Upset about outsourcing, wage stagnation, shitty benefits, asshole bosses, crowded/cockroach infested basements, and 14 hour work days? Never mind that, according to a recent propaganda piece put out by the Hudson Legal Chicago office:
Can we move beyond spending any more time re Hudson. There must be other issues out there that we can address. We KNOW what is the score with Hudson. We know to stay away from them, and boycott McCarter. Law of Physics - to every action there is an equal opposite reaction. Just tell your friends to stay away from them. Let them receive resumes from attorneys who are considered bottom of the pyramid even in this game, they'll lose their clients left and right.
Since Hudson is the company most responsible for the horrid sweatshops, I disagree. They should be monitored closely. They will continue to provide misery and mistreatment, so really there is no choice but to keep the Hudson watch going.
Funny clips from the podcast..."Doing temp work allows people to really keep the momentum going in their legal careers....with a work life balance. There is a support network from Hudson and your fellow temps...it's a tremendous networking resource."
Allan Cohen is by far the sleaziest person in NYC, not just in the temp world. I have watched him skulk his way up to the top beginning way back when Hudson was Gregory & Gregory. Perhaps a lot of blames should also be put on the Gregory family who originally hired him and is still a major beneficiary of the hudson profit margins.
"There is a support network from Hudson and your fellow temps"
ROFL. Yeah, right! My "fellow" super temps are the first ones to stab me in the back to gain favor with Hudson. I hate all these projects with all their backstabbing.
Why is there a picture of 2 sperm in the podcast icon?
Support staff? I got fired by Hudson on the Newark project Friday, saw a posting on Monster.com for a NEW HUDSON PROJECT, and called in on Monday only to have a secretary tell me there were no new projects and that my recruiter conveniently took this week off so he didn't have to deal with the backlash from the McCarter Day Massacre.
Was Allan Cohen from Gregory or Attorney A-L? Didn't those two sweatshops merge?
Just wondering, have a lot of the people let go from the Hudson Newark project found jobs yet or are you still looking?
Allan is not as bad as his snotty little bastard colleague, Brett Parker.
The boys at Hudson aren't nice to me! Mommy, mommy- HELP ME!
Brett Parker is an INCOMPETENT DOPE. He has no clue of what is going on at Hudson. You would think that as a recruiter, he might know his job and actually be able to do it !
He adds nothing to Hudson and is nothing but a liability. (I heard from a very reliable "leak" that his days are numbered anyway, so who cares...)
I feel the other Hudson people are fine and helpful.
typical loser temp. a recruiter won't put them on a job and here comes the whining. get your own f"in job!
Geez Brett, leave the anger at home with that little slob your with......
I love how the dopey recruiters just spend there pathetic lives on a blog about temp. attorneys...LOL
they don't seem to talk about all the false advertising they do
Tricom is hiring doc review attorneys...in Mumbai!
Designation: Document Review Attorneys
Location: Vile Parle(East), Mumbai
Number of openings: 20
Desired Profile: Highly motivated, detail-oriented recent law school graduates. Should have excellent English verbal and written communication skills. Should have exceptional analytical skills.
Job Description: Perform document review services for our clients. The work will involve reviewing vast amounts of English language documents for privilege, relevancy and other important issues and themes.
There will be training provided in the US legal system for candidates with the exceptional English language skills we demand.
On the job training of the US legal system? Kind of makes me wonder why the ABA makes people who want to do document review over here in America attend expensive ABA accredited law schools.
Yeah, why sit there and be treated to the Socratic method when you can get up to speed in a few days? If this isn't the unauthorized practice of law, what is?
Yet, no one does anything...
A few days? How about a few hours, at most?
Brett Parker is still around? Is he the ones with tattoos? Cohen adn parker won't return calls so they both are rude losers in my book.
Get a clue. When recruiters don't call you back, it's because you are USELESS and they will not work with you. Go find yourself a new agency, or get a job of your own. Wait! You can't!!
HAHAHAHAHHHAA!!!! Loooooooooooooser!
Brett- Your posts prove that you are indeed one big dumbass. You need temp. attorneys to make your money. The more- the better right? Or are you too feeble minded to actually figure that one out?
Also-the ironic thing is most attorneys do end up with lucrative careers in the long run (I do say MOST)- while that is not the case for you brainless recruiters. What a pathetic career path.
Your entire life consists of supplying bodies to projects to make your measly commissions. WOW, THAT IS ONE FULFILLING JOB...... Also- just name one recruiter who actually does WELL in the profession. . . . .
"Also-the ironic thing is most attorneys do end up with lucrative careers in the long run"
CLASSIC. Just Brilliant. Is that "lucritive" career in roach control?
Don't knock on roach killers! You can make a lot of money doing that. Rats too.
More like recuiter control, lol. Seriously except for the Update girls (many who are actually pretty hot) most recruiters do resemble roaches. A fitting reference for a recruiter to contribute, thanks roach boy!
Unemployed temp attorneys RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brett is just doing (that is writing on here to defend himself) because he is told that is what he should do. In fact, from day one at Hudson he has been told that he should never show any attorney any respect unless they are hiring Hudson for a project. That is Hudson's mindset - they believe that temp attorneys are just useless losers who cannot get real job. Well, there are a few like that but most of us are very qualified, competent attorneys who are far more intelligent than Brett or any one else at Hudson or any of the agencies for that matter. What is sad about the whole thing is that Hudson knows that it can treat us this way and actually makes the conscious choice to do so. That says a lot about the character of the people who run the company and people who work for it. These are people who barely made it through college and now have become sleazy salesperson who sell their souls to the devil every day. Well, one day they will see just how bad they are when crowded around one another in Hell.
"Support staff? I got fired by Hudson on the Newark project Friday, saw a posting on Monster.com for a NEW HUDSON PROJECT, and called in on Monday only to have a secretary tell me there were no new projects and that my recruiter conveniently took this week off so he didn't have to deal with the backlash from the McCarter Day Massacre."
CLASSIC Hudson - CLASSIC, lest we forget they didnt answer phones or emails when they took away MLK from us too??
Honestly, I know that Hudson has the majority of the work, but I will seriously consider NOT using them anymore...maybe try smaller company?
One of the many ways to "get" to them is don't make yourself available for them to place you. Once they start having difficulty getting resumes or having calls returned from the most valuable and well regarded of the temps, it will start to hurt their bottom line. Let them hire those considered less competent, honest, or hard-working. The law firms will reconsider using them as a preferred agency. Throw yoru business to someone other than Hudson and tell your friends working at the big firms to put the word out with the firm's HR not to use them.......boycott them, and get them blacklisted. It is one of only a few options open to us. Push back.
Seriously though -is BrettParker the one with the tattoos? Alan is the wimpy whiney one, right?
11:47 is soooo right. I agree with you 110%.
"boycott" them? do you also boycott payments on your student loans?
who's the recruiter in chi-town with the trampstamp? she's a scary one.....former stripper? perhaps...
5:40 - there ARE other agencies, ya know?
I think you are talking about Kara Nickles - the podcast is Kara and Sarah Vega (project head). Sarah is the queen of playing favorites and not very bright. Quite a duo in Chicago.
Ah yes, Kara and Sarah of Hudson Chicago - quite a pair. Kara is not-so-nice and Sarah is worse (she is just a team leader, but you'd think she ran things). Competent people would do well to go to ANY other agency - let them have the new kids that don't know any better and MAYBE, sooner-or-later, their clients will notice and leave them. But somehow the firms don't seem to notice or care that their clients' money is being wasted by the agency telling their employees to slow down. Surprising, huh?
Kara- 95% of our placements our document review.
Host- wow, sounds like quite a variety.
allan cohen is the crafty devil who pees sitting down
hasn't her last name changed several times?
Yeah, that was hepful (ISH! (Insert Sarcasm Here)).
Though, there was one insightful discussion on the board at the audio link. Wish I'd seen that before I went to law school.
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