Last month, we discussed shitty temporary attorney HMO plans. Today, I want to discuss shitty temporary attorney dental care/dental plans. Recently, one of my temporary attorney colleagues woke up and discovered that the side of her face was puffed up like a chipmunk. She hadn't been to the dentist in over three years, and had to be rushed to the emergency room to undergo an emergency root canal.
I dont know a lot about lawyers, but surely if she went to law school she's can pay a couple thousand to a medical professional. Last time I checked lawyers were making 170k a year and thats assuming they arent promoted to partner or anything.
After checking a law school website it seems that a 4th year lawyer can make $230k a year!! wow thats alto more than a job at mcdonalds
Government employees get dental, but that's about it. Suck it up, get your teeth fixed, and put in a couple of extra hours to pay for it. Jesus - did your parents do this to all of you? Create this expectation for prestige and respect and money, without actually doing anything for it? Or did your delusional little mind do it to yourself?
If a temp attonerny works the same hours as in big law they can make 160k a year.
Even when I was an associate I didn't have dental. Dental is basically a thing of the past.
You guys are jackasses! Temporary attorneys DO NOT make that kind of money. I know. You could be out of work for months just because there is no work ie., no cashflow.
Isn't America great when everyone can express an opinion especially the ones have no clue what they're talking about.
Dude, I'm never out of work for more than a few days. Are you admitted?
lawyers don't deserve benefits. they're rich. i deserve benefits because i pour hot water through coffee beans and that's real work.
A root canal can cost $700 for one hours work. Most dental offices require 80 % upfront payment. You can consider a dental school outpatient ,if you qualify, but even with just paying for cost of material it is $300. i don't have $300 hanging around.
then get a second job, jerkoff.
Down in Pennsylvania you can get dental insurance through the state bar association at a group rate.
I don't know if New York's State Bar Association offers a similar discounted rate, but it might be worth checking into for you.
Are those that woman's REAL TEETH???
What a bunch of horrible snot-nose asses some of you are. Do any of you geniuses know what the cost of medical care is in this country? How much anything costs? How complicated the insurance industry is? Maybe you asses have a cash tree growing out of your backyard, but a lot of people do not. Jesus, you cannot read a blog on this site without some out of touch, blue chip Thurston Howell wannabe chiming in about how easy it is to pay for medical expenditures. I am lucky as I have full benefits and even I have a modicum of compassion for someone's difficulties, particularly in medical expenses.
to 9:09 Dude that is not a woman LOL
some of the above posters are suffering from stockholm syndrome. it makes me sad to see young attorneys shilling against their interests. it's like they've given up and accepted that they should be treated like dirt.
I have fangs and code documents. If I get a real job am I guaranteed that I can get them fixed with my shiny new dental plan?
WHile I sympathize with the crappy health insurance plans, especially for those unfortunate to suffer an accident or develop a disease, the cost of a preventative teeth cleaning and check-up is well under a hundred bucks. AT NYU you can have your teeth cleaned by a student for the cost of what most temp attorneys make in an hour. No sympathy for those hwo put off very cheap preventative medicine.
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