whether 65 closed up yet?

Anonymous said...

Who is dickhead osman?

That's a weird name. I bet if his parents were able to do it over again they wouldn't have named him that.

Anonymous said...

i hear 65 shut down a month ago. I think the building was actually shut down so they could do renovations. I think asbestos was the issue...can you say "MESOTHELIOMA"?

Anonymous said...

How would anyone at Lexolution know a woman who is knowledgeable about "cutting edge topics faced by the women who are redefining the legal marketplace".

That's such crap. They can barely place people at the worst projects known to the temp community. How are they expected to have these purporter high level connections?

This is just marketing bullshit pure and simple. A crappy temp agency is at the forefront of "cutting edge topics faced by the women who are redefining the legal marketplace"?

Come on, get real. Everyone knows you pick your nose.

Anonymous said...

How about a retardout instead of a sickout?

Anonymous said...

I suggest we pick one agency or firm to avoid. This blog is already having an effect. Rumor has it that they were getting desperate and were starting to hire some reallly questionable people for the quinn project. Hudson even hired unlicensed, con-men at the HHR project.

Anonymous said...

hudson is a joke

Anonymous said...

Hudson is great! Free pizza!

Update is who you have to watch out for.

Anonymous said...

"this blog is having an effect"

What a joke. You are all still stuck in piece of shit basements making 35/hr with no OT, and ZERO prospects for future employment.

Dream on.

Anonymous said...

"What a joke"

Google Scott Krowitz. When you fuck with temps, the temps fuck with you!

Anonymous said...

Get real. He is still gainfully employed and will continue to be. Anyone who reads his google hits quickly recognizes this is a blog for the unemployable basement temps who are pissed off and very HOPELESS.

Krowitz will also retire very healthfully from his 401k while you will have...??? Some free pizza?

Enjoy your golden years temping for Krowitz!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Krowitz!

Anonymous said...

Hi, 9:49! Thanks for financing my future! Too bad I won't be having my company provide for yours.

When you are 70 and destitute, you'll be thinking of me. Probably still working for me paying off your student loans.


Anonymous said...

Good, when I am 70, you'll be 90, disabled and strung up in some decrepit nursing home, a nursing home which will hopefully liquidate all of your ill-gotten temp gains. I just pray that some $6 an hour nursing aide comes along and wipes highly concentrated citric acid on your open buttock bed sores.

Anonymous said...

That will be you, 11:45, you will be my TEMP nurse's aid- still unable to get a perm job.

No more mind-numbing shit doc review for you-- by then it will all be in India and you will be wiping my dingleberrys to pay off your crushing student loans.

See you!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to be your temp nurse's aid. It's a citric acid anal cleaning every night, baby.

Anonymous said...

In order to have sweatshop work and be profitable the key ingredient is women. Whether it was 1800s england, New England 1840s, South US 1890s, Japan 1950s, Hong Kong 1960s, or China 1990s the key ingredient in all occurance is a cheap large supply of women who will take these awful jobs. Sounds awful but it is a common sweatshop key. PLEASE say no to these jobs ladies. Other economists have long cited this key factor read: "The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy : An Economist Examines the Markets, Power, and Politics of World Trade"
by Pietra Rivoli

Anonymous said...

you people are pathetic