Just wanted to pass this along, Frank Scudere is definitely one of the good guys, straight forward and honest. Skadden would shitcan Mother Teresa, toss all seven of the Seven Dwarfs into an orphanage, and condemn Snow White to a life as a streetwalker, all in order to prevent a .000005% drop in profits per partner: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30220173/
Snow White got outsourced to India. Her new name is Indira White.
He said he was living the American dream....as a Staff Attorney?
I wonder how this guy treated the Temps he managed....anybody know him?
A friend of mine worked for him and said he was a nice guy, no wonder they canned him.
I worked with Frank on 3 different Skadden projects and he was a great staff attorney to work with and a true friend. In addition, he gave me outstanding professional references. I guess this is another indication on how bad the legal job market recession really is.
hey? But wait, is not skadden the same firm that is offering associates 1/3 pay to stay home or do whatever they want for a year?? Like that eisenlord girl in the ny times that is getting 80k and going to teach monks?
But wait she is single with no kids so figures she gets to have that offer and a better job to begin with. Maybe this guy should have worn a headband.
Everyone should see email that author at the ny times about this!!!! See earlier post for her email I think it was susan.dominus@nytimes or something like that.
How completely ridiculous!!!!!!!!!!!
What the he'll?
And any doc reviews going on? What happened with that recent Hudson posting?
in Nigerian the great steel flying birds make unexpected landing all times and we still able to get work
What's the point? They should have shitcanned someone else who wasn't in a plane crash?
I think he used up all his luck by surviving the plane crash.
I do think they should have kept him, a guy with a wife and kids, over that self consumed whore in the NYT article.
They laid off some guy with a wife and kids, so some Long Island princess could travel the world? WTF???
I worked with Frank on a project for nearly a year. He was classy, professional, and an overall good guy. He doesn't deserve this. Skadden sucks. My heart goes out to him and his family.
He was lucky Sully was flying that plane. If it was a Skadden partner, they would squeal like a piglet, and strap on a parachute to save their own ass.
I worked with Frank and he is one of the nicest guys. Actually, all the staff attorneys and the two associates that were stuck managing the project were very courteous and treated us like professionals.
The self consumed whore in the New York Times was an associate, not a staff attorney like Frank. There is a world of difference.
Interesting that her Bio was not very impressive. JD from GW, no law review, etc......she must have had a connection to get the job at Skadden. There is no other logical explanation.
There are a lot of people who are working in biglaw firms who don't have impressive credentials other than where they attended law school. A few years ago they were hiring lots of attorneys from the top 50 law schools- and chances are there are a lot of attorneys working at Skadden who did graduate from Georgetown.
GW is George Washington not Georgetown......
It appears from googling her history that she practiced real estate law at what looks like a prestigious, but smaller/midsize firm in DC for a few years. So she already had a few years under her belt in financial law, and she could have just parlayed that into getting hired laterally by biglaw in NYC based on her experience alone.
OTOH, you can't rule out any juice she may have brought to the table.
And what kind of name is "Eisenlord", anyway. "Eisen" sounds Ashkenazi Jewish, but "lord" is English, not German at all. Sounds like a made-up name.
I think her name comes from Lord of The Rings.
And the punk ass bitch award goes to Omar!
How much lead paint did you eat as a child you dumb ass.
in case you missed it your a bitch omar
Frank will live to see another day. I would imagine he'll be happier not commuting to NYC. The money may not be as good in SC, but it's a blessing in disguise.
He's a very lucky man.
whose omar and why is he your bitch?
This could have been GallFuckingArd. Na, maybe not. He is too busy milking his firm sleeping "on hours" collecting triple time at night. What a overpaid useless piece of SHIT. He fires us temps for not chasing after his loser ass. Fuch him. He flies nowhere unless his SugarMommy makes good financially. She is so making it with a real MAN. I read he is lacking big time(like the pump just never could help)
Interesting that her Bio was not very impressive. JD from GW, no law review, etc......she must have had a connection to get the job at Skadden. There is no other logical explanation.
She is a JEWISH long-island princess--that is the connection here folks. Truth is anti-semtic!
omar eats lead paint stiill
fuk frank and his ass. he didnt get me no money.
so fuk him.
hope someone burns skadden down!
fuk them, look at dechert. They are all liars and pricks.
I want to see there bodies chooped up and feed tp dogs.
to hell with all of them that are so above us. shi on them and there families. FUCK YOU PRICKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Skadden has THOUSANDS of lawyers. They reached deep into the dreg law schools.
There's not any real difference in pedigree between the laid off staff attorney and the Jewish whore associate who wants to travel the world on her $80k stipend.
> And any doc reviews going on? What happened with that recent Hudson posting?
There are a handful of IP reviews. Send your resume to Kenyon & Kenyon for the Teva litigation if you speak Hebrew or have a science background.
Your shot of getting hired is good because I hear they fire 5-6 temps every week. It's a sweatshop doc review run by associates who have gone off their schizo meds. Everyone there is looking to jump ship.
YAY!!! NOW WE GET TO BE ANTI-SEMETIC!!! Wonderful, I was so tired of the BABU comments, Nigerian stereotypes, and the female bashing. So glad we can move on and UP!!!
Omar a soldia.
You got a briefcase, Omar got a shotgun, but it's all in the game...
Good luck to Frank. I never met the guy, but he seems like a decent human being.
Fuck SkaTTTen, screw the legal profession, and I hope Joan King rots in hell.
S&C is the next sweatshop to fall! Hopefully they will shitcan that shitpan alex gallard first. Its going to be just desserts for these abusive staffer pricks when this is all over.
Yes, every woman who is more successful than you is a whore. We get it. Now shut up and go back to jerking off to internet porn.
hey everybody, can I have your attention real quick............
just a couple of announcements. First thanks for all your hard work and remeber to keep your work areas clean. Secondly no using the desk drawers! Again that is a no no. Just want to tell everbody that some hot docs are in the pipe. So won't be long now. If you have any questions see your team lead and remeber that reach arounds are always relevant.
Namaste, gang, this is your team leader Sanjay here. I want to recommend that everyone here, keeps their feet clean, always wear your sandals. Ladies wearing saris should keep them from the floor. There will be plenty of curry and nan bread in the lunchroom. Please, when you are on break, each person may pray for ten minutes at the shrine dedicated to Vishnu and Ram. Remember, a contract is an agreement that is legally binding. Proprietary information means information that is the property of a client. And practicing law requires a license if done within the USA. We have lots of documents here, millions of documents that should keep you occupied for many months. So let us begin.
LOL @ "it is only practicing law if you are in the United States."
I would also like to add that it is also only the practice law when it is time to pay your bar dues, or when it is time to make you ineligible for overtime.
i have to agree, he sounds like a decent guy and it's just a shame that he lost his job (like hundreds of other decent, competent attorneys), especially in light of the fact that incompetent and abusive turds like Alex G at S&C manage to keep theirs...
There are a ton of jerk turds running these projects. Has anyone ever worked with Mickey Tarpinian? What a Class A A-Hole.
How about the Huron Witch? She's as bad or worse than any of these characters.
We need further anecdotes regarding the Huron Witch. Please post.
Class acts like Frank always get fired. It's nasty backstabbers like the Huron Witch that are the ones that last. If you are competent and professional you get railroaded out NYC law. It's the shrill and the angry that make it.
in the but, the butt , the butt is where omar wants it put.
The position of "associate" is considered that of an elite princeling, someone being groomed to be a partner to perpetuate the existence of the firm.
In order to be chosen as an associate, you have to have most or all of the following:
1) Not older than about 30
2) Top 20 school, or barring that
3) You have to have connections or be blowing someone
So-called "staff attorneys" didn't exist in largelaw before a few years ago.
The notion of staff attorneys was created when firms got more work to do, but couldn't afford to hire enough new associates, at inflated salaries plus all kinds of ridiculous perks, to do that work.
So they invented a new category of attorneys, i.e., "staff attorneys", who would be workhorses and get reasonably good salaries, but would have none of the perks and benefits of the royalty.
Into that new category of "staff attorneys", they threw in all the retched refuse that the pompous partners who run these largelaw firms were unwilling to jam into the prestigious category of "associates". So, that included:
1) Minorities from low-tier law schools, so they can say they hire minorities and escape accusations of racism;
2) Typical white male workhorse attorneys who are older (Scudere is 48) or have less-than-stellar pedigrees (again, Scudere), so they can get the work done without incurring the additional expense of hiring more high-maintenance royalty like Eisenlord & Co.
All else is noise.
a) Staff attorneys are usually people of color from top ranked schools while white counterparts are typically from lower ranked schools.
On average, if you research backgrounds as I have, an African-American staff will come from a Top-14 or Tier1 law school. On avereage, the white counterpart will come from some no-name law school.
The woman (blanking on her name) suing the big law firm (again blanking on its name), whatever the merits of her case, is not an aberration. This is something I realized a while ago by researching law firm websites to determine educational backgrounds. Law firm will often listen not only the names, but also schools attended.
It is indeed a way of appearing inclusive of diverse groups in the practice, but its impact is slightly different in that a person of color from a lower tier school has not a snowballs chance in hell of making staff attorney. While, a similarly situated white counterpart does.
The insidious nature of racism is that even here (near the bottom of the barrel) a person of color must be better than rather than equal to white counter parts to compete.
b) Staff Attorneys/Contract Attorneys existed previously, but were more substantive, and there were fewer positions.
This is the big change in the last few years. There are still a few substantive positions, but these are few and far between. They were for people who had work-life issues. The caste system was for someone who wanted to be paid well,b but did not want to become partner (for whatever reason). You really should not look at the world through what's true in doc review land.
Ironically, we maybe returning to smaller firms with more staff attorneys and contract attorneys performing substantive work rather than doc reviews. The increased stratfication was a byproduct of Big law becoming megalaw.
The Huron Witch and all the other egomanical sadists that get a kick out of making people who are merely trying to make a living as miserable as possible each day will get their comeuppance in hell.
On a more positive note, I am glad Frank is okay and I wish him the best.
"On average, if you research backgrounds as I have, an African-American staff will come from a Top-14 or Tier1 law school."
Hi Yolanda!!!
Yes, and you would never have got into that high ranked school if you were white. You needed that AA bump to get in, and then you had a C average at Gtown. So grow up.
"On average, if you research backgrounds as I have, an African-American staff will come from a Top-14 or Tier1 law school. On avereage, the white counterpart will come from some no-name law school."
You conveniently forgot to mention that most African Americans at these "top" law schools would not be there apart from the fact that they are given bonus points for having a certain skin color.
Wow, I must have hit struck a nerve. Posting the same argument twice in 4 minutes- what's the point?
Of course, the problem is that you assume the white counterpart staff attorney from lower tier schools has a higher GPA. The assumption of white superiority.
Speaking anecdotally in at least a few cases, I can say that assumption is false. These are not the top of their class graduates who are white. This is why I did not mention GPA. It was not a factor as far as I can tell despite the hype.
Follow up:
For the logically-challenged: my last post should point out that the value of going to a top tier school is that it's suppose to open doors. If the best you can get with the same grades or similar grades as someone who is white from a lower tier school is that you are offered a staff attorney position- then that's not exactly like race actually provided you any advantage at all for being blacks. However, it is certainly the case that fitting in does matter a lot.
Fitting in means more than race, but race is a factor. I have seen enough white contract attorneys who would not fit firm despite similar cultural backgrounds as associates at the firm.
Affirmative Action is rampant in the legal world. A few blacks squeeze into Ivy league law schools based on affirmative action, not because they graduated at the top of their class from a top undergraduate school and had an extraordinary LSAT score.
And there are of course some brilliant black students who make it on merit alone.
And BigLaw does the same thing, they let in a few of these blacks who began their affirmative action ride by being accepted to ivy league law schools, because it gives the them good publicity. ("We're not elitist, we have X black associates...")
Unfortunately the AA train comes to a grinding halt when its time to choose who becomes equity partner.
That's where the racist, elitist BigLaw partners "draw the line." They still need their exclusive little club. (A country club like mentality)
What's so complicated about this?
7:32 said:
"Affirmative Action is rampant in the legal world. A few blacks squeeze into Ivy league law schools based on affirmative action, not because they graduated at the top of their class from a top undergraduate school and had an extraordinary LSAT score."
Affirmative action is "rampant", yet only "a few blacks squeeze".
Aren't those two statements directly contradictory?
Also, I've heard of an Ivy League university, but what the heck is an Ivy League law school?
I wish Yolanda would take her hate somewhere else. Most of us would kill for the opportunities she has had. After failing miserably, she sues her employer.
What's next a lawuit against GULC for not giving her better grades and condemning her to the Covington "Plantation"?
Any ivy league law school is a law school thats part of an ivy league school. Have you ever heard of Harvard or Yale? How about Harvard law school or Yale Law school dumb ass?
More Tales from Crypt, the Huron Witch is coming to get you!
Tell us more about the Huron Witch.
Can you desmonstrate with statisical evidence or real world anedotal examples how affirmative action is a factor in the practice of law? You keepd discussing school, but I am talking about the work force.
The fact is a white student from a lower tier school with similar grades are getting the same job as black students with similar grade from a higher tier school. Yet we both know this should not happen. Why? Because the higher tier schools are more respected,a nd even white students with average grades from higher tier schools can often expect to suceed. Whatever fake numbers you can expect to see with lower tier schools is less likely to happen with Tier 1 or Top 14 schools when it comes to employment.
Here's one of those little tests I do to see whether the verbiage and myths are true versus the reality: If we accept that the law is about status of school rankings, we should not see such a disparate treatment, but we do.
In other words, none fo the lower tier white students with average grades should be getting into Big Law because they do not have either the grades or pedigree. The importance of pedigree is often discussed here as a top determinant.
Also, if it were the case that it did not matter, I would expect to see a lot more black staff attorneys from lower tier law schools. I would expect to see a lot more higher tier whites with lower grades in the ranks of staff attorneys.
How do I know this? Becuase of the numbers. If you take all of the class of any given law school- the total numbers of people of color there are not enough to represent the entire lower half of the class. This is assuming all people of color (black, latino asian) were all at the bottom of the class. But assuming that- you still have a large percentage of white students whod o not perform that well. So,w hat's happening to them?
You fixate on the blacks without providing a comparator. I am providing the comparator. My comparator are what's the pedigree of the white staff attorney. What happens to the lower grades white law student at top law schools? Without these sorts of comparisons, you can not judge the situation.
White staff attorney simply don't have the credentials either in grades or school ranking to be there if we are going to play by the rules of how big law thinks. Yet they are. Why?
You also add another layer to this. Partnerships. I have talked with enough people of color with great crendentials to know how this game works. It's again about "fit." That means you got to fit into the firm enough for the partner to give you a shot at building a relationship with clients.
Even if you have fantastic grades, credentials, etc, it requires having a partner who is not trying to sabotage your chances and who will mentor you. There is no way around that for any associate who wants to become partner.
This is again a subjective thing because "fit" means they like you, and that's a matter of emotions, and not just work product. Indeed, if you have talked to enough big firm and big corp people of color, you find these sorts of things out. The game is just different. You can't just be good or great. You have to be better than anyone else competing. You have to leave them with no doubt that you "fit." Now everyone faces this- including whtie candidates- but the level of proof required is less regarding the emotional appeal.
In other words, we each catch breaks and each get hit in other ways whether black or white. The idea that black lawyers are less qualified is a joke considering the subjective nature of the status based approach to hiring and promoting lawyers. I am not even getting into the economic factors or whether one is allowed to practice the area of law that one wants to practice.
Please, please, please Yolanda wait until court to try your case. None of us are interested.
We would all kill to have your opportunities, Georgetown and a Covington staff gig sound pretty awesome to most of us toileteers.
You are just a whiny, spoiled brat, go away.
In a rare case of a big law firm taking an aggressive stand against allegations of discrimination, Covington & Burling responded to Yolanda Young’s EEOC complaint (one of the allegations was that Covington maintained a staff attorney pool as a ghetto for minority attorneys) by noting specifically why she did not meet the standards of a Covington Associate:
"Her average grade was only slightly better than a “C,” well below the threshold level for a Covington associate. She did not pass the bar until 1998, three years after her law school graduation. When she applied to Covington for a staff attorney position, her work experience as a lawyer consisted of a series of short-term jobs with temporary staffing agencies reviewing documents as a contract attorney. She has never worked at any firm as an associate and never engaged in the regular practice of law - i.e., she has not represented clients with respect to their legal matters.
Ms. Young responded, “Covington can say what they like now, but they hired me”.
Well Yolanda, your response to Covington's fire was an implicit admission.
If you were white you would never had got into Goergetown. Your performance at Gtown is indicative that you were out of your depth.
The obvious retort is that most law schools use some sort of affirmative action during law school admissions (and thus accept URM applicants with relatively lower traditional admissions criteria (grades, lsat, etc.), but not when distributing law school grades.
Law school grades are distributed based upon favoritism. If you think law school grading is really blind, you are naive.
Is calling me Yolanda supposed to offend me? Look, on the level of having chutzpah to do something more than whine on a blog about the way world is, I give her props for doing something about it, which is more than I can give to you. I am not even sure I think her case has merit, but at least I can respect her for fighting for what she believes. What have you ever done that put you on the line for something you claim to believe? What risk have you ever taking? I am right now taking some big risks to change my life. What are you doing? Nothing but whining like a little whiny bitch. And, please, do not respond going to law school because that would make you even more pathetic than you already are.
The obvious retort does not explain the high number of underqualified (average grades, lower tier law schools) whites in positions higher than what the industry's status based approach says they should obtain. I do not like status, but if you are going to use it, don't pretend. I know of several off top my head who were middle to average with so-so law schools. I know of one girl hired inhouse with this sort of background. I know of another working as a GC. Some are not just staff attorneys, but also associates. They were average to middling at best from lower tier schools.
@10:54 -You said:
"Law school grades are distributed based upon favoritism. If you think law school grading is really blind, you are naive."
That's a serious and interesting claim. I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to beleive that. Can you back it up?
"Law school grades are distributed based upon favoritism. If you think law school grading is really blind, you are naive."
Look outside your window. Are there black helicopters out there?
Wow, you really made yourself look like an idiot. Yeah, there is some big conspiracy in law schools, where ultra-liberal law professors are working out who the minorities are and giving them lower grades!
You can't argue with people who are detached from reality.
I presume you have some evidence?
newsflash: all staff attorneys get treated like crap.
Even white guys like Mike Scuddere
"I give her props for doing something about it."
Yolanda never wanted to be an attorney. It was a self-serving advertising campaign for her writing career.
She is lucky she even got a staff atttorney gig at Covington. She couldn't even pass the bar for 3 years.
Yolanda is the wrong person for the right cause.
Templand and staff attorney land is where biglaw dumps its kneegrows but still uses them to look inclusive. Law & "diversity"...two total crocks of shit!.
Funny thing that she seems to miss is...that law makes n-words out of many white and now even the occasional jew folks everyday. We are all n-words now.
Heck, the elistist WASPS and JEWS in all of America have made everyone else into N-Words these days.
Oh, its FRANK, not Mike Scudere and he was a great guy to work with/for. Too nice for lawland and such has been proven with his shitcanning. Law is not fit for the decent. It is only for the elitist, classist, racist regular american hating devils.
I worked for Frank, a great guy. He was especially helpful with someone had difficulties with the temp Fat Carol.
Fat Carol was one of those people who believed that deference should be accorded to them at an exponential rate proportional to their weight.
Always tried to figure out where Frank's accent came from. I thought that it might be Arthur Avenue and was surprised that it was North Carolina.
Frank was from Lawn Guy Land. That's where the Don Corleone accent came from. He was a great guy.
Just wanted to bring attention to Kenyon and kenyon. The atmosphere there is absolutely brutal. They are firing people left and right without a blink or fingernail of a pretext. Some are fired after a day or two and even after receiving positive feedback. It is beyond ruthless and inhumane.
If things are tight I'd be willing to help if your wife has a webcam. More pics of that cougar. If you want to she can start commuting to NYC for the week and work. I know some agencies she could work for..
Mr. Arps
Dude that is one hottie. I can get u a project if she blows me.
Heather eisenlord
Just saw the article and I was thinking same thing. That I'd like to fuk franks wife. I got work for her.
did hudson start a project?
Any jobs?
short term one.
last comment is regarding the problems in this industry. We should view this as short problems, and not think of this as permanent work. I think a lot of problems we have are a result of the temporary nature of the work.
Most of us would kill to go GULC and have a staff attorney job at Covington.
Let me rephrase your post by using an analogy: A guy is kicked a hundred times a day, but is offered the chance to only be kicked 62.
Sure, that's they way the law is. But if you have the right credentials eventually you get to do the kicking.
What if you are not interested in kicking someone? What if you simply want to enjoy your own life and happen to be good at a job too?
sounds great- but that kind of person probably isn't a large firm lawyer.
True. Lawyers as professionals derive emotional value from destroying others.
right, nice gals/guys finish last. Being "nice" is perceived as weakness among NYC biglaw lawyers.
You just get run over and flattened.
There is a difference between being ruthless for the purpose of building something (a la Bill Gates) and being nasty to employees just because you can be. I guess lawyers do not know the difference.
6:09 The truth is that you are anti-Semitic, a real mental case. Moron, Hitler is dead and the Jews still survive. That is because Nazis as all anti-Semites (as you) are imbeciles.
Speaking of anti-Semitic morons, 8:47 you should be kicked out of the bar since you lack anything that resembles good character.
6:50 should be reported to the bar grievance committee and disbarred. Filthy anti-Semitic pigs like that lack the character to be attorneys in good standing and only open up anyone foolish enough to employ them to lawsuits based on there discriminatory conduct. No one who writes such filthy trash is capable of working without creating liability in a society where religious discrimination is prohibited.
10:46 you are an unfit anti-Semitic mental case. Make you statement in public using your name so you can be disbarred and employers can be on notice not to hire you, unless you are applying for a job at a hate group.
It is truly disgusting that this blog so often sounds like the message board for an anti-Semitic hate group. If statements like those made by the anti-Semitic imbeciles are repeated in a work place that is an employment discrimination lawsuit waiting to happen.
This blog appears to be imploding.
To the last three posters, you are nothing but walking cliches. People go on and on with insults about Indians, Nigerians, African Americans, gays, the obese on this blog, and you say nothing -- but G-d forbid someone DARE to say anything negative about the Jews!! And of course your type loves free speech when it attacks anyone but your own tribe, you hypocritical swine.
I wish you all a happy Anno Adolfi CXX! He rules because you STILL cannot shut up about him. HE DEFINES YOU - WITHOUT HIM YOU ARE NOTHING.
Please quote all of the anti-semetic passages.
More flamebait from roach boy.
With all this victimization around, I feel like I am at a NAACP meeting. Someone call Rev. Jesse Jackson so we can start a march towards the Skadden office. Remember, it's NEVER our fault - it's ALWAYS the fault of the big bad firms and the establishment! TEMP POWER! TEMP POWER! TEMP POWER! TEMP POWER! TEMP POWER!
Does anyone know a legal recruiter currently at HIRECounsel's NYC office? My contacts are no longer there. A receptionist still answers the phone, but I am not sure anyone really works there any longer. All you ever get is sent to David Jo's voicemail and he NEVER returns my calls.
10:21 - roach boy, stop you racist rants please.
I'm only racist towards whiney cry babies.
ohh franks wife just got off my chubby
Does anyone know what the fuck firms look for in resumes? I'm sick of agencies forwarding my resume and then getting no call back. And I'm not a white male, for anyone who's going to use that tired tired argument. And I've got dr experience and no, I didn't go to some Shitlaw school. I swear to God I'm sick of my economic future being decided by big firm assholes.
To paraphrase, Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity is banging your head against the same wall over and over again and expecting a different result. Don't rely on the agencies.
I think these days they flip a D12 (twelve-sided die) and if your resume has a 12 written on it, and the die lands on 12, you're on the project.
5:24- lol- thanks. I actually needed that dose of reality.
Question- if I can't count on the agencies, how else to get projects?
5:42- Yeah- that sounds about right.
You have to separate yourself from the herd. The JD, even from a good school, is not enough to do that. You can fight that reality or realize it is what it is and find another way.
It's like in a marathon. In the begining everyone is running together to maintain a certain pace, but the winner must eventually make his or her move to break away from the pack.
How can you stand out? Each runner has to figure that move out for themselves. The same is true of your situation. Of course, we stay with the pack because we are afraid of losing. The truth is even if we make our move we may still lose.
But, only one guarantees that you will stay with the pack of JDs submitting resumes blindly through 6 degrees of separation to law firm decision makers.
I do not know enough about your circumstances to suggest a specific strategy since one size fit all is a license to stay in the herd.
My advice is do an inventory of your background. Figure out what you can use from it to specialize. If you don't have that in yourbackground. Find a way to specialize as quickly possible without a lot of wasted time or additional cost.
I do not advocate you telling us any specifics since that's a license for the nutjobs here to act on their insanity.
Just wanted to bring attention to Kenyon and kenyon. The atmosphere there is absolutely brutal. They are firing people left and right without a blink or fingernail of a pretext. Some are fired after a day or two and even after receiving positive feedback. It is beyond ruthless and inhumane.
Does anyone ever see the "Legal Analyst" position from Bloomberg that pops up every year. I know 30 people who've applied for that over the years- no one's ever even got called for an interview. Methinks there's no friggin' thing as a legal analyst.
Staff attorney or Litigation analyst (or legal analyst) all synonomous with LOSER or Failure or idiot
Skadden is a horrible place. It is a sweatshop.Since it is disorganized, best thing to do is to take them for a ride and go there and do no work for as long as you can. It will take them 2-3 years to figure out who you are. For temps just thing it could be worse, you could be at Frankendine EP Dine or Bloomberg $20 an hour begging dog job. They treat you like a begging dog there. Come back for more abuse for less pay for the prestige of saying "I work at EP Dine." So can put them on your resume. "I'm a lawyer. See! See Joan King!"
How come if India is so competitive as these sleazy agencies say, you can never understand a word they are saying? They don't seem to have a clue.
Paul Weiss is the classic New York law firm. Loud mouth Jew only partners and associates. The blacks are cleaning the bathrooms and doing temp work, but being used for their racial quota. See, PW is 10% black! Sure!
Frank really was a very good guy. I worked with him for 4 months and I could ask him anything and everything about the project, and so could everybody else on the project. Skadden staff attorneys treated us so very well. I wish them all well - Frank, Brin, Amit, Marc and the lady and etc. Trust me, these were good people.
I worked with Frank on a short term project at Skadden. He was okay; I have nothing bad or good to say about him which is a compliment when you are dealing with most staff attorneys. I have a problem with the premise of the piece though which seems to be that Skadden should have saved Frank's job because he survived an airplane crash. Frank should consider himself lucky to be alive and that he got an extra two months of work because of the crash, and that he got paid an extra eight weeks beyond his last day. If his identity was wrapped up in being a staff attorney, as he says, then he had problems to begin with. Besides, being a staff attorney is akin to being a temp doc review attorney so Frank should have know that his position at Skadden was tenuous. The bottom line is that Skadden (which I hate as much as any big law firm)made a business decision to get rid of its staff attorneys and they have every right to do that. Frank needs to appreciate what he has and that he is lucky to be alive, and that there is life after losing a temporary staff attorney position. Good luck to him.
Every job is temporary in this rancid gutter of a profession.
I also worked at Skadden for about 4 months and it was the best doc review job I have had since doing this kind of job, and that was because we were well managed (for once). I wish Frank and his family lots of luck. He sure has a great sense of humor and I hope he keeps it through these tough times.
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