"Hi Everyone,
As you may know, Weil has selected 7 people on the project to be part of a second- review team who will continue on the project until the end of November. (If you are one of the 7, you would have received an email from Weil last night or this morning). Weil has informed us that they will be adding additional people to this group of 7 later in the week, so there is still a chance that some of you who were not previously selected will be chosen to remain on the project. Keep checking you email.
I will keep everyone in mind for any projects starting after November 14, but right now, I don’t have anything.
Bull Shit. Who actually believes this? "Pox"olution wants to drain money (blood) out of people until the very last minute. Those who believe this schtick will be unemployed just in time for the slow holiday season. I wonder who is pulling Kim's puppet strings? Could it possibly be "Dickhead"? Krow-shitz?
How about the client?
Poxolution and all the other agencies play the same game. When a project is winding up, they don't want everyone jumping ship. They lose hours and it may wind up pissing off the client. In a hot doc review market, I don't think this is a problem. If the agency is large enough and they like you, they will usually help you out and roll you right over to another project. In a slow market (which many believe we are in right now), I would be more careful, esp now that we are heading into the holidays. The agency may not have enough projects immediately available to keep everyone busy. If you have to jump ship, do what you have to do. They may put you on the blacklist until the next boom market, but even they understand people have to feed their families.
I smell collusion
Yes, collusion. Firm A passes temps to firm B at a strategic time. Rates are kept standard and low.
In their book "Snakes in Suits," Paul Babiak, Ph.D. and Robert D. Hare, Ph.D., explain that a surprising number of workplaces employ psychopaths.
While psychopaths make up 1 percent of the general population, Babiak and Hare found that 3.5 percent of the executives they worked with "fit the profile of the psychopath."
Psychopathic employees are pathological liars who get away with doing little or no work. They charm senior management with their "leadership potential," con co-workers into covering for them, and successfully blame others for their mistakes.
Well, you don't have to jump ship. Just try and get another project. If they call you, then say you are not available. Hopefully, it's still early enough for one to get on another project. I don't blame Kim for this though. If the client says it's over, it is over. I do hate when projects end in the middle of the week. You are practically screwed.
They don't understand that some people have families to feed. You're temps! You shouldn't have reproduced.
That's funny regarding psychopaths.
At Lexolution, fully 100% of the people are psychopaths.
Has Dickhead Osman created any more Human BBQ Smokeshacks lately?
Has Snot Krowshitz brought any prospective clients to Dickhead's BBQ to show them how they pack the slaves in, then light them on fire afterwards? (While arrogantly standing in the only available doorway so no slaves are able to enter or exit?)
But they keep getting the jobs!
Being a psychopath pays!
Okay, if every project is a terrible project then how can we make a determination on who to work with. This is loosing all its credibility. This is the nature of the game that we play. Why is this letter up here?
Because it shows how the agency doesn't really give a crap about temps. otherwise, they'd stay on top of the project's status and inform you when things would be winding down, to afford you the opportunity to work on securing the next gig. halfwit
Okay, so we have to resort to name calling; how mature. But wait a minute, are you on the project? Are you even a temp? Cause if you were then you would know that the deadline is always being moved by the firm. This is what they do. You don't like it then get a job; stop temping. How are you going to blame the agency because they don't know when the firm is going to end the project. If this forum is suppose to help improve our condition then let us focus on things are not right like with Quinn, Emanuel that way the firms/agencies that care know what they can do to change for the better.
I thought all was quiet on the Quinn front? I haven't seen anything on them in a while.
I like Kim Powe. She seems like one of the few genuine people in an industry shock full of Stepford Wife skanks, Carrie "Frankendine" Cheskins, and Captain Julie Zuckerburgs. She always gave out a sarcastic smirk when dishing out Krowitz's b.s.
Kim Powe is a fucking asshole.
Oh come on, let's not go down this route. Kim Powe is actually really nice when you think about it. Why do we keep abusing the agency workers? Sometimes, it is the fault of the law firm. The agencies are in the business of making money, just as you are. The law firm workers sometimes, are the ones that make projects miserable for all. Not Kim and not Debbie Sharpe nor Dick.
kim powe is just as slimy as dickhead osman and snot krowshitz.
and as a recruiter, kim is one of the people who determines who goes on the blacklist.
dickhead and snot are too busy figuring out how to stuff as many bodies into as small a space as possible, with only two filthy toilets per gender, to worry about who get blacklisted and who doesn't.
just one mix-up or error when dealing with kim or any of the other lex recruiters and you can forget about getting placed by them. even if the mix-up was their fault.
they're all vicious. they'll say the mix-up is cleared up, but that little black mark will remain in your file forever and you'll never get placed. and there is absolutely no reasoning with any of them.
they're scumbags.
Is there a single agency that you guys would recommend working with? Because if I believe what I read here all the agencies are scum. I want to know a good one, I have heard enough about the bad ones.
I worked as a temp for 3 years before managing to land a position at a decent firm. Don't ever give up hope. In the meantime, you should also be enhancing any skills you can in order to make yourself more attractive to firms --foreign-language mastery being one easy way to stand out from the herd. Yes, it can be difficult, and lack of spare time can hinder progress, but instead of listening to music on your iPod while clicking, you could be learning something during a mindless exercise.
As for these ad hominem attacks on Kim Powe, while they might be warranted in particular cases, she always treated me fairly and decently and was honest when the client was being a dick about the assignment/conditions/start date. She knew she could trust me to be discreet, since she knew I understood the rules of the game. I fear that many of those who post hear really don't understand how it works. Pity them.
re above: "enhancing your skills any way you can";
post "here".
"Ad Hominem" attacks are warranted when those in a position of power lord this power over those in a powerless position and use the power to their detriment or to place them in unsafe conditions where they profit tremendously.
This was discussed Ad Nauseum back when when Dickhead Osman and Snot Krowshitz were being blasted for locking the fire exit and overcrowding the room.
Act like a piece of garbage, get attacked ad hominem. That's how it works around here.
As a recruiter, Kim Powe is in a position of power. SHE decides who finds out about jobs. SHE decides if your resume gets sent to the firm for consideration. And SHE decides who gets blacklisted.
Therefore, SHE is eligible for an ad hominem attack because there is no other avenue.
This isn't nicey-nice land, folks.
And don't forget:
10:43- If this is your only avenue to vent frustration of your own shitty work siuation, your problems are WAY bigger than an agency recruiter.
It's pathetic that you only "avenue" is an anoymous temp blog. Your life blows.
Don't diss the recruiters. They are only trying to make a living.
By the way, an informed source told me that as a recruiter Dickhead Osman is very difficult to work for. He is an unrealistic perfectionist, and drives many people out of the office.
Interesting blog. Maybe if Tom the Temp (and the rest of ya)spent half as much time hitting the classified as he did working on this tricked-out Big Wheel of a blog, he might one day become Tom the Gainfully Employed. Of course, he doesn't want that, because then his life would lose purpose. C'mon, Tom, skin yer knees a little and learn to ride a bike like a big boy. You're not the Bono of the profession, you're "Weird Al": Fun, intelligent, industrious, and you've taken something that was fun when we were little kids, complaining and whining, and turned it into an online career. Ultimately though,utterly forgettable. You're not a lawyer anymore, you're the snake eating its own tail (doesn't have to be a snake, btw. Any metaphorical animal with a tail will do). I want to see what happens when you finish the tail and get to your head...
This blog is the best. Slimy agencies and abusive supervisors are finally getting a taste of their own medicine!
What an incredibly articulate way to define your own insecurities. You gotta learn to deal with power if you want to make it, and some of you have a long way to go. Get over it.
I thought Lexolution was above the other agencies, until I stopped getting calls from them. They partake of the nasty rumor-mill that this industry is full of, and they do blacklist people for good reason as well as unfairly. They don't make any distinction between right or wrong, and for that reason, their agents are evildoers. Some of them "appear" nicer than others, but it's not because someone owns the business that he is worse than his agent doing his bidding. After all, these are salespeople. All that matters to them is the mighty dollar.
I like the info about psychopaths. I'd like to know what the numbers are for attorneys. I'd be willing to bet that among attorneys there is a much higher percentage of psychopaths (maybe approaching double digits) than in the average population or even the executive pool.
The bottom line is that this industry is not about turning out a good product or service; it is about mediocrity. It's about just getting the job done no matter what. The law firms' clients are the ones being cheated.
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