Could it be true? Satan's workshop closed? 200 debt-ridden souls suddenly dumped out on the sidewalk just in time for the holidays?
At least this case settled. At Paul Weiss, dozens of people were fired because someone dared to speak to the media about dangerous and unfit working conditions. Paul Weiss will forever be the true Satan's Workshop.
Christmas layoffs have been around since the 20s and 30s. They are still done frequently no matter how much we bemoan them! Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than buying Christmas gifts and getting a pink slip on the 23rd of December. DEcember and January are a real fun time to be looking for work (scarcasm). You start thinking, did the kids notice all the packages under the tree? Can I return one or two without them noticeing? Super feeling to have around the biggest holiday of the year.
Christmas layoffs have been around since the 20s and 30s. They are still done frequently no matter how much we bemoan them! Let me tell you, there is nothing worse than buying Christmas gifts and getting a pink slip on the 23rd of December. DEcember and January are a real fun time to be looking for work (scarcasm). You start thinking, did the kids notice all the packages under the tree? Can I return one or two without them noticeing? Super feeling to have around the biggest holiday of the year.
I guess you are not aware of the intricacies of the case. It wasn't a "Christmas" layoff, the case "SETTLED." And it wasn't just 65 Broadway that was affected, there were about 45 attorneys onsite at the main office that got laid off too. It sucks, but that is the nature of temp work. And as the original poster said, this was not at the behest of the firm or our agency, but a client exercising the right to settle.
Any "insiders" know when the axe is coming at 65 Broadway or 2 Logan? The rumors (at 2 Logan anyway) are flying fast and furious?
I guess 10:26 is a Hudson employee, "our agency"? Hey, Red Haired Maiden is that you?
Meeting occured at 65 yesterday, one of the big wigs from HHR told us 40 people were getting fired Friday.
Similar meeting at 2 Logan today, but they implied the people would be "transferred." Remains to be seen if an entire team (such as MPF or FACTs) will be eliminated, if the most recently hired will go, or if Simon will use the opportunity to eliminate people he doesn't like.
The people who were transferred in NY were people originally from the privilege team who were sent back to privilege.
leaving 65 aint so bad especially considering the $27/hour slave rate...but you gotta feel for the horde of socially inept unadmitted slugs that currently reside there who are completely unemployable. are there other jobs out there that employ non-admitted attorneys on their projects?
Yea, think of the 200 or so unemployable mouth breathers who are now suddenly unleashed on the steaming pile of crap the legal profession has become in NYC. Where will they go? They can't get real jobs cause they're total freak shows but it seems there are always other projects out there. Hey, I hear Barasso Consulting in Westfield is hiring- talk about Satan's workshop, I hear that place is the absolute worst.
What will all those 65ers do without their free pizza on Thursdays?
I'm going to miss 65. I had some happy memories there. Spending late nights in the conference room boning stupid paralegals, drinking beer on the roof of 65, eating pizza, the crazy people, rubbing one out in the men's room to the well dressed hot staff attorney I always wanted to bang but never did, reading magazines while I was supposed to be coding, taking 45 minute craps and only putting down a 15 minute break, sleeping, playing PSP, coding while on LSD, coding a week straight without reading a document (and getting no adverse QC feedback), smarting about the gay guy overseer who was really detail oriented and anal that replaced the nice red head lady at the front desk
I used to rub my hands on my ass and then touch all the pizzas before people ate them. Now I have to find a new job. Shit, I hate when these cases settle.
The end of an era. We will miss you Lisa Hart, Bregman, Miss. Cleo, and all the paralegals/ staff attorneys who 2-timed their spouses.
hey 9:19, you really sound like 65 supervisor material
hit the road jack and dont you turn back no more no more no more no more
Buncha' charmers, aren't ya.
10:26 AM, you're right I am wrong; the case "settled." In theory, the agency owes no more to the temps than an hourly wage and the temps owe them no more than a hours work.
In the past, I had a bad experience with a Christmas layoff from a profitable division of a company. Didn't see it coming and wasn't prepared. Hate to see the same thing happen to any smuck.
Hey original anonymous, I wasn't trying to be catty or anything. Just trying to give insight as a person who was directly affected. You are totally right about Christmas layoffs, though. It happens to everyone -- temps to perms, secretaries to C.E.O.s No, I'm not the red haired maiden, but yes a (former) Hudson onsite worker. "10:26 AM."
you people are losers
I worked at PW as a contract attorney 2 years ago before becoming a "real" associate at another firm. They "fired" me and a whole bunch of the kids down in that hellhole basement about a week before Christmas (luckily, I'm Jewish)- but not before telling me that three girls were constantly complaining that they could hear me talking in between ipod songs...and to stop. MISERY!
you people are losers
Maybe those three girls didn't want to hear you talking anymore cause you're really annoying. Judging by the inane comment you posted I'm betting that's the case. I wouldn't have complained about you though, I probably would have shot spitballs and flicked boogers all over your back all day long cause its more fun and complaining to the staff attorneys or associates seems so childish and they have better things to do like monitor temps clicking.
I think I read somewhere that if you get laid off at Christmas, you get laid.
Did anybody get a phone call?
11:37- I got a phone call from my mom. She wants to know when me and my girlfriend are coming over for Thanksgiving. Oh yeah, then my drunk friend Dave called and wanted to go out to a frat bar. I said "no thanks".
Did anyone else get a phone call?
Is Dave sometimes called David? If so, his grandfather might be looking for him...
I haven't gotten a call yet.
Me neither. maybe we can all come back?
Who is having an affair? If anyone of you bitches touch my wife, I am going to come down there and kick your ass.
the latest I hear at 2 logan is that approx 75 of the newest people were let go this weekend. I was hired at the start of the project and suspect I have a job until january or so. The job prospects for temps in Philly appear pretty good as there are constantly projects staffing around the city. all the same--its much better to be looking for a job while employed than while out of work. Happy Holidays to all.
Any further news about numbers at 2 Logan? I heard several people got the call on Saturday. Was it everyone, or just a portion like they said it would be? Were they targeting people based on seniority, team, or because they were on someone's list? Anyone heard about the other "job" that they were promising? I heard that it is basically 80 people from 2 Logan on a list along with other contractors who have applied via career builder.
and the Nazi's told the Jews they were only going to the showers. Start looking for another job NOW!!!!!!
I heard that at least 75 people from 2 Logan were cut. They must have called alphabetically because people whose last names were at the end of the alphabet didn't get the call until Saturday morning.
Hudson already is backpedalling on the promises to find other jobs for the people they called (though they surely will place some people in the Amgen, AstraZeneca and possibly MBNA projects).
It seems as if they based it mostly on seniority with the most recent people cut first. The MPF team was all but eliminated (probably decided it was easier than trying to retrain them to do relevance or privilege).
It is unclear if Simon used it as an excuse to get rid of those he doesn't like or the people who cheat on their breaks, talk all day, don't do any work (you know who you are). I guess we'll all know tomorrow.
What happened in NYC? Were 40 people fired on Friday, or will Lisa Hart come back and eat the remaining left over Dechert temps on Thanksgiving? YUMMY, YUMMY!
Hudson fired everyone at 65, I just got an email. Apparently 65 Broadway has been boarded up and condemned as it should be. The building management company said that the Hudson temps were the only tenants left in the building and they were just waiting for the project to end before closing the building for renovations.
that sux...no more free pizza
The nazis made the jews wear flair.
Did you have to wear flair on these jobs?
I personally like to wear at least 40 pieces of flair when I'm waiting tables at Tschotchkie's, so I guess I'll be seeing y'all there soon.
They fired everyone except 15 at HHR's on-site location. They kept the Red Haired Maiden.
How do you know a Hudson employee is lying to you?
Red Haired Maiden?
Julie or Lauren's mouth is moving?
Who are the (un)lucky 15? The fat pig tattletale from South Carolina?
Y'all mean.
The pig from SC is not fat. She is hot.
There was more than one South Carolina native on this project. The one I'm referring to was at 1 BPP, not 65 Broadway, and started in February-March '07. She's a notorious tattletale in the temp world whom no one with funtional eyes would describe as remotely hot. She and the Eggman would make a great pair, but, oddly, each of these evolutionary aberrations has found a mate.
Which SC talttletale are we referring to? Jane is hot. Your are jealous.
I worked at 1 BPP. You all went around and tattled on each other. You spent your time acting like high school students in cliques instead of lawyers. Maybe you would have a perm job if you acted like professionals and really did the work you were asked to do? Pepople that just did their jobs- reviewed documents with care, came in on time and didn't gossip about others never had any problems. There were some people at 1 BPP that kept their "temp" jobs for well over a year.
I believe the opertive phrase, "fat pig," should have clued you into the fact that it wasn't the actress daylighting as a babysitter.
11:15--the tattletaling started with the misguided, nepotistic decision to hire the Eggman. Nonetheless, it was not only those who came in on time and actually reviewed the documents who were able to keep their jobs for over a year--those who operated various businesses during work hours, reported to work just for the cars and meals, slept at their desks, falisfied their timesheets, or never read a single document remained on the payroll as well. In addition, tattletales stayed on. Remaining employed on a long-term temp gig is in fact the best these individuals can aspire to.
you are all little children that got exactly what you deserved. If you want to be treated like a professional try ACTING like one. The 15 people still working at 1 BPP acted like lawyers, not babies, and that is why they STILL HAVE JOBS.
"nepotistic decision to hire the Eggman." what the fuck are you talking about? Statements like these show just how little you know.
"those who operated various businesses during work hours, reported to work just for the cars and meals, slept at their desks, falisfied their timesheets, or never read a single document remained on the payroll as well. In addition, tattletales stayed on. Remaining employed on a long-term temp gig is in fact the best these individuals can aspire to."
So then most people got what they had coming to them. Kciked to the street on their lazy asses.
they should have paid eggman double what he got to put up with this crap everyday.
Who are the 15?
The Eggman happened to go to college with a certain associate who used to be a staff attorney whose uncle is a name partner in the D.C. office. This small, not very prestigious college happens to be overly represented at the firm. As for the comment that he deserves to be paid double, he already generates so much waste. His billable hours solely consit of waddling between floors to interrupt the efficiency of the review when his eyesore of a presence forces the reviewers to look up from their screens. His only skill consists in consuming a family-sized pizza for lunch in five seconds flat.
The associate and DC partner are not related. They just have the same last name. Eggman and the associate didn't even know each other in college.
Bottoms line though- he is still waddling the halls of 1bpp and you are collecting unemployment. You lose. He wins.
how oringinal, calling the eggman fat. Do you have any insults that are not from the third grade? what did he ever do to you except keep you employed?
I am the Walrus.
The Dude: It's like what Lenin said... you look for the person who will benefit, and, uh, uh...
Donny: I am the walrus.
The Dude: You know what I'm trying to say...
Walter Sobchak: That fucking bitch...
The Dude: Oh yeah!
Donny: I am the walrus.
Walter Sobchak: Shut the fuck up, Donny! V.I. Lenin. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!
Donny: What the fuck is he talking about, Dude?
Illiterate, ignorant, inarticulate, megalomaniacal, bumbling, stuttering, stammering, foolish, craven, repulsive eyesore.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I was employed long before he arrived on the scene, and I extricated myself long before the shit rolled all the way downhill.
11:42--you speak of remaining employed on this project in an aspirational tone. In fact, this project pays below market rate. The benefits are costly. Perks such as meals and cars have been whittled away. There is no internet, and (inconsistent)overtime is treated whimsically demanded/bestowed, if at all, at the last minute. Moreover, as far as doc review gigs go, this one requires and imparts very minimal skills. There is no privilege review involved. This is not document production. There are no opportunities for second-level review. Temps are merely mired in the facts, and not even the scientific facts. It's no wonder that the people who have been there for a while are fighting like hell to stay on--if asked to explain their employment history at an interview for a real job, assuming any of these people could even get their feet in the door, there aren't many opportunities for blowing up the experience.
Amen to that! I've never worked with more stupid people in my life than I did on that project. Anyone who is left who thinks he is safe because of all the "skills" he has learned while working there is delusional. A trained monkey could do this job.
why do you fuckers always complain about no internet access? It's not like it would help you do your jobs. Clearly you all are just a bunch of slackers looking for more free shit so you can waste time while appearing to be working as you surf Craig's list or some other hippie website to look for a new bong or a used couch to replace your current one with the pee stain on the cushion. Stop whining about no internet access and get a real f'ing job. You obviously don't realize what a loser you sound like. No self respecting professional would ever acknowledge that as a valid complaint. It's not like they'd say "Oh yes, you are right, we should provide you with internet access so you can fuck around all day and look at porno sites and your myspace page all while shopping for crap on ebay and sluts on Jdate". Idiots.
There's a reason why you're temps.
You whine about stuff that you're not entitled to, can't even perform your menial tasks, run scams, and have various behavioral disorders. You are temps because nobody wants you around long enough for permanent employment. That and the fact that you are usually such wack jobs that you eventually get canned for some stupid reason that nobody in their right mind would ever get fired for. You are the "Great Unwashed" of the legal community.
Way to go losers.
Hi, fat eggman!
Seriously, retards. For all the complaining going on here it's hysterical how sad people are to not be on this supposed "hellish" project anymore. Y'all been bitching and moaning for so long, you forgot that you might actually have to work for a living if you didn't have this cushy gig. I mean Jesus Christ, listen to yourselves...
"Wahhhh, the work isn't interesting. Wahhh, they actually have someone in charge to make sure we're doing our work. Wahhhh, they basically leave us alone unless we don't actually work and/or completely fuck something up. Wahhh, they won't give us internet so we can do less actual work. Wahhhh, they "only" give us pizza, bagels, donuts and cookies. Waahhhhh, they pay for our dinners and cars home when we work late. Wahhhhh, we get paid $35/hour plus overtime and make more than most associates do who work at small NY firms. Wahhhhhh, they gave me a pink pacifier when I wanted a yellow one. Wahhhh, clean my diaper again please. Wahhh, you don't powder my bottom and tell me I'm special like my Mommy does."
Seriously... it's Thanksgiving. Be THANKFUL you had a steady job with solid pay when what you signed up for in the first place was a TEMPORARY job. Did you see that word "TEMPORARY" in the job description? "TEMPORARY"... meaning that the job can and will end at any time. That it is not a permanent job. That you should not have the same expectations that you'd be treated as if you had a permanent job. That's just the REALITY of the situation.
And now that it has actually ended for most of you that fooled yourselves for so long, you're jealous of those of us that were actually asked to stay on and do the work that we've always done and keep getting paid. So go eat your turkey, get that triptophan high, watch some football and then take a long look in the mirror and understand that there's only ONE person to blame for whatever situation you currently find yourself in. Then pick up the phone, call Hudson or some other temp job company and get a new one. You'll probably get a new gig soon and be thinking about how good you actually had it.
Ta Ta!
you people are simply pathetic
you guys at HHR who toil in lap of luxury and complain about it are truly pathetic...all the real hardcores code at 65
to 10:09 eggbeater whatever your name is...here is why people at 65 or other net-deprived projects want the Internet:
We want to be able to waste, ERR, spend time on the Internet (a) sending email, (b) shop for Christmas, (c) read espn.com or nytimes.com, (d) look on Match.com or Jdate.com, or (e) LOOK FOR A NEW JOB, just like you and 90% of all other office workers do during the day. We want to have the privilege to blow off some steam and connect with people in a 21st Century way.
Sometimes Internet access actually can help a job by giving people a way to look up information or a term. But let's be real...this is more for our own personal communication...
Not all of you surf the entire day. Neither do all temps. Some do, but you get rid of the bad ones...if you care.
Actually, many temp gigs do give temps Internet access. I recall one gig where the policy went from "you have it, but don't use it" to
Hey idiot... people at 65 and HHR could have access to email and internet -- IF THEY BROUGHT IN THEIR OWN COMPUTER AND LOGGED ON DURING THEIR BREAK TIME. I used to do this every day when I was on that project and it was no problem. I got stuff done on my time and it wasn't an issue with anyone there, so the only reason people complain here is as usual because IT WASN'T GIVEN TO THEM WRAPPED IN PRETTY PAPER WITH A BOW ON TOP AS IF IT WAS THEIR GOD-GIVEN RIGHT. All it took was a little effort to bring in my laptop and POOF... I had my internet. This is why nobody respects the people who complain all day on this site -- it's a bunch of people who don't want to put in the effort and do for themselves ... it's a lot easier to complain about it and blame other people for whatever problems they have (or at least perceive that they have).
yea, again all you people do is bitch and do nothing to improve your situation.
Also...11:59, your response to my post about internet access whiners is a terrible one and basically highlights the reasons why you shouldn't have internet access. Now I know why you are a whiny temp, you can't argue for shit. Stop whining and check your Jdate profile.
wait, there are sluts on jdate? I'm so there, thanks for the tip eggo dude! You rock!
"Maybe those three girls didn't want to hear you talking anymore cause you're really annoying. Judging by the inane comment you posted I'm betting that's the case. I wouldn't have complained about you though..."
Hi Dudley! You're absolutely right, that is annoying and I'm sorry. Hope those three girls forgive and forget.
no problem broseph- better check all your shirts for dried boogers and have them dry cleaned for good measure.
You fucking goddamn sonofabitch motherfucking assholes. Goodamn fucking pieces of shit. You fucking stupid goodamn piece of shit motherfuckers. Fuck you, you goddamn losers. Goddamn fucking losers. Fucking godamn piece of shit.
Have the 10 asskissers been let go yet?
It's one mighty big ass they have to kiss . . .
2 Logan will never close. They are going to have us work on Vytorin, and Simon even is trying to get us a raise. I don't know why people complained about this place so much.
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