The New York Quinn Emanuel project could never be pulled off quite so diabolically in San Francisco. Unlike New York, overtime is required for any time worked over 8 hours in any ONE day - any time worked over 12 hrs. would require double time. Paid 30 minute breaks are required, so Quinn's shenanigans of docking people when they take a quick bathroom break wouldn't be tolerated. Furthermore, after 30 hrs worked, employees are entitled to one hour of sick leave http://www.laboremploymentlawblog.com/employee-benefits-san-francisco-voters-mandate-paid-sick-leave-for-employees.html. Universal health care is also in the works. E.P. Dine's unenforceable labor contracts (where they try to dock you for 2 weeks of pay, if you dare leave one of their crappy temp gigs) and Lexolution's locking of fire safety doors would engender public protest, or possibly even criminal prosecution.
In reality, what we have is Quinn Emanuel fleeing these worker rights obligations and, with the help of Dickhead Osman, setting up a notorious white-collar sweatshop in the heart of New York City. Tired, worked to the bone, overtaxed, middle class New Yorkers send San Francisco millions of dollars in partner profits, and what does New York get back in return? Haley.
Who is ready for another week of document review?
Forget about paid sick leave, just getting UNPAID sick leave is even a problem. Last year, I had a 103 temperature and diarrhea for 2 days straight, so I had to stay home for two days. On my 2nd night home, I got the call from Update saying that I was fired. That little bout of sickness wound up costing me 2 full weeks of pay. Fuckers.
That was at the direction of the law firm that you were fired- not Update. Next time keep your greasy hands off the secretaries candy dishes and you might not get sick.
Isn't Joy the paralegal the one who docks the hours on the Quinn project?
Joy? Joy?? Are you freaking kidding me? Of course it's not her. It's those psycho direct hire idiots who keep watching you every time you get up to go to the bathroom. That is why people like that fucking Rohini who keeps watching you like the fucking dingle dangle scarecrow that she is. I mean, what the fuck??? And this is what you came from? You actually were getting these kind of hours AND PAY at Quinn in San Francisco and you come to NYC to pull the shit you pull? And I thought it was because your stupid old ass could not find a boyfriend to save your life!! I mean, come the fuck on, that haircut makes you look like a drowned rat. Which you look like by the way. God, this whole project is disgusting. I can't believe someone from San Fran would actually come to NYC and behave like a dickwad. Backstabbing stupid BITCH!!!
Rahini is a Brahmin in Bangalore - you'd better be careful, 9:39, you Untouchable.
The laws have been abolished. The Untouchables are now the desired. She is not desired. She is a shameless hussy who throws herself at men, even one with a girlfriend (and folks call Hayley a hussy??) And she was throwing herself on a non Brahmin too. What would her Punjabi folks say/think???
Fresh meat! Fresh meat!!
Not so hard to understand why associates/partners look down on contract attorneys when you read these posts. It's really embarrassing.
Oh pulease!! Get off your fucking high horse. Most of the folks at these firms... Big Law, went to Ivies and they look down on folks who didn't go to Ivies with them. Trust me, most of the stuff you see on this page, most of the temps would not tell it to the folks they work with. Hello?? You don't bite the hand that feeds you. But when that hand feeds you and bitchslaps you at the same time, then come on TTT's blog and curse them out.
It's nice to see how losers like 11:26 have found meaning to their lives through this blog. Reading stuff from him/her makes me feel better about anything I don't like about my associate position.
I think any credibility 11:26 had has been lost. It's one thing to complain about poor working conditions - which I must admit have mostly been resolved - but someone's appearance or ethnicity? Pulease.
This blog is like the Joel Osteen Ministries of the temp world.
It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and gives me faith that the next 3-6 month, $40/hr + OT assignment is right around the corner.
Wah wah wah.... fucking cry babies!! Jesus Holy Fucking Christ, do you think I come on TTT's blog to get credibility? And if I needed it, do you think it's from you QE apologists?? Come on, get the fuck out of here. I will make personal comments and ethnic comments and race comments as I see fit. Especially to Rohini since she is a fucking back stabber. I said it, she's a fucking back stabber and so is Alex. Now, if you don't like what I have to say, scurry along to your little rat infested hole. Confer with Toad the wet rat if you like, or report me to Renee. I don't give a shit. Stupid idiots, talking about credibility. Like that's how I pay my rent and school loans. Now, be off fuckers!!!
I saw Joel on Saturday. He was really good. Yes, I can't wait to earn $40 plus time and a half. Whoo hooo!! *whips out calculator*
Don't forget anti-amphibian comments, 12:05. You really slagged Toad. Joel Osteen would say that Toad's next fly is right around the corner. Possibly up Brad's ass.
The DeNovo Ho loves to hear you temp bitches whine, soon you will come to me and I WILL CUT YOUR BALLS OFF!
Come on, you know you are not going to cut anyone's balls off! You haven't seen one in so long you'd probably slobber all over it.
12:05-- we'd loooove to run to everyone and tell on you. Unfortunately, you're too big of a coward to tell us who you are. So, go ahead and redeem yourself. Or tell everyone you mentioned to their faces.
Did someone mention that there is a "hot dot" on the Quinn Emmanuel project?
8:30-- it seems that what's this blog has amounted to. A bunch of cowards making bitter comments and nasty attacks because they need someone to blame for their shitty non-permanently employed situations. My favorite thing about these nasty attacks is that all the targets have PERM jobs with health insurance, while these haters have, well, NOTHING.
Go back to San Fran, 9:28. NY guys aren't into weasel looking toads.
Why is this project in N.Y.?
Why not just have it on Alcatraz? Rohini could man the guard tower, and Hudson's Captain Julie Zuckerburg can be hired to ferry people back and forth to shore.
10:10, you forgot it's a Lexolution project. Only Dickhead Osman, Scott Krowshitz, or the two dykes can contractually ferry people back and forth. Captain Julie Zuckerberg can only scream and yell from the shore in an attempt to intimidate and distract them, and get Quinn Emanuel to switch agencies once again, this time to Hudson.
God damn - Rohini is so ugly! And she's a man stealer? These guys must have their eyes up their asses!
"If you give, you will be blessed.
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is going to determine how you're going to live your life."
So, STFU, and get back to clicking, you ungrateful whiners.
That's it! It's time to clamp down now. I am tired of all this nonsense. We are the MANAGERS, you are the TEMPS. Get it? It's time to demonstrate who is really in control here.
Anonymous said...
12:05-- we'd loooove to run to everyone and tell on you. Unfortunately, you're too big of a coward to tell us who you are. So, go ahead and redeem yourself. Or tell everyone you mentioned to their faces.
------ Your stupidity is just too hilarious for words. Who is this? Is it that confused black guy who can't come to terms that he has black blood in him and keeps acting like he has a stick up his ass? Well, let's see. I am a coward, you guys are ass kissing direct hires who one day could wake up without a job and then you will join us in the trenches at one of those Skadden Projects or even worse, S&C. Do you expect anyone to be nice to you then? You call me coward like that is going to annoy me. Funny! Of course I am a coward. Like I would tell you who I am??? I don't shoot myself in the foot. I will not cut off my nose to spite my face. I am not stupid. However, I shall write what I want to write here. You direct hires are crap. Crap crap crap.... and you need to be relegated back to Quinn's offices. Your antics make me shake my head in bemusement that otherwise adult humans can act like little animals at a feeding trough. Backstabbing and backbiting. Stealing boyfriends and getting drunk. Making out with someone who is not your fiancé and reporting any little infraction like little pissant whiny snot nosed kids. I am the coward?? You are disgusting. Hiding your inadequacies by being power hungry just because you are a direct hire. You guys are just worthless human beings and you can take that to the bank. Ugh, why am I wasting time instead of clicking? You drones really are not worth the air you breathe. Why don't you just drop down and die???!!! Wait, just realized something, the person I quoted talked of redemption in the last sentence. I should redeem myself????? Bwwwuuuuuaaaahhhaaahaaahaaahaa!!! To you??? *rotflmfao*
I've complained about lawyers but now this Indian lawyer complains of a caste system? This is not a communist country. You are not entitled to your job. You are "at will" employees.
Stop whining or quit. I need a project.
I know who 8:36 is. I can't believe it. You of all people???!!!
All direct hires are worthless human beings and power hungry? Whatever, I'd take the job if offered to me. And I'd bet breakfast on Monday that you would too.
I'm sure most of us would. However, a true measure of the worth of a person is how they act towards the defenseless in our society. So yes, I'm sure most folks would take a direct hire gig but the real test is this: How do you act towards other temps when you are now a direct hire?
while i usually save my furor for shite agencies like hudson, and its halfwit horned leader, a.cohen, i must now take this opportunity to take issue with some fellow contract attorneys, like the pathetic one spewing on this blog. you desperately need to get laid. i'll even pay for it.
btw, next time you kiss your disgusting wife, let me know how my dick tastes.
Puhlease... you know no female is going to taste your dick.... Who the fuck are you anyways? Oh wait, is this Rohini's Brahmin knight in tarnished armor? Come on dude, everyone knows that Indians have teeny weeny dicks that even trolling hookers on craigslist would not pucker up to. Now, do us all a favor and remove your mangy flea infested self from here and crawl back to the hole from whence you emerged.
The DeNovo Ho will make all you temp bitches pay!
Temps need to get a life and know their place- Temps are dirt and among the lowest forms of workers in the legal system (yes, you are even below PI lawyers).
You can keep complaining all you want about shit that you'll never do anything about but you just make sure that while you're typing at home you don't hurt your index finger so you're unable to properly handle a mouse and continue to click your way to a pointless existence.
Who told you we are not going to do shit about it? Keep walking around with your head in the clouds and not look around. The day things implode, just make sure you are not in the thick of it... that's all I can say.
what's real ironic is that first year associates are doing the exact same thing as "lowly temps". haha.
Yes we do the same thing as "lowly temps" as first year associates but we get the pay and don't have half the harassment you complain about. Also unlike you, we're able to pay our rent and our law school loans (although most of us are able to pay for school already or get it paid for by our parents or a scholarship). We also get benefits which you constantly whine about (medical, dental, 401k). So yes, while we do the same job, you get to sit there and suck on whatever we LET you have while you eke out your measly existence struggling from paycheck to paycheck while we live large and date models.
Wow, I can't believe Quinn has devolved into this kind of nonsense.
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