Dechert is the firm now doing all the production. Hughes Hubbard used to hire people for that project, but now it's entirely done by Dechert. The office is down at 65 broadway and it's an incestuous little place.
All the people doing relevance are in one big room being watched/heavily monitored by a hudson legal person. They are all treated like crap. The people doing priv review are in a different room and are treated better. One of the staff attorneys (who is rumored to be cheating on her husband with a para half her age) used to be a temp so she's buddy buddy and favors some of the lifers (we're talking like 4 years on the same project). TOTAL MESS, to say the least. The people there don't have to be admitted so you get a lot of random desperate stupid people who can't pass the bar and can't leave because they'd never get a job anywhere else.
Alot of projects have weird socially inept people but having been at several jobs since then I can safely say that the people over at 65 Broadway have a high ratio of freaks compared to normal people. They fire randomly and the temps are always fighting with each other (this obese girl used to full on yell and swear at people in the middle of the office but she was "old school" so she'd never get fired).
And, it smells AWFUL, there are so many rules governing your behavior, it feels like a straight-jacket.
They make you commit to working 2 holidays out of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's - for $27 an hour.
Thank god I got called by someone else...now I get $40 an hour, good people, and I'm treated like a human being. And I'll get turkey, presents, and drunk this year.
As worthless as law school can be, it's got nothing on private colleges. Unless you major in engineering, go to a top 10 school or graduate magna or higher in business or economics, the $150k you spend on undergraduate tuition, room and board might get you a $40K job. That's if you're lucky. Most of us that ended up in law school couldn't find a job at all.
Stop and think for a second about how long it will be before you have a net worth of $150K (i.e. savings over loans). Even if a new law grad pays off $10K of loan principal every year and saves another $10K a year after that, he or she will still be well into their 40s before they have $150K in the bank.
If you went to a public college instead and on your 18th birthday your parents put the $100K they saved into a trust earning 5% (i.e. a portfolio with zero risk, like a savings account), it would be worth $300K by the time you turned 40. If invested in a conservative mix of stocks and bonds earning 8%, the trust would be worth $577K on your 40th birthday.
Leave the money in that 8% trust until you turn 60 and it'll be worth over $2,500,000. To put that in perspective, that's almost exactly how much you'll have on your 60th birthday if you graduate from law school at age 26 and contribute $15K a year (the maximum allowed by law) to a 401K earning 8%.
If you skipped college all togethor and your parents put the full $150K in the 8% trust, you'd have $815K at age 40 and close to $4,000,000 at age 60.
What percentage of lawyers in your class year will have $815K in the bank on their 40th birthday? Unless the money is from an inheritance, gift or combined with the savings of a high-income spouse, I'd be really shocked if it's more than 15%. For those outside the top tier, that percentage is probably even lower.
Private college is a scam, yet somehow everyone thinks it's this incredible investment. Combine a private college with a private law school, and odds are you'll never break even. And if you make the mistake of sending your own kids to a private college, its almost a certainty.
Anyone else for Hudson being added to Tom's list of agencies with "Questionable Labor Practices?"
It's about time, don't you think?
They've been staffing Satan's Workshop at 65 Broadway forever, first with Hughes, Hubbard & Reed - already a proud member of Tom's "NYC Temporary Attorney Sweatshops" list - and now with Dechert (a soon-to-be member?).
How could we have left Generalissimo Julie "Napoleon" Zuckerberg, Allan "The Grand Wizard of Temping" Cohen, and the rest of the jolly gang of Hudson blacklisters off of the Questionable Agencies list for so long?
It's a travesty! Tom - please throw this to the people for a vote!
As someone who works in the sister office at 2 Logan in Philadelphia, I can tell you that the work conditions are similar.
Simon Nagel, the commandant in charge of the camp, runs the place with an iron fist. Along with the lack of Internet, his rules include no eating at your desk, no texting, no talking, no touching and many others. Violation of the rules results in public humiliation, week-long suspensions and even termination.
You also have to deal with the Dechert staff attorneys in charge, many of whom are less intelligent and no more qualified than the contract attorneys. Some of them are okay, but many take great pleasure in exercising their limited power over us. They will come out of their offices and yell at us for talking and then go back to talk to each other and play on the Internet.
Hudson is notoriously cheap, so when they wanted to hire 30 new people, they converted a large storage closet rather than renting out new space.
You now have over 200 people (not including others on the third floor) sharing one men's room and one women's room. I pity the men, who have to share their room with a gentleman who has severe bowel issues. Unfortunately, the ladies' room isn't much better.
Recently, Simon has required that we all work at least 60 hours a week (really more like 65 if you factor in the mandatory breaks)-- despite the fact that that was never part of what we agreed to when we were hired.
Some of us have worked our way up to $32 or $35 an hour, but I don't know why the people making only $27 an hour put up with it.
A few people have thought about complaining to the client (Merck), but we doubt they would care.
The thing is that no one wants to rock the boat because as in the New York office, we have more than our share of freaks, morons and the unlicensed, who would have a hard time surviving in the "real world."
For anyone considering working on a Dechert-run project, consider yourself warned!
I love it. you people aren't entitled to anything. live and learn, i guess
- harvard law school graduate
Maybe go to Paul Weiss cockaroaches instead???
As a former employee at 65 Broadway, I see conditions have not changed.
My best friend there was threatened to be fired if he touched the heater again (it was freezing).
There's also an innocuous looking door that if you enter, turns out to be a room with a tv running surveillance videos and video tapes stacked up to the ceiling ... as a former 65 drone, I would work up to 96 hours in a ROW during a typical work month, and although they always left the room unlocked, I NEVER saw anyone change the video tapes.
My colleagues and I at Satan's workshop were (this is not a joke) fairly suspicious that it was a bizarre social experiment designed to see how long it took someone to crack, and that Hudson "legal staffing" was really a front for a team of cruel dharma-project-esque scientists. I'm not one for conspiracy theories, but I really had no other explanation for what went on there.
Why else would the firings be SO random...
AND not everyone has internet access. Sucks for them!
Thank God I'm no longer at that terrible place. Give me nightmares!
LOL@his rules include . . . no touching and many others . . . Hudson is notoriously cheap, so when they wanted to hire 30 new people, they converted a large storage closet rather than renting out new space . . . I pity the men, who have to share their room with a gentleman who has severe bowel issues . . .
Yeah, I used to be at the Philly office, too. They do have some absurdly restrictive rules and a pretty high freak quotient. But free pizza on alternate Fridays! Suck on that, New York!
Hudson eats the balloon knot. Cohen has horns, and Platin is a prototypical chooch. Piss on that company. I hope their stock shits the bed.
4:30: Don't you get tired of typing the same insults using the exact same language in every single comments section????
Or are you just retarded?
The humor is good, but the foul language isn't.
Hey Philly, we got pizza ever Wednesday plus cookies on Friday...
Oh how I DO NOT miss 65...
Most of the temps at 65 were useless, lazy, or dumb. It's not Dechert's fault you graduated with a B- average at your B- law school. Get a job for $45K, defer your loans, and get some experience before moving on to something that pays more. If you don't like it at 65, go somewhere else. Plenty of people have.
You are all idiots. I used to work at a small firm in NJ and the amount I got yelled at and abused was hell. I have it great at 65 now- even though the work is boring and the managers are out to lunch, no one yells at me, or anyone else for that matter and I'm on track to make over 80k this year. Sure, we've got tons of freaks, but they are much better than the loser attorneys at most small firms.
I don't see what y'all problem is here. Alls I've read is that the project is "a mess", and there are "alot" of stupid and weird people. Big deal!!
"Alls I've read is that the project is "a mess", and there are "alot" of stupid and weird people."
Par for the course for most law firms, big or small.
Tower Legal just opened in 65.
When I was there, I did see people come in and out of that tv room. SO BIZARRE!!! What the fuck was going on in there?
Who cares what was going on in there?? Do you spend your nights awake thinking about this?
What's the deal with these crazy, whacked out NYC projects? Is there really some culture difference between NYC and DC that causes these NYC gigs to be so Gitmo like? I don't get it.
Who is the Hudson on-site overseer now? Is Carolyn still there?
"Who cares what was going on in there??"
As bad as you NYC people have it, at least you don't have to deal with Mr. Simon Nagel. I worked in the Philly office for a while last year, and the guy is INSANE!!!
He looks and acts like a Nazi, and the guy is bipolar. Sometimes he is your buddy. Sometimes he is looking for an excuse to fire you.
The consensus is that he is a functioning alcoholic, and many believe he is a closeted gay who still lives with mommy and daddy and takes out his misery on those beneath him.
Having said all that, the people in NYC and Philly have no one to blame but themselves because they just take it and take it. I for one had to keep some sense of dignity and jumped ship for another project.
Why would you stay in that shithole for 4 years? Get your experience and excuse yourself gracefully from the project.
this makes me sad to read this, if it is true, which it seems to be. Hudson used to be one of the better places to do contract work. I made a lot of money with them at one point in my life. Now it seems this is no longer the case. Et tu Hudson?
Having worked on numerous temp projects since my dismissal from 65 Broadway, I think everyone should know that there are much better projects out there. That place is a dirty disgusting hole. I don't know why any licensed attorney would stay there. I have never been treated so horribly as at 65. Caroline and Fat Harris are awful human beings.
The bathrooms were unsanitary and too small, (2 urinals, 2 stalls, and 1 constant God awful smell) 1 of the stalls was consistently broken. They barely train you, the supervisors are completely unhelpful, they expect you to toe the line on every inane rule, they break your balls for being a minute late, you must take lunch at the designated time, and still produce good work.
They should be investigated.
I temp at 65 and me love it. It is fun. we get cookies, donuts, pizza, soda, bagels and i eat well. hours good and people not bad. I like mi supervisors. no one bother me and i get my own space. why everyone complain?????
The paralegals are 65 are the best!
Ok I am on the relevance team and I dont think it is all that bad. Yeah they were really strict for awhile but I really dont have to do much work and I get paid well. I sit near an attractive girl (very few on the project) so Ive got some eye candy. The project isnt going to suddenly end so really what is the big deal?
I have no idea what people are complaining about here. Because there are strict rules? There are rules everywhere. If you don't want rules open up a solo practice!!!!!! Even top firm associates have to follow rules.
Someone should call the Fire Marshal and OSHA about 65 Broadway, just like what was done this summer to Lexolution/Quinn Emanuel regarding Dickhead Osman's KFC Chicken Coop at 16 E. 40th St.
The FDNY Fire Marshall's # is 718-999-2541.
The Manhattan OSHA office # is 212-620-3200.
Merck, Hudson, Hughes Hubbard, and now Dechert have been pulling this shit for too long now. They all need a wake-up call.
The DeNovo Ho thinks all of you are a bunch of pansies!
I have no compassion for you people. You already sold your souls to help Merck hide the fact that they were killing people.
You're getting paid quite generously considering your work could be done by trained monkeys, and Merck's victims haven't received a cent.
And it's not like Dechert is lacing your free pizzas with ground-up Vioxx, or are they?
Besides, I worked in the Philadelphia office for almost a year, and Simon was always really nice to me. But maybe that's because I let him suck my c--k?
Im in-house counsel at Merck, I promise I will have a talk on Monday with someone about conditions. And no this isnt flame, I'm 100% serious.
You know why work conditions at 65 broadway suck? becuase all of you people are fucking idiots. you don't deserve to have a roof over head. 99% of you are utter imbeciles. i hope you rot in hell.
Ok I am on the relevance team and I dont think it is all that bad. Yeah they were really strict for awhile but I really dont have to do much work and I get paid well. I sit near an attractive girl (very few on the project) so Ive got some eye candy. The project isnt going to suddenly end so really what is the big deal?
It appears this blog has jumped the shark.
The aforementioned project and many others like it are just places to work, to collect a paycheck. These are not career-track positions, but gap fillers designed to help law firms with overflow work.
Have I worked in places with 3 bathrooms stalls for 80 guys? Was it gross? yes. But guess what, the agency and firm were professional and they paid $40/hour plus overtime.
I also worked on a notorious project and when I had enough, I quit. I found another gig in 2 weeks.
No one owes us a living and this blog is starting to make competent contract lawyers suffer for the ills of a few.
If you are truly that miserable, you need to find a new profession. To work as a temp you need to really suck it up and accept your status, which is low person on the totem pole. Get over it.
It's been like three years and you are still posting about the same ridiculous project? Time to move on.
We get it, temping at law firms stinks...what's your next career move? Why continually whine and drone on like the world owes you a living? It doesn't, find someplace where you can be successful, because clearly the law has not worked out for you.
Hey 5:23 - GO F--K YOURSELF.
Hello, everyone. This is Satan. I want to personally thank all of my little underlings who sold their souls to me for $25 an hour and free pizza. Of the 16 cases that have gone to trial, Merck has won 11 and only lost five! For all of you that helped bury all those church going, high cholesterol, whining grandma's under mountains of worthless dreck and paperwork, Satan wants to thank you.
Oh, and Simon, my right hand man, you are doing one helluva job. Satan has a special gift for you when this is all over.
POOF! Satan disappears.
Jobs like this prove why we need more accurate reporting by law schools. We have 40,000 graduating JDs every year, and many of them will never land jobs. Unethical employers take advantage of this glut by exploiting people with low pay and horrible working conditions.
Why can't schools release a list of all graduates, with their names redacted, and salary information listed? If they temp, why can't hourly rates be listed? Why can't we put back accurate reporting and market efficiency back into this glutted and skewed entry-level job market?
It's going to be all fun and games until someone goes postal at one of these jobs.
I looked up Simon.
He doesn't look so intimidating, he looks like a grasshopper.
Another article about the dismal JD job market:
I think the DeNovo Ho is a tranny whoives to suck contract atty dick!
Time for the vote on Hudson, Tom! Put 'em on the list!
Yeah, Tom! Why don't you put every legal staffing agency in the country on the list! Put every firm that has projects with "weird" people on the list!
Yeah! Put 'em on the list!
When you are done with those, time for the vote on all the non-ivy law schools! Time for the vote, Tom!
I was on this project for a few months. It was great. Me and this female temp used to sneak up on the roof on THursday nights when the pizza came and I'd bang her. Then we'd come back and have pizza. Those were the good old days.
65 wasn't a bad place at all. Yeah the pay sucked but if you just did what you were supposed to do nobody broke your balls. I spent one night there throwing pencils into the ceiling while those jackasses figured out if they needed to do a production or not.
ANyone remember "Shinnecock" or "Shiny Cock"? That toolbox HHR associate??
When I was at 65 there was more play going on in there then in a whore house. I knew a guy who wanted to work at 65 just to get laid. He didn't pass the bar so unfortunately he couldn't get a job there.
damn! Have you seen some of the girls in there? Atrocious!
When were you at 65 with all the play?
BTW, if that para is banging the privilege leader...good for him, she's a piece of a$$. Great rack, nice legs, cute face...I was angry when they switched floors. And they are only like 5 years apart, I shared a smoke with the guy a few times, he's a good dude. Nice job!
All of this talk of Hudson being a sweatshop is nonsense. I love working for Hudson. They always have the best paying projects, great benefits, and Allan Cohen and Julia Zuckerburg are really great people. So, suck it!
which para was banging the priv leader? Is he still there?
Tom, Keep up the good work. As an ex-65er, the best part of all this is the powers that be at 65 read this site too!
"powers that be at 65"
Sounds like an oxymoron.
if you are ex-65 and still temping you are a moron. The powers that be that read this blog do so to make fun of all the morons who post and complain. If you are unhappy working on a temp job- find another job or career. Most people are too lazy too look or know they wont find anything that pays nearly as well.
Here, here! The "powers that be at 65" have perm jobs while you troll are still a temp blaming your law school for your shitty life. Joke's on you, LOSER!
65 Broadway is the Siberia of Dechert. If you are perm and are working at 65, you may have people problems.
And if you are a temp and working at 65 you are better? No. You just have no job security, no benefits and we can fire your ass for looking in the wrong direction. La di dah.
Temps temp for a variety of reasons. If you are perm, but are perm in a place like 65, maybe you need a career coach. That is all I am saying.
I can't imagine why anyone would be content with being perm on the Lost Island of Dr. Moreau.
Yup- they should all quit their perm jobs and be whiny temps like u. Great idea!
So, who banged the paralegal?
which paralegal???
alot of the temps making 35 make more than the staff at 65 so temping there aint that bad if you can deal with all the crap there
You are all a bunch of morons. Nothing happened between the staff attorney and the paralegal. It was a rumor that started 3 years ago but some girl who was fired. If you are dumb enough to believe that I know a great project at Paul Weiss you should join.
That woman is as nice as can be and happily married and you a$$holes are dragging her name through the mud all because you're a bunch of whiny law school failures who can't get a real job because you were too busy j***ing off instead of studying. Join the army and shut the f*** up.
Isn't that what this blog is all about? Making up stuff about people who have perm jobs and posting it here so we can feel better about ourselves???
I like pizza. Pizza day is my favorite day. They have cheese, veggie, white, olive and others. I have new pizza each week.
Did anyone else see the new people for relevance.. mmmmm hot girl.
Who is writing these dumbass comments? What mentally retarded people work there? Maybe thats why you are all writing comments. GET A LIFE!
Who is the guy who talks on his cell in the mens bathroom? How can you carry on a conversation with those noises??? What about the production guy who looks like the HHR guy?
whoever started this blog is a bigger loser than any temp, although comical, who starts a blog? seriously. go play dungeons and dragons.
Dont knock dungeons and dragons. We play that up here on the 19th floor. Im the archer because i play with my bow.
Anyone hear about a new temp project paying $50 an hour straight pay? long term.
I bet your mom pees standing up.
its pretty obvious that hudson is fighting back against this site with their own posts to this site, attacking the site and other posts, its a classic ploy to try and confuse an issue and to make it look murkey and that the people who are complaining just look like a bunch of malcontents. This is the same strategy the republicans used to win election after election. Its the same strategey the tobacco industry uses. It is very effective. Having said that, it does not change the fact that there are plenty of rotten things going on.
Yeah! Hudson must be fighting back. You unemployed basement temps from TTT schools with no medical insurance are a *real* threat. Watch out!
I'm a 23rd level Magic User and I cast a spell on gay Allan Cohen and ugly Julie Zuckerberg to make his vagina close up and her penis turn into a cucumber.
5:01:you must be totally gay yourself- that girl is like 5'8 and smokin hot! I've seen her at 65. I dont think you have ever seen her or Cohen.
yeah, bro. I agree. this guy probably can't get laid or something.
Back when I had to temp at 65 I thought Hudson was pretty decent. I had friends at paul Weiss and that was bad news. No agency is going to care about us but you got to pick the best of the lot if you need make some cash while you look for something else.
So the person who is actually responsible for the original post DIDNT even work on the project. She spoke to friends and everything is hearsay. In fact there is no project there anymore. It ended.
i think the guy who talks on his cellphone in the bathroom is the same shady guy who ripped down the urinal divider on the 19th floor
that sucks! I loved that urinal divder.
yeah, but I heard several guys at 65 are happy the divider is down
Of course. We love crossing streams. Plus I mean there is nothing to do on wednesday- no donuts, bagles, pizza or cookies. We improvise here.
Anyone pee off the roof? It is more fun than posting on this site.
When you pee, do you use a 'wide stance'?
Depends who is standing next to me- second thought no one on the 19th floor is remotely good looking.
hudson's horn-headed cohen likes to frequent jfk airport shitters.
Well I'm sure the fearless red-headed maiden of 65 (and no not Carolyn, a much bigger queen bitch resides in her old seat) takes pure delight in the divider being down...
If the loss of the urinal divider is taking up a substantial portion of your thought, might I just suggest you do like I did, and go for the LLM? A 2.6 in law school was easily drowned out by a 3.7 in my masters in appellate procedure. 65, while sucky, actually helped me get where I am, though not without some scars I must admit.
Gotta love those mail in law degrees. The only thing worse than that would be failing the bar exam.
for those of you who think that only trolls and retards of the legal industry check out this site, the partner in charge of 65 sent a memo out re: the posting on this site
hey 10:52, that "red headed maiden" at the front desk of 65 has been a close personal friend of mine for many years so shut the hell up!
Larry Craig
what did the memo say?
Sad, sad, sad. Things have not changed. I worked there and I used to tell myself that conditions there are not that much different from conditions for 1st year associates. Apparently I just told myself that so I could get through the day. Working there was a terrible experience, especially with the rule-changes that happened with head-snapping speed, the unequal application of the rules, and the sneaking suspicion that a woman is less likely to be subject to random termination if she did behaved like a whore. I mean really, screwing a supervisor is not wise. It's worse when a lot of people know about it. Well, it was a learning experience. Thank God I have a real job now, I can look back on it and laugh a little.
As a former 65er I can only say that place was not that bad. Yea they had only 1 bathroom for 100+ dudes but anytime I had to drop a spike I never had to wait so I really can't complain about that.
There was also some decent tail there. A few hot temps and maybe one or two staff attorneys were doable as well. The HHR paras and partners were all pretty much mutants but I guess 65 was the place HHR dumped all their "undesireables" so that's to be expected.
As for crazy people, OF COURSE! It's a freaking temp job- the very nature of the work and "profession" caters to those who are inherently unemployable in the real world at a real job. Most temps have some sort of authority or behavioral issue- they think they are entitled to everything. Now that may be the case but it is NOT the case that those entitlements be handed to you. At some point you have to work for them. Stop whining and doing crazy things at work and just shut up and code and maybe you'll end up at a real job someday. But I digress, the crazy people actually make the job entertaining- without their antics I might be tempted to complain about the lack of internet access or not converse with my colleagues while I code. However, since I wasn't insane and a whiner I was able to watch idiots do stupid things and make some nice friends too.
Plus there was the pizza which was nice.
Anyone hear about the coder at 65 who took the subway home at 9pm because of Dechert's work till 10 pm or no car home policy, and got the shit kicked out of him by a bunch of thugs? Despite the dangers, many people take the subway home at 9 frequently because with the crappy car disservice that Dechert uses you are lucky to be home by 12. Think its time to start moving the cars up a little earlier?!
But there is pizza!
are you that fat retard at 65 who goes back for triples on the pizza every week?
Most other law firms allow their temps to take cars at 8:30. Not wonderful Dechert. They care so much for their slaves.
But there is pizza and bagels!
Are you sure the person didn't beat themselves up on the subway? We all know what masochists temps are.
you are a fucking TEMP. you are NOT an associate and will not be treated as such. No cars/food/perks. You are a TEMP.
Yea, stop bitching about crap like cars and meals. Just be happy with the pizza you get and get back to coding you "bottom third of your graduating class" moron.
You are not an associate and spending your life bitching about what time you can get a car home will only prolong your time in a dead end job like the one you're currently in. There's a reason why you are where you are. Maybe you should look in the mirror to find out what it is.
Yes 11:06 - kill yourself now.
But there is pizza and bagels and candy!
If you are going to call other people stupid, it hurts your credibility to write "alot" instead of "a lot."
I like alot of pizza AND a lot of pizza!
any full-time associate who reads this blog is a fkin loser. and i'd be glad to tell them to their face over a beer. then i'll take a bat to your fkin skull. so please, let's meet and debate.
I am an associate and a loser and I love this blog. I love the incessant complaints about cars, meals, leering associates, overseeing paralegals, lack of benefits, Sallie Mae and the legal education system. What especially draws me to this blog is that there is a COMPLETE lack of action on ANYONE's part to do ANYTHING about your collectively and generally self-admitted pathetic situations.
You all would just rather type away on some blog in what limited free time you have (because the "white collar sweat shops" you all work at keep you coding all day and late into the night. Why not try to find some value in your life and interact with real people instead of sitting in front of a computer for 15+ hours a day.
By the way, I bang female temps like they're going out of style- that's why they call me what they do.
I'm an associate at a big firm like you wish you were and I brutally ass-rape TEMPS who ride the subway.
Thanks for the comic relief. I'm a long term temp in the Philly project. Simon's rules and on-again/off-again personality are true but the ad hominem character assasination descriptions of him are wrong and must be hurtful. I heard that he saw this thread about him and has been depressed ever since. While the project and working conditions are what they are, attacking the guy personally with claims of homosexuality, mental illness etc. is wrong. For the most part, if you keep your head down and do your job, it's not that bad a project.
Why has Dechert taken over the project? I heard Hughes Hubbard f'ed it up massively. What's the official reason for the new firm supervision?
"Why has Dechert taken over the project?" An HHR partner moved to Dechert.
DON'T BE FOOLED: Hughes Hubbard and Reed still runs the relevance team in NY.
What happened to Lily?
well you all can stop bitching, bitches!
The case is settling! Yay! Let's hope the staff attorneys are out on their asses right after we are!
unlike temps, the staff attorneys have actual skill sets and brains. staff attys will keep their jobs. Partners made an announcment about it today. All temps will be gone soon enough.
Lilly and eggman won.
5:04 and 5:05--wrong on all counts. I suspect the litigation department at HHR is about to implode. Vioxx was driving the firm for five years. All the smart people got the fuck out in one way or another. Everyone involved in the case, from temps through senior associates, was mired in the facts of the case for the duration of their employment. It's going to be an interesting interview for people trying to lateral out to explain the little legal skills they gained during their tenure at HHR. The Eggman is going to have trouble paying the rent on his UES pad and financing his wedding in Battery Park Gardens on unemployment.
The specificty of your information on eggman indicaties you still work there, or did not to long ago. I can't wait until you all get fired on Monday. Have fun finding a place for you free bagels, dinners and cars.
The staff attorneys have skills? Have you met the Vioxx staff attorneys? They are a bigger freak show than the contract attorneys. Dechert would be too embarrassed to let them anywhere near their real offices. From Her Shrekness Helen to the little black faggot Kevin to the the King of Sleaze Leone to the Whale Amelia, they all will be out of a job not that long after the contract losers.
Go back to the 7th floor - sleep at your desks, come in late, read newspapers and take calls at your desks and pretend to review. The eggman and lilly know ALL and will be getting rid of most of you next week. Eggman and Lilly gave many of you jobs for over a year. So what is there to complain about? You are all ungreatful cunts. Go suck some more cocks.
The eggman and lily didn't create the jobs--dead old people did.
7:37--nice reading and writing skills. Go back to kindergaten. The author of the comment you responded to said that all of the smart people got the fuck out a long time ago in one way or another. Associates lateraled out or changed departments. Some went on to clerk, went into buisness, or went back to school. Those among the temps who wanted associate jobs got them. Others have their own firms. Others still left for better paying temp gigs, of which there are plenty. The staff attorneys, on the other hand, had jobs which were entirely dependent on this one case. And if Lily had nothing to bill for before, it will be interesting to see her entries now.
Anybody here want to talk about gays in the military?
So our client chose to settle- so what ya'll gonna do?!?!?
hhr shut down today
200 people out of a job before the holidays. Nice going.
At least they're getting canned right when the retail shopping season is heating up- I bet Sephora and Spencer's Gifts are hiring holiday help.
In my book, Helen is a human being who doesn't want to put up with a bunch of people who act like they are in 5th grade. You act like a professional, you have no problem from Helen. I don't care what Kevin's sexuality or perceived sexuality is, he has always been a gentleman to me. As for Amelia, is an ad hominem about her size the best you can do? There are big and small people on the project; and whether they treat others in accordance with the golden rule seems to have no correlation to their size.
On the whole, I am more disgusted by the cliques formed among the contract attorneys, the rudeness, the lack of common courtesy, than by anything anyone else has done in the Dechert realm.
Take a good, long look at yourselves, buddies--if you are here for a long time, you've got real issues, and you treat each other like something out of "The Lord of the Flies."
If you are too good to work at 2 Logan, leave. If you are not, treat everyone you work with with courtesy, instead of acting like you are something special. You may be something special outside the confines of work, but in work, we are all equals.
If people didn't act like frat boys on a Saturday night, or whispering 13 year old girls, there would be lots of room for improvement.
Or, if it's that bad, go form yourself a union. Fight the fight, maybe lose the job, but do something in your life that has meaning.
I really hope bloggers on this site would just stop bitching about work, and stop the immature classless personal attacks on individuals, whom for all I've seen, are just doing their jobs at 2 Logan. Simon and Helen are 2 of the most friendly, approachable, and professional people from Dechert in that office. Do your damn job and your good with them- plain & simple! I've made almost $100,000 this year working at 2 Logan and while things aren't perfect, the pay sure as hell makes it worth working there! If 2 Logan and 65 Broadway are truly sweatshops, how come they don't pay me 5 cents/hr?!?! If that's all you're making, sucks for you!
I'm a licensed attorney who is proud of the work I do and proud of what I've been able to financially achieve at 2 Logan. It would sure bring a BIG smile to my face to know that some, if not all, of the spoiled-ass pricks who wrote crap about 2 Logan, 65 Broadway and the people who work there are ones who got canned this weekend... have fun in the unemployment line!
P.S. God bless 2 Logan :)
1:40 AM. Is that you, Doug Lee?
When Nixon was President, he got a lot of complaints that a Certain Treasury Official was unbearable--if fact, an an "asshole." Nixon, in one of those weird displays of wit, said: "Yes, he's an asshole. But he's _our_ asshole." Now, not saying that an associate somewhere in 2 Logan might run hot and cold, might not treat everyone equally, might jump on somebody for a minor infraction and let another skate on a much more significant one. But, he is is _our asshole_, and the Captain of a Ship of Fools like ours is subject to pressures we can not imagine. Yes, for whatever faults I may have, I am glad I am not him, and for whatever potential I have, I am glad I do not have his job. If you took all the passive-aggressive, anti-social, sociopathic, manic-depressive, terminally angry folks out of that office, well, there wouldn't be anybody left to code. Welcome to not being fit to be a real lawyer. Fight, fuck, or leave.
I worked at 2 Logan for a few months as a para. My first impression of Simon Nagel was negative. In fact, I walked out of the interview hoping that I wouldn't get the job. His demeanor was unnecessarily threatening, he used inappropriate language, and it did occur to me that he was perhaps drunk and/or strung out on a cocaine binge. Maybe that hellish place was getting to him as well.
As things worked out, I ended up taking the position, even though I had virtually no relevant experience as a paralegal. A bad omen, I assumed.
The job was stupid monkey work. I played on the internet most of the day. My co-workers seemed friendly enough. I can be bribed with free pizza. The system was a mess and the IT people seemed resigned to just let it go to shit.
I lasted a few months before eventually getting fired for a petty offence. I was a little surprised, but it was no matter to me as I was preparing to move on to a totally different career path anyway. I do feel bad for the folks who went to law school, only to endure long hours with incompetent bosses on a boring and seemingly endless "temporary" project.
That settlement was the best thing that ever happened to those people.
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