Friday, July 17, 2009

Kirkland Drops The Shit Bomb On The Sheep

"On June 28th, an ad appeared on DC's Craigslist for unlicensed JD's for a 1-2 month high hour (10+/7days) document review project. Today they learned that Kirkland will be performing this work "in house." Aside from this obvious ploy to shitrate a large group of recent law grads they obviously thought NOTHING of stringing the 100+ lambs along for 3 weeks before dropping their shitbomb on them. Welcome to the late great world of document review."

P.S.- They probably outsourced a good chunk of the work to India as demonstrated by the Michelle Vega piece.


Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me how this industry works? Every week I seem to get stringed along. They say the project is going to start on a certain day, then it gets delayed and ultimately canceled. What is the rationale behind this?

Anonymous said...

Yep, you will go crazy in this temp world. I nearly killed myself after they did this to me REPEATEDLY last year. Please people don't stay in the temp industry too long. This is how it is.

Anonymous said...

If a project is delayed, pretend that the project is cancelled. Skatten played this game with us last month. The woman led us on EVERY NIGHT for two weeks. After all that time of being jerked around, we were finally granted permission to go look for something else. How gracious of her. If you play by the rules and act in good faith, you will be SCREWED and be eaten alive in this economy.

Anonymous said...

Amen, brother!

Anonymous said...

Diamond Personnel also plays these games. Avoid them.

Anonymous said...

Or the case settled. Sometimes even the firms have it wrong.

Anonymous said...

The Skadden case didn't settle. They just don't give a shit.

Anonymous said...

I know! I was one of them. I blame Kirkland but also Providus, who should have broke some knuckles and got us a definite answer much sooner. Yes or no, but not Three (3) friggin weeks!

I cancelled a vacay and only half-heartedly pursued other projects, because Providus said this "is definitely a go"

Should have known better by the pathetic $26/hr rate. But I've only had 2 projects before and am just learning the ropes about the snake-oil salesman in the legal recruiting business.

Suicidal Temp said...

Time to end it all....

Anonymous said...

Can a real recruiter (and not that fake lame ass troll) explain the reasoning behind this? Why is this going on with 90% of the projects right now?

Better Coder said...

Hey all,

Thought I'd keep everybody posted about my weekend.

9-7 tomorrow. 60/hour
10-5 Sunday. 60/hour

Looking forward to Nobu tomorrow night, followed by Bed.

Better Coder

Recruiter said...

Not a real recruiter?

I am card carrying member of the National Association of Legal Search Consultants.

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

Anonymous said...

I have been a temp on and off, more off, and am not sure how innocent lambs these temps are. The Nigerians are just dumb grifters with no ability to do any real work. They are dumb as hell. The real American temps are people who should be in small practices but trying to glom on to a big name firm, i.e. I work at Dechert! So they undercut each other.

Anonymous said...

Recruiter and Better Coder (Nobu etc.) - the same old joke 100 times gets a little boring.

Anonymous said...

12:19 - What are you drinking?!?

Anonymous said...

looks like some of the law school scammers are getting nervous:

please comment!

Anonymous said...

go to
and check out the article on how some of the players in the law school industry are having to admit that many of their grads are headed for poverty, The article is entitled "A Dean’s Warning for Optimistic Law Students: Big Pay Goes to Small Number".

Looks like some of the law school industry scammers might be getting worried.

Anonymous said...

BC, there is no Doc Review project manager in his right mind who would allow that much over time. The hours you're reporting are inconceivable.

Also, projects do end, and ones with that much OT at $60/hour, if they exist at all, tend to be few and far-between, and really short-lived.

Anonymous said...

What about the dean taking a salary cut? Joan King sent around a letter last year claiming that she understood how shitty the job market was. Her response? She raised tuition (albeit a little more slowly but still way above inflation), continued to put out distorted career stats, and got caught up in a huge controversy were she was accused of not providing accurate information to US News. These deans should be locked up!

Anonymous said...

Now it's gonna come out that one of the TTT schools -- BL or Touro -- owns stock in an LPO.

Better Coder said...

Clearly 7:45 has never been on Priv Team. Of course first-level hacks aren't allowed these hours nor the rate. Even second level QC'ers aren't allowed to come in this weekend and have had their rates reduced. However, when you've been asked to perform much more challenging, and meaningful work as that asked of an elite Priv team, then both my hours and rates are justified.

Also I'm not sure what a doc review manager is? I deal only in senior associates and junior partners.

Better Coder

Anonymous said...

Doc review manager - i.e. an Alex Gaylard.

One might describe such a person as the smallest anal bead in the chain, the one with a perpetual brown nose that reeks the most of shit. If you are an associate, he'll be the first to stick his head in your ass to deliver a false sense of satisfaction.

Such an individual reeks of bullshit from miles away, but like the anal bead that he is it is difficult for an associate or JP to tell how bad his stench is until he pulls his head out of their butt, something that rarely happens.

To put it simply: Doc review manager - not something you want to be.

Anonymous said...

Recruiter's pussy smells like rotten tuna.

Anonymous said...


It's not news. Sorry. Hasn't been for 15 years.

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

Anonymous said...

Recruiter will be taking her maternity leave soon. How is her Nigerian's love child doing?

Mazel Tov!!!

I don't think it will be cute like Heidi Klum's kids or even Obama. She's kind of boring and ugly and the Nigerian scammer is rather short, bald and ugly. He was so short his hands could barely reach the keyboard on his doc review.

I guess she was just desperate.

Anonymous said...

Better coder is just a fry cook at Better Burger with delusions of grandeur.

He is reminscent of the fake architect in "Something About Mary". The truth is that he is a desperate phony that just pretends to be an attorney.

Someone should really put an end to this sad and somewhat creepy avatar.

Anonymous said...


No, you're the deluded one. Better Coder is a slice of REALITY. He is on the real, nephew... The man is part of the ELITE of coderdom -- something you cannot even imagine.

It is SO PREDICTABLE that some people in their jealousy, with their narrow little self-absorbed minds, would come on here and doubt Better Coder's veracity, imply that he's a fake. Isn't it just because you are JEALOUS, that you want to be in Better Coder's position, an experienced, skilled, and highly-valued coder who has found his "niche" in high-level document review, and is making a formidable living?


Anonymous said...

Judge Sotes is coming!!

Judge Sotes is coming!!

YEAHHHH for the Wise Latina Woman!!!

The Yuppie Attorney said...


No, you're the deluded one. Better Coder is a slice of REALITY. He is on the real, nephew... The man is part of the ELITE of coderdom -- something you cannot even imagine.

7:29 AM"

* * *

He may have a point. In I.T. and Doc Review there was always that one guy/gal that just clicked with the firms. He bounce from project to project and had little down time. He was like that odd guy in high school that hung out with the "A" crowd. But, he did not earn the right like the jocks or preps.

The Yuppie Attorney said...

One thing I.T. has over doc Review is that projects are defined. A recruiter could say that project X will take X months to complete. One phone call to a friend and you could see there in testing phase, - couple of months tops. You know the Recruiter is lying to you!

When you hit certain project phases, you knew the axe was coming. It was time to move on. In Doc Review, you don't really know how much work there really is or if they will settle. The Recruiters have a big advantage over you.

Anonymous said...

For those of us that actually work and make a living on doc review and e-discovery, Better Coder is just a sad ripoff and an insult.

I hope he gets clubbed and beaten.

Anonymous said...

I love that paralegals make more than JD temps...sadness..just paralegal, the gigs are lucrative & the pay is quite nice w/ benefits, the whole 9...up to 100k w/ minimal OT at most large NYC firms..fuck the ABA & Recruiter's stale pussy!

Recruiter said...

I also have a long list of paralegal permanent positions that I need to fill. Unfortunately, JD's need not apply. We have had so much trouble filling these positions that we may need to go to the government and ask for some more H1-B visas.

Anonymous said...

recruiter is clearly a dumbass fake -- why would she denegrate contract attys when her livlihood counts on it -- she must be bipolar or mpd

Melvin Alexander said...

I am a Jamaican paralegal, I moved to the States in 1999 with just a high school edcucation in Jamaica, I took a few community college classes, and now I am making over $140,000 at a prestigious law firm.

Who needs a JD law degree when you can be a paralegal like me??

Anonymous said...

Word up Jamaican paralegal you're a Goddess! What part of Brooklyn do you live in, near Eastern Parkway?..hey Recruiter direct hire is making a comeback, sucks for you!

Anonymous said...

Bed hasn't been open in several years, idiot.

Anonymous said...

For 4:23 pm: Regigger your eyes, and swat out dem flies, my name is Melvin, mon!

Better Coder said...

Hey all,

Wow. Lots o hours this weekend. Some tough docs, as well. Very taxing.

Also, very hung over all day Sunday and $600 poorer. We tried getting into BED, but it was PACKED. So we headed over to the East Village and hit up CBGB. Was awesome. Was just Second Year and I. I got wasted enough to giver her a little taste of the Better Coder. Rest assured, she loved every minute of it.

Oh ya and hit up Dolce for a suit this evening.

Big Cocker

Anonymous said...

Big Mamma.......Wholely COW, elephant and gorilla all in one, plus rhino. Beast, I tell ya. she is a beast. BTW her husband is almost certainly getting it on with some hot chick while she sleeps in her office billing the firm and client double time and a half, which he then spends on his cute little hottie. Haha...exactly who is the joke on haha

Lifer said...

BC, that was an amazing time!

Anonymous said...

It's nothing great being a paralegal. I temped as a paralegal for a short while although I went to grad school etc. in the legal world I could only do paralegal work. If you think staff attorneys are bad. The paralegals are SHIT - TOTAL AND UTTER SHIT. Dumb, idiotic, moronic, at least the career ones, and trust me it is much better to be a lawyer than a paralegal - even with the loans. So what if these people make $140K, they are treated like shit and they are shit. I much preferred to deal with the attorneys -- they had more gravitas, intellectual capacity. At S&C you see shit like Valvina Scissorhands, as paralegals and working with them is like working in the ghetto. They have no sophistication, no class and are scary hood rats. Give me a staff or temp attorney any day!!

Anonymous said...

"At S&C you see shit like Valvina Scissorhands, as paralegals and working with them is like working in the ghetto."

She is a VOODOO practicing scary mother fucker big boobed monster crazy boyfriend-shorts-shredding Biaaaatchhhh!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Does Big Mamma practise Voodoo, too. Is that that prick I felt when I denied her my sandwich :D

Anonymous said...

They are all nasty ghetto cunts. I rue the day I started temping with these ghetto bitches at S&C - I was a nice polite educated person and after working with these Caribbean Cunt Queens I am not capable of being in polite society anymore. Even working in the sewers with ConEdison would have had more dignity than working with these nasty slimy donkeys.

Anonymous said...

Big Mamma is too large to be a donkey. She is a massive Phant. A big ass rhino. A scary Gorilla. You choice, but it must exceed 200 pounds. She has a head the size of Big Foot.

Anonymous said...

Barring the young college idiots who work as paralegals at S&C [they may be moronic but are generally somewhat classy] there are about FIVE paras and staff attorneys from the rest of the pool that are sophisticated, decent, respectable and seem like they some from good homes. The rest is all GHETOO shit - I suppose the "management " i.e. David F feels comfortable with the ghettos because I see more of them at S&C than at other places. I know of several classy staff attorneys who left this firm after the management became the Caribbean Mafia. They just felt they were not up to dealing with the new mgmt. and that they would always be sidelined b/c they were not crass and ghetto. Very sad - because now working at S&C at the staff level is like working at McDonalds.

Anonymous said...

What's with Big Mamma's sidekick, MS Koward? That brainless old lady goes around in her high school waredrobe acting like she is the belle of the analyst circus. Very funny to watch.

Anonymous said...

Are the associate ranks at S&C full of minority ghetto trash too?

Anonymous said...

I am jealous. I work in IT and I spend my day surrounded by a bunch of boring office stiffs.

S&C sounds amazing. You guys get to be entertained by observing an interesting assortment of ghetto scum. It's like getting paid to watch the Jerry Springer show.

Anonymous said...

Barclays 4 life..38th in da house! holla!

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

Recruiter said...

Good morning! I hope you all had a great weekend. Is anybody in need of a document review position? I have posted information about a large scale upcoming document review here.

Anonymous said...

"can a real recruiter explain"
the docs dont load when we all want them too, the firms client is taking a longer time than we expected. we are bidding with sweatshops like huron and offshore vendors.
we love to play with your little hearts and bank accounts.
we are the evil side.
we love losing money as much as you love not making money.
- real recruiter -

Anonymous said...

11:27 Thank your lucky stars that you work in a place which does not have ghetto drama. This Jerry Springer bullshit at S&C is only good from afar. Once in it it will ruin a perfectly decent human being.

The associates are certainly NOT ghetto. As much as they used to annoy me sometimes they are hard-working, mostly decent and classy. Please there is NO comparison AT ALL between the ghetto staffers and the associates. Even the maintenance men and the security guards are more refined than the paras [minus new college kid paras] and staff attorneys. I know that sounds weird - but that's what I noticed.

Anonymous said...

Lucy Kow looks like a cannibal. I think she eats human entrails for lunch because the look on her face is always so nasty and like she will rip out your throat. She gives me the shivers. Again, she probably survived because she is a Caribbean Cunt Queen protected by the Caribbean Mafia. Before Staff Attorneys at S&C were known as "Litigation Analysts" they were mere "Legal Assistant" lumped with the paras. I worked there in 2004 when these new titles were given. But basically lifers like Lucy were mere paralegals before - and working as a paralegal with a law degree is not as hot as she thinks. Even now the "staff attorneys" really do the work of paralegals.

Anonymous said...

Wow: the NYC document review market is still deader than a Touro student's brain.

Hope things improve soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dead as a door nail. My recruiter at HireCounsel was fired and now they are staffing the non-existent NYC projects out of the California office. Thanks, ABA! All the work is obviously in India being overseen by Michelle Vega. We should all drink Kool Aid Jim Jones style outside the NYC bar association.

Anonymous said...

Conflicts checks are such bullshit. I haven't been working in months, and I just got a call for a project. I was honest and said that I had dealt with a matter involving a certain entity. It wasn't even a real conflict, the entity was adverse and was tangentially related to the matter I had been working on. The recruiter however immediately hung up on me. Meanwhile, their are dozens of people working on that project who clearly are directly conflicted, having worked for that very client! While I sit home unemployed being ethical, my colleagues are at working banking it. That is the last time I follow these so called bullshit "ethics" rules.

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That picture is hilarious, Recruiter, and too true.

Anonymous said...

12:47 I feel your pain. It's never too late to learn. I also learned the hard way. Anyway you will be wiser the next time.

Anonymous said...

I hated that faux Tiffany. she thought she was the fifth character in Sex and the City and her staff attorney boyfriend Robert was equally annoying and pretentious.

She was always prancing around acting so important in her little pale green suits and talking in that hush hush baby voice. I just wanted to slap her and ask her to be a real woman.

Anonymous said...

Recruiter, what does "near future" mean?

Anonymous said...

I worked at S&C and I have to tell you, some of the people I worked with, I am not surprised they are doing doc review. These people were so unprofessional. You had people who would download movies and watch it at work. Some people would even play music out loud and sing showtunes. These people thought this was appropriate behavior for the workplace. Utterly unprofessional!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain 12:47. Unfortunately the ethical attorney always finishes last. All of the REALLY successful non-elite firm types, especially PI lawyers like John Edwards, are fundamentally unethical.

Also keep in mind that if you took the project and the bar discovered you knew there was a conflict, they would probably disbar you by unanimous decision and etch the disbarment in stone over some courthouse, whereas if you were a BigLaw associate you would receive a "public reprimand."

Recruiter said...

The girls down at the office would kill me for saying this, but in all honesty "near future" means never.

Anonymous said...

For those who feel paralegals have it good because they make as much money as staff attorneys and don't have law school loans, trust me you are better off being an attorney than a paralegal. These people are 100% Grade A ghetto [barring the new college grads]. As a grad student I temped briefly as a para and boy was it ugly. There was all kinds of creeps I had to deal with. Once I worked at S&C there was a fat monstrous black 300 pound paralegal with a greasy pimply face lurking in the basement who used to check out my ass in the copy room. Unfortunately he was a buddy of Update gals and they used to gossip quite a bit about other temps. Then he started asking me out - having been raised in a decent home and never been asked out by a HIPPO before, I tried to be nice and polite. But like many ghetto men, he thought I was interested and just being "shy". He persisted and started coming by and telling me stories of the length of his penis, how he had a mistress on the side, and lurid stories of nightclubs, shagging and having to fend off women. It was horrible. One day as he inched closer and closer in the copy room, I lost it and told him to get the hell away!! Of course word went back to Update that I was a diva/racist and word also went to his buddy black staff attorneys at S&C. In the end I got blacklisted for simply trying to protect myself from gross paras. The point is that you are surrounded by such filth at S&C and if you fend for yourself and try to get rid of these monsters you end up looking bad and crazy. It's a no-win situation. Many paras are similar -grimy, gossipy, nasty, low-level. It's not such a great world. I found temp/staff attorneys much more decent - and not so desperate.

S and C Basement Freak said...

Does anyone want to meet me outside of McDonalds after work?

Anonymous said...

Nice picture basement dweller. You really look like you've been in there for years -- look a little Clovester. What time do you get out? Is that big black RANDY HIPPO still there in the basement?

Exiled Temp

Anonymous said...

Randy Hippo, Lucy Kow, Big Mamma, Clovester, Gaylard, Valvina Scissorhands, Anus the Albanian, are just some of the freaks of the S&C circus sideshow.

Oh and I forgot to mention super-classy para Derek who spits in the C-2 kitchen sink every time he passes by - rich mucousy discharge. Watch out for that sink!!

Anonymous said...

ewwwww......ghetto. If you spend too long around the ghetto, you become ghetto. Get out of there ASAP.

Anonymous said...

What happened to Lifer -- and where are you working now girlfriend??

Suicidal Temp said...

I became suicidal shortly after working at S&C...

Anonymous said...

Good Lord

This S&C place sounds like Purgatory - full of trolls, wenches, hellboys and devil's spawn.

I will pray for you tonight exiled and current S&C temps.

May the Lord have mercy on us all...

Father Eamon

Guido Rama said...

I worked at S&C for a while. It was truly a scary place.

Anonymous said...

Probably not as bad as Fitzpatrick. At Fitzpatrick Cella I was assaulted by a fat black hippo much like the one the poster above has decribed. He too was grimy, slimy, and worst of all lapdog poodle to nasty paralegal manager Lisa H., who liked to collect bitchy fat boys to gossip with and get the dirt on other paras. They made one nasty couple.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I get that twilight zone feeling that there are really only two people posting on this blog, me, and some sociopathic temp who created all the other posts ever posted on this blog and thinks he's not crazy and its normal to post as 15 different people and "anonymous."

Anonymous said...

I'd say there are about 5 - 10 posters, but 1 or 2 that do the bulk of the spamming.

Anonymous said...

Everyone else is off working overtime and enjoying bottle service.

Lifer said...

If you don't start tomorrow, you're not starting. Only once did I get a gig after waiting two weeks. I was 21 when they first mentioned that Labaton project, and now look at me.

Anonymous said...

If they delay the start date, send out resumes to other projects. Take the one that starts first.

Anonymous said...

Don't be such a sissy about getting blacklisted. You're an attorney -- it's time to stop letting some 22 year old sales girl, or attorney that never worked a real job push you around.

highschoolteacher said...

Hi Joan King!

beerguzzlingtemp said...

I'm not surprised the firm screwed over these temps.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you guys simply avoid this savage, nasty brown uncivilised ghetto behavior and find work within the classy, mostly white associate ranks instead then?

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"

Anonymous said...

is anus/bi-rot, the uglarian at SC running a review?

Real Slave Ship Bob said...

why been crying bouts , I , slave ship bob been off loading me's breeding stock of jamaican jd's fresh plucked from the Caribbean shores. Aye, and me provides them health insurance while they onboard, they stays healthy or I insure they go overboard.

Anonymous said...

Here's a great idea to raise revenue to pay for health insurance - a serious tax on companies that outsource.;channel=itservices;var1=offshoring;var2=;sect=;articletype=comment;comp=;job=;pos=leader;dcopt=ist;tile=1;sz=468x60,728x90,944x140;ord=1548?

Anonymous said...

Sheep picture, reminds me of asians. Dumb and smely sheep.

Anonymous said...

I agree asians are dumb and smely and like sheep

Anonymous said...

Asians arre soo stupid. misplet for asina benefir.

Anonymous said...

End of days nears...swine flu will consume us all, enjoy now while you is temporary, even the President isn't permanently employed..heal the world make it a better in love w/ Joe Jackson..can you please pass the jelly!

Anonymous said...

Recruiter - do you staff fast food establishments as well? Dying to work at Wendy's..can you help? I can review docs & flip burgers at the same time, so gifted!

Anonymous said...

so tired of the losers on this site..if you cant get into a top 20 law school then dont go at all..youre digging your own grave unless you dont mind clicking till end ppl are Dave Rozinsky from the 38th floor S&C BARCLAYS 4 LIFE HOLLA!

Anonymous said...

Ride the snake
Ride the snake
To the lake
To the lake

The ancient lake baby
The snake is long
Seven miles
Ride the snake

He's old
And his skin is cold

Anonymous said...

Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
Come on, baby, take a chance with us
And meet me at the back of the blue bus

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend
The end

It hurts to set you free
But you'll never follow me

The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end

Anonymous said...

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house were born
Into this world were thrown
Like a dog without a bone
A lawyer out alone
Riders on the storm

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Dear 12:44 P.M.,

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

Anonymous said...

They say that Richard Cory owns one half of this whole town,
With political connections to spread his wealth around.
Born into society, a banker's only child,
He had everything a man could want: power, grace, and style.

But I work in S&C's factory
And I curse the life I'm living
And I curse my poverty
And I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be,
Oh, I wish that I could be
Richard Cory.

The papers print his picture almost everywhere he goes:
Richard Cory at the opera, Richard Cory at a show.
And the rumor of his parties and the orgies on his yacht!
Oh, he surely must be happy with everything he's got.

He freely gave to charity, he had the common touch,
And they were grateful for his patronage and thanked him very much,
So my mind was filled with wonder when the evening headlines read:
"Richard Cory went home last night and put a bullet through his head."

Anonymous said...

9:43: Yes.

Signed, sociopathic temp

Anonymous said...

That Albanian Fugly PP=Ennnis is being escorted by a loser asian her called up Robin Bird on late night from the Analyst Lounge while watching that old naked fuck.

Anonymous said...

End of days nears...swine flu will consume us all, enjoy now while you is temporary, even the President isn't permanently employed..heal the world make it a better in love w/ Joe Jackson..can you please pass the jelly!

12:40 PM
Big Mama, can ya spar some Jelle

Guido Rama said...

Lighten up people's. Get in shape, hit the beach and pray. That's all you can do.

Anonymous said...

Did domeone say "Burger"? OauO here comes Big Mamma.

Anonymous said...

Where are the GayLLARD comments? I miss them. I hear he is bopping several temps(Tramps)this season.

Anonymous said...

I heard Gaylard had a tiny dong - but not tinier than Tiny Tim's!!

Anonymous said...

Alex has a cute tiny ding-a-ling I heard

Anonymous said...

Gayllard is a big dick who isn't worth talking about. I am looking forward to laughing in his face when he is terminated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Almost all of Hirecounsel's recruiters have been thrown out with the trash. But for some reason, they keet that useless ass Andrew.

All signs point to Hirecounsel going under soon.

Ah, too bad, so sad.

Anonymous said...

The firms and their clients are faced with settling the cases or waging war, the old paper-laddened way of litigating. the only thing is with the economy in the crapper, the firms and client both are more reluctant to borrow the money it takes to operate the mass document reviews of, it is more difficult for them to secure the $2-3 million per month to finance the projects of 80 attorneys @ $40 per hour, OT, meals reimbursements and transportation...the credit crisis is hampering the recovery of document reviews, but I believe that the good old days are coming back...the big banks are taking the TARP money and investing it, cleaning up their balance sheets, and paying out huge salaries to their execs instead of increasing the flow of credit to small, mid-size, and large's holding up the entire economic a recruiter friend of mine said that outsourcing has not worked well for many of the agencies...their have been lawsuits due to the lack of qaulity of the work overseas, language barriers, and a downright lack of competency. Hold on Bothers and sisters is all I can say.

Anonymous said...

BORAT bbbbaaahhhhhhaaaa BOrat BAhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa Borat BBahhhhhhhahhhhhhhaaaa Please don't do that to me, I am not your musch faced slave girl. i am just a sheep. Please, get that little ding dong out of me. Bbbahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Anonymous said...

BORAT bbbbaaahhhhhhaaaa BOrat BAhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaa Borat BBahhhhhhhahhhhhhhaaaa Please don't do that to me, I am not your musch faced slave girl. i am just a sheep. Please, get that little ding dong out of me. Bbbahhhaaaaaaaaaaaa.

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

R. Budd Dwyer said...

Put a gun to your fucking head like I did and pull the trigger.

Dave Moss said...

"Aw, fuck you! Fuck the lot of you! Fuck you all!"