Last week, the 55 Water Street job announced S&C "across-the-board" pay cut on temps to $33 per hour, down from the previously rock bottom $35.
Not wanting to lose the iconic status of being the lowest payer in the industry, this is about a 10% pay cut.
While you can say it's only two lousy dollars, that depends on what your starting point is. That is, it's not like we were making $50 before.
The cut was done in the usual way, through the hit-men, the agencies, which made the calls to the poor temps. But we're like children who get beaten all the time and always expect something new or flinch when a hand is raised.
There is no doubt that this is the kind of call the agencies love to make to their temps, and think it's a way they can show their "value-added service". Their alleged reasons were the bad economy, the downward trend of pay, yadda, yadda yadda.
Thanks to the David Perla's and Bloomberg's of this world's constantly creating a new lower and lower standard, the agencies could not allow themselves to be outdone in this unpleasant reminder of how the rug is always being pulled out from under you in the temp world.
Beaten down like a bum, you are left chirping for a few stale crumbs of bread. Forget about our student loans. There's no hope of ever paying them back.
George Costanza had seven years less education than us, but a better life (and usually a better job) than us.
Will this paycut be affecting Clovester? How will he pay for his wrinkled shirts and tape gun?
Lol---Zing, bam, boom! That was funny, 10:44
Unfortunately George C is a fictional character. We live in something closer to the Bizarro world.
Even George lived with his parents.
Did those pathetic staffers loser $ as well. Big Mamma, are you hurting, too? 45 Yrs Old Virg? The Big fat Marks? Alex, the S&C wife cheating schemer, ugly temp banging twerp? The massive beast of a man who just stalks the floors of 55 Water, the completely useless EHHHIIII? Did these fuckers loss $$$ too... Sullivan hurt the wrong people. at least we actually WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just can't get lost in the old post... I had to cut and past: Classic SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guyz, what's goin' on? (spoken with a Sylvester the cat droll)
9:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Clovester is such an eyesore. Honestly, they should NOT let him wander the hallways during 9-5 client visitation hours. He is bloated, puffy and smelly. I don't know why they've still kept him.
And top of that he is not fair to temps. If you are not good-looking you should at least have a nice personality!!
6:44 PM
Anonymous said...
Clovester is such an eyesore. Honestly, they should NOT let him wander the hallways during 9-5 client visitation hours. He is bloated, puffy and smelly. I don't know why they've still kept him.
And top of that he is not fair to temps. If you are not good-looking you should at least have a nice personality!!
6:44 PM
Anonymous said...
S&C staff attorneys were lamos -- ha, ha, what a joke. 50% of them were crackheads
6:46 PM
Anonymous said...
The less said about stankly Clovester the better--gives me the chills
4:51 PM
Anonymous said...
I am compiled previous comments and parodies concerning Clovester (a nickname I invented). The quotes after the bottom below the line were written by someone else. Hope you all enjoy!
Does Clovis still have the same catch-phrase, "Hey guys, whatz goin' on?" What a little bitch! I remember how he fancied himself a huge football fan. I wanted to ask him if ever played the game.
Au contraire. Word has it that Clovis is not a virgin. Namely, the rumor was that he banged some ugly fat bitch who thought herself a Gucci Mamma.
I will say that Clovester was certainly a bungboy to many an associate, at least FIGURATIVELY speaking.
Ever notice how he basically wears the same thing everyday, just the color of his wrinkled Ralph Lauren shirts changes. There should be an animated parody of ol' Clovester, featuring coding drones sitting about, as Clovester walks around, each time the color of his shirt changes. Sometimes he would come out with a tape gun in hamd, other times to make an announcement. Maybe he could even do a variety show, live from templand. He would come out from the boxes, looking his slovenly self, greeting the audience with his line, "Hey guyz, whatz going on," replete with his near Sylvester the Cat droll. Between each segment, a theme jingle featuring heavy use of horns would be heard, as he downs yet another chocolate candy bar. Bum, bum bum-bum-bum, bum bum bum-bum-bumm, bum bum bum-bum-bum, BWAM!
Is Fred Flintstone none other than Mark Marker?
These people are petty and despicable, not to mention an irrefutable indictment of this shit profession.
Hey guyz, what's goin' on? (spoken with a Sylvester the cat droll)
Hey guys, whatz goin' on?
Clovis playing football? yeah right! Not unless the QB is lobbing twinkies, I can picture Clovis on the field trying to catch them with an open mouth.
Would be fun to lay the smackdown on that fat French-Kosher dumpling, just as the twinkie football lands in his mouth. BOOM!
Someone should really follow up on the aforementioned idea of a cartoon centered around that 45 year old virgin with the other loser analyst as supporting characters. Gaylord represented by a long skinny rat, the Ghettoasian by short fat bull dog, MM (Fred) definitely by a an hippopotamous, and the STAR by a big dumppy platypus with the one shirt of MANY COLORS.LOL
Oh, and Clovis a sa Duck billed platypus is PERFECT hahahhahahhahahhahhhaha and mark marker as teh big fat Hippo even better hahhahahhahhahhahhaa
No way did Clovis ever get it on with any human, fat or otherwise. Maybe a goat? Poor poor goat..... traumatized forever. Platypus is a great image for that fat sloppy usless major Alex suckup twinkee swallowing dump of a nothing.
Does Clovis ever shower?
Clovester is such an eyesore. Honestly, they should NOT let him wander the hallways during 9-5 client visitation hours. He is bloated, puffy and smelly. I don't know why they've still kept him.
And top of that he is not fair to temps. If you are not good-looking you should at least have a nice personality!!
Anonymous said...
The less said about stankly Clovester the better--gives me the chills
9:42 PM
Remember kids, if you are feeling suicidal, call the good folks at the Hatesville Suicide Hotline:
Perhaps if you take the Hotline's last suggestion to heart, you might like the new so much as to postpone your plans!
11:24 you forgot this one
I am the one who coined the nickname Clovester (I had a penchant for demeaning nicknames, including Blackie Black Dawn, Big Momma Beverly, Wrinkled Shirt Rudey (as in rude manners) or even Stripey B. Everrude, Cunty Anorexia, Chewy O. Pigsnout, Frankerstein Monster, Big Titties Tayloe, Gay Ed (I actually liked him). Did you read my idea about doing an animated mockery of the 38th floor. Different misfit temps droning on hour after enldess hour, with Clovester walking about, with a different color shirt each time he passes, sometimes saying, "Hey guyz what's goin' on?"
It could be a variety show, he would come out from the rows of boxes with his signature line, nibble on YET another candy bar, before delivering his monologue.
What??? How about those loser staff attorneys?
I hope they are cutting some of that deadwood. I worked there for many years and saw how they abused the system. They don't do any work, just sleep in the caseroom and bill the hours. At least the temps are monitored an work!!
Time to CUT LOOSE Big Mama, and the other freaks and weirdos posing as staff attorneys.
Yes, I agree. I also worked there and got to know many of the staff attorneys on a personal level. Well the halfway decent ones. Many of them are crackheads - no joke. They used to get together and exchange their pills/medications with each other - for sleep, for speed, all kinds of pharma cocktails. Sometimes they were so wired, they acted weird. Someone should really be looking into this.
If anyone deserves a pay-cut it is surely them.
A while back I interviewed with an agency guy and he was very talkative and gossipy - I didn't really care. I just wanted to get a job so I let him blab on -- but my ears did prick up when he mentioned that many "paralegal managers" at many "white-shoe firms" are on the dole from agencies -- accepting mega-bribes etc. I can't name names -- but he mentioned several well-known "managers" that we all know and love and that walk around with such a self-righteous attitude like they are the Holy Ghost.
Be Kind... Big Mamma has to eat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Else she be paeking in Lucy's den. Doesn't look like Lucy has much food, however. She looks like a corpse,right? Maybe the Clover will share his peanuts... maybe, maybe not. hard times sure shows true colors. The Clover may start grazing the temp table too :)
Do the agencies bribe these paralegal supervisors with both prescription and non-prescription medication?
I never worked at Sullivan, but I am well aware of the bribes at other places. The agencies have really pushed the envelope in terms of operating ethically.
That is why all the talk yesterday about jumping projects and acting professionally is such a joke. You should see what your handlers are up to.
If there is an illicit drug trade going on in the basement of a particular law firm, why doesn't some call the DEA?
What jobs are on in NYC now ?
Anything new coming up?
You'd have to be on somekind of pharacutical to put up with doc. review for more than three months.
True dat.
And to think that S&C's Managing Partner, Rodge Cohen, was so close to being #2 at treasury! The man cannot even keep the firm afloat. look what it is doing to its associates and so on along with the temps.
Check out Clutch doc review $43.00 hour, 7 day week, 15 hour day! Hold out! It is coming back.
I don't think I've ever been on a project where they lower rates while it's ongoing. I have been on some where the rate rose.
Do you think other projects will do the same, and tweak rates during an ongoing project to determine what people will tolerate?
To determine desperation? To further the race to the bottom?
My bad.
Sentences were a bit awkward. I will review my comments better before posting.
of course agencies "bribe" paralegal managers. they take them to sporting events, out to fancy lunches, concerts, etc. we have expense accounts for that reason. you guys act like this is some new, secret phenomenon. It's capitalism...welcome to america
Hey, comment #1:
George Costanza went to Queens College w/ Jerry.
So technically only three years less education.
And if you're thinking about college grads that have a better life (and usually a better job) than temp attorneys, then that's a super-huge pool of people.
supply and demand
Alex has fired so many good temps, holds on to the crappiest of crap, if you drink with Alex, you can stay. he has ripped Goldman Sachs to no end both by the aforementioned, and his many all nighters SLEEPING along with that Pathetic Clovfaggster. How is it that Sullivan allows this shit to happen. Granted he drinks with the low level associates, but still. Goldman must not audit, otherwise they would know what scams persist amonst the cheater analysts. Apparent, GARY condones this behavior. If I had Goldman stock, and knew the waste that persued at Sullivan, I'd go straight to Mr. Cuomo.
Good ol' Clovester the molester is alive and well I see. Is he still giving all the older ladies the eyes of passion?
Duhhh, Bendover Clover is eye-ing only one assss.... That of the tiny prick, Alex Though, one might arhue, big mamma's crack has also appealled the CloveFester
It was my understanding that Alex lost the authority to fire people because he abused it. Cunty Anorexia tried to do that to me. It was widely believe they were fuckin. I was told she said to him, you don't understand I want X fired. Alex said, you don't understand, I do not have that authority anymore.
I do know he fired some people, and Julian called them back.
Lotta hate on here for despicable. LOVE IT!
I doubt the recruiters "love" to tell temps the pay is lower. Wouldn't that make their job of "recruiting" more difficult? Hmmmm. Global economics, or TTT's bellybutton is, as they say, the center of the world?
For someone who comes from a rich Jewish family, Clovy sure wiped out. He is an alumnus of this private school:
You reading this Clovester, you little bitch? Always know that you are fat, ugly, not to mentiona miserable person. You should kill yourself. It would really be best for all concerned.
Clover Bendover(Alex) is such a fagathon. Holy shit is he a feeble fairy. Even little dick Alex turned him down (though, probably because he could NOT insert his toddler size dick into the Clovester ENORMOUS ass. Hell, Alex GayFaggUllard couldn't insert that bit of a thing into a mosquito's ass Butta what were you thinking other than providing us with this invaluable material. AHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHA
Is Big Mamma nnone other than that dog dew dawn S? Than cheating mangle bitch? LOL
I am on this new case with that imbecile Albanian ... is his the best Sullivan has to offer... ehat he fuck... this guy is a fucking retard and my rate sare going down. His better be too!!!!!!
I want a s and c job just to see all these bastards. Must be funny at times.
Pillsbury to associates: "Drop dead!"
Pillsbury, which has delayed start dates for its incoming first year associates to January 2010, is now offering $60,000 to associates willing to forget about working at the firm.
Other firms have been offering $75,000 for the same deal.
The firm has also announced a public interest fellowship program. Rather than paying associates to do work with a non-profit or government agency, Pillsbury will pay $5,000 per month directly to the employer.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP is an international law firm with offices located throughout the US and globally, including key financial centers New York, London, Tokyo and Shanghai.
The Massachusetts Superior Court has informed 25 3Ls they will not be hired after all as court clerks.
It appears that the decision to rescind the job offers was made last Fall, when the courts instituted a hiring freeze; but those affected are only being informed now.
The court says the hirings were always contingent on funding, and that the wording on the original offers was conditional.
Clearly, outsourcing to India is to blame...
yes, it is part of the problem.
Anyone who say "my bad" is a fucking Dork ass fagathon
Cloverester is a definite TOON as is that fat Potamus Mark, and the Puff Cheek fucking other Alex ass kissimg Mark.
Cloverester is a definite TOON as is that fat Potamus Mark, and the Puff Cheek fucking other Alex ass kissimg Mark.
I like Reggie, the Snuffleupagus at Cravath... BLURRRBGH!! BLURRRBGH!!! Used Kleenexes under his desk... KFC boxes... finger lickin' good!! (That's what Myrna said after she blowed him in the Blue Lounge after Susan's birthday party...) And remember that time when he wore the Big Bird T-shirt... PRICELESS!!
Pottamus Mark - hilarious - as in big fat fucking hippo. Best is that it apllies to both of those Fagallard as kiising Marks who have no backbone whatsoever
Reggie -- remember Deeva Patel said she wanted to commit "Regicide" and Cheryl and Skeeter popped in after hanging out all afternoon on the 9th floor with Guidry? BLURRRBGH!! BLURRRBGH!!! Skeeter spilled all that Michelob Lite on Snuffleupagus' desk and blamed it on Queen Deeva! And -- WAGGA WAGGA WOO!!! hahaha... Good times!
99% of "Anonymous's" comments come from the same person. Someone who left S&C years ago, is a sick, semi-closeted Nazi-lover and is currently unemployed (fired, more likely). His comments are completely irrelevant and emanate from his severe, untreated mental disorder.
That Albanian dude thinks he is hot shit. When I was at S&C some of the oher male attorneys were really jealous of him /c they also thought he was hot and dressed well and that Gary and the associates like dhim because he was good lookin' and well-dressed!! I was like waaaaaaa??? You dudes been in the basement too long -- that dude ain't hot. He's got a face as long as my leg. Apparently I was the only one with 20/20 vision. Everyone was smitten with the Albanian as much as he was smitten with himself...uuuugh
what a sad, sad lot
Yah, the Albanian Dude (Enver Pajmolk) is now at Cravath banging Myrna and Love-Handles!!! Deeva is sooooo jealous, she threw that little stuffed yak she keeps on her desk at Myrna and cussed her out in Hindi. Supposedly she said something like "Your mother farts asparagus in Hell". BLURRRBGH!! BLURRRBGH!!! Snuffy was heard to say, as he drank a day old Red Bull that Skeeter peed in...
99% of "Anonymous's" comments come from the same person.
And 63 percent of statistics are made up, pulled directly out of someone's ass! In other words, be quiet!
He he... Hector the guy from Uruguay, you know with the unzipped fly, calls Reggie "El Gordo"... but to me, Kim & the Sweathogs he'll always be Big Snuff... hehehehe...
S&C is pure comedy all the time.
Breaking news just into the caseroom, is that one of our supervisors is special - Ass kissing mark graduated from Cooley, CUM LAUDE!
A genius in our midsts who knew!
I bet they printed his JD on quilted toilet paper instead of regular.
Not many people at Cravvie know that Skeeter has two JDs... His first one was from University of Baltimore, 1993. Then the guy changes his middle name and retakes the LSAT, and gets a second JD from USC in '03!!
Chompy Charles,
First, all of the threads on here ARE relevant. also, I have written maybe two.
Additionally, ff you want to call me a Nazi (wrongly I might add), that is fine. But you are no authority on mental health. It is surely laughable to say someone suffers from a mental disorder because their political beliefs are not conventional or orthodox. In fact, this is what Stalinist communist regimes did. Finally, i take umbrage with the suggestion that I am somehow closeted. Now fuck off and die, little bitch.
Ha! Skeetz worked as a capper for an LA PI firm in his first year... made mad cheeze.... And in 2nd and 3rd years, Ol' Skeetface was livin' large on Catalina Island, working as a "long distance" associate in a PI firm in Towson, MD, under his old name and license... flyin' in to Ballmer every other week for court appearances. Moonlighting really worked for the Skeet-Man!!
How's Franken Frank Franker?
Franker? Does he still dye his hair, and have circles under his eyes? What is the better nickname, Franken Frank Franker, or Frankerstein Monster?
There is NOTHING attractive about that Albanian Guy who resembles the boy from Delivernce - NOTHING. That asian looking chick is crazy to be hanging with his pathetic ass. He is a LOSER!
If you say you have your degree from Howard, you are guarantee a job for life. Every firm will roll out the red carpet for you. And they can't fire you because you just say they used the N word.
That is complete bullshit. My HUSL degree hasn't guaranteed me anything. Granted the Biglaw recruiting and alumni network is much stronger than a lot of similarly ranked schools, but there are no guarantees.
And it certainly doesn't help when pics of our alumni are being posted on tom the temp for "allegedly" having an affair with a co-worker. No wonder we can't get good jobs if that is the stupid kind of shit that we do when we get inside a white shoe firm.
12:44 -
I'm gonna go with "Frankie Goes to Bollywood", after Frank just got back from an LPO recruiting trip to Mumbai... Here at Cravvie everybody knows the Frankster, as he sometimes pops in at our Freakin' Fridays (and usually brings a keg or two of his homemade microwbrew.)
im guessing the next post will be about "Anita" right, looks like its back to the good ol' days...
Anita knew Frankie. She, Frankie and Skeeter once had a threesome in Susan's closet, or so goes the legend.
S&C is a cesspool...the SALAs won't have their positions for long..they're useless, fat, ghetto & a disgrace to professional workers everywhere..the agencies will fold soon enough as well..the new world order will wipe the slate clean..vengeance will be ours!
are we really going to let the jews bring down this country?
Madoff, Maurice Greenberg (brought down AIG), Richard Fuld brought down Lehmand), David Loeb (behind Countrywide mortgage scandal), Marc Stuart Dreier, NYC lawyer who embezzled millions of dollars, Elliot Spitzer, etc.
Get out of denial america. Recognize the problem
It's really over now. With S&C dropping it to $33 all the other lemming firms will of course follow suit. I'm suprised they didn't go all out and make it $33 straight time regardless of hours. They could easily do this and still fill up every project in minutes.
A JD is devalued to the point of being comical. Yet the lemmings just keep flocking to law school, sure that they'll beat the system. Good luck.
Shocker! Has Sullivan & Cromwell promoted a Litigation Analyst to Associate?
Has a developmentally arrested (See below 2 sites) Albanian analyst, aka Borat, broken through the shithouse ceiling and become the first analyst promoted to the lofty rank of Associate at S&C? See, http://www.linkedin.com/pub/6/914/b4a and http://archive.seacoastonline.com/2002news/yorkweekly/07312002/police_l/16811.htm
No, they have not promoted him to associate. For god sakes dont glorify him and fill that head with even more hot air.
my bad fagathon
BORAT - that is fuckin' hilarious. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHA. Borat from Albaniastan takes the bar HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHA
Nah, he is not an associate. Mere staff attorney. One lady was promoted to associate from staffers a few years ago. She was a better than most staffers but still a little crazy. But she was only crazy with the temps and loser staff attorneys, if you know what I mean, never with the associates and partners.
Yep, this is the Albanian dude I was talking about who is in love with himself and who everyone is in love with.
He's OK - but I really think he thinks being a staffer is equal to being an associate. Look, you can be janitor at S&C or Cravath or Skadden, but you are still a janitor. No offense to janitors. Frankly I find them with more integrity and class than the staff attorneys.
BORAT = I am still shittn' my pants with laughter That guy is a fucking joke!!!!!!!! All right, blogger, you are a dick for sure hahahhahhahahhaa Borat is all right for whipping associate ASS maybe:-)
Borat sucks big weenie BIG WEEnie He is such a WEENIE sucker WEENIE sucker is BORAT thr dork ALBANIAN King of S&C LOSER analysts. That's right big mama MOVEE THE FUCK OVER your GARY is turnining on the family. P-ENIS just sucks better WEENIE than you big woman. How quickly you fucks sell eachother out. sad sad sad sad sad sad sad Lucky for us, we have elsewhere to go. ANALYST=major deadend JOB
Clovisn'teverlaid looks like a lumpy set are unused hairy fat man's balls Smelly one's at that.
The anti-Semitic mental cases who post here are lawsuits waiting to happen. They should be blacklisted before some agency, firm or client gets hit with a major hostile work environment discrimination suit based upon their disgusting bigotry.
dip shit... you mean:
plus 07312002/police_l/16811.htm
Consider the possiblity that, as the infamous Anakin suggests, Truth really is anti-semitic. This post deserves reproduction. It just begins to scratch the surface. I know you people will work tirelessly until your bloodcult is immune from all criticism. The more you push, the more people will resist:
Recognize the problemare we really going to let the jews bring down this country?
Madoff, Maurice Greenberg (brought down AIG), Richard Fuld brought down Lehmand), David Loeb (behind Countrywide mortgage scandal), Marc Stuart Dreier, NYC lawyer who embezzled millions of dollars, Elliot Spitzer, etc.
Get out of denial america. Recognize the problem
What a jerk? Dude, get you discrimination BS of the blog, asshole.
Who is Borat? That just can't be a compliment. Poor guy. He has to be a loser analyst at S&C Is he gay. too?
Does the Clovemeister still dwell in the sublevels, sleeping amonst the boxes, googling at the half way decent temps? He gave me the creeps. I never came too close to him, but he looked like he stunk. I usually had the cute one sign my sheet.
Clovester is very desperate. Yes, he will ooogle anyone - as long as you have a pulse.
Are they getting rid of anniversary raises too?! I heard that S&C cut those also! I heard we're getting bumped down to $33/hour instead of our current $37/hour!!
I'm getting that sinking feeling. Rates are literally in the teens now. If you didn't go to Howard you won't have a job.
Be nice to Alex you jealous assholes. He is hot and very sexy. The ONLY hot analyst at S&C!!!!
I see Alex is now posting
No, idiot. I am not Alex. I hate people who hate good looking people just because they are good looking. All the hot temps want him, including me. All the other analyst are not attractive. I agree that that peeping Clovis guy is creepy, and those other guys down there are spooky too, but alex doesn't fit with them. He is sexy. I would love to sleep with him one of these nights. I bet he is really good.
Alex is very attractive, but he can be a jerk. I do think whoever is making that up about his size is totally in love with him, and he was rejected by him for that other mideast girl with the small body and big head. I didn't knpw Butta from barclay's, but I do know this Iranian chick. They have never got in on while I was there. She just teases him. Sorry girl temp who never had a chance. I will, hopefully.
7:50 PM the crazy associates was Clea Stanton. Boy that bitch was crazy. very good at her work but fucking crazy as hell.
Clea is nice. You are a dick. Alex is cute, but too skinny. Though, next to those other creepy crawly analyst, he rocks.
Alex is posting!
Not so tough now huh?!?!
All you internet tough guys.
9:16 was so mad?
Why do those big men follow Alex around like he is Top Cat. Why do they insist on coming across to others in the C-level like they have no self respect, no self esteem, no weight control, and probably no lovin' in their lives. These guys have to be in their 40s. I feel realy bad for them.
8:15 PM i never said she was not nice. I SAID SHE WAS A CRAZY BITCH AND THAT SHE IS. BELEIVE ME I KNOW.
Is Anonymous, the Alex and Clovis bashing Anti-Semite the owner of an iron bathtub? Yes, people,such a freak exists. Or is it Ms. Lee, who was fired from S&C for being a complete moron? Time to start naming names, and iron bath tub and Ms. Lee are going to be first.
Based on the posts here, what if everybody who worked on the Barclays project at S&C was black-listed by all agencies, law firms, clients, etc. until the identities of the cowards who post here are known? Who would want such people on their projects? Please give us the name of Mr. Iron Bathtub and the first name of Ms. Lee.
It seems Alex Gayllard is posting in his own defense now. I guess he didn't realize how despised he is.
ALEX GALLARD IS SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Alex ! ! !
what makes you think that all the people that worked on 38 are still in the temp world like the rest of you fucking losers. That case was over years ago.....Alex stop posting go back to sleep under your desk or just suck off another one of your ugly anorexic temp bitches while your wife sits at home with the kids praying she doesn't get another std.
I so want Alex........NOT the creepy following, though :)
I fondly remember UGOAT (ugliest girl of all time-an alcoholic, insane power tripping bottle blonde temp attorney) & Slimer (a sadly shaped paralegal) as well as Biscuit Arms-a hefty PR gal......& the skank who had one too many chemical peels gone awry who would get humped & dumped in the handicapped bathroom by Gaylard ..38 WAS Dr. Moreau's island of terror.....sigh good times
Well if you were a temp on 38 and no longer are temping, why are you reading this blog, LOSER.
ooooohhh that was a good one Alex
How do you get on a case with Alex G. ? He is such F-ing HOT. I was on a short duration review not too long ago, and boy did I love checking his sexy ass out. If only my analyst supervising loser were as attractive as he is I'd manage to have stayed on the case with a simple BLO LMFAO
He is way too skinny. Though, better than the blubber ass side kick of his, the temp OOOOGLING 45 Yr Old Virgin or the HippoPOTa MARKS HeHeHe
Osmeone must have knocke doff those mean bloggers :)
Who is this Alex Gaylord?
He is a HOT analyst at Sullivan... TOTALLY f_ckable ;)
1:42, you either need eyeglasses or medication. He is an ugly worm and a rotten person who has it coming to him really soon.
Oooooh what a shock. I worked at S&C pre-Alex Gaylord period -- and there was NO hot staff attorney. I am intrigued -- that that dungeon could actually land someone with looks!!
That commentor is a fucking LOON. He is a weaselly fuckly prick who uses his position to get ugly anerexic big headed temps like that boggle head iranian, and, of course, the infamous, Butta face, to smooch his toddler sized cock (straight from the mouth of Butta (pardon the pun) - I was one of her drinking friends on 38) Hehehehe
butta face hahahhaahahhahhahhahahahhahahahahahhaha but her face ahhahhahahhahahahhahahaahhahahahhahahahhahaa
Fuck you jackoff alex is awesome and hot, and I know for a fact, it is ok sized So Jackoff jerkoff as I am sure that's all you are going to get Palmela Ha
8:25 What Iranian woman? Was she on the Barclay's project. I could never see her doing that. . ..
Nope, I think her name rymes withe Bina Some useless tool who is so just playing games ot keep her temp job with Fag faced Gallard, the dickless prick ass
Alex is sexy, and all the temps and analyst want to sleep with him.
While I find hysterical some of the commentary that is directed at people I know at S&C … you people have absolutely nothing constructive to say. Ever!
I worked at S&C both as a temp attorney and a Litigation Analyst and I will be the first to admit that the work environment is one of the worst out there. I was glad to take the job for the benefits when it was offered, but I could never have imagined the shit, the utter shit, I would have to deal with on a daily basis. The shit came not only from on high (my immediate administrative supervisors (most of them idiots beyond belief)) but also from some of the temps (the JD temps being far worse than the paralegal temps).
I don’t know about the rest of my contemporaries, but I took the time to interact with everyone that I hired and tried to make the work environment as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. The response I got, however, was not always good. Some of you temps are just big fucking babies who bitch-and-moan at the drop of a hat. I mean, really, you’re working in a “white shoe law firm” in the heart of Wall Street!!! What are you expecting? You’re going to have to deal with shit … a lot of shit … every fucking day! One can only hope that the people with whom you work are decent human beings. And I know that some of my contemporaries were not then; and, sadly that’s still probably the case. But, you know, give some people a little power …
Besides how these staff attorneys treat you ... what does the rest matter? All these gibes about people's looks, their height, their weight, their sexual orientation (I really can’t believe people who have their JDs are reverting to such infantile jabs!) leads me to believe that you're all just projecting your own inadequacies.
Getting fired from S&C for rocking the boat (and in favor of the temps, too!) was the best thing that could’ve happened to me. I didn’t appreciate it then, but I certainly do now. I don’t miss dealing with the likes of you “anonymous” posters. Get a pair and blog under your real names. Getting fired from S&C may be the best thing that happens to you.
Interesting, George is short Fat sog ugly and, ummm. oh yeah, Gay as a three dollar bill. Interesting that he didn't mention race... oh, that's right, he is white. Hey short fat ugly white boy, your message was obviously self serving. I personally hate all the racial comments. At least, you fat fuck, you can get a tummy stable, and lose your 2,000 pounds, and maybe a mega make over, and ummm pershaps stiltz, but people can't change their race. Asshole. That is a far more important issue to address. Your message sucks ASSSSSS!!!!!
Yo 12:26: That's too bad.
I agree there were some nice staff attoneys who really tried -- and there were utter loons temp attorneys.
What happened, dude?
He crossed the line with De novo. Big fat dumb ass!
He says he was a staff attorney - what did he have to do with De Novo?
I stopped using Update, that's what happened. And that was a "No No" in the eyes of my idiotic higher ups.
And, 10:01 PM, I am fat, I am gay, and I may even be ugly ... but at least I have the balls to post as myself. Oh, and I almost forgot, I'm Hispanic.
and, you smell, Dick!
once i was in the bathroom at S&C and i overheard Tracy Whordan talking about the medication she was prescribed for gonorrhea.
tracy whordan spends most of her time trying to sit in a jamaican temp's lap. his name is randy and she wants him bad. she's horny all the time and this is why she has chronic gonorrhea. all the itching puts her in a bad mood and is why she always looked pissed off.
i saw so many cockroaches in the S&C basement
tracy whordan has male and female genitalia.
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