"A few years back, when I was on a doc review project at Milberg Weiss, they made all of the contract attorneys wear IDs hanging around our necks. They were bright yellow and said TEMP.
I hope the sleazy Milberg partners recently indicted do prison time."
You think Mel will be despondent enough to hurl himself out that window in the backgroud? It would be such a picturesque way to go, wouldn't it?
Don't click on the above link! It won't allow you to close the browser window - it's a horrible Rick Astley song from the 80s...
Oh cool, I LOVE Rick Astley!!!!
Mel and Lerach are absolute scum.
Your upset b/c they made you wear IDs saying you were Temps? That should be the worst thing. I'm sure you would rather have them say "Associate" but what can you do. How else could you get into the building w/o an ID? There are a lot worse places to do Doc Review than Milberg.
The DeNovo Ho Loves Milberg as she has scammed much money from those losers!
I used to be an associate at Milberg. Whenever we would fuck up (which was pretty often), we always blamed it on a departed contract attorney. It was a running joke.
I saw the contract attorneys at Milberg once. There were two rooms, a smaller window room with about 6 people, and a larger room without a window but with a basic kitchonette on one side and about 4 more, each with their own large desk.
I am pretty sure they had internet too and were most of the time not being directly supervised, though when I walked in none were surfing, maybe because it was monitored. While not were surfing, a couple were chatting, and there were newspapers and magazines that were spread out on desks and obviously had been read.
So kitchen, internet, and bathroom nearby seems to be better than 95% of the stuff you guys bitch about. It was not crowded or stuffy, it was the same floor as many attorneys, and it even had a nice view out the window.
Yet you guys are wishing his death?
Hi, Mel! Instead of reading blogs, shouldn't you be preparing for your criminal trial?
i worked at milb. the internet access was monitored. it was great messing with their "brains".
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