"An Indiana University law student suspected of firing shots outside of an apartment building on Bloomington's southwestside today is in custody, police said.
Jesse Sneed, 27, Wood River, Ill., is charged with criminal recklessness with a weapon. He was arrested about 8:15 a.m. when he tried to sneak out of the building and drive away in a vehicle, police said. Police officers secured the scene about 11:30 a.m.
According to sources in the local prosecutor's office, Sneed was shooting his law books, with an automatic rifle."
--Above the Law Blog
I fear it's only a matter of time before someone like this shows up on one of the document review sweatshops. Combine someone who is emotionally unstable and debt-ridden with stressful, crowded, 80 hour a week working conditions, and you have a real recipe for disaster. Whenever I land in one of these sweatshops, I always make sure to be near an exit - if it's not locked by management, that is. If someone loses it and snaps (which is becoming increasingly likely with tuition/debt loads skyrocketing and hourly wages stagnating), I want out.
Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan's Workplaces to Clinton's Columbine and Beyond is the title of a book by Mark Ames, which examines the rise of office and school shootings in the wake of the Reagan Revolution, and compares the shootings to slave rebellions.
Another reason why people should call the fire department on people like "Dickhead" Osman. While Dick is in his cushy office, behind his frosted glass windows doing god knows what, we will be getting shot up and/or roasted alive.
One can only hope they go bonkers on a day when Dickhead Osman or another of his filthy temp agency ilk are on site so those scumbags are in the line of fire, too.
Watch - those assholes will start wearing bulletproof vests from now on when they go surveying their plantations.
A long time ago, at 65 Broadway, there was an incident. A lady had a nervous breakdown and had to be carried out of the building kicking and screaming. Good thing she wasn't loaded.
Did that incident involve a weird older fat guy named Phil who wore a brace on his arm?
The guy in the photo looks pretty hot. We could use him on my doc review for some nice visuals.
Are you talking about Ms. Cleo?
That was all the way back in '04. Ms. Cleo snapped at the lady sitting next to her and went berserk. She was Haitian, and put a Haitian voodoo curse on Lily before being escorted out of the building.
And nothing happened to Lily (Lisa Hart) except she got 3x as fat while still collecting her 100k+ per year salary.
And then she hired the even fatter Eggman (Neil Bregman) to do her dirty work.
So much for voodoo.
Please remove comments that are purely ad hominim attacks. This blog has gone down the tubes.
It is ad hominem. But agreed. What happened to reporting on working conditions and pay instead of attacking people?
Attacking people is just sooooo much fun!
What if the people who are named are a big part of the problems regarding working conditions? Is it then OK to name them?
Is it OK to attack them "ad hominem" if they're being abusive towards their temp labor?
They play with people's livelihoods by firing at whim. They play with people's safety (stuffing more people in a room than should be there, blocking fire exits, having insufficient & filthy facilities for the # of people they have stuffed in there - restrooms, refrigerators, pantries).
They don't deserve the courtesy of being treated like gentlemen and gentlewomen. They are pieces of garbage.
And on 9/11 the Islamo-Fascists were so fed up with America they blew up the towers!
Get real. In two years of temping someone had a seizure from epilepsy.
No one works with us against their will. I leave the office often during the day to go to the bank and do other things.
Your career is important to you. Your career is not important to us.
As they say, "Keep it real."
"Your career is important to you. Your career is not important to us.
As they say, 'Keep it real.'"
Exactly; in reality, people who fuck with other people are subject to ad hominem attacks, at a minimum. Is there some part of that YOU don't get?
Define "ad hominem." I'm a scum doc review attorney who graduated from a second rate school twenty years ago. I don't know lawyerly stuff any more!
More importantly: Language! Don't swear in Tom's nice blog. No one goes postal in the workplace very often. With three hundred million people in the country it's bound to happen, especially with midwest freaks who own guns. Who cares about Indiana, gun ownership isn't even legal in the City.
Being a temp is not a career. If you think it is anything more than a pit stop on the way to something better then YOU have serious problems.
It is amazing how brave you all are behind the veil of anonymity. If the working conditions are bad then complain to somebody that can change them. Crying on a blog will not change anything.
there is no one to complain to in real life except maybe the fire marshal duder. This is the only place there is to vent without shooting people.
Will you people all relax, please?
"Crying on a blog will not change anything."
Beg to differ.
Bankruptcy law expert and Harvard University Professor Elizabeth Warren spent a lot of time crunching consumer spending numbers for her popular books, "The Fragile Middle Class” and “The Two-Income Trap.” In both, she makes this point: Despite all those $200 sneakers you hear about and the long lines at Starbucks, consumers are actually spending less of their income — much less — on discretionary items like clothing, entertainment and food than their parents did. In fact, after taking care of essentials like housing and health care, today’s middle class has about half as much spending money as their parents did in the early 1970s, Warren says.
There's no room for the middle class anymore, especially in NYC. It's rich or poor, master or slave.
Slaves don't have discretionary income. They wear burlap sacks or loincloths. and they toil, toil away....
All I know is my burlap sack loincloth gets itchy from sitting around all day clicking. It might be different if I could afford Downy. But I can't even afford to wash my loincloth, let alone use fabric softener.
It's not because I don't have the $1.50 in quarters for the laundry that I can't afford to wash it. It's because I have to work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week to make ends meet. An itchy loincloth is the least of my problems.
Anonymous said...
"Crying on a blog will not change anything."
But apparently, it bothers you, and that's satisfaction enough for me.
But there is pizza!
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