If you find yourself trapped in the Lexolution chicken coop this holiday season, be sure to get a flu shot!
"I would appreciate if you would let the temporary attorneys know that free flu shots are given in NY. I have posted the website below, where they can check and find out the locations. Also, before they go to these locations, they should call and find out the best time to go. The clinics require people to fill out a couple of forms. If you are allergic or have some other reason, then you are excluded. However, I hope the temporary attorneys will get the free flu shots, and that they remain healthy and won't infect their co-workers. Please let everyone know about it. (I want to remain anonymous, so please don't post my email address.) Thank you."
That stupid hell-hole. So that project is still going on? I hope they get sick and some of those stupid direct hire attorneys I hear about miss work for a few days. I'm sure none of the temps will miss their eagle eyes!
The place where poultry is confined is a chicken coop. It's not a chicken coup, unless of course you intended the clever double-entendre that the chickens (temp attorneys) should rise up and otherthrow the current regime in power (agencies). However, I doubt you are that clever.
I heard Lexolution uses old computers that belonged to now dead AIDS patients. That means you could be exposed to HIV while clicking. Forget about chicken pox- you guys are truly fucked!
Won't those chickens be dead before Christmas?
Yes - the chickens should rise up. Then we can immortalize the uprising as "Dickhead vs. The Peckers."
I have 5 bucks on the Dickhead!
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