Come to think of it, someone did flip out this summer. Good thing they weren't carrying a loaded weapon.
The "incident" didn't occur in America, but rather overseas on Chelsea Silverman's Brussels project. See the world is flat now, and misery is exported. 12 hour days, stressful and hostile legal work environments are now a global phenomena.
Reports have it that the two suspects were ok separately in small doses. But the combination of the two of them was explosive. They just rubbed each other the wrong way and the bad feelings between them just grew and festered. Neither of them wanted to take the high road.
So when they were alone they just went for it. Rumor has it that there was slapping, screaming, and vicious hair-pulling.
The aggressor, a Jamaican woman who is notoriously colorful, loud, and extremely overbearing with a reputation for being aggressive, was deported back to America.
I've met some interesting characters on projects. Everything from scuffles between a doc reviewer and another reviewer's husband who showed up to pick a fight, to this other girl who clearly had mental issues as she accused everyone from reviewers to associates of sexual harassment.
Good times.
Ahhhh..., why are you putting D.... on blast like this? We were all dancing and doing Hallelujah tumbles when we heard she got an E.U job and now this?? Awww....
what a shame that this had to happened and that a New Yorker had to give us the bad rap---now, everyone must think that attorneys from New York are just like her: loud, obnoxious, with low self-esteem, violent, colorful, and unstable. This incident reminds me of the sewer of Sullivan & Cromwell--where attorneys are dehumanized and reduced to nothing.
My question is: where is the other aggressor? Was s/he deported back to America? If not, is s/he there? How come one got deported and the other stayed? Why is she being protected? Shame on all of it. I really feel bad for the team ---they are probably have been through a lot of stress and feel very embarassed. How is the client dealign with all of it? and how come the client allow this? The real victims are the rest of the contract attorneys who have been subjected to this horrible incident and treatment.
Tom, indict this to the Hall of Shame. Violent is never an answer.
The worst ones are the loudmouths. They come on the project and try to say anything to incite debate. "John Kerry is a flip-flopper, Bush is Hitler", etc. The people that buy into the b.s. and answer back are even worse. STFU, and code. damn it.
Seriously, there are two sides to every story. I know I have met some really crazy people on temp gigs. Threats, even a nose to nose altercation. However, I don't believe two grown women would engage in a free for all like this. Especially professional women in an office setting. So, TTT, can you please verify what actually happened before we vilify someone without knowing the full facts?
This is how horrible rumors get started. While I not privy to the incident stated (for the record there is more than 1 Brussels project)--- I am currently in Brussels working on a doc review project and am Jamaican. My name begins with the letter D and so the person who made the myopic assumption that the name of the Jamaican invovled in the reputed incident starts with the letter D should be careful about making inferences of the sort. The world and certainly --- the world of Jamaican attorneys working in Europe--- may be larger than you think.
Thank you 1:06. It is indeed how rumors get started. Sorry someone maligned you. OTOH, the person might have been referring to another person with the same first letter from your country. Just take solace in the fact that folks who know you know that you didn't do it... not that I think they'd be reading TTT anyhow.
I know Jamaican D and she is just the kind of stupid skank who would pull crap like this, may she rot in the basemeent of S&C forever!
I hear D has really nasty BO and has yet to be introduced to the concept of hygiene.
Fuck you, you faggot ass sissy temps. All you need is a good stiff woody in your ass or mouth!
Honestly, you would complain if you were being fucked with a nicely lubed 8" cock. And, we all know that even the straights need a good anal massage.
Jamaican women should stay on their island smoking ganja, not be in Brussels slap-fighting and pulling each other's dredlocks out.
After I finsh smoking my Ganja I will kill all you motherfucking temps and I don't have BO Faggot!
This is perhaps the most bizarre story and thread I have yet to see in the bizzarro world of the so-called "profession" of the law. Although, I must say, I am surprised that there have not these types of fights at American law jobs.
Jamaican D why don't you SUCK MY DICK!
It did happen...not in an office setting but in a private setting. The fact is that the individuals involved took out their anger with violence and the fact is that they are representing a class of people from New York. So, whomever has all the facts, please set the record straight. It is shameful that they had to resort to violence and that the agency did not offer counseling to the real victims --the rest of the team.
I swear to the great god of Ganja that I will cut your balls of Mr. 18!
not only does it smell like an animal...it behaves like one. good riddance, skank.
Does that mean that the smelly skank will be working state side? Would hate to work with her again.
There must be several Jamaican Ds. The Jamaican D I know is still working in Brussels, is not smelly with BO issues, nor is she a skank and as far as I know, never worked for S&C? Who IS this other Jamaican D? Who can give real details?
hi, is anyone there?
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